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サニーミルク [Lyni x 3ngag]


Jan 19, 2009
Grinning widely the trap had been set. Sunny Milk sat up in a tree watching down at a human passing by. She had set up the lighting so that it looked like there was a path in front of him when in all actuality he would walk right into a tree, she giggled at her own cleverness. It was a simple trap, it took little effort to set up but she always got a kick out of it.

It had been a long day of school for Jareth. He had gotten pummeled on the dodgeball court and his face still stung from the impact of the rubber balls on his face. He walked along the same path he always did when he came home. It was a rather rocky path, far from the paved roads of the city where he went to school. The young man found it to be a nice shortcut home where he could look at the trees and the rocks in peace.

It was then he looked up into the sky for a second before looking back down. It had appeared that nothing changed before him as he followed the path around towards his home. Jareths eyes wandered to the ground, simply staring and nothing more. He felt like following the ground for once and unfortunatley, it was a mistake. For suddenly, the young man felt something smack his head in front of him. He looked up to see the road still in front of him and wondered just what hit him just now. He stood back and looked around before continuing forward again only to smack his head on the invisible tree in front of him.

"What the heck," Jareth started as he peered in front of him.
She had watched with anticipation as he neared the tree. She had giggled the first time, but had held it to keep her hidden. As soon as Jareth had run into it a second time she burst out laughing actually falling from her own tree and dropped the illusion, the fairy was rolling on the forest floor in a fit of high-pitched giggles.
When he looked closer, Jareth suddenly saw that a tree was in front of him in place of the seemingly empty road in front of him. It looked as if the trail had been fashioned to lead him right into the tree. Perhaps he had gotten hit one too many times in the face with those damned dodgeballs. It was then that the young man heard the laughter. He looked around, trying to find the source of the laughter and came upon a tiny woman giggling like a schoolgirl right there on the ground. It was apparent that she was either responsible for the illusion or she saw him and took a ton of joy in his folly. Either way, he felt like teaching this girl a lesson about laughing at other people.

"So, you think this is funny huh? Come here!" With that, Jareth made a lunge for the little woman.

((What is that thread title supposed to be saying?))
The little fairy suddenly looks serious as she tries to shoot a magic bullet at the man, but he's on top of her before she can raise her arms. "Leggo! I have stuff to do!" She squirms her legs kicking and fluttering her wings wildly to escape. [[It says Sunny, and sorry for short post but something came up, I'll be back.]]
Jareth found it suprisingly easy to subdue the little fairy girl as he pinned her arms to the ground and straddled her legs so she wouldn't start kicking. "Oh, no!" the young man replied to her pleas. "I'm gonna teach you a lesson about playing pranks on people. You're coming with me!" Acting swiftly, he lifted Sunny off the ground and stuck her in his backpack so he could take her to his place. Without having to worry about her complaining, he now had ample time to come up with a suitable punnishment for her actions.
"Let me out, you big prick!" Sunny Milk presses as hard as she can against the confines of the backpack. As she struggles in vain she finally resigns and curls up holding her knees. To at least comfort herself she alters the light inside the backpack to make it look as if she were outside.
Jareth turned to try and quiet the fairy girl when he saw what appeared to be her floating outside his backpack. His first instinct was to grab at it, but remembering what happened before, the young man hesitated and thought. That's when a grin came across his face. "Oh, no. You're not fooling me a second time, he said turning back towards home. After about 15 mintues, he finally arrived with his catch in tow. He went straight to his room and shut the door and windows before opening the backpack and dumping the fairy on his bed.
"Oooooow" Sunny Milk rubbed her back as she was dumped roughly onto the bed. "Be more gentle why dontcha?" She looked at the human strangely. "So why did you bother going through the trouble of putting me in your bag? There's thousands of fairies out there, and if you think catching a fairy is good luck you've been told wrong. Catching a rabbit youkai is good luck though." She sighed as if in her own little world, laying on his bed.
"You think I was expecting you to simply follow me if I asked?" Jareth replied as he began shuffling through his drawers. "And i'm not really interested in good luck. I only caught you so I could teach you a lesson." With that, he reached into the drawer and grabbed some pieces of rope. He turned suddenly and jumped on the bed pinning the fairy down while he tied her ankles and wrists to each corner of the bed. When he was finished, the young man looked down upon her. "Now, what kind of punnishment should I give you that's suitable to the crime, hmm?"
"Letting me go seems like a good punishment, this is so much fun." She laughed an obviously fake laugh. Her face was red from embarassment as her limbs were spread apart and held by the rope. She pulled as best she could, with her limbs tied up it was too difficult to focus and reflect the light to cast an illusion. "In fact, it's not just not good luck, it's BAD luck to catch a fairy, so let me go and you'll be spared."
Jareth raised his eyebrow at Sunnymilk's fake laugh and a cruel and unusal idea came to his mind. He walked over to the little fairy and sat besides her, hovering over her spread and bound form. "I don't really care about luck at this point. And you're in no position to make demands of me. Besides, I think i've come up with the perfect punnishment for your michevious ways." With that, the young man reached over and began to knead at the fairy's sides, poking, prodding and wiggling his fingers gently over her ribs and underarms.
"No wai-!" She stops mid sentence and scrunches up her face. She starts to writhe from side-to-side as Jareth starts tickling her sides. Her face starting to turn red as she tries to hold it in. Her smooth sides tingling as he pressed and tickled her, her ribs being felt when he pushed hard. "St-stop it...!" Her mouth hangs open until she starts to grit her teeth.
Jareth could see that the fairy was beginning to break if but slightly. Tickling her under her clothes might be a better idea. So, sliding his hands under her skirt, he begins to skitter his hands along her sides and belly. "You mean stop this?" The man asks teasingly. He wasn't going to stop until he had felt he was satisfied or until she begged for forgivness. And even if that didn't happen, he had another way to humiliate her like she did to him.
Sunnymilk bit her lower lip, her cheeks puffing out as she held back the laughter. She now rolled as best she could, pulling away reflexively from his touch underneath her clothes. "Yes th-th-that! Please!" She manages to burst out, finally breaking into a fit of laughter as she convulsed from the assault of tickling.
"Aw, but you look like you're enjoying it so much," Jareth replied as he continued his torturous work. He was, of course, refering to the fact that SunnyMilk had begun laughing like a hyena from his assault. He kept this up for a few minutes more before stopping and allowing the fairy to catch her breath. He remained sitting on the bed watching before he leaned in close, his face hovering over hers. "So, are you gonna apologize now?" he asked with a smirk knowing what he would do if she said no.
"A-apologize for what? I didn't do anything." She looked away from him, hoping not to give any sort of tell that she was lying. "Does thinking a human walking into as something funny make me a criminal?" She looked back up at him. "How very rude of you to assume."
"Rude?" Jareth replied in a huff. "I'll tell you what's rude! Making people run into trees with your little hocus pocus is rude. And scince you wanna laugh at other people's misfortunes, i'll gladly give you the privelage." With that, he grabbed Sunnymilk's foot and removed her shoe. After pulling her toes back, he began to drag his fingers along her bare sole.
"No wait!" She tries to curl her toes to cover part of her foot. "Not my fo- pfft!" She stops her sentence, having to laugh as she starts to jerk her leg as much as she can reflexively, trying to get her foot away from his tickling. She jerks her whole body hoping to give her more room on the side her foot is being tickled on. "Puh.....please! N-not there! Haahaha! *Snkkt*" She tenses up trying to regain composure even though her leg was still convulsing.
"On?" Jareth asked as the faries pleas were being interupted by her laughter. "If not here, where else?" He gave her bare foot several more featherlike strokes to send her into hysterics. "If you really want me to stop. You know what to say. But until then..." The young man went over to her other foot and began the same process as he was doing with the first. It was so amusing to him to see Sunnymilk writhe in agony on his bed. As if it weren't apparent enough already, he wasn't the one to take embarassment lightly.
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