Mx Female Gamemaster 4 F. The throne, the crown, the scepter. You have been crowned as the new queen of the kingdom of Divitia. A lot of responsibilities.


Mar 26, 2022
The Kingdom of Divitia. A young kingdom to say the least. It had only been formed a hundred years ago after the old Empire of the Teal coast fell apart into smaller seperate kingdoms. Even though small, Divitia was one of the larger human kingdoms that came from it. United by your grandfather Pietro the Wise. He ruled for nearly fourty years after forming the kingdom. Leaving it first to his brother as your father wasn't ready to rule yet. Eventually your father took over the throne and the land prospered. He was admired and loved by many, whilst also making sure that he kept everything well in line on many different places. He made sure the treasury was well stacked as well as that the whole nation had stability with great laws that helped everyone.

Big shoes to fill, that was a thought you felt quite often. When you were born, you weren't the rightful heir yet. You had an older brother that was being prepared for the duties way before you were even conceived. Though tragedy struck as he was attacked by a mysterious group somewhere when he was travelling between towns. the ones that did this were never found again, leaving nothing but a jester's mask on his corpse.

But there you were, waking up on the day after your coronation. A whole new chapter opened for you. It was exciting and perhaps even a little freightning at such a young age. Will you rule flourish?


Hello there!

I have once returned as the ol' Storyteller. Today i wish to talk about the story of this young and somewhat inexperienced young queen. Freshly on the throne. I feel that her story should be interesting to say the least. dealing with all sorts of people in her court. People friendly to her, perhaps some not so friendly and even individuals that might try and take advantage of her. But please... don't think that she'd be sitting on the throne the whole play. No no no... You can venture around the palace. Visit the gardens, meet with your servants, speak with councilers. You can visit the capitol, be among the common folk. this can be done either disguised or just in your royal attire. You can go on journeys across the realm... which is not without dangers... See for your older brother... How sad he came to his end... But i hope that this clears up a lot of what i had in mind.

Now kinkwise there are a few that i think should be important for you to agree with. These are for me very much favourites. Impregnation/pregnancy are very high up. A queen must be working to secure an heir at the very least. Both that and i think that bad ends should be there as well in the case something goes terribly wrong. There are plenty more in the list, but i'll share that when we're setting this up.

At last i'd love to request from you to put a couple things in your first message (PM's, i prefer no chats) One would be your character idea put into the template shown below, second would be your own kinklist, third would be your discord tag as discord is the only media that i use for this type of rp. I look forward to your ideas.




Sexual history and kinks (These are the character's, not necessarily your own):

Personality traits:




Appearance (Description as well as art is great):
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