Mx Any Big Collection Of Ideas [NSFW]

Apr 5, 2020

Well hello and thank you very much for stopping in to come and visit yet another thread, I promise you this certainly isn't the best one out there but it sure as hell won't be the worst either. (I hope)

So I might as well cover a little about me to kick things off and set a nice, lovely mood. Excuse the poor formatting, maybe I'll get around to making this look pretty and eloquent one day but I wouldn't bet on that.

I'm quite easy going and always down for a discussion about things, whether that be about themes, plots, world events, how my cat annoys me every single day… I don't mind at all. I like to think of myself as a fairly considerate and thoughtful person who is quite empathetic. So I'm always fond of having some OOC chatter alongside my writing partners. Though if you're more a private person that would like to remain more secretive that's fine too.

I've been writing for quite a while at this point. Am I the best or an expert that can recount a million words and all the elaborate meanings behind them or write out some bizarre story at the speed of Stephen King? Not a chance. But I do consider myself decent enough at writing and I am always looking to improve, try out some new things and get feedback on work and areas.

For some specifics when it comes to writing out a story, I'll usually go with third person, past or present tense. Post length is at times hard to measure, sometimes a specific point in a story will call for an abundance of paragraphs while sometimes maybe just a few, especially if it's focusing in on some dialog and inner monologues. For frequency, that's hard to measure as well. At times I'll be busy or need to find the mood. Typically it can be daily or every few days or it could fall onto once a week or so. I do only work with MxF pairings with myself playing the male or female roles. I thoroughly enjoy long term orientated stories with plenty of development.

For what interests me in a story, well I have to say I can be fairly diverse. I'm typically quite fond of modern settings with realistic themes but that doesn't mean I'm not game to try out some grandiose fantasy, whacky sci-fi, some odd supernatural or even fandoms. I'm happy with playing different types of characters and exploring different kinks, from some sweet romantic love tale to some dark and depraved events.

I do have to admit I have a certain affinity for more dark themed elements if I'm being honest. There's something oddly nice about exploring fucked up, toxic, broken characters. Quite an odd telling about me personally I guess aha. But I like themes of mental health, addictions, abuse, trauma, sexism, racism, classism, corruption, objectification, rape… I think that paints a pretty decent picture of my messed up mind but hey, I'm also down for other stuff as mentioned earlier!

In terms of things that make an ideal partner for me.

-Someone that is down to discuss and brainstorm a plot first before jumping in. I enjoy both of us taking the time to discuss things out and weave out a decent outline in which we are both happy, excited and comfortable with what we have talked about.

-Ideas! Similar to the point prior in a way but I'd like someone to come at me with scenarios, thoughts, themes and elements that they would love to incorporate. It's quite good with two enthusiastic people bouncing ideas off each other rather than one person doing all the work.

- Someone that is a coherent and a detailed enough writer. As mentioned, I'm no savant in the writing field and do this just as a hobby and for fun but am looking for someone that knows their way around the ins and outs of writing.

Kink List Link - F-list - Warning

The kink list is certainly not written in stone. Feel free to ask me about certain kinks you may have or want to focus on.

Below you’ll fine my detailed prompts. But some general things I do always love are female centric stories with multiple male characters, cheating, drama, addictions, young girls, school, college. Porn industry. Celebrity stuff. Gold digger/trophy wife.

I also wouldn’t mind doing some fandoms and getting back into that.

Fandoms - Resident Evil, Mass Effect, The Witcher, Bioshock, Borderlands, Fallout, Star Wars, Lord Of The Rings, The Boys and many more.

A small idea for The Boys. I think it could be fun doing some akin to Starlights story in season 1… a young and hopeful hero joining The Seven and Voughts group only to discover it’s nothing like she envisions. It’s got plenty of ways it can go.

Second post in this thread has more prompts.

*Somehow... I'm still alive.*

Anguished moans and groans carried on the still air like the whispers of Death itself. They were subtle and muffled, but always close enough to remind you: this was hell and there was no escape. Jill Valentine had relegated the hellish sounds to white noise. A late September heatwave did its best to suffocate her with an ever-present humidity that clung to her like a plastic bag over her head. Even after the sun had gone down, it was warm enough for Jill to almost wish she was wearing a skirt and tube top.

Raccoon City had deteriorated into what looked like a war-torn, third-world country. Jill steadied her breath, as she walked the long, twisting alleyways of the middling metropolis. The main streets were a mess of abandoned and ruined cars and shambling mindless husks. Several city blocks were still up in flames and were still slowly spreading. She moved cautiously and smoothly, her Beretta 92F Custom at the ready, and a flashlight held securely underneath. Every so often distant pops of gunfire told her that she was not completely alone, and each time she would stop and try to gauge just where it had come from.

Jill resisted the urge to hold her breath, as she tried to ignore just how loud her steps seemed to sound on the concrete. Boarded windows and doors pass by to her left and right, and with each one she passed she could almost imagine a mangled hand breaking through the crummy wood to grab hold of her.

Just ahead was a series of steps leading down. She took a deep breath as she approached. The cone of her flashlight revealed a trail of blood that lead down. Carefully she avoided stepping in the mess as she took each step. A landing revealed that the stairway had a bend that likely lead lower. She stopped at the corner, where the upper set of stairs ended, and peered around it. Just feet away was the shambling form of a man in a blood-soaked t-shirt. His eyes were milky white, and his jaw hung down from his face, which was connected only by red viscera. A blood curdling growl escaped the man, as his arms thrust forward.

"Shit!" Jill hissed, as the thing made a lunge for her. Quickly she whipped back around the corner, and the zombie tripped into the landing wall. A wet crunch filled the air as the zombie's face smashed against old, weathered brick. Honed reflexes brought her pistol to point at the thing before it could even get up. Like thunder, the pistol discharged. The 9mm Parabellum rounds tore through the zombie's skull with ease. Bone and brain matter sprayed across the wall like a Jackson Pollack painting. The three shots were destructive enough to reduce the zombie's face to mangled gore. It slumped un-moving, ass in the air, but Jill knew better than to assume it terminated.

Somewhere down below she could hear the clatter and noise of more. They were coming. Quickly she brought her boot down on what was left of the zombie's head. Its skull crunched on the heel of her black boot, and only then was she satisfied to know it would not return to bite her from behind. She whipped around to point her flashlight and pistol down the steps. Her best bet would be to group them up, wait for them to come into her line of sight and mow them down.

A costly solution for her dwindling supply of ammunition.

She clicked her tongue in annoyance, and then turned to return the way she had come. Her cautious pace quickened. Broken glass crunched on the weight of her steps, as her blue eyes followed the bob of her flashlight down the alley. Jill knew she had to move quickly, to put as much space between herself and zombies as she could.


The breath caught in her chest, as the wet splat echoed off the graffiti covered brick walls. It had only been a blur to her eyes, a black shape that fell less than a dozen feet ahead of her. The cone of her flashlight fell on it, as she came to a stop. Her boots scrapped against the cement before she looked at the bloody mess smeared across the cracked and weed laden cement. It had been a woman.

What remained of her yellow sundress was stained red with blood. The tattered cloth did nothing to cover most of her back, where deep finger gouges had created festering and oozing wounds. A pool of blood began to form under her, originating from her skull which had cracked open like a dropped melon. Jill's heart slammed wildly in her chest, as she took in the gruesome sight.

Don't freeze! Stay focused!

Jill tore her eyes from the gore, and up to the sky. The whistling of flailing limbs hurdling through the air and flapping clothes filled the alley. With awe she watched the bodies tumble over the edge of the apartment building roof. One after another they landed atop of the woman. Slowly they landed closer, and Jill was forced to walk backwards.

"You're kidding me," Jill muttered, as she kept her eyes up, flashlight straining to reach the top of the buildings on either side of her. Then there was a loud bang to her right. She spun around just in time for a door to come loose from its hinges. She ducked low and jumped to the side, as the hunk of wood slammed against the opposite wall with a crack. A thong of moaning zombies tumbled through. They collapsed onto the ground in a moaning mass as another body fell from the sky onto them.

Jill stumbled into a series of trashcans, as she lost her balance. Noisily the cans clattered to the ground, as she landed hard on her side. Dull pain shot through her hip, as she flailed at the overturned cans to pull herself up to her feet. Frantically she flashed her light in the direction of the door, and at the zombies that began to right themselves. "Fuck!" She muttered, as she scrambled to her feet, and whipped around to run the other way.

Just fifteen feet away were the zombies she had attracted earlier on the steps. There were no less than six of them, nearly shoulder to shoulder as they staggered their way towards the noise. She came to a skidding stop and raised her pistol at them. Adrenaline surged through her body, and in the moment, she felt weightless and sharp. Jill squeezed the trigger, as nearly a decade of drills and training kicked in.

The bobbing bodies jerked and twitched, as she placed her shots. Hot bits of metal tore through cartilage and flesh, and bones were grazed and cracked. A wet crunch blew out the knee of the lead zombie after her shot had compromised it. The crowd behind him fell forward over him, tripping at the sudden halt in momentum.

*7 shots left.*

Jill turned back around, only to find that the door zombies were already crawling and stumbling towards her. She fired again, repeating her strategy to slow their advance. She knew she couldn't kill them all, that she had only one last magazine and that it would never be enough. There were no less than a dozen of them. Her heart pounded, as she looked around desperately for some hope of survival.

A gasp escaped her, as she spotted the fire escape overhead. She stuffed her flashlight away on her tactical harness and leapt up to take hold of the ladder with one hand. Her fingers curled around the bottom rung of the rusted ladder, but before she could thrust her pistol into her holster, something took hold of her boot. Jill let out a strained cry, as she tried to keep her grip, her weight supported by only one arm. The zombie was on its knees, chomping up at her ankles, as it tried to stand up and get at her leg.


The general idea for the pairing is that, after an early encounter with Jill, a blow to the head scrambles his programing. He's free from doing what Umbrella created him to do. Umbrella discovers this and sends two T-103s after it. Damaged from the encounter with Jill, the Nemesis is feeling a little out matched (although I assume the Nemesis could actually, eventually defeat two T-103s.).

In order to survive, it decides to find the prey that keep escaping him: Jill. If he can use Jill, then he would have a better chance of surviving the gauntlet that Umbrella is throwing at him.

This will naturally lead to some sexual interaction. From Jill's perspective, she suddenly has a grotesque and awful protector. The stress of the situation will cause her to bond with the thing, to feel safe and comfortable with it around. Only helps that the first, horrific sexual encounter was... well not so bad.

I am thinking that firstly, Jill encounters a regular human survivor somewhere that save her. They bond a bit which could form a weird triangle between this guy and Nemesis at some point.

Also down for other Resident Evil ideas.

Maybe a sophomore or junior, going to school somewhere in California or Florida. Maybe she has a secret perverted side, a side that enjoys attention. Maybe that side has led to her exposing herself (from the neck down for anonymity sake) on Reddit... and somehow she stumbles across an opportunity to explore being in porn. Maybe a random encounter with some BangBus type people... maybe she responds to an casting couch style ad... or maybe we start out with her being home for the summer and she explores porn by creating an onlyfans.… maybe she has a boyfriend and they do some real amateur type stuff together.

Could start off at Spring Break of her Sophomore or Junior year of college... during that week, she encounters the BangBus, and participates in her first ever porn shoot. She enjoys it, a lot, and the guys are also impressed by her. She'll return to college for the rest of the semester, and by the time she goes home for the summer she's got a pretty popular video of herself on PornHub... popular enough that starting an OnlyFans is a serious consideration. She winds up creating an account, and any and all adventures she has related to her OnlyFans account can lead to things happening when she goes back to school for the fall.

This is a rough idea, it can go a lot of different ways.

I do like the idea of playing a goth/alt/egirl type gal that has a few issues, low self esteem, guy issues, sex issues like being a bit of a nympho, drug problems, mental health problems, etc

Also perhaps she starts with a boyfriend that she has an ongoing OnlyFans with that they film stuff with together… which will complicate things when she gets contacted by other interested parties or also does the BangBus endeavour.

I think it certainly would be fun to play out a mix of porn and college scenarios and characters with things like fellow students perhaps finding out and making offers, teachers, boyfriends friends. To a old sleazy porn star offering big bucks, maybe even a famous rapper that we could explore a relationship with that is toxic

With the boyfriend I'm not sure if he would be supportive or involved in her OnlyFans stuff.

Could go either way, with him not being into it and her wanting him to film stuff with but he says no… until his roomie says yes

Or maybe he is a bit but is a bit shy with it, and her fans want her to take a bigger cock and get dicked down more… or maybe he even opens up the door to doing something with his roomie but regrets it afterwards

When the world collapsed, people expected it to be with a big boom, but it was more like a big sigh. It had been coming for ages, and people had closed their eyes to it, and when it finally happened only a few of us were truly ready for it -- the government was one of those that was ready for it. Securing bunkers for themselves and other "essential personnel" was one of the measures they'd taken to secure their own future, and of those essential personnel, a good few were people that just happened to be either lucky or rich. But the world did not stop there. It might've felt like it, underground in one of those bunkers, as the entire outside world was decimated into radioactive nothingness by nuclear warfare and not much could have survived out there. But this assumption was based on wrong information. The world definitely continued to exist, and in fact.. so did the humans that inhabit it. They just took a different form nowadays. Many changed from the exposures to the radioactive chemicals and new environment. Even the wildlife had developed and changed, forming abstract and huge monstrosities that roamed the wasteland.

In this new world, hunting for slaves was a favorite pastime of the people that had taken over the surface, and one of their favorite ways of doing that was to hunt down and crack open old world bunkers. The people inside were still "pure" and made for perfect captives because of that -- but also good trophies. The first time the raiders had obtained an old world celebrity, well, it was a party. Suffice to say Beyoncé did not stay Queen Bee for long. She was used every night, week in week out, by the entirety of the raider group. When the first mutation hit her after a month, she was no longer able to eat normal food, and instead had to be nourished entirely by semen. Her former torture now became her only method of survival. An ironic end to a perfect career.

After that, the raiders began ignoring the "common" women and men. Sure, they made for a nice post-raid snack, but they weren't worth keeping around for too long and usually either died or became one of the raiders. No, the raiders began focusing on capturing old-world celebrities. And these old-world bunkers became perfect targets, as they held "celebs" of all kind. Political figures, pop stars, actors and other famous people.. they all lived in these bunkers now. Just waiting to be cracked open and plundered -- and their bounties taken back to the main camp to be used, abused, and sold.

And if it wasn't the raiders that found them..? Well, the countless wasteland horrors would eventually find a way into the bunker. Truth be told, it was probably a lot more lucky to be taken by a raider than a mutant or creature. They had a habit of not allowing their prey to live long after using them as a living, breathing fleshlight. Though there were those that were sentient, ghouls that were ugly and called demeaning names by humans even if they used to be humans but they were just changed now. There were also super mutants that were much taller, bulkier and muscular compared to humans and had developed very extreme strength and endurance.


Doesn’t have to be celebrity focused at all. Could be a lone girl that’s come out of a vault and it journeying across the wasteland.

Sluggishly dragging herself back home, following another tiring day of work. It's not enjoyable listening to bratty teenagers and your perv manager hit on you... but it pays the bills, well sorta.

A scrunched up McDonalds bag in Allison's hand....again, thank the lord for her fast metabolism or she'd be in a wheelchair at this point. Slouched over slightly as she watched the footpath, her worn out pair of red Converses hitting the floor with each step. Her earphones beneath her hood blaring out Kendrick Lamar's latest single as she walked home in her own little world, sharing glances at the fellow people walking by. A few cute guys that she'll never see again....shame.

She turned to make her way into her apartment building, collecting the mail before stepping into the elevator, a few small smiles and soft waves to the other poor bastards living in such a cesspool of a building. After punching in the button to her floor, she leaned against the rail, exhaling as she tried to calm herself down following a few stressful weeks. She walked along the stained carpet to her apartment door, looking at the walls, covered in God-knows-what liquid. The stench hits her nose like a train, she remained unfazed, conditioned to such surroundings by now.

Allison unlocked the door, closing it and locking it behind her as she kicked off her shoes. She walked to her dump of a living room, seating herself on an old couch, kicking her feet up onto the coffee table in front of it. A few empty bud light cans, a PlayStation controller, some old college books, her artwork and vodka bottles are bunched together, like a cute little collection. An ashtray sits by her feet as she begins reading through the mail. Eviction notice, junk mail, the usual. She lights up a cigarette before opening up her phone, reading some text messages, one from mom, granting her request for her to wire some more cash into her bank, still thinking I'm in art college. One from my dealer, telling me about 'some new shit from Colombia'. Another from...... Kyle? Telling me I should probably get a checkup, awesome.

Allison turned on the tv as she sat back, taking some much deserved drags as she looked around the living room. Her old wallpaper could do with changing, the torn effect ain't really doing it for her anyways? She should clean the carpet too, beer stains aren't the prettiest of designs this season. The windows are filthy but eh, saves her having to close the curtains she guessed? Her unwashed clothes are piled atop an armchair that was once her grandpa's, passed down to her.

With a cigarette between her lips, she watched her phone screen like a hawk, it's Friday night and there's gotta be something on tonight? Even some college parties? She knows she dropped out months ago, but that doesn't mean she can't hang out with her friends. Besides, she dropped out because of them, deciding that she couldn't handle the pressure on top of her newfound addiction to certain substances. "I swear I'll go back when I'm clean?" Allison thinks.

So this is Allison, a 19 year old girl living alone in Queens, recently dropping out of art college, still living off of mom and dad's money with the lie that she's using it for college stuff. But in reality, she's a mess, fighting a craving for coke as well as anything else that can get a job done. She's currently working at Hot Topic, it's not exactly what she was planning to do when she moved to New York from Seattle, but it pays okay and she guesses it can open other doors in the future? She's a pretty outgoing girl, usually being described as: friendly, talkative, mellow, funny, easy....actually ignore the last one.

"Nhmph.....ugh........hmph....agh" The only utterances I manage to let out as I close my eyes tightly, my hands gripping onto the top of the ceramic toilet in front of me. Arching my back properly as I cling onto it tightly, my breathing following a similar rhythm of that of the gentleman behind me. I open my eyes slightly, watching my painted black fingernails as they manage to support me, allowing me to remain stood, well, kinda stood. A flickering light shines down on the pair of us. With gritted teeth, I continue to grunt softly, knowing that really gets him going......

A few minutes pass before I fee his knees lock and his grip around my waist tighten. "Nngh, ugh!" He grunts as he begins to empty himself, his grip tight and his cock placed firmly inside my ass, he releases his seed into me at an alarmingly fast rate, he must've not jerked off today? With his weakened knees, he manages to pull out of me after he's done, getting a little excess semen on his finger. Without thinking he rubs it on my ass with a snigger before zipping his jeans back up. "Ugh, yeah. Thanks for that V." He says before placing a dime bag of coke onto the toilet in front of me. "Uh huh. Yeah no problem." I say as I give him a thumbs up and turn to flash him a smile.

That was Leon, he's a retard, but he's harmless. Probably the last dealer I'd wanna go to, but desperation leads to some pretty shitty ideas. Much like this idea. The idea where I find myself in a dive bar bathroom, cum spilling from my asshole, all for a 20 dollar score. I pull up my fishnets and denim shorts combination. I shove the baggie into my pocket before leaving the cubicle. Throwing away the excess toilet paper used previously as I exit the bathroom.

I make my way to the bar "Phone..." I say softly to the bartender as he takes my phone off of charge and hands me it with a smile of his own. I sluggishly drag myself out of the bar, glancing around at the streetlights as I bite my lip and think. "Well, what now?" I ask myself as I wander along the footpath. Just me and my thoughts. Oh where to go. I can't go home, the locks were changed as soon as dad caught me doing a little bit of meth. Can't go to my sisters house, she made sure I stayed away from her newborn, I dunno why, I'm awesome with kids. And I sure as hell ain't sleeping in the station again tonight. Either way, I pop my earphones in, taking a deep breath before wandering. The Smiths playing in my ear, I mean if anyone can cheer me up it's Morrissey?

So this is an open ended idea and can go in a lot of places? She's vulnerable yet strong. Dumb enough to get exiled by her family, but smart enough to survive.


My mascara and heavy eye liner had bled down my face ages ago. My dark red lipstick was smeared across my face and my chin, and on your shaft. And your balls. And your ass. It was a surprise there was any on my lips at all really.

My dyed black hair was a mess, unsurprising since it spent most of the night balled in your fist. My fishnets were torn, messily and quickly, around my pussy and my ass.

My nose ring was nestled somewhere in your pubes, as was my nose. In the back of my mind, I know I should be worried about it being ripped out, or getting infected. But all I can really think about right now is your cock bruising my oesophagus, and your balls bitch slapping my chin.

Suddenly, and without warning, your dripping cock slips out my gasping mouth, and like a cannon, points over my face, blasting rope after rope of hot, thick cum over my face, and some of my bangs. I moan, and angle my face upward to catch as much as possible, tongue out. I kneel like that until you're done, and open my eyes.

You're no longer standing over me, instead you're walking about my apartment, picking up your clothes. Emptiness begins to sink in, as I kneel there dejected.

"What's the rush? We can watch a movie, your pick. Just let me shower" I chirp, mustering as much cheer as I can, hoping that maybe, just fucking maybe, this time he'll stay.

"Can't. Have plans." You say apathetically, grabbing one of my throw blankets to dry your cock.

"But I just got a new projector, and I bought that beer you said you liked. We could drink some, and we could-"

"That's nice. But I'm busy. Exams" you say as you brush by me on the floor.

"But college just started?"

"Oh. Right. Anyway I'm busy" you say from the hallway, already on tinder.

The door slams as you leave. But I stay on the floor.

I like the idea of a girl whose background wasn't exactly healthy - the body of a trailer park princess, who was regularly sleeping around with guys who weren't good for her, letting her mum's boyfriends bang her in exchange for a little bit of money or drugs, while also sleeping with her teachers, enough so that she could scrap into an arts course at college.

I'm thinking she was quite wild and has addictions to drugs, sex, alcohol, mental health issues, blurred/unhealthy relationships with men.

She saw it as a way to turn her life around, and made a good start, and even had the sweet boyfriend to go with her early progress... but she wasn't really a college-calibre student, and soon has to resort to sleeping with professors, while she can't help but get invited to some of the hottest parties on campus.

I think she's changed herself for now with her being clean of drugs (apart from weed) not drinking as much, staying loyal with the boyfriend this far until we decide to play things out.

Some characters can be be some college guys, friends of her boyfriend, a drug dealer, teachers, a former bully of her boyfriend, roomie.

Billie looked herself over in the bathroom mirror as she applied the finishing touches to her make up which wasn't anything too overboard, mainly focusing on her eyes more than anything.

Julius called out, conversing with her from the next room over, going on about whether it's fine if he didn't come with her tonight to the party that was on campus, just a few buildings over. She knew that her boyfriend wasn't as social as she was, nor as outgoing since he usually tended to just prefer night ins or doing quiet things together with little dates between the pair of them.

While Billie was more social, friendly, outgoing… she also liked partying, drinking and doing things that she perhaps shouldn't quite be doing.

But she was doing a lot better nowadays. Having been with Julius it was probably the most stable and longest relationship she had ever had. He was a sweetheart, good natured, caring and romantic which was all certainly a change compared to the copious amount of other males that she has been involved with in her life.

Being with Julius had made a lot of her problems that she suffered easier to cope with. It wasn't always the easiest at times but with her trying her hardest to change for the better and with her sweet boyfriends constant help, she was handling it well.

She never got too depressed for long, didn't feel the need to always be high, drunk or fucking whatever guy gave her a compliment that looked nice on the eyes.

Still, there were those small little temptations and thoughts at times and some close encounters. She still would drink, she only smoked weed now and she had been loyal to Julius for 6 months now, having never strayed.

Billie was perhaps dressed rather revealing, especially more so since she was going out on her own now. She always attracted a fair bit of male attention from the way she dressed, how she looked and carried herself and it always made her feel good. So her tight, short with dress that she wore without a bra surely would get a few looks tonight. But she felt nice in it and Julius always enjoyed when she would dress up so he shouldn't mind at all.

After she was all made up and happy with her appearance, she looked at the time and it was around about time to leave. She left the bathroom to see Julius at the desk on his PC, playing his latest video game, which was a hobby they shared.

"It's okay baby, I get that you want some time to chill. I know that you've gone out plenty with me lately so you can have a break this time." She said, coming over behind Julius to lean in and give him a small little kiss on the cheek.

"How do I look?" She asked once she had his attention, doing a little twirl to show her curvy frame that the dress certainly accentuated

A Sweet College Girl Turned Cheating Slut

Essentially, our characters have been together since they were kids. Like they've known each other for like a little over ten years and have been a couple before they even understood what that was. The girlfriend is pretty, outgoing, and adventurous. While her boyfriend is more shy, quiet, and introverted. Add in a shared school bully that picked on them, the guy mostly, but she got caught in the crossfire and earned her share of abuse by trying to defend her boyfriend. This even culminated in a brutal attack at prom that put her boyfriend in the hospital and she nearly or got raped by the bully who got a couple of years prison/juvie out of it.

Fast forward a couple of years and they've graduated high school, recovered from the trauma they shared, and have become even more tightly bound together. A bit of codependency even with her finding comfort from her boyfriend as her rock while he needs yours to have the courage to experience a bit of life. They've moved off to college, share a small rent house paid for by the boyfriends parents, and are finishing their first year of college. They both have part-time jobs to pay the bills.

So, during this year the boyfriend hasn't done much of anything but school, work, and hanging around the house. The girlfriend though has gone out, made friends, and begun to really regain some of that old adventurous spirit she had prior to the bullying. She's even gotten herself a best friend, Jennifer, who thinks she's wasting her time with her boyfriend and that he is holding her back. College is about having fun, going wild, and experimenting. Not acting like an old married couple. The fact that she has never been or even kissed anyone else in her life is just appalling to her. So, she begins pushing and pushing for her to see what she's missing at least. Meet a friend of hers, make out with him and maybe give him a blow job or even fuck him. After enough convincing, she finally gives in and agrees to meet with the guy.

As expected, she does, and despite some awkwardness, at first, she gets super turned on when she sees his bigger dick. She basically discovers she has a serious thing about a more built guy, bigger dick and someone who is more dominant that gets her really kind of lust drunk. If Jennifer doesn't stop her she would have surely slept with him but she can pull her friend out so she could make a rational choice about it. So sweet of her uh? Well, it doesn't take long before the girlfriend comes to realize that she just can't stop thinking about it and wants to try more. And so Jennifer comes up with a new kinky plan. One she is probably hoping will break up the couple but doesn't work out how she plans.

At this point though, it might be more fun for her to discover her plan through in character interaction?

Suffice it to say, the small intimate party broadens her horizons without her boyfriend actually figuring out what is going on.

Starter for the prompt - ( can be changed)

"What are you afraid of, Billie?" Elise asked, a slight grin on her lips as she looked at her best friend. "I know you can't stop staring at Brian. Just invite him over!"

Elise grabbed Billie's phone, flipping it towards her and typing something out on the phone.

*Hey, Brian! Elise and I are at my place tonight, having a few drinks and relaxing. Why don't you swing by and have a few with us?*

"Elise, stop it!" Billie protested, though her grab for the phone was entirely too late to prevent the message from being sent. "I have not been staring at him!" she almost whined, an outright lie that she tried telling herself and her friend.

Snatching her phone, she blushed at the message, glaring at Elise. In response, Elise simply smiled cutely. "What?" she asked, acting all innocent, "It's not like anything will happen with *me* here, right??"

"Right," Billie confirms fervently, though visions of how to get Elise go home suddenly flash in her fantasies. Fantasies she'd never indulge in, of course. Still, she couldn't help but glance at her phone while she took another drink.

Elise was bouncing a little on the couch there next to her in her growing excitement. "Of course and if it all goes bad, then not another peep out of me about it! I swear," she said solemnly while crossing her heart with two of her fingers. "Cross my heart and hope to die!"

"Great! And he's free, he'll drop whatever he has going on and get his ass here," Elise was saying as she looked down at the reply on Billie's phone. There was a big smile on her face though while she was doing it.

"And don't worry, your lousy boyfriend will never know and this just will stay between us until you say otherwise," Elise went on to say as she put her phone down in her lap. As if for some reason she'd suddenly realize that Caleb was a mistake and would give her the credit for 'setting her straight' with their friends.

"And I'm here for moral support," Elise said as she got up to refill their glasses. She wanted to make sure that Billie didn't lose her buzz while waiting. "I have to ask though, how far are you willing to go with this in case things do go ahead?"

She handed the full glass back to Billie as she sat back down. Once more watching her like a hawk even as she nursed her own glass of wine.

"I'm not sure," Billie said, her cheeks flushing a solid pink color as she thought about what Brian might look like completely naked.

She tucked her hair behind her ear, chewing on her bottom lip as she watched Elise fill up her glass of liquid courage.

"I'm more curious than anything. I mean-- Brian is huge," Billie breathed out, feeling the flush of blood go from her cheeks down to her core, and between her legs.

She felt a little bad about being attracted to Brian, but it wasn't love-- it was purely physical. Why shouldn't she know what's out there? She at least had to *see*-- ever since catching the size of his bulge about two weeks ago.

She'd given herself chances to press against Brian when they were all out. Dancing. Lounging around. The riskiest she'd gotten was actually putting her hand on his erection and squeezing it-- that was three days ago.

She flushed at the memory, looking up at Elise as she was given the next drink. This girl was a bad influence, encouraging her-- but at the same time, she was right. Just because Caleb wasn't curious didn't mean *she* shouldn't be.

"I mean, I want to see it, at the very least. I'm not sure what else I'm ready to do. Especially if he's as big as he feels-- christ, Elise. He might break me!"
She quickly took a big pull of the drink, interested in keeping up her own courage as well.


(Alternative start, this one would involve her boyfriend passing out from a mix of drinking and weed and Billie fucking his roommate)

The final girl's image had been paused on the dorm suite's common room TV screen—mouth frozen mid–scream—for almost twelve minutes now. Teddy Gaines, dressed in a comfortable white T and some gray sweatpants, lay on the couch propped up on one elbow while his girlfriend jabbered on the phone.

They were the sweetest couple, all acknowledged. Their high school yearbook had named them "Most likely to be married in ten years." It was also probably a gesture of sympathy after the fateful events of prom night in their senior year, but there was truth in it. And tonight they seemed determined to earn it, snuggled together in thick blankets on the couch. It was a Friday night, and percussive music from some party down the hall thrummed through the thin walls. But forget parties when you could have a nice thriller movie-marathon in at home, Teddy told her. Halloween was still two months off, but it was never too early for Teddy, horror buff that he was.

Take-out was strewn on the common room table, and their red cups with mixed drinks were three-quarters empty, but there was plenty of liquor left. He was definitely looking forward to the chill part of their Netflix & chill night.

Teddy took another sip of his rum and coke before flicking his storm-cloud eyes his girl's way, watching her talk to her best friend with a mixture of annoyance and relish. Annoyance because she'd been on this call for too long, and relish because -- well. Look at her. Sometimes he was still surprised he'd managed to win her over all those years ago. They'd been through hell together and come out of it on the other side. He was so goddamn lucky.

But that didn't stop him from mouthing: Wrap. It. Up!

"Yeah, yeah I know." Billie said, looking over at her boyfriend with a smile as she feigned a little eye roll while she chatted with her friend Riley. They chatted often though this time probably wasn't the best since she had been enjoying snuggling up on the couch with her boyfriend but her college gal pal decided now was the best time to have a lengthy chat.

Billie paced around her boyfriends dorm, it wasn't an entirely big space, the two bedrooms, bathroom and a somewhat opening living space with a tiny kitchen setup. It was messier than hers, the typical guys just leaving everything about.

But she was pacing around and talking a little lower than usual with Riley since her friend on the other end of the line was going on about things that weren't exactly the kindest to her boyfriend. Her friend was trying to get her to be more out going, more social and to…. Well explore. She didn't exactly approve of her boyfriend, thinking that Billie could do so much better than him.

Riley just just wanted people to be as free and liberated as she was. She had seen how settling down with your High School sweetheart turned out for her parents and Billie and Teddy were worse! They'd been together as a couple before they even knew what being a couple meant!

So lately Riley had been telling Billie all about the parties on and around campus along with all the hot guys that she could easily hook up with and that Teddy would never find out. Billie had remained defiant but Riley kept going on and on and at times with some of the guys she showed her and the stories about them…. Well her mind would drift at times.

"Well we can see about next weekend if that's when the next party is." Billie told her. "Anyways, I gotta go, we can catch up and chat another time." She said before finally hanging up and bouncing over to her boyfriend, giving him a soft kiss before lying down with him again.

"I'm sorry about that baby, she really just wants us to get out more so I said we'd look at going to a party next weekend." She said with a smile, grinding gently back against Teddy, her short shorts leaving a lot of her pale skin exposed.

Teddy had no idea what Riley was talking to Billie about, and would have had a thermonuclear meltdown if he did. He'd never been a big fan of Billie's new, worldly college friend. Though, to be fair, it had never stopped him from checking her out now and again.

But any annoyance Teddy felt about Riley and Billie's chat evaporated when his girl sidled up against him. He could feel her wonderfully soft curves and the heat of her body through the thin layers of clothing, and couldn't help but smile. This was home.

"Yeah," Teddy offered on her suggestion they got to a party. "Maybe so." That was always his half-assed, indecisive answer to going out and doing things. Maybe so. Except they never did. There was always some reason not to for Teddy.

The college junior glanced down at his girl's bare legs with their elegant ink. He reached around her to lay a hand on her lower belly to push her ass closer to him. His prick stiffened in his clothes. Maybe they could keep this movie paused just a little longer....

And then? Then the door rattled. Teddy startled, years of PTSD kicking in, his eyes going to that knob like a fucking hawk. But it opened and it was just -- Oliver. Square-jawed, tattooed Oliver in his leather jacket and white v-neck tee and tight black jeans.

Teddy had only known Oli for a month, but though they were as different as night and day, they'd gotten along alright. Mostly that was because Oli had been gone most of the time, off playing gigs or partying. And when he was back at the suite, there was usually a girl with him.

Or under him.

"Oh, hey you two," the rocker said with an upnod, brow furrowed. "Shit, I'm interrupting, aren't I?" He squinted, as if to make sure everyone's clothes were still on.


This can go a lot of different ways but theme wise very much into a cheating theme.

Would love to hear more character ideas too. I'm thinking there would be a bunch of males that our main gal will work her way through and fuck with.

Some range of characters would be her friend group, guys and gals…. people at college, fellow students and teachers…. The old bully that raped her and beat up her boyfriend….. boyfriends friend, boyfriends workplace colleagues or boss.

I'm thinking after she's cheated and fucked initially, that the best friend maybe let's the friend group know and in on it, perhaps telling the guys to go after her.

Some random scene ideas

- The girlfriend having some phone sex or something with her boyfriend while in reality she's sucking another man's cock but she's saying it's just a dildo or something to him

- I'm thinking there would be a few parties, one that they boyfriend attends so her friend has the idea of a type of trust type game. Where they see if he trusts her as she 'pretends' to fool around with a guy or two where the boyfriend has his vision blocked by either blindfolds or a towel that would obstruct his view. Or by the girlfriend and a guy disappearing to the next room

Ariana Kellers sat on the floor in front of the mirror, doing her makeup. The music was blasting loudly and next to her she had her friend Victoria, who was taking a break from doing her makeup to refill both their glasses with vodka. They were already a little intoxicated, but Ariana miraculously managed to do a good job with her make up. She put the mascara back in her make up bag and leaned back a little, her palms pressed into the floor, watching her job as she made a few faces to herself in the mirror, trying to look sexy.

"Do you think this is too much?" she asked Vicki, glancing at her in the mirror as she ran a hand down her side of the short, tight yellow dress she wore. To make it a little more casual she wore a pair of white air forces.

Vicki looked at her with a smirk, letting her eyes run down Ari's body. "Nah, you're good," she assured her.

"You sure?" Ariana said, leaning back a little more to lift one leg up a little, the movement exposing the red thong that was the only underwear she wore. They both burst out laughing. "Girl, I'll cheers to that," Vicki said and they lifted their glasses.

Truth be told, Ariana had only befriended Vicki because of her connections, but she actually enjoyed her company as well as the benefits of Camille's network. Like tonight, they were going to a party where Victoria had gotten them invited to a party at LeBron James's(!) house.

It would be embarrassing to say out loud, but this was exactly the reason why Ariana had moved to LA. Back home in New York she'd enjoyed the attention of the tabloids a little as a partying socialite, not exactly making her parents proud, but she'd found how much she loved the attention. So here she was, pursuing the sweet life of fortune and fame as an aspiring actress and model. Already she'd starred in a Netflix movie that had actually been a bit successful, but right now she wasn't getting a lot of call backs from auditions.

So she'd come up with a different plan to reach her goal. She needed nothing more than to get the LA tabloids to write about her. That's why this party wasn't only pleasure to Ariana, it was business.

The pair arrived in an Uber and walked up to the huge mansion that seemed to be booming with people judging from the loud music and buzzing sound of drunk people talking. Vicki turned back and mimed so hot, at Ariana once they'd been greeted by the host himself. Ari bit her lip and nodded chuckling, then mimed back the same two words.

By the hand, Victoria led her to the dance floor immediately where they found a few of Victoria's friends. The two were already a little drunk and danced up to them, giving them hugs, before they started dancing. Over the music, Ariana kept a conversation as her hips swayed with the music, but her mind was elsewhere. Scanning the room, she checked out the people present. There were a lot of famous or semi famous people there. Actors, models, you name it. Nearby a group of NBA players stood, and Ariana could name most of them. She did her homework, all right?

Just as she locked eyes with one of them, her girlfriends almost screamed as the music changed to a song they loved. Ariana chuckled, also pumped for killing the dance floor to the song. She didn't lose eye contact just yet though. "Hey, sleeves," she called at the tatted one of them, even though she was well aware that his name was Tyson Betts, "catch!" She threw him her handbag to hold, giving him a wink before turning towards her friends to dance unrestricted by her bag. And hopefully with the attention of the new up and coming star of The Suns.

And dance they did. Ariana knew how to move and it was almost obvious that the group were all actresses, because they were for sure putting on a show.


So I guess overall what I'd mainly like for the socialite bratty type girl and her adventures in the life of glitz and glamour. I’d like for her to strive towards being famous, to being a bit star, of wanting success and in the story we can show ways she can try and get to that. Plenty of options and I'm open to hearing more!

I think she'll be hungry and eager for more fame, to move up in the world and do whatever it takes.

“I can’t believe it’s been three months already,” Billie said to the camera, smiling warmly. On the screen, her boyfriend let out a laugh.

“Almost halfway through the year.” Tyler said in response. The blond young man looked just like she remembered him, skinny, bright eyed, with brown eyes behind his glasses. “So when are you going to come visit me?”

“Soon,” she promised. “As soon as school calms down enough. And it’s kinda expensive to get tickets. You shouldn’t have moved all the way to the East Coast!” She teased.

Tyler laughed, but she felt a little pang anyway. He looked off camera for a moment, then back to her. “I gotta go, I have loads of homework tonight.”

“Of course you do, you big nerd,” she said, and laughed. “I love you.”

“I love you,” he said back, and then the call ended. Billie stared at the screen for a few minutes longer, feeling pangs of longing, and other needs.

Three months. Three months in college. She had gone to school in California, just a couple hours from their hometown. Tyler, though… they had been high school sweethearts, and she loved him. But he’d taken a college offer for MIT. He was super smart, and she was so proud of him. He’d gotten a scholarship to MIT. But now he was all the way in Massachusetts, and she missed him. With the time difference and how much work he was doing it felt like she barely even got to talk to him. It sucked.

They’d been together for two years. She’d taken his virginity, fumbling around as teenagers. Now she was nineteen, away at college for the first time, and Tyler wasn’t there with her. He was always insanely smart, and she wasn’t really surprised that he’d gotten into such an incredible school, while she was in a generic CSU. But it still hurt, a lot. The day he’d told her where he was going she had been so happy for him, but the reality of the situation settled in on her like a weight.

She didn’t have much time to sulk alone, though. A few moments later her roommate bounced into her room. Lexi was a freshman, too, and she was, in many ways, Billie’s opposite. Petite and blonde, outgoing and bubbly, and often excited about things. She had definitely been enjoying the new freedoms she had found here, even though their college was in her hometown she had moved out of her family’s place as soon as possible.

“Billie!” She practically cheered. “Please tell me you’re not doing homework tonight”

The dark-haired girl shrugged, looking embarrassed. “I have a paper due next week-”

Lexi cut her off. “Then you have plenty of time to work on it. Come on! The football team won a big game tonight and there’s a party over at Dave’s place.” Dave was a junior, a fratboy over at Delta Xi, and a total party animal. They’d throw an event for any reason, and Lexi would usually be over there, often getting drunk and fucking him loudly in his room during the party. Billie didn’t like him much. He always spent a long time staring at her, even though she wore baggy clothes to try to hide her curves. The parties were even worse. Lots of drunk idiots.

“I don’t know, Lexi,” she responded. “It’s not really my scene. Besides, I think I’m just kinda down about Tyler. I miss him, you know?”

Lexi had to work hard not to roll her eyes. Tyler. They chatted all the fucking time, and it was so gross. They got into fights and Billie got all stressed and mopey for days, then they’d make up and it would be just as bad. She rested her hand on Billie’s shoulder. “Then I think this will be good for you! Just some loud music and dancing and playing drinking games. Come on. For me, just this once? If you hate it, I won’t drag you to another one, I promise!”

Billie had to think about that for a moment. It didn’t seem like she’d have fun. But it would give her an excuse not to go to any more, if Lexi held to her promise. Which she probably wouldn’t. But another Friday night at home watching netflix - or porn - didn’t really sound any better. Her mind took a long moment but she finally spoke.

“Okay, sure. Let’s try it.” Lexi’s face lit up, but as she opened her mouth Billie raised a finger warningly. “But I’m not dressing up for it! Not a chance.” Lexi pouted, but the pout still turned into a smile as she raced out of her roommate’s room.

So lately I've been really in the mood for a young girl being corrupted and becoming more free and wild along with a bunch of cheating. So this is a prompt within the realm of that which she will become more and more open to things and grow into a slut and get up to plenty of fun adventures through the campus.

Also down for different spins on it, just craving a college setting and similar themes right now.

As usual, Billie left the school building much more speedily, than she had entered it.
The day, so far at least, had been shit. But that wasn't really a surprise. Sometimes it seemed to her, that her whole life was on a slowly, but steadily spiraling downhill.
If pressured to mark the point, where it got really bad, she probably would have named two dates: The day her father lost his job and the day where he (and the rest of the world) had noticed her tits.
Her family had always been on the lower end of the social ladder, but after her dad was laid off, his lack of income, paired with a gambling habit that got slowly out of hand, had made things worse.

It also ment, that he spent a lot more time at home...Enough time, to ogle Billie. Or at least certain parts of her.

On a vague, theoretical level, she was aware that her body (that poetically inclined people might have called "voluptuous") was something someone could be proud off. And the looks of obvious envy in the eyes of her female classmates seemed to support that idea. Yet, she would have preferred not to be the target of the kind of looks she got all too often.

The rest of her appearance of course, was rarely the source of envy. Neither her (mostly second-hand) clothes, carefully picked to cover as much of her as possible, without looking like an amish-girl, nor the blue dyed hair or her face, that seemed to be the epitome of "You would be prettier, if you smiled more often".

Quickly, the girl jumped down the stairs, pulled a pack of cigarettes out of the old army jackett she had thrown over, to hide the curves her tanktop failed spectaculary to conceal, and then strode leisurely towards the street, where she dropped her backpack under a tree, lit her cigarette and waited.

Corey had offered to pick her up after school and, by god, she could use some wanted attention today. After an uncomfortable breakfast, an abyssmal schoolday with teachers who either stared at her chest or berated her about her slipping grades (or both), she desperately needed something to calm down. Also she liked to avoid getting home before her mother returned from one of the three jobs she had to do.
Better to spent the day literally anywhere else, than alone with her dad.

So Billie stood there, leaning against the tree, smoking and looking for her boyfriends car.

Billie watched as Corey pulled on up. She had mixed feelings about seeing him today. The whole day had been a complete shit-show. Her dad had been nagging her about getting a job. And her mother was barley home to say anything. The woman is too busy screwing her boss. Sooner or later the truth would come out. It always does. Aside from that, she was not doing too well in one of her classes. Mr. Williams suggested she stay after school once a week to catch up. She didn’t want to but she needed that class to graduate.

She flicked her cigarette and walked on over. “Hey.” She opened the door and got in. “It was fine.” She shrugged, placing her back pack by her feet. Corey was an odd person. He would reach out then pull away. Their relationship wasn’t stable. But she liked him. He was not some highschool boy who looked away when they talked to you. No, he was a nice change of pace. Maybe that’s why she liked being around him. Of course it sucked when he went off to work. But he liked to keep busy.

She couldn’t wait to graduate and get away from this hell hole. Away from her so called parents. She wasn’t sure if Corey would still be around when she graduated? It would be nice if he was. But she didn’t have high hopes. She took a deep breath, looking over at him. “Your place?” She asked, giving him a small smile. Maybe they could start a movie and actually finish it this time. But it would hard if his roommate was around. She didn’t talk to him much. He was too cocky. It was annoying, but she dealt with it.


So this story idea is revolving around a young, maybe high school aged alternative/goth type girl. She's from a poor, abusive home and is struggling to get by. I'd like to explore her life, maybe going through her downwards spiral and she can't help but get abused and used by her father, her older boyfriend, his friends, a teacher, drug dealer. Feel free to bring me more characters idea and flesh out the ones I have. Also think an addiction to sex and drinking, drugs will occur.

In truth, Liam had grown a little bored with the party not long after he had gotten there. The music was loud but it was the typical music that one heard at such parties and he didn’t feel like dancing to the typical generic pop that was on. Most of the people there were already drunk and acting stupid, trying to get into fights, daring people to drink more, trying to find a girl to fuck. Which made sense at most parties, it was a party filled with mostly high schoolers and that made his job of selling them drugs all the more easier. In truth the only thing that did appeal in the house was the vast quantities of alcohol that had been put out and the fine young women that were catching his eye. He wasn't sure what number of drinks he was up to now, carrying around an expensive bottle of whiskey that he had taken from some kid that was so wasted out of his mind he didn't even notice. He was making his way through the house, simply observing the people around him. He noticed that people outside had got the fire pit started up.

He had lost his friends early on in the night. Coming to this party had been their idea, though most nights Liam found himself enjoying the nightlife in the south side of town. For him and his mates it was all about slumming, Something about lowering themselves to a social level that they viewed as lower than even them, drinking with them, and otherwise making fools of themselves seemed to satisfy something in them that they perceived as unfulfilled, as though rebelling against the usual norms and expectations by acting as such was a missing piece to a puzzle for them.

For Liam however it was a bit complex. He wasn’t sure if he was looking to fill some incomplete part of himself. Or if he was purely addicted to this lifestyle now, the drinking, the drugs, the money and the girls. He enjoyed it. At places like this, no one really knew him or his past, or anything about him really… he was free to be wild and do whatever he wanted. Things were a lot less complicated when he was doing this stuff.

The night was just cool enough to be comfortable with his attire. He was dressed in a pair of black jeans that had multiple rips through them, a regular black t-shirt that fitted tightly enough to showcase his lean and muscular frame while also showing his tattooed arms. A thick pair of black combat boots were also worn, giving his already tall frame a couple more inches. He had a nostril ring piercing along with his ears gauged but not to an extreme size, the jewellery also was in black, suiting his entire aesthetic.

He made his way outside for a moment, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. He knew it was a bad habit but in truth… he didn’t care enough not to do it. His entire life was one big bad habit.

He ran a hand through his hair, making sure it was kept in place in his slicked back undercut before he pulled a lighter from his pocket, he lit the cigarette as he approached the fire, standing over it, feeling the heat of the flames against his face as he took a drag from the cigarette and let out the smoke before looking over at one of the girls that was sitting there which he gave a soft smile, noticing her colourfully dyed hair.

"Enjoying your night?" He asked.


Billie was not born into an easy life. She was a trailer park girl growing up that moved more frequently than she remember since she was a little girl. Little did she know that was generally due to her Dad constantly relocating to evade the police. He was a marijuana grower by trade, and he made a great amount of money selling it to street dealers who did the foot work for him. That would all drastically change one night when her dad finally got busted, and after getting a lengthy sentencing based on how many plants were found and various other charges that were stacked to prison he went. She was about 6 when they took him, and she had not seen him since.

Her mother wasn't exactly that much better. She cared and looked out for Billie, but she also got caught up in her bi-polar disorder and chasing dick more than she chased a stable environment for her daughter. It was far too frequently that Billie would be taking care of herself by the age of 8 when her mother was either working her late night waitressing job or when her mom would get too drunk and high...passing out and leaving Billie to fend for herself. She was growing up fast....way too fast for her personality and brain to develop in the way it probably should have. To make matters worse, she was gorgeous, and the types of men her mother attracted were not always the greatest of people. Sure, her mom would meet a few decent guys that showed Billie how to take care of herself a little better, but those were far and few between and her mom's relationships never lasted. The good guys her mom met left an impression, but it was the bad ones that would overshadow and develop Billie's personality.

She lost her virginity to one of her moms boyfriends one late night when he was drunk and her mom was passed out, and it was definitely not a consensual thing. She was almost 11 when she was deflowered, her cries and squeals falling on deaf ears of her mom that was completely passed out in the next room. Billie cried herself to sleep that night, and it wouldn't be the last time she was violated. Her mom did find out rather quickly about what her then boyfriend did to her daughter, and he was promptly broken up with, but nothing else was done about it. The man just got away with it when her mom never reported anything and just told Billie to keep it to herself for fear of police getting involved in their life again.

It wouldn't be the last time though her mom would bring some lowlife home that would hang around for a while. On several more occasions Billie was violated once mommy was passed out again, and eventually Billie just started keeping her mouth shut about it. Subconsciously the sexual abuse, the physical abuse, the lack of supervision, the desperation for real attention and the inherited bi-polar disorder was shaping Billie into a confused messed up teenager. By 14 she had already had sex with a few men, all of them too old for her. It was during those years that one of her moms recent ex-boyfriends would come over to the trailer at night to watch porn with her...and have sex. This guy had a thing for cumshots, and with his young impressionable toy he found in his ex-girlfriends daughter, it wasn't too hard to train her into a facial taker and a cum swallower. Between the acts in porn and an older man's agenda to unload his balls on this 14 year old, it wasn't long before Billie just assumed it was part of the process when any other girl her age and older would find it disgusting. It was nasty at first, but she learned to tolerate it.

She was confused, already breaking mentally and needed help out of a hopeless situation. Things finally took a turn for the better, once her Aunt found out about a lot of the things that were going on, but much damage had already been done. Billie's aunt got her out of her moms house and moved her to another state, but so much damage had already been done. She was smoking pot to ease the pain she didn't even know she had, floating through life, getting tattoos, piercings....and still having sex with men that she shouldn't be, like her tattoo artist that was trading her free tattoos for pussy.


Billie was freshly 17 now, had no contact with either of her parents and as confused as a teen could be from her experiences growing up. One thing was certain though, she was hot, with an incredible body that most girls her age would kill to have. She did have a large set of breasts that were far more developed than practically all other girls her age along with it she had a killer ass, flat stomach, pretty face and a wicked attitude. She was certainly one of the tougher girls in school, but inside she was just a broken damaged little girl still. Billie didn't exactly fit in with any particular social group at school, which landed herself as being part of the outcasts and freaks. Nobody dared mess with her though, at least...not since she beat the hell out of Angela AND Tina (two of the head cheerleaders) after school one day for talking shit about her. That event was definitely the day she got instant respect around the school, the detention she got was minor in comparison. She was a D student at best, not because she was dumb, but she had such a hard time paying attention and retaining book knowledge. She was fairly street smart, but that didn't pass tests. She had been placed on medications multiple times and had multiple counselors, but she never took her meds and she stopped meeting with her "shrinks that were pointless" she liked to put it. Her aunt couldn't control her, and really didn't even know how to with Billie frequently sneaking off and going for rides with biker guys she would meet. The only thing her aunt was able to do was force a birth control implant on her, Billie couldn't be counted on taking medication, and with her tendencies to sneak out her aunt did what she could do to protect from an unplanned pregnancy. All in all, Billie didn't fully realize how messed up she really was


Saturday night, it was the typical night most high school hours parties were thrown and this weekend was no different. This was a particularly large party that attracted kids from nearly all social groups at school, and Billie was not one to miss a party very often. It was the weekend, so Billie and a few of her friends that were notably hotter "outcasts" got the text message a party was going down, making their way to the address that came into the house, mingled a bit and had a few drinks. While Billie's friends stayed inside, she took a break from the loud noises of party goers that tended to give her anxiety after a while and went outside towards the firepit that was lit in the backyard. Taking a seat by herself near the fire, she wore an extremely short black skirt that night, a red thong, matching small lace bra, a blue spaghetti strap tank top and heels. Her skirt hiked up as she crossed her legs and sat on cheap lawn chair that was set up, a skirt so short that if anybody was to look at the right angle there would be just a hint of red panties on display, despite her legs being crossed. Her tattooes were all mostly visible, along with her blue hair that was down.

Billie sat alone for at least 10 minutes, getting lost in the back of her mind where her past, present and future all swirled together in a confusing mess of thoughts. To her, her mind was blank, but her damaged messy subconscious was turning and doing flip flops. That's when she heard some guy address her, and ask her if she was enjoying her night. She glanced up, snapping out of her trance...when did this guy even get here? She had not even noticed anybody walk up.

Holy....shit.....this guy was HOT. Tattooes everywhere and with aura of bad boy to him, perfect for her. Billie's eyes focused on him and she smiled. "hey..." she said, still wondering where the hell he came from even though he walked up plainly towards here to light a cigarette.

"The nights pretty good, I mean...for a jock party..." she giggled a little, staring at the fire as it flickered before her, she looked back at this stud who was standing a few feet away and adjusted herself to face him a little more " got an extra cigarette on you?" she said with a mischievous smile on her as she scanned over this guy.


So this story is quite open in ways it can go but will focus on a messed up toxic couple, plenty of dark elements, abuse, cheating and others to explore. I'd also very much enjoy for Billie to encounter and hook up with other characters throughout this story.

Beth Wilson lay in bed, fingering the white gold band adorned by the modest but sparkling diamond that surrounded her ring finger as the dawn light played on its facets from the window. the bedroom was dim, and the sounds of the shower in the next room gave a pleasant wash of white noise. A white t-shirt and black bikini panties were her usual choice of nightwear, though in the sticky heat of summer, she could just as easily forgo either the panties or the shirt, or both.

It had been New Years Eve when Brian proposed, producing the ring as the ball dropped like some kind of romantic comedy. Beth remembered her shock and joy. They'd been dating for only nine months, and had only just met the previous January. So much had changed, and she could scarcely believe that the wedding was in less than four months. Was it too fast? She often asked herself that question, but Brian loved her...and she loved him, too.... but....

A few weeks after the engagement party, Brian had begun an intense partner track program at the marketing firm. The senior partners had taken a liking to him, and one of the partners was retiring soon, so if Brian was able to prove himself over the next year, he would be a shoo-in. It was unthinkable at his young age, only 29, but a partnership at the firm would mean financial security, and he wouldn't have to kill himself anymore pulling 60-70 hour weeks at the office, trying to impress. Beth looked around the modest bedroom of the two bedroom townhouse, briefly imagining the nice house in the hills they might have once he made it. the meantime, their relationship had changed a bit. Exhaustion and stress had taken a toll on Brian's sex drive, and sometimes they would go weeks without much more than a kiss or a brief, tame encounter, which usually devolved into a stress-relieving blowjob for him without much in return. Beth told herself it was just temporary. Once Brian made partner, things would go back to normal. They'd be married, starting a family and without a worry in the world.
Beth listened to the water and her thoughts drifted back to her childhood....

Beth's childhood started normally enough, but as is depressingly common, it didn't stay that way for long. Her mother and father divorced when she was seven, and she found out later about the cheating. Her mother got custody of Beth and her two siblings, and it was a yearly fight for child support from her deadbeat, unreliable father. A string of boyfriends did a varied job of filling that gap, but even the best ones never stuck around for long, as the divorce left her mother a bit bitter, and a drinker besides.
The sounds of Brian in the shower, and the images of his wet, naked form, caused her thought to drift back to her sexually formative years....

If Beth had to use one word to describe herself during and after hitting puberty, it would have to be "slutty."

Anytime, anywhere, and with any cock she could get her hands on, she had been insatiable in high school and college. Some people suggested the lack of a strong father figure was to blame, but Beth knew that was a cop-out. She had also fucked around on guys a few times, the crown jewel of which had been fucking her third college boyfriend's dad while visiting for the holidays. She blushed a little, remembering how she had bitten her tongue to keep from moaning so Jeremy wouldn't find out. But, her final tryst had led her to swear to herself that she would reform: the broken heart she had left in her wake had been sobering. And yet, she worried that she would always be a bit of a nympho....maybe getting a ring and a bouquet would help quiet her inner slut for life....she hoped it would. Brian didn't know the half of her sordid sexual past, but he had to have heard rumors.
As the sounds of the water in the other room seemed to indicate that Brian was finishing up, Beth lazily turned her head to look at the clock. 6:20 AM.


Nothing too much planned yet, but a tale of a cheating and infidelity once again.

Lucky for Lucy she had a special charm about her that lead to a wide opportunity of job openings. She wasn’t oblivious to the envy some girls might hold on her either. After all she was a curvy, petite, young woman blessed with beautiful, brown, wavy locks of love. Her emerald eyes could pierce the hearts of many men and woman if she chose to do so but that wasn’t the problem. No, looks weren’t an issue for her. It was her mood swings so to speak. Her tardiness and seeming lack of motivation in the workplace that she struggled with. She was smart but she made dumb decisions and last night was a dumb decision. It was a decision that may have gotten her laid off today.

Liam, Lucy’s roommate, also happened to be her rock. Her boyfriend of two years; The guy she ran to every time something went wrong. His emotional support was so valuable. She didn’t know how she would survive without him sometimes. Sure, they both were broke as fuck but at least he could hold a job. She didn’t understand why her boss assumed being hungover meant she wasn’t able to function in the work environment. Then again, she did tend to fall asleep at the desk and her only job was to answer phone calls/redirect calls. It was hard to balance life as a young adult. On occasion Lucy wanted to enjoy the night life with her girlfriends but she also needed to hold a job so she could afford life with Liam. Moving in with her mom or dad wasn’t really an option in her head either.

Lucy’s high-heeled boots felt heavier than usual today as she set home for her apartment. It was as if the rain pouring down on her held a higher gravitational force on her body. Then again four blocks of concrete in heels wasn't ideal and her ride was still working at the job she just let go of. Hmmm…come to think of it…maybe…it was her outfit today that got her in trouble? She was wearing a pencil skirt which seemed appropriate to her standards, but maybe she should have buttoned that extra top button so her cleavage wasn’t as apparent. Lucy had gotten fired once before over not following the dress code, but the things they told her to wear didn’t make any sense to her. Regardless, her current situation still pissed her off and she knew Liam wasn’t going to be to thrilled to hear her news either.

Ughhhh are you kidding me? Stress was rising inside Lucy like a fire ignited with gasoline. Of all the days for Angela to bug her…

“Lucy, where’s your rent? It’s now two months overdue!”

“What about Marshal’s Rent? Why are you picking on me?!”

“He paid yesterday…” Angela said, and of course this only made Lucy even more upset. Even Marshal, the sketchy old man who dealt drugs had it more together than her.

“Fine!” Lucy screamed louder than necessary pulling out the cash she just withdrew from her final work check. She knew she was still down $250 or so but…that was all she had right now. “Liam will get you the rest by the end of the week.” She mumbled, still not in the mood to deal with people. She was feeling attacked and the last thing she wanted was Angela breathing down her throat about rent.

“Okay well, make sure it happens. I need it Lucy.”

“Yeah yeah, I will. I will.” she said continuing her way up the creaking wooden staircase, not really paying any mind to what Angela was really saying to her. It was all just words with no meaning at this point because it went in one ear, and just as easily out the other.

“Hey,” Lucy said to Marshal, “your shave looks nice” she remarked. She had to stay nice to Marshal, not that he was necessarily hard to get along with. No, that usually wasn’t a problem for Lucy but because on occasion he would set her up with some recreational fun. Liam wasn’t a fan of it but sometimes….Lucy just needed it and she couldn’t control it.

“Bad day huh?” he said, obviously noting the scene she made downstairs. All the walls were thin. Door closed or not, most people in the eight room, two story, apartment complex would have heard her yell at Angela. “Let me know if ya need som’thn later” his thick accent was obvious but she still didn’t know where he came from. Judging by the assortment of tattoos over his shirtless body she figured it was from a gang he may have formerly been in. On that note, Lucy liked to keep their relationship minimal and for….business only. But overall, he was a good neighbor to have next door. She trusted him. Enough.

“Hah, yeah. It’s been a day.” she said finding her key to open the door. But before Lucy turned the handle she looked back at Marshal and whispered “M…maybe later.”

Entering the apartment complex Lucy immediately threw her purse into the corner of the living room and slammed the door behind her. “Liam…” she said feeling her eyes begin to water as she looked into the handsome features of his face. “They…laid me off! I…I didn’t do anything wrong, I swear! They just decided to hate me!” she said moving herself over to him, hugging him close. Needing him. “And then…Angela…she-“ Lucy was practically hyperventilating at this point with her chest pressed onto his abdomen still not letting him go. But mentioning Angela’s name quickly turned what was going to be tears back into anger “-Angela yelled at me and I gave her all the cash I had. I can’t win. They laid me off…and I ..I felt like I was doing better…” she said slowly falling to her knees in front of him.

Lucy was a mess and Liam knew it. But what he didn’t know was how she planned on fixing her issues for the night…

”When was the last time …?” Lucy paused, biting on her lower lip as she looked up at him from her knees. A smile traced her lips as her fingertips lingered their way up from his boot to his thigh, and then danced around his crotch. “ …I got laid?” she asked twisting the negative words thrown into her face this morning by her boss into a more dirty connotation.


Hey guys! I'm really open to where this rp could go! Thought it'd create this and leave it a bit open as I'm curious with what some people could offer in terms of avenues to take it.

Obviously it's a couple that is down on their luck and barely managing to scrap by while Lucy has some... Issues.


So I'm looking for this to be quite detailed and a more long term orientated story with a nice healthy mix of plot to also go with the smut.

I write in third person perspective and my usual post lengths can go from anywhere from 2 paragraphs to 10, just depends on what is happening at the story and all that.

I don't mind having some OOC chatter about things along with taking the time to chat and brainstorm so that we can come up with a great story that we both look forward to exploring.

Posting frequency varies, could be daily, multiple times a day to once every few days. Looking to write via PM's or use discord.

Anywho, that's pretty much it so feel free to hit me up.
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More prompts -

She was always the cool girl, different than usual. She's obviously attractive, curves in all the right places, but doesn't really flaunt it too much. She'd always gotten along great with the boys growing up, she just fit right in it seemed. It didn't hurt that she learned early on just how much guys love a good blowjob, and how much she loved giving them. It was an art for her, and she was a magnificent artist. Her reputation typically preceded her, which led to her having so many guy friends. She never really thought of it as them "using" her, but she was always "just a friend" or "like a sister" to them for some reason.
Then she met Grant. They had SO much in common. The liked the same movies, the same video games, the same comics. It was like they were made for each other. They were inseparable from the first time they met. Grant was one of the first guys that truly saw her for who she really was. He included her because he genuinely enjoyed her company. They had a great time wherever they went, whatever they did. The way they looked at each other was magical. It wasn't a least bit surprising to Grant to find she had so many guy friends, well, basically ALL guy friends, "she's just such a cool girl!" He would say.
It was almost romantic how her tongue slid up and down the shaft as she looked up from her knees. Her lips already glistening it seemed from the precum as they parted and she took the head into her mouth slowly and suckled it, teasing it with her tongue. It wasn't long before she slid it in slowly, her saliva mixing with the precum lubing it up to make the bend in the back of her throat. His hands reaching down for her head as his cock presses against the back of her throat, letting out a low but quiet grunt as he pushes her head further down, forcing his cock to make the bend into her throat "huhhhhhh". He slid it further and further in until her forehead was into his abs and held it there for a moment taking a few generous strokes of her throat before pulling back and letting her catch her breath. It wasn't long before her head was bobbing rhythmically and his cock was was plunging in and out of her throat, the wet plunging sounds getting louder as her head bobbed up and down and his cock began to swell, and his balls began to tighten.
A knock comes at the door startling them a bit, but her head still moving seamlessly. "Hey... Sweety? Are you guys ok in there? The guys were wondering how long you were going to be talking to Marcus... I think they are ready to start the movie." She rolls her eyes a bit before pulling off his dick, a bit breathlessly "We're almost done Grant, just give us a few minutes ok?"

I did just see the film Red Rocket and the general premise has me intrigued to do a RP on it. The idea is a former male porn star that's older and has had a few issues and is a big narcissist and dick returns home to his old town. He reconnects with his ex wife potentially and gets some money mainly by selling drugs to get by and then meets a young woman who he sees as being his ticket back into porn.

They start up a relationship of sorts and he's thinking of all the ways she would make a great porn star

It can deal with the girl exploring and learning things. I think she's a bit more on the eager side of things, she's sexually active and keen to try things and also get out of town and into porn after a little convincing or suggestion. She's intrigued and willing to try, if in over her head. The man is a sort of manpulative guide. I imagine it's more about his career (maybe he essentially becomes her manager, trying to ride her career to success) and a deviant pleasure of corrupting her.

I'm imagining he's a bit ambitious. Maybe it starts as thinking he can get some sweet young thing, he hasn't been able to do that for a while, and then he starts thinking--or she starts showing interest once she knows what he did before.

I like the initial scenes of her cheating with this older guy, behind her BF's back, her parents' back. And then him 'teaching' her to fuck on camera, bringing her eventually to meet other guys in the industry. Her seeing the bright side of it, money and parties and wild life. And then introducing her to various genre of films--fucking other guys who aren't necessarily like this guy. Gangbanged or whatever genres appeal. Maybe getting involved with drugs if we want. Fucking around on the side in this casual sex world. Pushing her into wilder videos.

I'm thinking Billie hasn't had an easily life. Her mother has mental health and drug issues, different guys around a lot.

It's a small town that hasn't got much going for it so she's certainly looking to get out now that she's a young woman and finished school.

Then there's a lot to play out moving to California and getting into the industry

Riley Reid settled back in the chair and let out a slow breath, whoever thought this kind of work was easy had, obviously, never done it. With the towel that she had picked up on her way out, she patted her face and neck to remove the perspiration that she had produced from the effort of the job and with a little more care, worked the towel up her lightly bronzed legs before she patted her neck again. The break would be short, but like everyone else there, the breaks were welcome. She sipped from the bottle of water and pulled her cell phone out of a pocket and sighed as she tapped away.

Hi Lover, Work going into overtime with the deadline. Gonna be late for dinner, 8:00 ok, or reschedule?

Hugs and deep kisses,

She hated to spoil yet another dinner, she wanted to see Liam and feel his arms about her tonight. They hadn't had nearly enough time and the job was almost always the cause. Still, he was the steadiest boyfriend that she had ever had and he was dear to her in so many ways. After 4 months together, she was the happiest that she had ever been aside from the fact that work held her by the short and curliest, she would happily spend every evening cuddled up on the couch and watch some silly movie, or have him read to her in his rich voice.

"Ok Everyone, break's over!" The director said and Riley Reid sighed and rose from her director's chair and slipped the robe off of her naked form and padded back out onto the set. "Where do we start?" she asked as she accepted the old woman that stepped up and sprayed water over her bare skin so that the splices would look right.

"Let's resume where we left off, a few seconds of pretape to get a good splice. That ok Riley?"

The Petite woman shrugged, her brunette locks moving enticingly with the motion, "Doesn't matter to me, but how about we don't try to punch my stomach, ok?"

"Sure Babe, no problem."

Riley Reid slipped back up onto the ruffled bed and waited for the camera's to get the right angle again, a young woman slipped up behind her with a bottle of baby oil… it didn't show as much, and started pushing two fingers into Riley's ass, "Hey, not so rough, ok? I have a date tonight and I would like to be able to sit down."

"Sorry Riley." The girl squeaked and was more gentle as she lubricated the starlet's backdoor and slowly worked another finger in. "How's that?"

"Fine, where Hugo?" she looked around, "Ah, there you are." A soft slap on her ass and she felt his cock slip into her ass with little effort. "Ahhhh… damn you're big Baby."

"And…. Action!"

Riley hoped that she would never have to tell Liam what she really did for work and that he would keep on believing that she was an actress for commercial and bit parts in on location shoots.

So this plot can go in a lot of different directions but I would like to focus on the troubles and ups and downs of dating a pornstar.

Also since I am a fan of darker themes and drama I certainly can see cheating being a big theme which is always a favourite of mine.

Steve sat back in his gaming chair, his left hand wrapped around the shaft of his cock while his right used the mouse, clicking and scrolling while he idly stroked. The light of the computer screen lit up his teenage face in pale blue, the only light of the room. It was 2AM, and while he should be in bed getting some sleep for school the next day, he was instead in the middle of yet another porn browse, looking for just the right thing to blow his load to.

The 18 year old kid clicked and browsed, watching a few seconds of a video at a time. Beautiful girls passed by his half-conscious attention, a constant stream of x-rated content. Blonde, brunette, redhead, asian, black... on their knees, bent over, bouncing perky tits while they rode, double penetration... He paused for a moment watching two beautiful women making out while stroking a huge dick that spewed cum all over their faces to their loud moans. "Give it to me, give it to me!" "Oh fuck, yeah, stretch me out!" played through his headphones.

He was still a virgin at 18, and probably a porn addict too although he never would have said that about himself. He'd had crushes on plenty of people, even asked a few girls out, sometimes even gotten to go on a date. But never anything more than that. With his senior year of high school flitting away he was desperately hoping to get lucky soon, to finally lose his v-card, to see if it was really that good to blow his load all over a pretty girl's face or tits or deep in her pussy.

Then he clicked on a video and it started playing. It looked pretty old, the quality wasn't that great. A beautiful woman was in an office, talking to some guy. The story barely mattered, something about wanting a promotion and being willing to do anything to get it. He was about to click away, but there was something strange about that video... something catching at his attention. The man pressed the girl up against his desk and grabbed her tits as they tried to spill out of her low-cut shirt. She moaned, arching her back, and the camera showed an angle of the pornstar looking up at the camera with big, bright blue eyes, her lips curling in a smile.

And Steve almost came right then and there as he stared at the screen, astonished. He knew that face, that smile, those tits. That was his high school English teacher, Mrs. Ivy.

It wasn't uncommon for Madison Ivy to feature in his fantasies. She was always conservatively dressed, but there was no amount of clothing that could hide those big tits, that lovely petite frame. Half the guys in English class had probably popped boners looking at her, imagining getting under those clothes. Now here she was, and he gaped as the man tore her shirt open and her huge breasts popped out. He watched in utter fascination as she slid down to her knees and pulled out an absolutely massive cock from the man's trousers, then started worshipping it, lavishing it with kisses and licks before taking it into her mouth, bobbing up and down with those beautiful blue eyes staring up at the camera with pure smoky lust.

He couldn't take it. Especially when she took that big cock between her massive tits and started stroking, looking up at the camera. "Do you like how your big hard cock feels between my huge titties?" She asked, innocently, letting drool fall onto the lewd cockhead pushing up at her pretty face. He exploded, cum spraying onto his hands, his boxers, his desk. He groaned, frustrated and yet relieved, his mind still whirling.

Steve immediately opened an email, about to send the link to his friends. Nobody would believe him unless they saw it, and they deserved to know too. Except... his fingers froze on the keyboard, and he stared into space. Nobody would believe that their English teacher was a pornstar. And maybe she wanted to keep it that way. He wondered just how much it was worth... A cruel smile spread across his lips.

Madison was getting ready early in the morning, sitting down with a cup of coffee. Her husband was still asleep, snoring away in the other room. He didn't have to get up ridiculously early, being a tech worker instead of a teacher, but she didn't resent him for that. In a way she enjoyed this quiet time. She sipped the hot coffee and opened her laptop to scroll through her work emails. Mostly the usual bullshit, teachers arranging meetings and seminars, the occasional question from students. Then one of them gave her pause. The name was unfamiliar, and she was certain it wasn't one of her students. And the subject line was "Old History". She wasn't a history teacher... maybe it went to the wrong teacher? She double clicked it… And dropped her coffee, which spilled on the table.

Dear Mrs Ivy. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the local high school English teacher used to be a pornstar! Looks like you retired, what, fifteen years ago? I'm sure you thought - or hoped - everyone forgot, but the Internet never completely forgets.

Quite a delicious backlog of videos I get to watch. But as I stroke my cock to "Teenage Whores Drinking Cum" I have to wonder - Are you still this big of a whore? Or have you left it all behind to be a 'good wife' and 'boring teacher'? I wonder what would happen if your students found out about your old life. Or your fellow teachers for that matter. Or your supervisor. Does your husband know?

I'm sure you can see where this is going. I look forward to hearing from you

There was no signature. But there were a bunch of pictures taken from videos. Pictures that happened so long ago that it felt like a different life. Her, almost twenty years younger, body slimmer, but unmistakably her. Stripping out of a slutty dress, spreading her legs in a tiny thong, and just one picture of her with cum frosting her breasts and face. Her heart was pounding, her head reeling.

This was a taunt. A threat. If she were smart she wouldn't respond, would instead call the police. But the thought of this information getting out made her stomach clench and her heart race. She clicked the email, thinking of deleting it, of reporting it… but opened a response instead.

What do you want from me? I can pay money. Just please… don't share those pictures. She didn't have much income, being a teacher, but she had some, and her husband was paid a lot better. She could find a way to get the money from him instead. They had shared accounts and those sorts of things. After all, they'd been married fifteen years. She just… couldn't let him find out.

Obviously this leads into blackmail and cheating. Steve is going to take full advantage of this and use her to live out all sorts of fucked up fantasies. I'm thinking things like dirty pictures and sexy outfits leading into her being his fucktoy, to sharing her around with his nerdy buddies.

Could also include things like him having a voyeur fetish that borders on cucking, after watching so much porn he wants to see her getting gangbanged and fucked by huge cocks, etc. He wants to see her fucking another woman so she seduces another student or teacher.

Meanwhile she is slowly going from conservative teacher and good wife in a relaxed, not-very-sexy relationship to a wild slut, maybe even getting back into porn or onlyfans. Which could lead to others discovering her secret, like other students, parents, supervisors, etc. Her life is being ruined but shes finding herself enjoying it.

Very similar idea but a bit of a twist on it

Instead of it being a teacher, it could be a hot cheating stepmom. I could see it where she's a gold digger marrying our main character's dad because he's rich - maybe some tech genius or financial/banker type, rather than an actor. Then it's just a matter of figuring out what kind of story we'd want to tell.

- Son is young, handsome, charming, and therefore she's attracted to him because he's like a better version of his dad. The first time they spend extended time around each other, maybe on a vacation where dad is still working, and she decides to seduce him. Or maybe it's mutual, or she's a little hesitant at first. Maybe this is the start of her cheating and cucking Dad, but once Son heads back to college she can't go back to being 'loyal'. And Son encourages her to keep being a slut.

- Son is an awkward loner type, porn-addicted. In that case Megan is pretty much loyal to Dad, but he finds some blackmail on her. Maybe she's taking advantage of the money, or was a pornstar before meeting his dad, or maybe she fucks Dad's boss so he gets a promotion and therefore more money and he finds out. Then he turns her into his fucktoy, shares her with friends, etc. And she ends up loving the experience and being a whore. Basically the teacher storyline I wrote out.

- Focus could just be on Megan and her cheating, rather than a relationship with the stepson - could even cut him entirely.

Other elements we could include:
- Husband's boss
- Husband's friends
- Husband ends up being an aware cuck rather than a clueless one
- Son could end up being a cuck instead.

The dwarven merchant gurgled once as the sharp knife slit his throat, red blood gushing over his white nightshirt. His eyes barely had time to open before his life faded away. Ivy withdrew the dagger and wiped it on his sheets before slipping it back into a sheath on her thigh. The elven assassin's cool blue eyes had already moved on, ignoring his final moments. It was hardly the first time she had seen death.

She lifted a chain from around the dwarf's neck, severed by the same blow that had ended his life, and picked her way across the rented tavern room's floor. In the room illuminated only by moonlight, her eyes were keen and sure. She found the merchant's chest and lifted the contents out one at a time, setting them aside carefully. Rich clothes. Books. Bottles of expensive liquor. Several large bags of gold and gems. She set those aside. Her master would want those regardless. No matter how rich he was, he always seemed to crave more.

When the chest seemed empty, her delicate hands moved over the bottom, searching. She found the tiny gap, and slid the key on the bloody chain into it. She paused, her instincts humming with warning, and picked up one of the merchant's books. She placed it between her hand and the back of the chest, then twisted the key. Three tiny thunks echoed in the chest, and she lifted the book away, revealing three needles embedded in the leather. She drew one out and sniffed it. Starving Nettle. A cruel poison. The dwarf had wanted his privacy. A small smile graced her lush lips, but that smile faded as she lifted the false bottom of the chest.

The small hollow had a black leather ledger… and nothing else. None of the official documents that were supposed to be here. The main reason she had been sent. She studied the empty bottom of the chest, and picked up the ledger.

Her master would be angry. But Adrik Durthane was dead, and hopefully that news, plus the gold and jewels she brought back, would be enough to appease him. Ivy carefully reset the false bottom and put everything else back in the chest, just as it was. The key and chain went back around Durthane's neck and she gently wiped the droplets of blood from her fingers before putting his bags of treasure in her backpack. Dark leather moved soundlessly as she slipped out of the window, leaving the room to be found by maids in the morning.

The city of Wildegate was all but asleep as she made her way across the rooftops, lit only by moonlight, a shadow in the darkness, making her way back to her Master's tower.

Ivy touched her palm against one of the small side doors of her master's dark tower, and the door opened for her automatically. She slipped inside and it sealed shut once again with a click, leaving her in a well-lit stone corridor. She made her way hurriedly, heels clicking softly on the stone, and found one of the kobold servants.

"Where is the master?" She asked, voice demanding. The kobold stopped in his cleaning, giving her a cautious eye. Her position in the hierarchy of the tower was complicated. On one hand, she was one of Master Rizaan's personal assistants, one he trusted and sent to do some of his worst tasks. She was to be obeyed, even feared.

On the other hand, she was a slave. She didn't know her own name. Master Rizaan named her Ivy. He had owned her as long as she could remember, had trained her, sharpened her into the perfect weapon. And changed her body into the perfect toy. The heartstopping curves of her chest, the perfect thinness of her waist. Even her face had been altered by his magic. She didn't remember what she used to look like.

And the kobold servants had seen her in all manner of compromising positions, serving at her master's every dark whim and desire. The servant took her in, yellow eyes lingering on her chest for a moment, straining against the black leather. "He's in the chamber of summoning, mistress," he finally said grudgingly.

Ivy swept past him and up the spiraling staircase, finally entering one of the larger halls. She knew every room in this tower, and moved with confident familiarity. She found the wooden door and knocked softly. When she heard her master's voice, she slipped in and closed the door behind her. The summoning room had bookshelves along the walls, loaded with ancient tomes, spell components, and artifacts. A plinth stood before a summoning circle, set into the stone in intricate bands of silver, iron, bronze, and gold. And her master was there, standing at the plinth, concluding a ritual. The smell of sulfur filled the air.

The elven assassin dropped immediately to her knees on the stone and bowed her head. As always, her heart raced with a mixture of fear and love for her master. Love and desire for his pleasure and rewards. Fear for his anger and his punishments. She knelt, panting softly, trying not to tremble. Waiting obediently to be addressed.

Rizaan, Archmage of the Circle of Nine, Ruler of the Obsidian Tower, stood at his plinth, concluding his summoning ritual. His eyes barely flicked to the beautiful elven slave that knelt awaiting him. She had returned swifter than he had expected, although that was no surprise. Ivy was his favorite servant. Capable of great violence or great subtlety, but only at his wish. Obedient, submissive, and utterly without flaw. Many years of training - both magical and physical - had left her perfect.

The blue dragonborn concluded his ritual and closed the leatherbound book with a snap. He gestured, and the book flew back to its place in the bookshelf, sitting itself in perfectly, then folded his scaled hands behind his back. His tail swished as he stepped carefully around the summoning circle - even with the spell having been ended, Rizaan was always precise and careful - and made his way to where his servant knelt, standing - looming - over her.

"My Shadow," he murmured, his voice deep and resonant. "You may speak. Tell me how your mission fared."

So a youn Elf, been captured and used as a slave by someone for quite some time. Has such skills as spy, assassin, femme fatale.

She has escaped his grasp but he can still have some magical hold over her if/when they meet again properly.

So half a revenge tale and half her exploring and living a new, free life.

Basically looking for an adventure and smutty tale in a fantasy world. Very open ended.

No one liked sitting near the teachers at lunch—no one except Isaac that is. Normally he would sit by his friends, but senior year was especially unlucky for him and none of them were in the same lunch block he was. His choice of seating afforded him an island free of immediate distraction. Here, he fed his mind as well as the body. Book propped open in front of him, his eyes never stopped moving as He worked to absorb the information inside it while numbly picking at the mediocre food on the tray.

Every day was practically a carbon copy of the one before. It would continue like that for some time considering how much of Isaac's life was already planned for him. The constant studying would pay dividends later on. His dad had connections that would get him into a nearby prestigious college. A well-paying job awaited him after as he would simply start working in the company he started. Theyalready had an agreement about it. He would start at the ground and work his way up—abilities willing. There wasn't an elevator ride to the top waiting, but he wasn't worried. Doors were already open. He only needed to walk through them and eventually he would take over. His brother certainly didn't want it, content with his own path.

His days may have been entirely predictable and even a bit lonely but none of it mattered. Monotony was a small price to pay for stability and peace. Every day was relatively stress-free and he loved it. Too bad life was never that easy. No matter how straightforward the path stretches out in front of you, there are always twists and turns you never see coming.

The sound of a tray hitting the table in front of Isaac broke his bubble. Around him, the noise of conversation washed away my concentration. Blinking, he looked up from the government textbook he was reading through to find a raven-haired beauty settling in across from him. Not only was the interruption unbalancing him, but he recognized the person who did it. Emma Wright wasn't the type of girl whose social circles put them in the same places. Normally she sat with her large group of friends at the far side of the cafeteria. It made no sense why she was here alone. Even if there was some sort of argument or drama going on, she had a dozen other acquaintances she could sit with. Moreover, it seemed like she was looking expressly at Isaac like she had sought him out specifically.

"Isaac, right?"

Silence was his response as his mind was slow to remember how to speak. It had nothing to do with any social anxiety, but more from the intense concentration he had been giving the studies. He needed a moment to shift gears.

Her eyebrow quirked at the long silence. Isaac cleared his throat and nodded. "Yeah."

She flashed him a dazzling smile. He could understand why she was so popular. Depending on who you asked, she was one of the hottest girls in school. Usually top ten. Then again, his dataset was somewhat limited. Isaacs handful of friends weren't exactly the definitive voice of the school and he didn't speak much to people outside of that small group.

"Rumor has it you were the only one to get a perfect score on Mr. Adams' physics test."

"I did get a perfect score, but I doubt I was the only one."

"You sit here all by yourself?" The swerve in conversation took me by surprise.

"It's easier to study."

"What about friends?"

"They are in the other periods."

"That sucks."

Isaac shrugged and said nothing more. It was still an enigma why she was here and not with her friends. He was already on guard in case this was some kind of elaborate prank. There were a few people who liked to throw their weight around and 'have some fun' with some less fortunate people. The bullying wasn't too severe at this school, but it wasn't something he'd enjoy one bit. He managed to get this far without attracting any attention and this whole situation was putting him on the radar. Emma was the type of girl who had eyes following her no matter where she was.

The rumors did too. Even Isaac, with barely any social interaction outside my friends, had heard the whispers about how she was an absolute slut. Rumors varied from something as benign as having an above-average amount of sexual partners to wild, and often unbelievable, stories involving gangbangs, trains, and orgies.

"I'm guessing you're curious why I'm here."

"The thought did cross my mind."

"You are pretty good at studying, right?"

"Is a fish good at swimming?"

"What?" She had a clueless expression on her face. Not in the sense that she didn't understand what he said, but stupefied that he had said it.

Isaac waved his hand for her to forget what he said. "I suppose."

"Well, I was hoping to find a study buddy to help me out."

Frowning, he glanced around. It seemed like she was serious and he couldn't see anyone overtly watching them. "Are you in danger of failing or something?"

She gave a light laugh that made him uncomfortable. It made him realize how lacking his interaction with the opposite sex was. "Hardly. I'm a solid B student."

"And why do you need help studying?"

Her head tilted slightly. "Is there anything wrong with wanting to boost my grades up a bit?"

That was certainly something they could both agree on. "Not at all. I'm surprised you are asking me and not one of your friends."

"Ah," she said with a nod. "Yeah, I've tried. The problem with studying with friends is how easy it is to get distracted. I don't know anyone who takes studying as seriously as you do, so I'm hoping some of that study power rubs off on me."

"I don't think it works that way."

She laughed again. "I know, but I figure if I want to improve my grades, I should go with the master of academics himself. I hear you are top of the class or something."

Uncomfortable with the praise, Isaac scratched at his cheek. "So what are you proposing?"

"How often do you study after school?"

"Every day."

A chuckle as she shook her head. "I should have seen that coming. Okay, so maybe we can meet a few times after school to go over things?"

He took a moment to mentally step back and look over the situation. Emma seemed noble in her purpose. He was still unsure why she was asking him, but it wouldn't be too disruptive to his routine. Actually, it might be helpful. He heard that the process of teaching someone helped garner a deeper understanding of the material as well.

He nodded. "If you want."

"Great!" she said with another big smile. It was a little alarming how his body reacted to something as simple as a smile. "Here, I'll add you on Snap."

"I don't have that." She seemed surprised at that. He could see why people were interested in social media, but wasn't one to join in. The closest thing he had was Discord which his friends and him used to share all sorts of memes and information with each other.

She named a few other social media apps and he found himself shaking his head to each one. "Okay, just a phone number then."

He said nothing as they exchanged numbers. His phone buzzed as a message popped up. Opening it, he read that she was looking forward to studying with him. Saying our goodbyes, she collected her lunch and walked off.

As Isaac tried to get his mindset back into studying, he didn't think too much of his new relationship with Emma. He figured she'd show up a few times at the library before getting bored and drifting back out of his life. That's how it usually worked with the popular kids anyways, and he expected Emma to be no different.


This can go a lot of different ways but I think a lead female character that will delve into a lot of things and have a variety of males around with main focus on the poor nerd.

I think she could mess around with a lot of her friend group and even his.

Motivations can vary as I think she's still going to be getting dick from whatever guy she wants and fucked far better than Isaac and his friends could probably do.

I think she'll enjoy toying and teasing him, plus the benefits of him teaching her and doing some of her work

I think she'll be a bit messed up and devious, enjoying being a slut while also enjoying the games she plays with Isaac.

And I think a big part early on would them be texting, her giving him rewards for helping her study, with homework, etc.

It would be images that keep ramping up in scale, her hot pics while clothes, to nudes, to her doing sexual things with guys.

I think it can be a pretty messed up story. They both enjoy each other's friendship but she also enjoys how much he will develop and care about her along with enjoying that she can be a slut.

While he will be the same and perhaps finds out he has a kink of seeing her get fucked by other guys…. After awhile since it would make for some fun drama for him to be jealous for a while

Creating a Hot Wife or Cheating Whore?

Megan glanced at her husband in the mirror of the dressing table and chewed her lower lip before she applied the red lipstick to her full lips. At 28, she still got second looks from men on the street; but she had never entertained a single thought about cheating on her husband of 7years, Will; nor the 2years that they had dated in college. He was, to put it simply, the love of her life and she knew that he felt the same for her. Which had made it even more difficult to tell him that the last 2 years had not been as fulfilling for her as it once had; that she had been faking it for so long to save his feelings. All in all, he had taken it fairly well, she thought; but it had still not been a pleasant conversation for either of them.

She rose from the little table and smiled up at him as she turned to face him. "How do I look?" she asked self consciously

Will gave her a little wolf whistle and clapped his hands teasingly, "Like a million bucks, Sweetheart." He paused and met her eyes, "Are you sure that you want to go through with this? It's not too late to back out." He offered in a softer tone. True, they had tried everything else that they could think of and had even seen a therapist, but nothing had worked. In desperation, he had suggested this and for months, she had refused the very idea; but if they didn't do something, he would lose her and their marriage.

That evening nearly 5 months earlier still haunted him. The evening that he and Megan had sat down at the kitchen table and she had finally told him what was wrong, what had put such a strain on their relationship.

"Will…" Megan had started out hesitantly and glanced down at her hands in her lap, "I can't keep doing this… can't keep making a lie out of what we have and I know this is going to hurt you… but I have to say it anyway." She had looked pleadingly up into his eyes, took a deep breath and as if it were a bandage best ripped off suddenly, she spoke as quickly as she could, "When we make love" her eyes dropped in shame, "-I can't climax. anymore.

The tears began to flow down her cheeks as she confessed the secret that was tearing her, and them apart, "I haven't been able to for months…"

She had continued to speak through his shock, his shame at not giving her something she deserved simply as his lover, his true love.

She loved him, loved making love with him, but she had to do something for herself before she lost him to the increasingly common arguments and fights that had become more common the longer they were together. Will had immediately agreed that they needed to find a solution.

The first step had been to try to add spice to their lovemaking and while she could climax from his fingers, or his tongue, they weren't the same as when he was inside of her and it was little better than her own fingers after he had rolled over and gone to sleep. Finally, they had quietly sought out a marriage counselor. Even after weeks of counseling and trying everything she could think of, they were faced with what was about to happen that night as the last resort option. Will hadn't been thrilled, but had made his decision to bring someone else into their bed.

Megan shook her head slowly, "The doctor thinks this may work and I don't know what else to do, Will… if this doesn't work, I-I…" she couldn't continue and merely shook her head. "When is Dan supposed to arrive?"

At that moment, the doorbell rang and Will chuckled, "Any second now."

With obvious reluctance, he walked down the stairs to greet and let their visitor in. Dan was a younger, good looking and fit man who had been eyeing Megan since they had moved in 4 years before… and the man that they had chosen to bring into their bed in the hope that a threesome might spark things enough to help resolve their problem. "Hi Dan, come in, Megan will be down in a minute."

Dan grinned and nearly bounced on the balls of his feet as he strolled in and glanced up the stairs for a brief moment before he turned his attention to Will, "You sure you want to watch me fu-have sex with Megan, Will? I mean, I'm not turning down that ass, but, well, you know…" he winked as she appeared in the black nightie she had selected for the occasion.

"Hi Dan, come on up…We'll try to keep things casual, ok?" She was as nervous as Will, even more so because she hadn't wanted this; she had fought against it for weeks before she had finally given into the inevitable and another week as they thought of, and dismissed names. Neither of them had wanted anyone that they had any emotional link to, nor anyone in their immediate social circle. Dan had been the only one that fit the list of requirements and Will had approached him the next day.

Three hours later, Will sat in the kitchen, a glass of whiskey before him as he heard Megan scream again from upstairs. The threesome had lasted all of 10 minutes before she had seemingly totally forgotten that he was in the room; Will wasn't even sure if she realized that he had left to listen to her shout obscenities, scream and yell out "Yes! God Yes!" at least half a dozen times, the last one, just a couple of minutes before, had been "Oh God!yes Fuck my ass!" It hadn't helped Will's sense of masculinity that Dan had turned out to be bigger than he was and she had, apparently, let him do something she had refused Will for all the years that they had been together; her ass.

Twenty minutes later, dan came ddown, whistling and without a second look, left. Not long afterward, Megan called for him in a dazed tone and he had climbed up the stairs. His wife was naked, slumped on her crossed forearms; her bare ass upturned with red palm prints decorating her cheeks. "I'm sorry Honey." She said breathlessly, "I feel horrible about forgetting about you." But, it had been the next thing that she had said that truly stunned him... "I want to try it again."

True, he had gotten an erection at seeing her, his loving wife, taken by another man, but could he stand to do this again?

Well, we can't all be like you Madison." The pudgy, bespectacled blonde said. She looked at her coworker with a small distaste in her tone.

"What do you mean?" Madison replied, moving the blonde bangs from her face. "I just took the big party that was given to me, Alyssa." She gestured towards the outdoor patio, in the direction of a large group of business suits.

"Ugh, yeah…" Alyssa looked at Madison's bust, "I bet those big parties have always been given to you." She rolled her eyes but Madison didn't see.

"Um, okay." Madison replied. "Thank god they came in. It's been so freaking slow today." She unbuttoned her top blouse button and it seemed to cause the rest of the servers (and customers) to stop and process the cleavage. "I'm actually going to have to work." She walked toward the table of suits.

Alyssa peered at her as she sauntered away. "It's not fair." She gazed on Madison's tight maroon skirt as it clinged on as a second skin. "I bet her tip is going to be ridiculous." She looked at her male coworker who was clearly spaced out in the same gaze.

Whispers at the table died down as the white haired men saw the approach of their waitress. One bearded man gently elbowed his peer for attention and causally dropped his spoon. "Oh dear, how clumsy of me." He must have been in his late 60s. He glanced at his younger counterpart for a moment and then at Madison. "Miss, would you mind getting that?" He pointed to the spoon.

"Oh certainly sir!" Madison crouched to the ground as elegantly as possible, conscious of the tightness in her skirt. But all eyes were down her blouse, the old man eyes were lit with joy upon seeing the outline of her bra. He gestured with his eyes to his colleagues to feast upon the sight. "Here we go." Madison retrieved the spoon. "I will get you another one." She turned to the group, "Are we ready to order?" The men all took turns reading from the menu.

The final order was to come from the youngest man at the table. Youngest being an understatement, as you could see the salt and pepper in his hair. While the others wore ties and jackets, he had gone unbuttoned and casual. Madison gathered herself for a moment while attempting to form the words to ask him what he'd like. When his eyes left the menu and met her's, there was a silence…


Now this story is one of a good digger setting her sights on a man that she thinks she will be able to seduce. Maybe her job really isn't affording the lifestyle she wants so badly.

I'm happy to discuss what age the man she seduces is. I am also thinking that even though they get together they she won't remain loyal to him sexually and will cheat around. Perhaps wirh his son, co workers, etc.

This can have a different starter and go in different directions.

Just Let My Boss Fuck You This One Time? Nothing Could Go Wrong…. Right??

Madison couldn't help but blush at the proposal. She knew she looked good but not THAT good. It was so brazen it turned her on just a little. Her husband was up for a big promotion - or at least one of the candidates - and his boss was coming over for dinner. The promotion really hinged on Dinner and getting to know him more. Her husband had requested her to wear one of her form hugging dresses and even despite his anxiety, she knew it was one of his favorites and he was sure to ravish her after his boss left. It turned her on just a bit knowing she'd have some toe-curling sex tonight.

She hadn't expected to find her husbands Boss to be a handsome older man who oozed confidence. She had certainly not expected the lingering touch after they hugged or the proposal that slipped from his lips moments later. Her husbands boss wanted to fuck Madison! They had a few minutes to converse about it together and her husband was clearly shocked, shamed, and completely lost. But it was clear the promotion he had been working so hard towards hinged on their decision.

Madison had never cheated before but she found herself leading her husbands boss up to her marital bedroom. She wasn't sure what to expect and was quite nervous herself, but by the time he left she knew she wanted more from him. She even gave him her direct phone number. Of course, she told her husband it was average at best and he was better but she couldn't tell him the truth. 'Girls Night Out' gave her a perfect excuse to meet her husbands Boss in a hotel room for a few hours and soon she was his, in every way but marriage.

How long can she keep the lie up in front of her husband? Or does he have a growing idea? And her natural submissiveness...will she abide by her new 'master' when he decides to take her in front of her husband?

Can I Borrow Your Wife?

Dean admired his wife Billie as she slipped into her comfy pyjamas. He often wondered how he had ended up with such an attractive woman. He wasn't bad looking in fact many would have called him handsome. At 27 he was tall and trim from regular running, with mousy brown hair and a bright friendly face that put people at ease. The reason he was so surprised that a beautiful woman like Billie had married him was that he'd never been much good with women in the past. His problem was he was always so enamoured of them that he could never play it cool. He was so excited by beautiful women that he got flustered when trying to be anything more than their friend.

He had had a semi serious girlfriend and even a very drunk one night stand before he met Billie in his third year of Uni. They met through a mutual friend and really clicked. She had been with someone else when they met. Dean theorised that this was why he got on with her so easily as he didn't see a relationship happening so he hung out with her as a friend and never felt the pressure of having to come on to her.

Her relationship didn't last and one fateful night they hooked up at a house party. Billie had decided that she was going to have him that night and came on to him so aggressively that he didn't have a chance to get jittery before they were already doing it. That was it. From then on they hung out and fucked and come the end of Uni he got a flat and she moved in while she finished her final year.

Living together was a breeze and it was without hesitation that he proposed and she accepted with tears in her eyes. She had never expected to be a young bride but equally she always thought she was going to end up with jerks like the guys she had always been with before. She couldn't imagine finding a man who she loved spending time with as much as Dean.

Billie was 25 and had long straight blonde hair that had darkened as he became an adult from the bright blonde of her childhood but she had highlights in that kept it looking bright. She was on the shorter side of average height and very slim. As a kid she had always looked like a pencil but she'd been a bit of a tomboy and had given neighbourhood boys back as good as they gave. Now as an adult she had a model's physique with B cup breasts that looked large on her frame. Her legs were long and slender and her thighs had a little gap in between even when her knees were touching and a pert behind that guys always called cute.

Despite her figure she was healthy and ate well but that energy she had had as a kid had continued into her adult years. She loved to run with Dean but also hit the gym regularly and swam at least once per week. Back at Uni she had been a club monster and was out dancing two or three times per week. She had also burned a lot of her energy at that time with sex.

Billie was the opposite of Dean in that regard. Her tomboy personality had led her to get on well with boys and she quickly found that boys were attracted to girls who could play along with their games. Mixed with her natural good looks she found that she was never short of male attention and from the point of losing her virginity she had enjoyed sex but she avoided relationships. They got in the way and jealousy was such a pain to deal with so she kept it casual.

That was until she met Dean. She had just broken away from a guy who was trying to get clingy and needed a new cock to help her forget him. She had been getting on with Dean and when the opportunity arose to bed him she jumped on it. She'd seen him try to chat up girls and he was hopeless so she took the initiative.

The following morning they hung out and did it again. The sex was nice. Not mind blowing but good. It wasn't the sex though, she just felt comfortable with him in a way she had never felt before. For once she was just as interested in just being with him than partying.

After a year together he asked her to move in after he got a job and it just seemed right. It had probably saved her education as well. Being in a committed relationship in a flat away from the partying allowed her to knuckle down and get some work done and she came away with a good degree but whereas Dean had gone straight into a good position in the accounts department of a good company her marketing degree wasn't helping her out so much.

Eventually she landed a part time reception gig for an office complex. She knew she had got the job because she was pretty and had flirted with the interviewer as it had nothing to do with her qualifications but it was bringing in enough to cover her own expenses and give at least a little to the flat but things were tighter than they would have liked and she was constantly on the lookout for something she had trained in or at least a better pay-check.

She climbed into bed with her man and he held his arm out so she could rest her head on his chest. "I've got to drop the car into the garage tomorrow" she said laden with meaning.

Dean knew what she was getting it "I know it needs a lot doing to it but we can cope. We are just going to have to spread the payment out a bit. We'll be fine" he said as he stroked her silky hair.

"I could cancel my gym membership and run with you more" she said sleepily being lulled by his calming touch.

"Really my love we are going to be fine." It was going to be tight but he was a budgeting master, they may have to shop frugally for the next month or so but they could do it. Just then his phone buzzed and he reached over to get it. Billie protested at the slight movement of his chest which disturbed her "Huh" he said as he read the message.

"What is it" said Billie lifting her head slightly.

"Nothing serious, it's from Liam. It says he's in the area soon and wants to meet up."


Dean set the table while Billie did the cooking. He was looking forward to seeing Liam, without him Dean's university life would have been pretty quiet and it was at his party that he had met Billie. The issue was that Liam had a very different view on the world to Dean and it sometimes caused a little friction.

This visit was a good example of that. Liam came from money and really had no concept of struggling to make ends meet. When Dean had called him to arrange meeting up Liam had instantly suggested going out to dinner and was throwing out restaurant names that Dean recognised as being pretty expensive. It had taken ages to convince him that they really couldn't afford to eat out at all let alone in a fancy restaurant. Eventually he got it "A quiet night in sounds great" he had announced in his big exuberant way. I'll bring the wine. I want to talk to you about something that might help with that money problem of yours." Dean had pushed him for more details but he jovially refused to say more.

Liam was like that but Dean had always appreciated him being a counterfoil to his own quieter, more nervous personality and had always let himself get swept up by his charisma. It had gotten them into trouble a few times which Dean now viewed as some of his fondest memories.

In return Dean was always there when Liam needed to knuckle down and do some work. It turned out that Liam's parents were pretty strict. They had made him go to university to study accountancy to teach him fiscal responsibility and while he loved to party and was certainly a ladies man, he also respected/feared his parents enough that he needed to do well. He would come, cap in hand to Dean asking for help on one subject or another and Dean would help him. Liam always had the good grace to take it seriously at those times and then after the test, essay or presentation was over he would drag Dean out for more fun and hi-jinx. After university they had lost touch a little as Dean focussed on work and Liam began whatever enterprise he had been working at.

There was a knock on the door and Dean rushed over to answer it. There he was, arms outstretched ready to hug and Dean found himself pulled into a hard, manly embrace. Liam's mother was Middle Eastern and his father was Scandinavian this had resulted in a son well above the average height with broad shoulders. His features were more on the European side but he had the black hair and tanned skin from his mother's side. His father would joke that he had kidnapped his mother on a Viking raid and there was definitely something of the Viking about Liam.

Liam came in and greeted Billie with a cheer as he picked her up and turned around with her nearly knocking things over in their modest apartment. Billie squealed and laughed at the big oaf and she punched him on the arm before going on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek and saying "Hello Liam, good to see you." The couple fussed around setting out dinner as Liam opened the no doubt expensive wine he had brought with him and they sat down to dinner.

Nobody mentioned the thing that Liam had wanted to discuss because they were too busy catching up and by the end of the meal they were one bottle of wine down and well on the way to polishing off the second. Liam was largely unaffected and Billie was holding it well but Dean was starting to move from merry to pissed. He really didn't drink much these days as he saw it as an unnecessary expense but Billie still drank semi regularly.

They had moved over to the living area and were slouched on comfortable chairs. Liam in an armchair and Billie was reclining against Dean on the sofa. Liam leaned forward after a natural break in the conversation and looked serious "I have something I need to discuss with you guys" he said. "I have a big favour to ask and if it's too much please say, I won't be offended."

Billie and Dean looked at each other with concern the effects of the wine lessened by the shift in tone. "What is it buddy" asked Dean.

Liam sighed and ran his hands over his face "I would like to borrow Billie" he announced.

"Borrow her for what?" asked Dean.

"I would like Billie to be my girlfriend."

They stared at him blankly.

"I should say I would like her to pretend to be my girlfriend" corrected Liam.

The couple nearly spat out their wine when he first said it but once he clarified it Billie laughed "Why do you want me to pretend to be your girlfriend?"

"Yea bud' I think we need a bit more context here."

"It's my damn parent's dude. I'm busy trying to set up my own businesses but they are on at me about settling down and finding a steady girl."

That made sense to Dean. He had met Liam's parents. His dad was strict about money and responsibility but pretty easy going about most other things. His mother was pretty conservative and didn't like his loose behaviour with women. She barely tolerated him wanting to be an entrepreneur preferring he had followed a more traditional route like Dean and she wanted him married or at the very least to stop playing around and to find a nice girl to be with and not the party girls he usually dated if he saw them more than once that was. "What are they wanting?" Dean asked.

"My big sister is getting married and my mum has been worse than ever" said Liam. "To shut her up I told her I was seeing a nice girl. That was fine for a few days but then she was pestering me for details and a picture so I went through my phone to find a picture of me with a girl to send her but none of them were particularly appropriate."

"Oh I can see where this is going" said Billie sitting up and leaning forward.

Liam made eye contact and gave a guilty shrug but continued the story. "I found a picture of me with a nice girl who was dressed nicely and didn't have too much makeup on who I looked relaxed and happy with. It was you from that garden party Jeff threw a couple of years ago so I sent her that. My god was she delighted and there were so many questions and, well, because I knew you so well I just used you as a template and told her all about you. So now we have this big pre wedding planning party to go to and I really need a date and maybe for the wedding?" His voice went up as he winced while making his request.

There was a pregnant pause where nobody said anything. Dean was fighting the alcohol to make sense of this stupid request but he was snapped out of it when Billie burst out laughing. "You stupid bastard" she said while laughing "I can't believe you put yourself in these situations. Just tell her we broke up, probably because you cheated on me with a stripper."

"I would but she is being a nightmare. She won't leave me alone and I am trying to set up some businesses that she wouldn't strictly approve of. A lovely girlfriend for her to fawn over will distract her long enough that I can get things running and hopefully she doesn't find out but if she does and persuades my dad to cut me off it won't matter because I'll be solvent. It's only the wedding and a couple of meetups, please" he begged putting his hands together and giving them both puppy dog eyes which he managed to do very well considering his size.

Dean's head was fuzzy with wine and he couldn't quite get it "So you take Billie to meet your family and pass her off as your girlfriend until after the wedding?"

"That's the gist of it" confirmed Liam.

Dean rubbed his temples "Exactly how far does she have to go to prove it?"

Liam laughed "Yes I get your point. I don't think my parents are expecting a leaked sex tape if that's what you are getting at but yes we would have to be comfortable with casual contact and maybe even share a kiss and definitely share a room." Liam could see that Dean looked uncomfortable. "If you think of it as an acting job which it kind of is, then it's not eleven as much as a lot of actors do in films" he added trying to persuade him. "I'd consider it like a job too. I'd be taking up your spare time Billie so I'd pay you."

"Doesn't that kind of make me a bit like a whore?" asked Billie seriously.

"Or like an actress" Liam reiterated with a cheeky grin.

Dean turned to Billie and asked "What do you think about all this?"

"Honestly I think Liam is a silly prick for getting himself in this situation," she said exasperated "but I was looking for another job to fill in between my current one and I could think of worse jobs." She sighed, leaned back and crossed her arms "In theory I'm happy to do it but I'm not sure you are" she gestured to Dean.

"What do you mean?" he asked, a little hurt.

"I mean men have delicate egos' and I am not prepared to risk damaging our marriage for a little cash. If you think you can deal with me disappearing for a couple of nights with another man and you'll have no idea what we are up to then go ahead. If you can't take it then just say no and I'll find another job."

Dean went quiet as he thought. All eyes were on him but he wasn't aware of their stares as he searched his feelings. He wanted to help his friend and they needed some extra income. These were good enough reasons to say yes. What was Billie thinking questioning his confidence in her and Liam? Did she think he didn't trust her? Still, those things she said did give him pause…

Dangers of a Stripper Wife

John thought himself the luckiest man in the world.

John had never been one to drop a lot of money in a strip club, but recently went with some friends, and had made a genuine friend out of one of the dancers, a lovely blonde with the stage name Azure.

He had been a gentleman and kept his hands to himself, he had not paid her for a lapdance or a private dance, but had just talked to her when she stopped by.

John was tall and in shape, 6'2" and around 215 pounds, and was twenty-five years old. He was a decent looking guy, he didn't date ugly women, but this dancer was something else. He had never seen anyone so beautiful.

Her eyes, her smile, her facial structure, not to mention her body, all as perfect as he had ever seen. She had the voice of an angel, and was a student in college and had better grades than he did, so she was a very engaging person to talk to.

This dancer was not a big woman, maybe 5'3", but she had healthy curves, she probably weighed 115 to 120 pounds. And her curves were all in the right places. She probably had breast implants, but they were not that big, perfect for her body shape, and simply looked perfect. She wasn't just out of his league, she was out of everyone's league.

They spoke a few times here and there, and surprisingly, she gave him her number at the end of the night along with her real name Jennifer. He didn't expect that, but it was welcome.

They met for coffee a few days later and had a really good time. Jennifer was funny, and a fun person to be around. She had walked to the coffee shop, and John offered to drive her home, which she accepted. Before he got the engine started she leaned over and kissed him, deeply. Her lips tasted great, and she was a very good kisser.

They made out heavily, with her hand finding his groin, and his hand finding her breasts. John squeezed and fondled her full breasts, and she didn't complain when he exposed one of her breasts and briefly sucked on it. Her breast was amazing, big and firm, with a beautiful little nipple.

As they kissed, her hand deftly extracted his dick from his pants, and she began giving him a handjob. Soon she leaned down and sucked his dick in his car right in the parking lot of the coffee shop, unafraid of anyone seeing her it seemed. He had a powerful orgasm fairly quickly, barely able to give her any warning that he was close. She was that good with a dick in her mouth.

She looked at him and smiled, and went right back to work on his dick. When he came she never slowed down, looking up at him and smiling after swallowing his cum. This young woman was amazing and beautiful, even with a little cum on the corner of her mouth.

That having gone well, they met again for dinner, and she gave him another blowjob. They met another night for drinks and then fucked the night away on her sofa when he took her home. He wore a condom, but she sucked his dick after he came, and she seemed to truly enjoy it. It was a glorious experience for him. She had the beauty of a princess, but she was downright dirty in bed.

She was as amazing in bed as she seemed to be in every other part of her life. She was limber, athletic, and uninhibited. He had never had a better fuck, and her energy seemed to be limitless. She never got tired, and never seemed to lack the flexibility for anything.

Jennifer talked dirty, she sucked his dick with such enthusiasm that it blew his mind, and while she had him wear a condom, she didn't shy away from his cum.

She let him take off the condom and cum on her beautiful breasts, a wonderful set of c-cup implants. Not too big, not too small, and a realistic feel and shape. And he got to see them covered in his cum, and then he would get to enjoy her cleaning up his cock, enjoying the last of his seed.

She lovingly licked, kissed and sucked the tip of his cock as it softened, an experience he had never experienced and had never expected. It was like she was straight out of a porno, she was without sexual inhibition.

They started dating, and she started sharing her life with John. They started working out together a couple of times a week, but she hit the gym more than he could make the time for with his sometimes erratic work schedule.

She was younger than he was, nearing her twentieth birthday, and the almost six-year age gap wasn't that big a thing to them.

Jennifer got him to start eating healthier and prepared most of their dinners at her apartment, and she had an incredible kitchen. Her diet was carefully planned to say the least.

They spent a lot of nights together when she wasn't working, and fucked like their plane was going down. Jennifer was insatiable, like a hungry predator in bed. Well in the shower, in the car, on the sofa, everywhere. She was sexually hungry everywhere.

She enjoyed fucking like nobody he had ever even heard of, and her body was so perfect he felt like he was fucking a pornstar in any position they could come up with. She sucked his cock almost every day, but she put effort into it he had never seen before. She sucked his balls, she deep throated him, and she seemed to enjoy the taste of his cum.

But Jennifer did not enjoy him performing oral sex on her, she rarely let John do it, and when he did it she didn't let it last very long. John enjoyed pleasing women, but people are allowed to have their hang-ups, he didn't push it.

Soon, Jennifer invited John to move in with her, and out of his roommate's apartment, which we was very happy to do. Every friend of his that saw her loved her, for her beauty as well as her positive demeanor, and her sense of humor.

On the nights that Jennifer worked in the club, she would get home after 3 am, and she was never interested in sex when she got home. John understood. Jennifer had a very sexual job, where she flirted and engaged with people sexually for an entire shift, he could see her wanting a break afterward. If you make cookies all day long, you probably don't have them for dessert.

Some of his friends warned him about dating a stripper, but John didn't worry, she seemed to not have any of the "daddy issues" he heard of, and there was no way that a person as obsessed with health as she was used drugs. She didn't seem to have any obvious flaws at all, John knew they existed, but he didn't see them.

After a couple of months of living together, John started asking Jennifer if they could have sex without a condom and she wasn't interested. It wasn't a discussion, it was a hard no.

The condoms were going to stay a part of their lovemaking, and John was going to have to be ok with it.

From time to time John would visit her at work, but she was very clear with him to keep his distance, as the dancers were not allowed to bring boyfriends to work. They were to always seem available, and management did not want any hassles with jealousy in their house.

So when John would go he would stay out of sight and didn't worry when he saw men touch his beautiful girlfriend. When she performed a lap dance he would see men grope her, grabbing more of her ass and breasts than he thought allowed, but it was a part of her job. She seemed to like it, but that was probably just her making a living.

He saw men follow her back to the private dance booths, with Jennifer leading them by the hand and seeing the men come out with some of the biggest smiles one could imagine. But he knew there were rules. John had never had one of those dances, but he had heard the bouncers would just about kill someone for putting their hands on a stripper.

He saw her kiss other dancers, both on the floor and on the stage when she danced with them, but he knew it was just a show they put on. Lipstick lesbian was the phrase he heard, it didn't mean anything. Just strippers in a sexual job being sexy.

John didn't worry too much about any of this, as he knew she was coming home to him afterward, and he accepted the life she was in, she was doing this for a living before he had ever met her. And Jennifer had chosen him.

John saw some truly rich men at that club, who threw money at Jennifer. Some of which he saw get out of cars like Ferraris and Lamborghinis. They had true wealth, but she had chosen him, and she kept coming home to him, every night.

He really liked Jennifer, and he understood what she was doing in using her body to pay for school, which carried crushing debt for most. It was an investment in herself and one he understood. She wasn't a prostitute, as many men he knew called strippers. Not his Jennifer, she came home to him at night and he knew she wasn't the type to cheat. Also, she was far too intelligent to let customers pay for sexual services.

Jennifer seemed like the perfect package deal, she had everything he could want. She was smarter than he was, charming, funny, and strikingly beautiful. She came from a similar Christian background, non-practicing the same as John, so that worked.

They laughed at the same jokes, enjoyed the same movies, and in general enjoyed the same food and alcohol. And the sex, this young woman had a sex drive he could barely handle. She fucked him like he was the last man on the planet.

And there was also a lot of tender moments. Snuggling in the morning, sometimes she got up and made him coffee and breakfast, she would bring him lunch at work, and she was the first one to use the word love.

She told him she loved him after he came during lovemaking while looking him in the eyes. She was the one, she was the only one. He started paying on a ring the next day at lunch.

Two months later he proposed and a fancy restaurant and Jennifer said yes, crying and smothering John in a powerful hug.

Jennifer didn't wear the ring while dancing, for reasons John understood, but she did wear it on the way to and from to work. But that didn't matter to him, they started making plans for the life they were going to live together. Both of them were as happy as they could ever remember.

As happy as Jennifer typically was, she was glowing now. She bounced when she walked, and it was a beautiful thing for a young woman built as she was to bounce.

And now that John was engaged to her, he began to be a part of the family, her work family at the strip club. He was recognized now, by the bouncers, and by the dancers. It was still professional, but it was obvious they had been told who he was, and it felt good.

John eventually became friends with the other dancers and staff, and even became friends with her manager Steve. Steve seemed like a decent enough guy, if extremely superficial. He was like the worst version of a frat-boy douche one could imagine. He didn't seem to be malicious, however, John didn't think he would ever hurt Jennifer.

Steve was respectful with him, he looked John in the eyes and had a firm handshake. Steve was a big man, taller and heavier than John, probably 6'4" and 240 pounds, but in good condition. And he dressed well, he didn't wear cheap clothing.

John found Steve's demeanor somewhat imposing, as he looked like he was wealthy, and was a very large good looking man. John didn't lack in confidence for the most part, but this guy looked like a middle linebacker in the NFL.

A few months later they went to Vegas for a long weekend and ended up coming back home married. They didn't dress up in any funny costumes, but neither cared for a big wedding and when they walked past a chapel, it just seemed to make sense.

Now they were a regular Mr. and Mrs. and enjoyed married life just as they had dating and engagement. The sex didn't slow down at all if anything it became more heated and more frequent. But the condoms stayed a part of it, Jennifer would never discuss it, maybe one day if they were to try for kids. John wanted to truly feel her body during sex, he wanted her to feel his, and he knew she was on birth control. But this wasn't a hill worth dying on for him.


This idea can go in a lot of directions. I would like it to focus on a lot of cheating. I'm thinking the main female character will enjoy sex quite a lot and be very good at it. Her main excuse will be its for her job and earns her a lot of money. She will hook up with many different guys from work and maybe some outside of it as well.

We were laying in bed together after a long day and Billie suddenly asks me, "How many of your friends do you think would fuck me?"

I just laid there stunned for a second thinking I must have misheard her. I manage to stutter out "What?"

She casually replies back "I was just wondering if I decided to start cheating on you, how many of your friends do you think would fuck me?"

I think about how to reply thinking it would be better to play it safe "Probably all of them you're very hot and they know it." She seemed satisfied with that answer and drifted off to sleep and I hoped that was the end of it.

The next few days seem to be normal with no more mention of what was asked. She did seem to be on her phone more then normal though, she was always smiling and laughing but I didn't want to pry into who she was talking to. I noticed her taking some selfies which wasn't unusual but it was odd when she started taking her phone into the bathroom with her.


Either a cheating girlfriend. Or maybe she tests the idea but doesn't go all the way but her boyfriend urges her to. Turns into a hot wifing/cuck and then also ends into cheating.

It started out innocently enough...on your part at least. I was a troubled girl, but I was incredibly bright. You couldn't stand to see that light put out by my shitty home situation. It was my senior year, after all and I was 18. You cozied up to me, helping me apply to schools and stay out of trouble.

I just saw an older male giving me attention.

You had to admit, I was nice to look at. Even your wife wasn't as hot as me when she was 18. And I didn't hide my interest in you. Sure, you corrected my behavior a few times, but you came to love my lingering touch.

The first time it happened was after school. You and your wife had a fight about picking up the kids, but you stayed to help me anyway. It was just us in your classroom. You decided to call my bluff. You touched me back. The situation quickly turned from you helping me fill out applications to me riding the cum out of you in your chair.

On your way home, you told yourself it was a one time thing. But it wasn't. Our after school counseling became after school fuck sessions, and even once or twice you met me at my house. There was just something about how hungry I was for your cock, the way I sucked it like my life depended on it, the way my tight pussy felt like it was made for you.

Things had gotten bad. You found yourself getting jealous when you saw me with boys in school, or when you heard rumors about how I spent my weekend. Your wife started to get suspicious. But we didn't stop. You never even bothered to ask if I was on birth control.


Is she a quiet, socially awkward girl in real life, while being the polar opposite online? Constantly chatting with guys, talking in voice until 05:00 in the morning, and even flirting with some of them. When it comes to real life, no one has ever shared all her hobbies. Anime, Gaming, Figurines, Cosplay, those were alien concepts to everyone around her. Once she got into college, she thought it would be different, but people just laughed at her in a discreet way, whenever she told them about her hobbies. The only good thing going on about her, was her body. For some reason, a shut in, socially awkward girl like herself, has been called cute and sexy multiple times.

Right now, being a college dropout, spending all of her time in the small apartment that her parents are paying for, leeching off the college fund to buy Skins, Figurines and other things to give her that sense of happiness, even if just briefly, is slowly coming to an end. Her parents are going to visit, despite her chasing them away several times due to exams/plans and some other reason she thought of.

With the parents coming in a month, wanting a tour around the college that she hasn't not attended for nearly 5 months. Expecting to see her grade card, which she has not filled out for nearly 5 months, and wanting to meet that boyfriend that she's mentioned, but leaving the detail that he is only online. He was just another guy she used to play games and chat with whenever she felt lonely. She never did have any intention of being serious with him, despite him wanting to be serious with her. He kept nagging her to meet, was sending pictures of himself, his food, his pets, his cock. The last part was always interesting, since it was fairly large, something she enjoyed. Just like her parents, he always kept nagging her to go back to college, and offering to help her with studying, so she can take a few exams and catch up with the other students.
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