Mx Female College Adventures: A free-form, college-based drama


Feb 13, 2022
Hi all! Thanks for coming to my thread.

This idea is a little different to my last request thread, but its one I've been considering for a few weeks now and have been looking for a partner to try.

But before we start, a little about me: I'm a student in my early 20s and have been Roleplaying for several years now. Prior to this, I was mostly RPing in MMOs, however I have progressively been getting into more long-form writing over Discord, and now Blue Moon PMs. The kind of partner I am looking for is someone who will engage with this plot, brainstorm, add ideas and characters, and essentially work collaboratively with me to flesh out the universe and plot that we are developing together. I am also in the GMT timezone; lining up timezones is not necessary, but obviously helpful. I am happy to write over Discord or in PMs. Discord is ideal for OOC chat; I prefer the real-time style of discord IMs for brainstorming and plotting.

Writing Requirements: For me, I tend to reply anywhere from multiple times a day to once every few days, depending on availability. Anything more than every few days and I find it quite hard to stay engaged with the Roleplay and keep a good pace to keep the story moving. I am also open to some back and forth if I have a spare few hours, however this is not a requirement at all. In terms of writing style, I would describe myself as advanced literate; I tend to be comfortable between the 300-1000 word range, so each post comprised of several chunky, description dense paragraphs. I am capable of writing more, but anything less isn't really enough to keep me engaged.

Faceclaims: I have a few different Faceclaims I like to use for my male characters, however I am completely open to suggestions in this regard. I tend to use Real-Life FCs, however there is also some flexibility here and I am more than open to used drawn FCs. I like my partners to use them too, but not as a crutch or a way to avoid description and writing! Just as a visual frame of reference to help inspire the writing.

With that out of the way, to the idea! I will keep this fairly brief. I don't have everything set out, and I want to keep this idea flexible.


College Adventures and an unlikely romance:

Essentially, I'm looking here for a combination of social, slice-of-life, and more serious, dramatic Roleplay set around a cast of characters studying at an American University; it could be an elite, Ivy League college or a state college. I am really interested in exploring the dynamics between a stereotypically popular girl, and playing that off against a more 'normal' guy. I have in mind an intelligent, sensitive, ambitious guy who maybe flies slightly under the radar and pairing that off against the most popular, desirable girl on campus. Equally, we could go for a more popular, 'jock' type character depending on what works best. She could be a cheerleader, a sorority girl, an Instagram influencer, a Twitch streamer or even a cam-girl/ OF model. I essentially want this roleplay to dig into that contrast at the core of an unlikely pairing and all of the challenges that would come along with that.

Will she break his heart? Will they end up together forever? That is one idea I have in mind, but I also want to populate this world we create with a variety of characters. Friends, rivals, love triangles, teachers, parents, bosses, and everything in-between. Some of these characters might even end up becoming more central characters with their own sub-plots and fully developed backstories we can dig into and explore. I have a few different characters in mind for these roles, but I wont go into too much detail here.

So in short; a College-based drama! I want to explore the complexity of young people struggling to adjust to a new setting, cultural and class clashes, and a little bit of decadent partying and self-indulgent smut. Also with the potential to explore some more serious themes. Frankly, all that is really set in stone here is the setting and a desire to write several characters.


I am extremely flexible in this regard. My favourites include anal/butts, outercourse (hotdogging, thigh-jobs, tit-jobs), sub/dom (where appropriate for the characters), revealing/ slutty outfits, lingerie, clothed sex and more. Also, polyamory is something I'd love to explore. I'm happy with M/M/F gangbangs, but for a more long-term relationship, I'd prefer to keep this to an F/F/M scenario.

My main limits are scat, underage, gore, vore, and a couple others I cant think of right now. Feel free to ask here, absolutely no worries or embarrassment if I say no; chances are I'll be happy to entertain it!

Anyways! I've kept this fairly brief. It's just the beginnings of an idea that I'd love to discuss and develop further with an interested partner. Don't be afraid to message!
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Bump! Still looking for a partner to brainstorm this fairly specific idea with!
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