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A Prison of the Mind [CyranodeBergerac & Sekah]


Jul 25, 2021
Your mom's house.
Chen Wu was not someone you messed with. He was fat, sure, but that just meant you had to saw to get the shiv into a vital point, and by the time you'd gotten it there, he could have killed you ten ways 'til Sunday. In this prison, being able to fight mattered - being strong mattered. And Chen Wu was strong. He was strong enough to crush a larynx with one hand; Crow had seen it.

Crow'd felt it, even, since he liked to choke him when he fucked him, but the petite boy had never had his larynx crushed. Chen Wu didn't get off on that, thank the Gods.

There were worse groups Crow could have gotten held by than the Triad, surely. In Denne, there were bigger monsters than Chen Wu, but they weren't so much bigger that they were willing to go through Chen Wu and his men for a bitch, and so Crow was his bunkmate, and spent his nights aching and suffocating underneath his massive owner.

He hated him, and sometimes thought of shiving him in his sleep; what would it have mattered? Chen Wu had already decided having Crow for only the two years, parole after nine months he'd been slated for when he'd entered Denne was too few. He liked the boy - liked him in the physical, visceral way you liked a sex toy or a dog. He'd decided to stage a crime, with the help of corrupt guards. Now Crow was being tried for murder, with only a court-ordered public defendant who didn't believe him because his mother's lies about him were the official record of his youth, and he'd been working for the mafia when he'd been caught in the prostitution sting.

Crow's verdict hadn't been reached - but he had no hope he'd be exonerated. It was his word against the world's, and the truth didn't matter. It didn't matter at all. The only good news he had was that his sister had been removed from his mother's house and custody. He hoped that meant she'd get a chance to be adopted by someone. He wondered, though, if she would be moved to a foster family, or adopted by a family, that didn't want her calling her half-brother in prison every night.

As bad as Chen Wu was, he never interfered with those calls. Crow wondered if it had something to do with those pictures on his shelf, of Chen Wu and a woman and three little girls who looked about Hana's age. But despite it all, despite Chen Wu having robbed the rest of his life from him, Crow was truly grateful that he allowed him to take those calls.

They were all of them in the autoshop, at the moment, working on the cars. It was hot, and Chen Wu's shirt hung off a nearby railing, as he sat and watched Crow bent over, diligently finishing the detailing on a license plate.

Crow felt his small black eyes on him and shivered.

All of Chen Wu's fat rolls were glistening with sweat - it was hot in here, and Crow's round, pretty face was sweaty too, thoughtfully finishing the detailing. On Chen Wu it was a bit disgusting, like seeing sweating cheese. On Crow, though, with his pink flesh flushed from the heat, it only made him look more lovely.
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