Mx Female Mixed creative storylines (craving my revamped idea mostly)


Jul 16, 2022

Hello there! And welcome to my thread!

My name is Rezorleth, and I am a seasonal roleplayer in my mid-twenties that's been writing for over five years. My journey in writing has driven me to meet fantastic people with whom I wrote many interesting stories. They also helped me shape up my writing skills and let my imagination flow around, as well as inspire me to be an avid creative writer. Recently, I came upon the front of the Bluemoon website and I've been so excited to see that there are also people who enjoy writing interesting stories and worlds just as I do, with quite a twist into adult things, and I was all into joining in to see where will all this lead me to.

As mentioned, I am a skilled writer and roleplayer of original and creative plots, both usual and erotic ones, covering many themes, topics, and subjects, to which I recall fantasy, sci-fi, futuristic, historical, mythological, modern, slice of life, romance, and a little bit of horror and post-apocalyptic. I write out in the third person with at least 300 words and 2 paragraphs, going in as high as over 1000 and 8 paragraphs if the plot is really interesting. Besides writing out original characters I can also write a few canon characters from Star Wars, Marvel, and DC. I also want to add that I am fine with drawn and photograph references and currently I'm unfamiliar with anime ones and would like not to use any anime ones at this time. I am also open to role pairs so if you have any that you wish to do or plan about then feel free to do so.

The alien spaceship was having a thermal scanner installed into its systems so almost anyone on board would know if their plan of luring the human woman outside was going to succeed and they were right as a few of them looked unto a screen a clearly visible red paint surrounding the woman's house indicating its temperature increased. They were now very optimistic about their mission's success and were looking forward to seeing any other reaction she might have during this. At the same time, a few scientists that were noticing the front of the ship observed what happened and their eyes were on the human lady for every move and reaction she would do.

They could clearly see her slender body resting on the side under the blanket. Some of them had no idea why she had such soft cloth spread around her body, some figured out it was to cope with the night temperatures during sleeping, and others were confused since they agreed with the same idea but then they noticed the thermostat as some kind of strange device that controls the temperature of the house and thought the redhead creature would use it to keep her body temperature constant, but none of the alien scientists could conclude an idea at the moment.

Once the human girl started to move here and there on her bed, or as a strange resting surface as most of the scientists on board believed to be, they saw the agitation that the temperature increase caused which was surely by most of them that the human they were about to study lives at normal bit warm temperatures in order to survive, but the increase was all a trap to let her be an exposed bait to be beamed into the spaceship. Onboard was also a sound receiver to which the aliens could hear anything from a far distance at a designated point, and they did not pick up any kind of particular sound until the redhead woman started to murmur something. To the aliens and the scientists, it was unclear whether the human woman was trying to speak or gesture something with her mouth, as they also had no idea of how humans speak.

The aliens had their eyes on the redhead as she was going out of her bedroom to the room where the thermostat was. Judging by her skimpy sleep outfit they seemed to appreciate the idea of choosing her as their specimen, as the shape of her body was just skimpy enough and the aliens thought she was naked and in a 'perfect' shape. They continued to see her doing something to the strange machine that was the thermostat and noticed the slow bit concerned movements she did after doing it. Again, for the aliens, it was still unclear what the redhead creature's behavior was, nor they could gather any data regarding such thing, but what was clear is that their plan was getting results. The aliens saw as the human lady quickly went somewhere to grab something, possibly a clothed object, and wrap it around herself. They also noticed how the weird curly shape that was unto her head which was her hair was now a plain hemisphere-like shape, a mysterious image for the aliens. But they were starting to get more optimistic as she was heading to the backyard, now sure that their plan was succeeding.

As they watched her move, the scientists got a bit panicked as they could see a small but clear light coming from the redhead lady. At first, they thought it was coming from within her body but once they saw she was carrying a small device that emitted such light they felt more relieved and almost had an idea about the device's purpose. The aliens also started to understand the purpose of the thermostat, but they were still unsure of what it could do. One thing was for sure, it was a machine they could manipulate in order to push their subject out in the opening and ready to be beamed in.

As the aliens clearly saw the redhead walking in her backyard and wandering around, they got clearance to beam the human subject for study. The large but quite lightweight ship lowered down a little towards the human woman's backyard not too close and started to hover just above her. As its bottom was perfectly aligned with the movements of the redhead, the beaming process was starting and a few doors in a form that made a spiral located right on the bottom center of the ship were getting opened, and from it, a strong bright white light was starting to beam down where the human girl was.

Then a strong sucking force was starting to be emitted surrounding the light, making her unable to resist it, and forcefully lifted up into the air towards a bright circle into the ship which was leading into the beaming room of the spaceship. The redhead was gently being sucked inside the ship unto the bright white light between the outside and the inside of the ship. The abduction of the alien female was a big success.

Now before I move on, I would like to put in some rules

- I want a minimum of 2 paragraphs of around 300 words and nothing less. It just kills the mood if it's less and doesn't move the plot further too much
- I don't expect perfect grammar and punctuation, but repetitive major errors in writing would lead me to leave the roleplay altogether.
- Respect me and I will respect you
- No anime characters at the moment. I only accept drawn or photograph references
- Do not drop me mid-roleplay. I will simply leave it.
- I am usually ghost-friendly, though that depends on how well we get along with each other. Generally, if we're doing good, I am tolerable. But otherwise, there's very likely I would lose interest in our roleplay
- I expect at least a reply once 1-2 weeks
- I inform my roleplayers beforehand whenever I have to take a break from the roleplay for whatever reason. Since I'm ghost-friendly to a degree, I would occasionally inform you whether you'd like to continue our roleplay(s)
- I don't want a heavy smut-based roleplay; I want to have a story before smut. As in 50/50 or 60/40 plot/smut
- I only roleplay here and use Discord only for OOC chatting
- I will check your past messages and posts, as well as your profile. Keep in mind that I have the right to completely ignore you if I'd found something suspicious about you, even in your replies to me

Below is a summary of the themes I like to do. We could definitely try to think of anyone you wish to do if you think it's within or even close to one that I do.

- Fantasy
- Sci-Fi
- Futuristic
- Modern
- Romance
- Slice of Life
- Historical
- Mythological
- Horror
- Post-apocalyptic

- Kidnapper x Captive
- Scientist x Assistant
- Therapist/Doctor x Patient/Nurse
- King x Queen
- Mage/Dark Mage/Thief x Princess
- Pirate x Prisoner/Princess
- Friends
- Co-Workers

I am also very open-minded to brainstorming ideas with other partners who would like to try out something certain and I always like to try to improve my skills and share experiences and ideas.

I always do a big effort to put up a great plotline and write for my partners in order to enjoy having their characters moving along with the storyline. The characters I write about all have personalities and unique lives, always looking to explore places, and worlds, do interactions, show emotions, express thoughts, form relationships, and evolve in the process. All of them are open to trying new things (unless otherwise restricted in a certain setting) and finding out their true inner selves.

Now as for the adult part of the things, I usually play as a dom but not a strict dom mostly. As I already said, I'm open-minded and would like to know what my partners like in regard to such a dynamic, and I could also switch up if they would like to. I can also arrange what particular kinks we could include and what tastes would my partners have, but generally speaking, I could have my characters from mild and tantric to naughty and depraved.

Below you will find some kinks I'm okay to do, as well as my limits. None of my kinks are mandatory and we could definitely include some of yours if you wish:

Kinklist (I'm having trouble making an F-List at the moment)

- Tantric Sex
- Romance
- Serious Story
- Teasing
- Striptease
- Breasts/Nipple worship
- Clit play
- Masturbation/Fingering
- Anal Sex
- Scent Play

- Incest
- Ageplay
- Underage
- Bestiality
- Rape
- Anything illegal
- Scat/Anything smelly
- Vore
- Vomit
- Blood/Gore
- Forced Stuffing

And below you will find some plot ideas of my own. As I said, I'm open to trying out writing your particular idea or brainstorming something; I'm all open to it!

Will come out with more in the future


Dark Velvet (Craving currently!)

Historical-like Fiction; can have Dark Fantasy elements, Coercion, Power Play | Short, Long-Term or World Building

The year is 1197 in the city of Dalenshire, surrounding the nearby river of Wilfor. Recent turmoils in the royal family have led the election of a new high king to rule the land of Trenleen into a new age. His immediate growth to power have led the people into total authoritarian life, increasing the taxes, limiting the goods of the usual people and creating a corrupt hierarchy of control against the city. And not only the political injustice has spread like plague; there have also been reports of black magic cults in the hidden depths of Dalenshire that threaten the people, workers and local authorities.

My character would be a member of the resistance, serving solely to bring justice to the capital of the land Dalenshire and stop the regime of the new king. He works in the shadows looking for any information about the authority's hidden plans, collaborating with the hidden network of the resistance scattered around the desolate city.

Your character would be a messenger of the authority, looking to spread information that would favor the regime. But one day she has a revelation about how awful the new regime is and decides to go rogue and eventually bump unto my character to join his secret cause. She could be useful in the fight since her knowledge of authority is insightful and extended.

I've been thinking her character could be reluctant at first but as she starts to gain trust of my character she would offer him more information for stopping the regime, ahead of the other resistance fighters. any piece of information that would be used against the king, find or eliminate other informants, disguise with him at their parties, maybe as a noble princess who won't mind getting intimate closure with other officers, or even an entertaining belly dancer or courtesan.

The Travel Couple

Modern, Romance, Adventure | Relationship Building | Short, Long-Term or World Building

Your character would be a freshman college who now has a successful career of an independent tourism influencer. She's been growing her online channel in the last couple of years and has been to many various places and helped the lives of many curious people who want to find a perfect destination for their vacation.

One day she decides to visit a large remote tropical island to create a new vlog. She heard the place is quite a paradise for those who want to escape the stressful life and spend wonderful memories in a tropical haven, but she's still unsure if the place is worth this, or that is accessible to anyone, even for low wealth people.

She arrives at a large luxurious resort on a beach on the island, and so far she spend quite a fortune for her vacation but is still unsure what awaits her. My character would be her tourist guide, trying to accommodate her to the place and the island, helping her reach the best attractions in the large city and the surrounding places, and even reach the farthest landmarks such as the ancient city deep into the jungle, the high volcano and the large dunes.

Her stay will be quite long so surely there's a lot to explore, not just the places and towns but also the nearby smaller islands, the traditions and even the island's tribe. Would she grow attachment to her helpful guide? Maybe could help her reach the high volcano or speak with the peaceful tribe people, or even find out about the pirate legend that lies within the island. There's surely lots of things to gather for her vlogging, and maybe she won't mind a new traveling partner if they get along really well.

Romance en Diret

Modern, Romance | Relationship & Character Building | Short, Long-Term, potentially World Building

Your character is a fresh new news anchor on a popular TV channel. She just graduated their television school and is now accommodating well being on television most of the days. She recently went to France for a special reportage regarding fashion trends in France and around the world, even attending a big fashion show in Paris and broadcasted live for the channel.

My character would be a fresh new graduate of this school who decided to work besides her in the same TV studio. They haven't been seen each other too much at the exams in the studio but today is the day where he will appear at the afternoon broadcast to be introduced to the public. Your character will also be there and depending on however we want it to go she could come beside him at the desk, or she could broadcast a weather or fashion report. Regardless of the circumstances, they'd both start to get along better and possibly have more than just a professional relationship behind the cameras.

Trek to Freedom

Sci-Fi, Drama, Space Opera, Adventure | Romance, Affection, Character Building | Short, Long-Term or World Building

The year is 6036, in the far away galaxy of Mylesia. Growing great and proud, it has been recovering from the wretches of the massacrous Fifth War. The Great Galactic Republic has been restored, and most of the systems have signed a Peace Treaty to continue the peace, prosperity and progress to the entire republic.

Although it has covered only a few significant portions of the galaxy the Republic was keep struggling with small diverse conflicts in the surrounding and far systems of Mylesia. Hidden wars, rebellions and authoritarian regimes were formed in the event of the end of the war, and the entire races struggle to restore peace and justice to these regions. One of them is the far Oluya System, deep beyond a dark cloud on the outer rim of the galaxy, and where rules stick to basic ones and everyone has their own land and planets to control however they see fit, most of the time disobeying the Republic's laws.

Within Oluya System is the planet of Zacherna, a sunny arid large planet that is the capital homeland of the entire system, and where the worst galactic criminals and underworld barons operate unto. They serve the divided regions of the whole planet and also have a fair share of others in the nearby planets of the system, to serve the mining, touristic and entertainment services of each region.

One of the largest operation of this kind exists both on Zacherna and on a few planets of Oluya System, where ordinary people live to serve the needs and wishes of the most powerful baron in the whole region: Dul Talar. He exploited the lives of many to grow his corrupt empire and his operations are having their biggest prosperity ever since the start of the Fifth War.

Dul Talar not only captured humans to obey his needs and enslave him, but also other sentient races that are part of the Republic. One of them is the Kay'le, a noble bipedal race that consists of both human gene and ones of pale bipedal creatures that lives in the waters of a cold planet. It is unknown how the genes were mixed, yet what is known is that the first ancestors were using their bodies to store water and mineral nutriments which made them be able to live both in the air and in the water. They used some certain 'orifices' to store these nutriments inside their bodies, some of them being the ears, navel, and nipples (can be discussed), containing adjacent connections within the body to sustain nutrition and the nowadays generation can still use these ones to gather their nutriments on a daily basis.

Your character is one of this Kay'le, a humble slave serving for Dul Talar in his hidden lair. Since her race has 'safe' storing orifices, she and all the other Kay'le slaves have been implanted tracking chips deep within them to ensure they won't escape. Any attempt to flee from Dul Talar's lair will trigger a deadly venom within the body.

One day, before starting her slave work to decorate the place, the lair is attack by a group of freedom fighters who desolate most of the place and help the slaves flee, including your character's people. My character is one of these fighters, and helps yours get a special serum that will stop the tracking chips to release the venom in her body before fleeing from the lair.

However, the 'resistance' effect never lasts too long and it differs from body to body, and my character has limited doses of the serum. However, he has a plan to meet with the other freedom fighters and liberate the planet and system from the corrupt overlords and free your people and other Republic races that were enslaved by them. And during all of this, it is also up to him to ensure your character's safety by finding more serum doses and a way to safely extract the chips out of her body, yet such thing is near impossible and the freedom fighters are scattered throughout the galaxy to fight other important causes.

It is up to them to find a solution and restore full peace to the entire Republic and also find out where your character belongs to and what's her past history since after the enslavery she can't remember much of her past life. Maybe she grows an attachment to her rescuer, or helps her pilot his ship, join the fighters, or her DNA stores information about her past which needs to be deciphered fully.

The Arcane and Magic

Fantasy, Adventure | Long Term or World Building

Deep into the green plains land of Eshermoore and into the Ashel Forest lies Felderloon University, the biggest and most remarkable school of magic in the whole real of Telura. MC is a freshman in this prestigious institution, an aspiring mage, and scholar who dreams of discovering the arcanes of magic and mastering the elements and deep inscriptions of all the magic powers within Telura. During the opening ceremony, the prime dean announced that this year has the biggest number of students they ever had, and as such, all the dorms will be occupied by two or three people, depending on the wings they belong to. To MC's surprise, as he claims his dorm he also notices that a female student (YC) had also been assigned to the same dorm. There is really a big year to come, as the students will have to take many tests and be tasked assignments in different regions of Eshermoore and even most of Telura in order to pass all their exams and reach the next student year, so will this be an opportunity for our characters to learn from each other and become powerful mages, or there is just way even more than that?

Between the War and Love

Sci-Fi | Short or Long Term | Based on Star Wars canon

This plot is based on the prequel trilogy, with the exception that Anakin Skywalker is wiser and doesn't show up any sign of arrogance or excessive need to feel more powerful than any Jedi. He's still the Padawan of Obi-Wan and together they fight along the Clone Army to protect the galaxy and set an end to the mysterious war. What they know is that behind the civilized portion of the galaxy, deep into the Outer Rim and beyond, lies many manifestations that support the big greedy corporations that most of them are controlled by the Separatists. To their inner meditations of the Force, the Jedi Council soon finds out about their deep shady plans and sends away every Jedi to go and rescue the people from the affected planets and systems from the greed that plagued them. As Anakin fights with his master Obi-Wan, learning to control his actions, his destiny shines bright in the Way of the Force. Yoda did feel fear in him once he was brought to Coruscant, yet from then Anakin learned to control his fear and even Yoda himself is feeling optimistic about the fate of the young Padawan. However, uncertain is the future of him, as his wife Padmé offers him nurturing caring, and bonding he lost shortly after his departure from his mother and her regrettable death. Even from then, Anakin learned about the experienced and never felt the hate of those who kidnapped her and accepted that this was his mother's destiny fulfilled. Now, Anakin must follow the Way of the Force and listen to his master and best friend while exceptionally protecting his wife from any other dangers that would rise to her and share his love with the woman that happened to come along.

Beyond the Stars

Sci-Fi, Romance | Short-Term, Long-Term or World Building

The year is 3032, and humans have reached the far places of the galaxy. The Federation Alliance is one of the most powerful governmental organizations that strikes to thrive the human cause and its awareness in the whole galaxy. Most of it is civilized, yet there's still conflict in the outer systems, but the Alliance Military is in to intervene should any big conflict would arise. Life on Earth is way much better now, the homeland of humans has evolved considerably and stands before the alien races of the Alliance. Lots of social and cultural idealisms and innovations became permissive, commercial custom body implants and modifications became legal, and people now have more privileges than they ever had before. Now, this idea could go in many ways: we could play as a couple of scientists who would research technology or something as complicated as human emotions, or be captain and co-captain of a ship with its sole mission to discover the galaxy and unravel its mysteries, or we could be a couple who is about to meet, but, in the whole galaxy every human has a special chip deep within their body that contains every bit of genetic, emotional, legal, and social information about them, and it's not uncommon for upcoming couples to try and decipher this kind of information that takes time to be extracted and processed.

And well that's about it for now. I'm still building up my thread and would come in with changes and new ideas which I will tell about in my bumps. Anyway, if anything from here fancied you and want to build up a story about then you may contact me privately.
Last edited:
Back again after a long hiatus! I've been adding new plot ideas, set up a Kinklist and a writing sample.
Just a little bump for the weekend. I added a bit of info to the plots and updated the title.
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