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1X1 Male VampireXMortal Girl rp. Dark-Vampire and I only.

Jan 10, 2009
The setting takes place in Paris in modern times where Vampires over ruled the mortal's race of life.

Many vampires or Vampiress'es choose which mortals they would want for their pet or toy for their own pleasure in anyway they could think of.

A female mortal girl was working at a local bar and she has heard stories about what has been happing in this town of Paris and she sighed.

Her name is Angel and she continued on serving all of her customers their alcohol drinks that they ordered to drink and she was doing a pretty good job in serving her customer without messing up on any of their alcohol drinks that they ordered.

Angel is about 21 years old and she remains inside the bar, because she knows that a male vampire that she escaped from about 2 years ago, will track her down once again and try anything to get her to be his pet or toy for his own pleasure and she sighed at that thought of the idea.

It's about 6pm in the evening on a nice hot summer night out like tonight.(d.)
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