Mx Female Looking for Dystopian Story-Driven Role


May 30, 2016
Short and sweet: I want to write a story of an oppressive domestic authoritarian rule fighting against pockets of rebels. Let's build a gloomy world together of political mistrust, guerrilla fighting, and a romance between the main characters.

Our characters knew each other once. They were coworkers in media, working for their city's local news outlet. My character was a mere production assistant, but your character was a known face, one of the on-air personalities. They worked well together as part of their early morning team, professional and courteous to each other, though there was an underlying affection he had for her. Status in the workplace prevented any pursuit of such feelings, though. An anchor getting involved with a member of the production crew? Who ever heard of that. After a while my character quit the job because of his own politics and distrust of what his own local news was spewing out on a day-to-day basis. Not a goodbye to anyone, just never showing up to work one morning and never answering the phone when they called him. Not a goodbye to anyone...except her. A lone handwritten note laid on her desk divulging his feelings. Odds are they would never see each other again, so may as well. Maybe he would be a name she remembered. A story to tell about a crazy coworker who was suddenly just a ghost.

Fast forward four years later. Tensions domestically in the country increased to a boiling point and suddenly there was an explosion of fighting and civil unrest. Local law enforcement was too overwhelmed across the nation, so a joint effort of the feds and military supplemented in the effort to establish order. "Security" was the new concern. The authorities soon became too power hungry and remained a constant. Only pockets of rebel fighters from county to county composed of militia and ex-LEOs chose to fight.

Our characters are reunited after the rebels respond to anarchists destroying the downtown area for the sake of nothing other than destroying things. Not even the local news station was safe. The response turns into a rescue mission to get people out of the building, the embers of Molotov cocktails eating away at the exterior. Suddenly there she is, his crush. After four years he still looks at her the same way. The group takes the survivors to their encampment for medical aid, and those who wish to volunteer can stay to fight or help in other ways.

If you're interested, shoot m a PM and we can hash out the details more.
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