Mx Female Shortish term pro wrestling femdom story.


Fighter of the Nightman
Jan 2, 2014
So, I've been hit with an idea, that I really can't get out of my head. It's admittedly a bit of an oddball plot, but I'd like to see if I can find someone who'd like to participate in it. I'm hoping to find someone willing to play a female wrestler who captures ALL of the titles, including those intended for men.

How this comes to pass is very much up for discussion. Her wins could be legitimate, or they could come as a result of interference from my character. Speaking of my character, I'm rather open to a number of possibilities. He could be an ally who is smitten with your character to the point that he is willing to help her, he could be a rival, desperate to stop her on her rise to the top. Maybe I play both? I'm not opposed to playing more than one character.

Further, I'm willing to play a pretty large variety of wrestlers. If you have a favorite, and he's in the WWE, chances are that I know him pretty well. If I don't, or he's on a promotion that I don't watch, I'll do some research. On that note, I'm happy to play against any female wrestler you prefer. I admit that my idea is a bit out there, the least I can do is be flexible. To be clear, whether canon or original, all characters in the rp will be 18+. Preferably older, mirroring the ages of actual wrestlers.

I'm agnostic as to which promotion this is, WWE, AEW, etc. Pick your favorite, or we can create or own, or maybe even avoid mentioning it altogether.

My preference is that everything we do is kayfabe, there is no mention of real backstage politics - just parts that would be on camera such as wrestlers complaining about your character, management booking matches to stop her that often backfire etc. Further, there'd be no mention of scripts or selling. The competition is legitimate for the purposes of our RP. Though, just like professional wrestling, the rules can and will be broken. Our characters would also not "drop character" if we have scenes that occur between shows. So no mention of real names or the like. Including during any smutty scenes. On that subject. I'm happy to have it, and I'm pretty open to how we make that work. Would it happen in the ring? On the road? Both? Might this mean that the promotion is rather raunchy? Yes. Could it be that the cameras cut out, but we continue the scene - sure. I'll be honest, I've not a lot of experience so I don't have all the answers as to how things will work. I'm happy to brainstorm ideas.

Whether or not your character is a heel or baby-face is up to you. Crowd reactions would definitely be a part of it, but I'm happy to write around your preferences.

Anyways, if this piques your interest please don't hesitate to drop me a line. I'm happy to discuss ideas, even if you aren't quite sure if you want to commit to a rp. As I said, this would likely be somewhat short term, because once your character has all of the gold... there won't be many places left to go.

Thanks for reading, please message me if interested! I'm happy to play here, or on discord.
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