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Fx Any Lilly’s Little Shop of Hoe-rrors!

May 8, 2022
Heya! I’m Lilly, but I’m sure that much was obvious by my username! I’m new to the site, but I’m most definitely not new to writing!

For me, writing is all about a fun escape from reality, I really like to put myself in my characters shoes if that makes sense, to imagine what they’d say and think!- so characters are very important to me!-

My preference on the type of character that I play usually depends on what I’m responding too, but I absolutely adore writing as those bitchy characters who have something to lose- the Uggs, the Lattes, the Designer clothing and the fake tans- I may have seen Mean Girls too many times growing up and it may have left me with quite a few kinks to work with!

Story wise, I’m usually up for just about anything- Writing for me is all about having fun and escaping life between keystrokes! Whether that means I’m writing out a Grimdark epic, a Gritty and Grimy Bar-Bathroom Sex Scene, or exploring and crafting my own corner of a Comic Multiverse!— I’m Happy!

And here’s a quick kink list! Not everything ever has to be included, I know some of them are more extreme than others— Do not feel like these ever have to be included in their entirety, I’m here for the story— and the last thing I want to do is scare someone off because of them!

Kinks for me are always second fiddle to the context of the story, I love the scenes I write and the situations the characters find themselves in, but to give a good general gist of what I'm into!

My goal while writing is a Hot blend of real life spice with the downright depravity of hardcore hentai, finding that perfect blend of everything for the scene! Keeping things just realistic enough but also making sure to take some liberties!

I'm a sucker for Gifs and images being used in hand with writing, it’s not mandatory but I love being able to see and visualize what we're both drooling over!

My *Absolutely's:* Hypnosis/Brainwashing/Gaslighting, Transformations and Corruptions of my Character, AssPlay and Anal-(Especially Training and First times), CumPlay and CumEating-(Especially over Food or in Cups/Bowls), Legal AgeGaps-(I love older men!), DoggyStyle, Mating Presses, BDSM, SlavePlay, MaidPlay, HucowPlay, RacePlay, Collars/Leashes, Outfit-Control, Humiliation and Degradation, Casual/FreeUse Sex (In the sense that your character can take mine whenever they want to, but the idea of FreeUse throughout the world is hot too!)

Things I like but will admit that it makes me a shameless Pervert and understand if it's not wanted: One Hot and One Not/Ugly Bastard Play, WaterSports, Identity Death, Beastplay, Dehumanization, Forniphilia, CondomPlay and Risk of Impregnation-(Being told how my character will definitely be pregnant after, how much cum must be in her pussy, how good of a Mom she'd be- things like that!), ImpactPlay, Threats of Violence, Mind/Ear/Brain-Fucking

And my only hard Limit: Snuff


I’m sure this has ended up sounding like I’m all over the place- because I am for the most part! I’m just really excited to be able to start writing with you all!

Below I’ve attached a few prompts I’ve written in the past, just to get the ideas brewing for you all!

"H-Hunnnghhhh!~ E-Enough! This is a crime against Atlantis, against ME- It's Queen!….My Husband, King- HMPHH!…"

She could taste it before her eyes went to look at it, it was a fisherman's sock- tossed off and shoved into her face before she even had a chance to voice her complaints!-

*"Dumb Bitch'll complain the whole night away if we let her Boys, why don't we help her get comfortable?-"*

Her bright, Ocean-Blue eyes widened as she shook her head, she wasn't able to feel the water outside of the ships bunker that she had found herself in- Unsure if it was cursed Metal, or Worse- Dead-Water.

"HMMMPHHH~ Mmmmphhhh!-"

*"Tie her to the head of the ship maybe, like one of those ole' Pirate movies!-"*

With her arms tied behind her back, all she could do was thrust her chest forwards as she pulled against the metal she had found herself wrapped behind.

She was the Queen of the Sea.
Tainted by the poisons of Humans.

And what was a Queen to a God?~ A Hungry Pack of Sailers, all ready to take her?

She was nothing but a Meal.
A hunger, that needed to be sated-

Would she ever be able to escape?…..


I hope not!

*Annnnnnd, Scene!*

Hey everyone, Me again, hope you all missed me!-

Basically today I'm looking for more DC Heroines to be taken and ruined~ a bit of a tougher mood- but here's a few more ideas that didn't make the chopping block!- (They cut the heads off fish, on a chopping block right?~ let's call that a Reference!)

• A Heroine taken in and entranced by a passerby on the Street who had just gotten a pair of completely fake X-Ray glasses that they signed up for when they were a child!- (Off the back of the cereal box, a reward finally claimed!~ with the sweetest of prizes on the top of it!-)

• A Heroine finds herself trying to find a serial Groper upon the Metropolis Metro, but when they find themselves unable to resist?….She can't help but return!- to…to gain more evidence!

• SuperGirl is captured by Lex/Lena Luthor, and a team of surgeons implant her with a pair of Fake-Breasts that carried Crushed-Kryptonite inside!- Leaving her no longer a SuperGirl, but a SuperWhore with fake tits that were even bigger than PowerGirls!

• Wonder Woman's tricked and hypnotized by a stage magician, who can't help but take advantage of the Amazon Beauty!

Basically: If it involves a Superheroine being corrupted and ruined by someone way below their power level? I'm in!

*Written with Power-Girl in mind, but I'm more then happy to change that around, as long as they're normally very strong- and now powerless to fight back, I'm a happy camper!*

Power-Girl, the Bold and Brash, and downright *Buxom* Bombshell was busy fighting off one of Starro's newest abomination- a skyscraper level threat which rampaged throughout all of Metropolis-

That was, until she arrived of course.

Crashing and thrashing into the fleshy monstrosity certainly wasn't a highlight of Karen's day- but she'd take what she can get, the good with the bad-

*Ugh, I'm going to have Starfish slime inside my costume again- Oh well- one more slam through its center eye and it should drop like a rock! Then it's STARs problem to clean him up-*

She flew up, up and way up into the sky! Looking down at the large telepathic beast as she came soaring down, faster than a speeding bullet as she speared through its blinking eye!……

But unfortunately?
The beast bit back.

In the form of one last mini-Starro, attaching to the side of her face- weak and dying but it'd be *enough*

Especially as Karen went crashing down, unable to focus on her flight path as she came down in a citizens lawn, her mind blanking out as she became a perfect blank slate….

Her Ass landing high, her feet pushed up below her- showing off whoever may arrive her perfect peaches, her Fat. Fucking. Ass.

And her head? Empty, buried in the dirt.

A ball, ready to be molded.
A statue, ready to be sculpted.

Surely, whoever was home wouldn't take advantage of her right?…..

And if they did, well….

It was the Good, and the Bad, right?


*Had a lot of fun with this prompt before work, posting now that I'm off and hoping to have some more fun!~*

Hey All!
New Prompt for me, this time with a new hypnosis twist, and a Superheroine scene that's been on my brain for a while!

I imagine the Starro, without a creator- it leaves her in a fugue state, think of it like she's been hypnotized, but minus the Gemstone or the stopwatch- Instead a giant Starfish monster!

I love the idea of her being dragged into a new life she'd never think of living before, a Hero's new bumbling side kick, a Pet, a Slave, a Maid, a Homewrecker, a homeless man's suck pet~

I'm up for *Anything!*

I'm limitless! So Please do your worst!

*What. The. Fuck. Am. I. Doing?*

This wasn't the first time Naomi had been out this way, she lived in the city, and she liked the city and it's noise and it's lights…….

So what the hell had brought her into this grimy bathroom stall? With the single shaking overhead light which could seem to quiet down or sit still……

*It's not too late to get up, I can go back home to Steve, Steve is nice, Steve will make dinner and be asleep by 10.*

But Naomi didn't want that….she wanted something **more.**

And the thing she wanted most was coming. Hearing the work-boots against the ground already sent a shiver down her spine, her bottom lip being seized and silenced to suppress a moan as the boots came up against the wall…..



She was a Woman's studies major, with a Minor in Political History, a feminist everywhere it mattered- clearly except in that soaked cunt of hers.

As the glorious rod was presented? She was all over it- burying the tip between her plump lips- a Construction worker once called them cock-pillows and she nearly cried on the rest of the way home.

But now she understood.

Inch by Inch was how she would show her dedication and submission- pushing her head down farther, even when she could be heard gagging- the Men on the other side didn't care, she had learned that much quickly, and maybe that's why she came back. She never gave Steve blowjobs because they hurt her throat- but here? She was an obedient little throat Whore. Fucking her poor mouth until her blue lipstick was ruined and she was left panting and drooling on her side of the stall.


Life was hard, it was uncaring, it was Mean. She had worked so hard and had made sure to stand so tall…..but now? All she wanted to do was be down on her knees.

She could feel it coming now, she felt his cock tighten like a bungee-cord ready to snap, she watched his legs shuffle as they prepared the launch pad- Naomi pulled her head back as she brought her hands up, stroking and massaging the way a slave might their King, until she saw that first pearly bead coming out from the tip.

At that moment she would shove her head down every inch, taking it all down until she could be sure that they'd pump their hot *load* right down into her eager *throat.*

She'd hold herself there until it was all over, only pulling back once she felt them beginning to deflate- like a Circus packing up, the show was over-……..

*"Mmmf, Thank you, Sir~"*




**"Holy Shit, Naomi Greene is that you??….."

Aw, Shit.


Looking to be degraded and blackmailed into becoming a Pornstar, a Prostitute, an Escort, or all of the above!

It's all about submission here, Naomi has her own limits- so please do not respect them. (I don't have limits, so don't worry there!)

Your Character can be just about anyone: An Ex, Her Father, a Brother, A Classmate, A Coworker, Maybe they had just figured out which Car was Naomi's and burst down the door, maybe she's been filmed without her knowledge, and someone recognized her the videos! The sky’s the limit!

I can’t wait to hear from some of you!
Last edited:
Especially in the mood for a Bimboification scene, so anything involving that gets a lot of bonus points!
Back again, and looking to be dumbed down again! Especially in the mood for a Bimboification scene, so anything involving that gets a lot of bonus points!
"It's Deplorable, downright disgusting and not to mention- Illegal."

Diana Prince would cross her statuesque arms as she listened to Batman start up once more: "Diana, I understand your concerns- but we are the Justice League. We are much more than Simple Con security."

In the world where Superheroes were the real deals, Cosplayers and Halloween-Costumers had ample costume adages to choose from! Entire fan-clubs, Internet forums- all ran around the ideas of such symbols of truth and justice!

Diana didn't like to be worshipped- she was happy to do her part in helping everyone live their best lives….which is what made it all the worse when she read the email:

*Dear Wonder Woman.*

I have never felt so embarrassed in my entire life- I'm a cosplayer and I had worn your costume to a convention for a contest….and I had been wearing your costume when someone grabbed me. They grabbed my ass in a crowd and whispered in my ear that I wasn't a hero, I was just a Whore wanting to be groped. He grabbed and fondled until the crowd of people left….and he left with them, I never knew who it was was but after seeing posts about people calling for a creep to be found…..Someone is only groping girls in your costume.

*Please help us.*

"Do you not hear the desperation in her mailing? The plea for help has been called- Bruce. And I will be leaving."

Bruce Wayne would scoff and brood as he always would, offhandedly commenting that: "How is the great Wonder Woman going to sneak into a convention?"

And it was Simple, Diana would sneak in as just another costumed woman- one that was ready to catch the creep red-handed!…..

Surely this victory would be easy one! Or so she believed…..


But, just as in the comic book stories this is based off of? Things will not be that simple.

How things maneuver from here is up for debate, I had the idea that her lasso is snatched and she's tied up with it- forced to listen to the Bastards orders whether she likes it or not!

(Having her hypnotized like that would be *very* hot!)

But it can also be as simple as a scene of her being groped and finding herself embarrassed and unsure what to do!

Perhaps it's a trap from a villain!-(I'm a hypnosis lover but I'm open for this to be anyone!)

I hope this prompt interests some of you!

"Oh Come on, Mom~ it wasn't like….That bad."

The Three Queens of Ridgemont University, currently driving out on a …..vacation (because let's be honest, none of them knew what a Sabbatical was.) with Tricia's stepmom driving since Tricia, the leader of the deadly clique had her license taken away the last time she tried to speed away from a party with a blood-alcohol content higher than her GPA in her applied engineering class!

"Sleeping with your Professor, isn't that bad- but being caught doing it….is that bad, I'm sorry to say Tricia- but your Father isn't going to be happy." Brittany, the stepmom and resident buzzkill would chime in.

If he paid her enough attention, Ah well, at least he paid her for being a "College Student."

Tricia would be flanked by her flock, Sarah and Tara, not related- but sharing enough Brain Cells to be considered one person…..

This was a trip meant to take the heat off of Tricia, and her aforementioned affair with her Professor!

But what it would turn into?- None of them could ever properly prepare for…..

Because there were monsters hiding out in the wood- real ones, like *You.* and all you wanted was a nice set of warm holes to have fun with…..

And thankfully? You just found a set of 12.


• Mad Scientist with Body Horror a'plenty? Sign me up!

• A group of criminals laying low in their Cabin, happy to take advantage of the group of Hotties who just pulled in? Yes Please!

• A Literal monster, a forest creature whose found its newest victims!

• Alien Abduction? They're practically cows already, why not mess with their DNA and Drain their brains Dry?~

[F4M] DC Comics Heroines looking to be Turned into Twisted Clown Fuck-Cows by the Craziest Kingpin: Joker!


PowerGirl slowly rolled about inside of the warehouse she was waking up inside of- she was too used to rolling around her California King bed- which made the hard pavement a bit of a change for her and it made her back hurt-……

Wait, What?

She was *PowerGirl,* she didn't get aches, she didn't get pains- and she certainly didn't get a back ache- and what was that pain in her?….

"Something is in my Ass? What. The. **F-Fuck!….** "

Karen Starr never let anybody ever even touch her ass in bed- especially not her asshole, she wasn't some *whore* who let Men mess around back there-

She was a CEO for Rao's sake!……

She reached her hands back, using one to part that pale sea of plump flesh, plucking out her costumes wedgie of white spandex as her free hand went back and felt a small metal chain connecting to….. A Plug?…..

She was hooked up to the roof of the place, like an animal connected to a collar- she was hooked by her Ass!….

And as her finger followed the chain? It would soon enough find the plug, the new crowning jewel between her cheeks and as soon as she did? She'd feel the burning of Kryptonite against her skin!

That was why she felt Pain, that was why she felt as weak as a Normal Human Woman- A Normal Human Woman, in a very, very bad spot.

She could already hear the mad cackles from the office door, she didn't need to see the dead bodies of the factory workers who probably would've happily left when it was explained that the Joker was coming to town……

And this time? It was for all the Marbles.
After all, if he was able to break a Kryptonian?…..

Who couldn't he take?


*Annnnnnd Scene!*

Hey all, me again! With a brand new DC prompt for you All!

Again, this one is written with PowerGirl in mind, but any DC heroine is more than welcome!

Looking for a Crazy good time with this one- The Joker is trying to take over the world and he's doing it by taking and enslaving all of the Leagues Heroines, he had such success with Harley, he's wanting to try it all again!

*The USS Ishimura*

A Large Space Mining Vessel, sent out into the farthest reaches of the unknown to collect unfathomable minerals and insane amounts of alien fuels and ores. It was the last of its kind with many newer ships relying upon faster and experimental technology-(Warp Drives, Mass Effect Fields-), which meant that the Ishimura had to travel out farther, putting its occupants into longer Cryo-Sleeps, pushing the ship to its limits for the sake of profit.

Where a single trip may take 20 years, it would and could set up somebody for a Lifetime, it was some of the easiest money that mankind could make, with everything being automated and only needing to be supervised- the only real hassle was the shitty food-rations the cafeteria stored away for most of the crew.

(But rumor has it that the captains quarters was maintained with as fresh of food as they could- which the captain would vehemently deny.)

But on this fateful fly out? Something was going to go terribly *wrong,* for the woman aboard the ship…..and terribly *right* for the one man who had awoken early.

The first thing he may discover was that the Autopilot had malfunctioned, sending them completely of course from earth-something that would drive any man *mad.* It may drive a hero to course correct it with his sheer force of will- but the man in this story isn't a *Hero* by any means.

He's a Janitor. The lowest of the low aboard the Ishimura, with most of his work left below deck- no one on board ever really even saw him, and those that did had no issue with mocking him, being the only member of the janitorial crew left him with a small sliver of the pie- it wasn't much, but it was honest work, something the rest of the crew couldn't admit to themselves.

And so, instead of waking up the Captain and trying to find them a way home? He decides that he was going to be making sure there was No Way Home. Permanently.

And with no end-goal in sight? And the gravity wells of the ship able to keep them coasting until the sun burnt out, the CryoPods would never awaken any of the crew from their slumber, because as far as the AI knew? All was right, even if they were floating through the universe like a Ghost Ship.

And in the this time?

The Janitor would become the King. The Ishimura employed a large crew of scientists, engineers, miners and a security force, couples without children were welcomed aboard, leaving the count sitting around 100-200.

Leaving him with his pick of the Litter as to who he wanted to wake up first, the Stuck-Up cunts who'd laugh at him, the Captain's wife who didn't even know his name-

This Ship was their World Now.

And He was the Captain.


*Aaaaaaaaand Scene!*

Hey All, Me again, I hope this all makes sense, I love Scifi but have never tried writing it myself, I can elaborate on any themes when asked!

Basically: Lowly Janitor wakes up, leaves ship malfunctioning and coasting into space, wakes up Female Crew and Dominates and Enslaves them.

A few other ideas that bounced around my head:

• Either he could screw up the wake-up process, on purpose or intentionally, leaving some girls without their memories- or maybe even without their higher brain functions? (I do love when woman are treated like animals, maybe he just goes about milking them like the cows they are to him~)

• The Ishimura is written as a Mining Vessel, since that's what it is in the inspiration for the ship name- but that can be changed to something like a Colony Ship, a Military Vessel, anything really-

• With access to the ships science wing-(as the Janitor he has a key to everything of course!) he's able to access gene-splicing equipment that's there to try and see if harvest is capable in deep space, but he uses it to change the woman he wakes up-(Animal Genes, Bigger Breasts, Making them dumber-

A New and improved bump for you all, with new prompts and tons of fun to be had!
[F4M] When "Do-Anything-Annie" Returns to her College, instead of showing her Son where she graduated Cum-Laude, She'll be making an entire Frat House Cum Loud!

**And here we Remember, Do-Anything-Annie let the entire football team go to town on her Ass after the Rose-Bowl Championship Game.**

Annabeth "Annie" Rutherford looked at the plaque that sat on the fireplace with absolute contempt, the headline was crass and completely untrue!

…..She had only let the Offensive Line go to town on her, they had just won the Rose-Bowl! The Fucking Rose-Bowl!

And she was ten tequila shots deep….

Besides, that was so many years ago- who in the world had that made? Why was it made of gold? Why was it hung so high on the-….

*I could Sue, that's defamation of character, I'm a lawyer now, I'm a senatorial candidate!*

"Mom? Is everything alright? You look like you caught dad betting on football again…."


Annabeth had to calm down, her Son hadn't even noticed what she was looking at- her son wouldn't ever even fit in here, he was like his father- a soft hearted soul, a nerd who'd make a woman so happy some day! He most definitely was *not* a frat boy.

"I'm fine Sweetie, I think I just smelt some weed, you know how college boys can be-…."

Her husband had insisted they come in for a look for old times sake, the Frat was a constant party house, it was where the two had met!…..

And it was where she had cheated on him countless of times, it was college! He never noticed, and he still didn't know! And he'd never have to…..

Because they were leaving, and she'd never have to think about this place again!

Her son would be turning for the front door, their open house tour coming to an end- and Annabeth's skeleton and body count were thankfully staying in the very back of her closet where they belonged.

"Dad's probably done getting us lunch, I think I see him out in the Yard!"

Good. She wouldn't have to stay inside of this frat house any longer than she had to.

Or so she'd hope!….

Her son had stepped out onto the porch and headed down the stairs towards the Yard. Annabeth was just a few steps behind him…

She was so close to leaving behind these unpleasantly sensual memories…..

unfortunately though, she still inside and still within earshot….And that's when she'd hear it…..

*"H-Holy Shit, you're Do-Anything-Annie!"*


Slowly, Annabeth would find herself turning to assure the boy that it wasn't true, she had no idea what he meant!…..

But little did she know that by the time local elections came around? Annabeth Rutherford wouldn't even be on the Ballot.

And Do-Anything-Annie would be back at her favorite Frat, as their live-in Maid, Pet and Cum-Rag.


*Annnnnnnd Scene!*

Hey All, Me Again!
With College starting back up, I couldn't help but be a little inspired and have something written up!

(Maybe I'm avoiding some homework, Whoops!)

Basically what I'd like to write is a story of a Curvy MILF, who was a legendary party Slut in college being recognized in the Frat, and being corrupted back into the partier that once had half of the graduated class slamming into her Ass!

The *How,* is completely up in the Air, although she won't be a fan of the idea at first-(she's a politician now!), but by the end I love the idea of her in the French maid getup, servicing, cleaning and polishing every cock in the entire Frat! And she'd love every moment of it by then! Blackmail, Hypnosis to convince her she's a college girl again, forcing her to come to a Cookout where her Pussy was the only thing on the menu!

Kinkwise: Humiliating Nicknames, Degrading Remarks, BodyWriting, Toys, Insertions, Slutty outfits, Power-Dynamics, GangBangs, Anal, AssPlay, CumPlay, CumEating, Being Treated like an Object, BDSM, Collars, Leashes, Gags-(especially Penis-shaped ones!)-Bimboification, IQ Loss, and well….Anything!

Optional: Incest! RacePlay-(Switching her race around is also an option for this!)

Having her Husband be a cuck is also an option, ideally he'd never be aware and she'd be reminded and forced to remember how much *bigger* some boys could be! ("Oh My God!~ You're so much bigger than my husband!" "I bet your husband can't dick you down like we can!" That sort of thing!)

**I'm also open to this being Annie being a Sorority Slut, and brought back into service her entire house! Or a Futa-Frat!**

[F4A] Metro-City's Rising Star: Self-Cloning Heroine in the Streets, Hypnotized and Orgasm-Denied Goon-Doll in the Sheets.

*A Few Days Ago……*

"O-One….~Fuck~One Hundred."

The Sybian Saddle continued to buzz as it sought to break in the wild stallion- Superpowered or not- a Sybian could play a Pussy like a harpsichord, and always brought out the most wonderful notes of pleasure out of the subject.

Once more, her mouth would open- she'd straighten her back, taking a deep breath as she allowed her cock-pillows to open once more, and allowed the automated dildo to once again push forwards.

Deeper and Deeper, the toy only stopped once it was pushed completely into her mouth, only then would it slowly pull back- feminine and guttural moans and gags leaving her lips, alongside numerous strands of sweat that connected her to the toy she was letting dominate her mouth, like she was a Pornstar on set of the newest hardcore shoot!

"N-Ninety~ * ❥* N-Nine….."




*"Everytime you count down from 100, every time you take that Dildo to the back of your throat, you will become more and more stolen by my hypnosis, deeper and deeper under my command, my very own SuperSlut."*



Dupli-Kate was seated atop the apartment high rise, sitting on the ledge as she let one of her copies run across the rooftop as their makeshift training exercise continued!…..

Currently, the original DupliKate was wearing an all white sweatshirt and sweatpants combo, with the numbers *00* written across the back, while the copy that was running had a post-it note that read *01!*

*I don't get it, why are we feeling so….distracted today? Like my brain is so foggy and hot~ I couldn't even masturbate to get my mind off things, and neither could 01…..What gives?*

DupliKate was a modern woman, she wasn't against masturbating but…..for some reason, she couldn't cum. She even tried her favorite method….Watching 01 finger herself as she masturbated with a toy.

She hadn't came….In Days.
She thought it was due to stress, Superheroine work isn't easy, especially when you're one girl in such a big city….

At the very least- she was also technically more than one girl, which did level the playing field.

There were limits of course, she couldn't have any of them go to far,otherwise they returned to the original host, and she couldn't have too many copies out at once, like a copy of a copy….things got….weird.

And she had to be conscious as well, of course.

But…..there were some things that even she didn't know.

Like the fact that one of her copies had been stolen.


**A Week Ago.**

"Yes I……I….I will obey."

It was supposed to be a simple bank heist beat 'em up, due to the changes of her genetic makeup, she was fast, but she still had to be careful-

But unfortunately for Kate? This wasn't a heist, this was a Trap. One she had walked right into with only one clone ready for backup.

*The Next Night.*

"C-Come on~ don't stop, just….just a little more, I swear I'm almost~….."

"Kate. It's been an hour, and we're thirty minutes late for the patrol……"

A wake-up call from herself, how ironic.


01 would slowly get up from the office chair she had been performing in, a puddle of her love-honey sitting against the cushion which showed she was clearly working for it….

But still never earned an Orgasm.

"You ever think about how weird this is? Masturbating to yourself I mean, it's a bit….whose that one Greek guy, fell in love with himself in the puddle?"

"…..I am not Adonis!…this is only weird when you bring it up you know, so stop bringing it up! I shouldn't be kink-shamed by myself!…."

With an eye-roll to end all eye-rolls, 01 returned to the original Kate, and Kate prepared herself for another day of being a Superhero, tonight was *The Global Guardians* meetup, where a few of the local heroes met up, discussed who'd they want to play themselves in their own superhero movies-(Kate was sure Anne Hathaway could nail it.), brooded on rooftops, planned teamups- like….a PTA meeting, for superheroes!

She still wasn't sure what had happened to her *Mojo* but she was trying her best not to worry about it…..


**Currently, Elsewhere.**

"Ehhh~ ❥ Seventy-One…. ❥"

A different training, the same method.

This time around, she was left to lower herself down onto the very same Dildo that was attached to the Sybian, everytime Slave reached the base? The Sybian would purr for a moment before the chains that were clipped to her nipples would be slowly raised by a pole that sat at the front of the Sybian.

The chains pulled up, nipples tugged- Slave stood up, and prepared to drop herself down again.

*"With every vibration, with every pang of pleasure you feel, your mind will become more and more enraptured and enthralled to me, do you understand me?"*

"Y-Yes~ Slave……Slave Understands."


Kate couldn't remember how it happened, or who had even done it, she was made to forget that entire fight had ever even happened.

Her clone had tried her best to save her, but also found herself lost to the entrancement, and with such sudden movements……

No one could be sure which was which. They were perfect replicas, down to the T.

So her captor took their pick.

And may have stolen a copy of Metro-City's brightest hero.

Or…..may have stolen the heroine herself.


Phew! What a prompt, I'm hoping all of that translated well to paper, since it was very hot in my head!~

This wasn't originally meant to be a prompt about a cloning superhero, so I am sure there are plot-points and plot-holes I hadn't thought of, so if you have any questions feel free to bring them along!

To put it plainly: DupliKate is a young hero in Metro-City who is capable of making clones of herself, during a Bank Heist, she was hypnotized and their captor could've stolen the original Kate, or her Copy.

Either way, one of them is being trained to be the perfect FuckSlave, down to the perfect angle to take a cock down her throat, to knowing the perfect speed to ride a cock at.

While the remaining DupliKate is still saving the city, unaware of the fact one of them is stolen, but feeling the effects, namely….she can't cum.

**Why the Original versus clone debate matters to me:** I think it's a hot idea for the fact that it shows that her Captor didn't care which they stole, he simply wanted a new HypnoSlave, so they took one. It also opens up ideas for things like: What if the captured one cums while the others are on Patrol? Would they feel themselves being fucked?- things like that!

**Who do you, the reader get to play?** Anybody you'd like! I love the idea of it being a supervillain nobody has heard of, or even a civilian with a newfound gift- you could also play as a fellow Superhero from the *Global Guardians* who was taking advantage of Kate right under her nose! -(taking advantage of her sexual frustration and weakened willpower along the way!) Maybe Kate becomes so desperate that they begin to Whore themselves out on the street, and you could play their Pimp and the patrons that buy her! The options are endless!

*If you're a female looking to play her hypnotic captor, bonus points for Hypnotic Tits since….they're hot.*

**What do I want to see out of the story?:**
The Original idea was to play out the duality of a Superheroine who had been hypnotized before an encounter, and then would be broken and corrupted further from the ongoing effects- keeping the scenes moving without slowing for hypnosis "trance" sections, since those always make things harder to write on both sides since being blank and mindless, while very hot- is a hard angle to write from!

It does depend on the character chosen, but I would like to have a good back and forth between Kate and the characters around her, she was a lot of fun to voice! And I hope that shows!

**Harem-Play** was a big one as well once the Clone aspect came in, especially with **Maid-Play,** in the mix. Teasing, Toys, Sexual-Training, Punishments, Hypnosis, Orgasm Denial, Multiple Orgasms, Public-Play, Cum-Play, Cum-Eating, Objectification, Fun uses of Superpowers, Spankings, Rough-Sex, the sky is the limit here!-

Limit Wise: Snuff, Feet.

I hope this sounds as much fun as I had thinking on it!

A Few More Prompts for your viewing pleasure!
[F4M] Mighty Elven Spell-Blade looking to be Silenced and Exploited by a Not-So-Mighty Goblin!

It was inside of this battlefield, that Sellen finally felt free once more- with her runic and ethereal sword in her hands made out of pure arc-light from her connection to the greater beyond-she was a Maestro of Might, a beautiful symphony of power that often fell upon deaf ears…..

The Skeleton slaves and slavers that approached her were nothing- they were cut down to ashes in moments, she was a Force. She was the finest Spell-Blade to ever graduate from her academy…….

Her nude form was almost used as a distraction to her human-like opponents, too busy staring at her curves before she placed a halberd between their brow.

Unfortunately for her however, the one being she wished to kill the most?…she couldn't touch.

"And then, Goblin swung his dagger and stabbed the skeletons in their heart!"

It didn't quite add up to the Guild Master, knowing that skeletons didn't have hearts….but the Necromancers crown had been returned, which meant the Quest was done- and Sellen's little green Master would reap the rewards.

*That ignorant little snake, if it wasn't for this damn collar, I would've ripped him apart from the inside out long ago.*

And with coin in his pocket, the Goblin pulled along on Sellen's leash, his touch upon the ancient chains brought upon a soft pink lining through the center of them- and as it reached Sellen?

Her body moved for her.

The chains were an ancient, Anti-Magic artifact, used in wars before even Sellen's time, it was now but a been curse upon her bloodline as it forced her to follow the Goblin's every command. She had been commanded to explain how she simply watched her "Goblin Hero" slay and vanquish all of the foes once again……

But she did all the work, received none of the credit. He ate like a king, while she ate like an animal.

Her only hope was that someone may catch on, Slavery wasn't legal in most tamed parts of the region, which made it all the worse when she was forced to explain……

*"I'm masters body and flesh toilet, Teehee~ he saved me from a mighty dragon, so I told him I'd ride his goblin-manhood until the day he dies!"*

It was a pox upon her heroic deeds, the slaying of the Ender Dragon had been no easy feat, and the Goblin had stolen that from her too…….

She'd see him dead.
She swore it.

*And Scene!*

Heya everyone! A bit of a fantasy prompt today, it's heavily based on the idea of a badass mage doing all the work, while she's carried around in chains, and her "Master" takes all the credit

I'd prefer Goblins, or any other smaller "beastial" fantasy races, I would like to focus on their dirty tendencies, especially with such a fair maiden!

Ideas from here could range from the Goblin wanting to start a family, or even his own encampment where slavery is allowed, the idea of badass fantasy woman being taken by a lowly goblin because of ancient magic trinkets is **really** hot if you ask me!

[F4M] All-Powerful and Elegant Elven Spell-Blade looking to be made a Cum-Sow by Pig-Men!

*The Spell Blade was a gift from the Heavens, once every generation- A Baby was blessed with the power to wield the power of the Stars itself in her hands, able to finely tune her strength's into magical blades that were as beautiful as they were deadly-*


Idril's head was once again mounted, pushed into by the largest of the ranks of PigMen, he wasn't the first- he wouldn't be the last, but he was the first one to take what he wanted.

Idril was chained around her neck to a wooden wall behind her, ancient magic curses rendering even her immeasurable power null- making her as one of the smaller pigs had described "Sorry as any other set of holes we bring back!"

She was left to discover how sorry she'd be- with the huge and hulking monster pushing his impossibly large cock down her throat, pushing her head into the wall and not caring how much Idril could handle- because she'd take it.

Like a good little Whore.

*The Spellblade is many things, but above all else- it is a savior, a gift to the elves and all that is right in the world, but it also meant that conflict would come as it always did, when Evil reared it's head- the Spellblade must be ready to cull it, impossible beasts- Hydras, Dragons, Balrøgs, all slain by Spellblade's past……*

But this newest evil wasn't as strong as a Dragon, it wasn't as powerful as any Lich King.

They were crafty, devious- and merciless, a terrifying combination, as Idril herself has learned.

Weeks would pass, she would be left tied down- Elves do not need to eat for sustenance as long as they gained sunlight, and thankfully the roof of the building was open- but unfortunately for her?

A Pig didn't care.

"Here's the deal here Lassie, me and the mates have all been saving up the cum 'ye spilt in this bucket."

It'd be thrown forwards, Idril's long and flowing body not flinching- her breasts heaving as she tried to catch her breath once more- a null point when another thrust would steal it- much like they had her powers.

"You drink the bucket, we take you out the collar and give 'ye a nice bath, whatcha say?"

Idril didn't have a choice.

She'd swallow her pride.

And she'd swallow down the thick and yellowed cream of her newly cemented betters.

Little did she know?

Her Torture was only beginning.


Pig-Men were chosen for the base, but I'm happy with Orcs, Centaurs, Giants, Goblins- all have their fun angles to this story!

(A story about a Dwarven sharpshooter being taken by Centaurs, Humans and Orcs- plenty of options and I'm open to hear what you'd like to see!)

Kinkwise I'm hoping for things to get dark, Depraved and all around kinky: Slavery, Abuse, Misogyny, NonCon (eventually turned Con through MindBreak and repeated Orgasms) Corruption, Denial, Servitude, CumPlay, CumDrinking, WaterSports, being treated like an animal, Degradation, Humiliation, Mating Presses, Hentai-Esque scenes and dialogue,

Limits: Snuff.

Definitely in a fantasy mood today, Goblins, Orcs, Centaurs— All are very, very welcome!
A Nice Bump with some new goodies for you all!

[F4M] Emma Frost In: Pressure Makes Diamonds, But How Much Pressure until even Diamond Cracks?

Scenario One: Up The Creek, Without a Paddle
Kinks included: FreeUse, Public Play, Humiliation, Degradation, Eventual Hooters-Esque scenes with her forced to serve, Alcohol, "Mutant" Racism.

(Wouldn't mind her having a partner in this one, Storm fits the southern racist setting for RacePlay, or Psylocke— or Both!)


The dingy stall wall wobbled and shook like a house during an earthquake, the door was cheaply made for one obvious reason: The Hole in the middle of it, A hole not known by any other name for all its Glory:

A Glory Hole.

Emma Frost was currently holding herself above the malfunctioned toilet below her, the water was drained and it was clear that the only reason it still sat below her was to perhaps offer respite to any poor girl that found herself inside of such a chamber.

*"Hey, Mutant-Cunt, Do I need to remind you about the Woman upstairs? Hogtied and with a knife to her throat?"*

The White Queen hadn't came to this place without her intentions of course, and it was only fitting that those machinations toppled down upon her and left her Ass-Up for the entire county she had landed in.

Emma Frost wasn't stupid, she had to listen or else a Mutant would die….A Mutant who was the only reason that they were even trapped in this mess….

But a mutant all the same.

"Y—Yes, You insolent whelp, I remember….."

Slowly, she'd dismount herself from the wall as her heels came down against the toilet seat and she worked her way downwards…..

Slowly Submitting and Unaware of the *line* that had been forming outside the door, but crudely aware of the writing on the wall and the sharpie she had been left:

*Cock's Serviced:*

And below it?

*Smile Bitch! You're on Camera! :)*


Scenario Two: Diamonds are a Man's Best CumRag.
Kinks included: Bondage, Submission, Toys, Slavery/Maid-Play, Orgasm Denial, Orgasm Overload.


"Nnnnnghhh~ P…Please~ Let Me~…."

Her name was Emma Frost and she certainly didn't enjoy begging, but desperation was clawing the voice out of her, that needy little high-pitched gasp which called out for her carnal needs…..

"Let me change back, please- I'm so much warmer that way, wouldn't you rather~ HNNNGH!~"

The White Queen had been playing this game for many days now, whenever she felt an ocean of an orgasm building between her legs? A Diamond Dam was placed and she would be forced to swim in the swill of hormonal tension in her mind as her body became flawless, and her mind drowned in arousal.

And the worst part of all?

*Why Must Master Always finish on my diamond skin? Why must he paint me in such lewd ways?….*

*Oh God, I said Master…..I'm submitting to this man, and he's!…..*


Scenario Three: The White Queen meets her Black King.
Kinks Included: RacePlay, Demeaning and Degrading Remarks, Emma Frost getting RacePlay Tattoos



"God-Damnit Sebastian, Why is my face plastered all across New York, and why are they calling me a Racist this time?"

Emma sat on the phone with the Co-Chairman of her Company: Hellfire International, The Hellfire Club had been burned down by the X-Men and in its stead the Rise of her very own corporation.

*"Emma, Darling, you must understand- I have a reputation to uphold, A Mutant Senator could not be framed as a Racist-"*

"Framed!?!?- You FRAMED Me, You Sniveling coward!"

*"Emma Now, Please- We know what stress does to your face, let us try and focus on the positives here, Yes?"*

Emma would hang up on him from there, feeling the weight of New York on her neck, but who would call on her for racial justice?


Three Different Scenarios for my favorite X-Men of all Time!~ And Yes, Another Bitchy Blonde from Comics who I obsess over…..Maybe I have a Type?

"*Hnnnkkk—Squee—* Master!~ Someone is at the door! May I answer?"

By all intents and purposes, such a setup seemed like the beginning of an elaborate joke with a slightly risqué punchline that probably wouldn't do too well at parties. The Expedition Team was currently outside of the home of the once lavish City Silk-Weaver, a Woman who swore off the companionship of Man for the fairer race of her sister Elves.

But apparently? Little Green Men needn't worry about such things.

——— ——— ——— ———

**An Excerpt from the Scientific Journaling of J.Forest:**

*Swine-Elves are a perverted view through the looking glass of genealogy and evolution, where one may see a Goblin as a down-step from the brute force of an Orc? A Swine-Elf is a step down from the beauty and innate elegance of the Elven Race, their regality blunted and turned into beings of carnal desires and wanton wants: Where an Elf is Control? A Swine-Elf is Impulsive: Only caring for Itself and the Mate it imprints upon.*

—— —— —— —— —— ——

The Lady: Leilani'Orlaine'Vash had once used her magics to help clothe nearly half the once sought after city of Sharannas, A city that once prided itself on being built around the basin of the mighty Thafaserine river, with proper upkeep they had been able to use the rivers natural force to help power the cities harbor and transportation through the use of canals: but ever since the Infection took hold and without care? The Thafaserine river became angered and would overflow, spilling mud and muck all across the city:

Almost as though this was the Act of some terrible Goblin God.

The sight of Lady Leilani would be one of almost sheer horror, almost as though some beast had swallowed her whole and used her form to parody and mock the fair woman whose legs were once swift like the oars the boats men used on the canals- but now she held thighs thicker than tree-trunks, a "bottom heavy bottom-bitch" as her master would describe her. Her stomach- once as flat as the waxing moon, now held the gravid weight of gravity and gravy upon it, a healthy stomach for a human lass- but an elven woman would be shamed for even having an ounce of body-fat, and now Leilani held such in troves, her chest were once like blossomed roses- reddened and sweet- but now they were wilted flowers crushed beneath the boot of something much heavier, two heavy chest adornments that held many piercings and chains of gold and silver, former earrings the Dressmaker would wear on occasion now used to show off her Goblin's immense wealth.

And worst of all? The Dopey, downright dumb and dim look in her eye- Like Content Cattle that didn't question the slaughterhouse. The way her nose now sat against her face: smushed and smashed as her nostrils widely inhaled, her eyes opening slightly as she took in the scent of someone new; making her ears twitch as she realized that this wasn't someone from the city she now knew as: **OlBell.**

Across her neck hung a crude piece of drift-wood, the tree lines around the city cleared and used for the cities new makeshift housing and adornments, and across this swine-elf was her new name crudely written in smashed berries:


*"What Hell hath you spoken Girl? We 'aven't 'ad guests since your sisters were sold, who the hell would visit us?"*

—— —— —— —— —— ——

**Another Excerpt from the Author J.Forest, who without their work such investigative expeditions may be as useful as the research of lighting a fire during a monsoon.**

*It is impossible to know what may have come first, without being there to experience such a virus spreading through the city streets: With the destructive prowess of a fire during the dry-months of a weary moon, the Goblins would somehow turn the Elven Citizens inside out. Sister cities would quarantine the city of **Sharannas** as best they could, blocking off the river and closing the curtains on any trade routes: But one couldn't be sure….To what end does this infection seek? The subjugation of the Elven people? The Chaos of the entire realm of Thanagar?…..One Writer cannot be sure.*

— The Astute and Famed Scribe and Scientist: Joseph Forest.

—— —— —— —— —— ——

And so: The Swine-Elf Expedition Team would be surmounted beneath the worried brow of the Elven Queens of the surrounding cities.

A Group of Spell-Blades and Magikal scientists, all who were setting out to try and solve the Realms greatest mystery before it may be too late.

With worry of possible cross-contamination, it was decided that the Team would need a Member from lands unlike their own!

To ensure the Expedition Teams survival, A Foreigner would be hired to travel alongside them.

And who *they* are might just ensure the survival of the Realm itself! Or it may doom it to a world of Green Greed and Swine-Elf Squeals….


*Annnnnd Scene!*

Hey There everybody, I've had this type of scene on my mind for such a long time and I'm so happy to finally put it to paper, it's definitely more ….Passion, over Process, so I am sure there are runaway ideas and many questions to be asked: Please Ask Away!

The Author of the Swine Elf Study is a Writer in our realm of Real Life by the name of JoeForest (At least that is his pen-name), who has a beautifully written story of an Elf who is magically kidnapped by a Goblin which ends in a City of *Swine-Elves*

(In the Story this state is caused by an Elf being submerged in Goblin Cum in a Tankard or Barrel, which can be used or tossed but….is most definitely ripe for the imagination.)

Without him this idea would've never been made, and I can most definitely send a link to his story if it would be enjoyed!

The Main Idea of the story is: *Your Character* is brought on for this scientific expedition as a fail-safe, with the rest of the cast being Elven Beauties of Arcane Strength and Intelligence. They're from a neighboring kingdom or far-away land, any other fantasy race is welcome or even a subsection of Elves who weren't affected by the Plague of the *Swine-Elf.*

The City itself is Quarantined and Forsaken, but it is still a City with a newfound Green King who wears the Queens dresses as a mighty and regal cape, the Team will be welcomed inside…but that doesn't mean they will be leaving….

I have a very loose idea for the structure of the story: I enjoy the idea of the Goblins almost being like Magical Leeches, and as one of the Arkane Inquisitor Elves researched something truly from outside of their realm of understanding?…..


- [ ] Excessive Cum- Painting the City Walls, The drink of Choice of any Swine-Elf inside of the City
- [ ] The Corruption of the Cast of characters: It's a central theme for the prompt and with the world surrounding it, My characters ideally will come under the same *Swine-Elf* infection to varying degrees….
- [ ] Misogyny/Elven-Inferiority: Elves were once regal and noble sabers as sharp as they were elegant: But now that they've changed they're essentially slave-brides and cattle, most living a parody of their former lives and for some reason always seemingly perfectly content with it…..
- [ ] Timeskips where characters are fucked for hours on end and the extremely viscous mess that would accompany such affairs, I'm unsure what sort of term to use to describe it, but where characters are fucked for hours on end and we basically skip from the beginning to the end and see what an absolute mess they've become.
- [ ] Namecalling, Rudeness and General Goblin Grossness: They aren't grateful they've inherited the city and will rightfully flaunt what they own, they've never had visitors- are they seen as esteemed guests or potential threats?
- [ ] Magik being spelt with a *k* because it looks fancier, and Magik being used during Sex and other fantastical ways for things to get lewd

Other applicable kinks: Breeding, Body Mods, Harems, BDSM, Beasts, IQ Loss, Knife-Ear-Fucking, Lactation, Elven-Cows

[F4M] What To Do After You Whored Yourself Out to Save the World….Only to have it saved Hours Later!


The Doomsday Clock was at 11:59, seconds from midnight, seconds from Doom as the entire world watched with abated breath and tried to assemble a plan in how to stop the otherworldly foe!

*(Hey True Believers! FORTHAX the Unrelenting is a being from the far reaches of Space who flew in to find a new home for his empire, — Empress.)*

Miracle Man had been reduced to ashes, and meanwhile- The Platinum Puma was held up by four high-tech gravity handcuffs! Held like a trophy in the center of the spaceship that held FORTHAX and his forces!

"Please, Please—…….Spare Earth, and you may have me. You said you need an empire….but you need a Queen, don't you? If you spare my planet….I'll be your bride."



*Moments Later….*

FORTHAX never turned off his live-stream, he had undone the restraints on his prisoner and she had crawled seductively up to his throne, her wide and heavy-set hips that swelled with womanhood and made most men on Earth feel bad for mentally cheating on their significant others with the mental image of the Puma.

"A Concubine….thats just, a fancier term for a Whore right?"


"Listen, Pal, I'll do whatever your wife doesn't do— If you promise to spare earth, do I have your word?"



*Two Hours Later.*

Streamed onto every screen inside of the entire world, Puma was pushed to her sexual limits as it turned out the mighty FORTHAX was hung like a horse and had two cocks in place of one!

Puma left a trail of white-lipstick marks across both of them, marking her territory with her plump and plush cock-suckers, her tan skin accentuated by her all white costume, the very same costume that didn't stay on for very long.

Puma would be an absolute mess by the end of it all, a sweaty and sexy mess, if FORTHAX was God, she was feeling like a sexual Goddess! Even her Domino Mask would slip off her face, letting all of the World see the Woman who was saving the day by sucking Cock and taking a Cock up her massive and plump ass!



*Doomsday Clock: 12:01.*

The Doomsday Clock was already over the Midnight Marking, the Large drill that had sunk into the White House was preparing its- **FORTHAX GIGA—GRAVITY THRUSTER."** to implode earth with its own gravitational pull!

Puma had failed, Earth would be dust and….and!…..


"That's where you're wrong, Forthrax!"

That Voice! That goody two shoes Voice that Puma always said needed to untie his cape a little because it always seemed too tight!


"You See, The Sun's Solar Energy brought me new life, Like a Phoenix whose ashes have returned to burn down your infernal empire!"

Puma was floored- Literally, she was on the floor, both of her holes still freshly fucked for the fifth time, she was a Gaped and Ruined Mess!

And Now???—

The Fight would be epic, Amazing and Justice would reign triumphant!

Miracle Man would save the day!

And Puma would have to return to a World she had tried to save with her Fat Ass…..

Something told her she wouldn't be getting a Medal for this one…..


Only to have Miracle Man save the day, as he always does.

Leaving Puma to return to a world that has seen her *O*-Face!

I'm much more interested in the aftermath, the public reaction and outrage- does Puma have a boyfriend? Does someone recognize her without her mask?

Does a Porn Company reach out and try to strike a deal? Does a wealthy billionaire reach out and try to get her to be the Whore he saw on his Private Movie Theater?

The Sky's the limit, and then some!

Puma I see as a Fusion of CatWoman and Wonder Woman- Strength, Speed, with the Cat-like flair! I'm open to switching this to A Marvel/DC/Invincible type story, if you have a heroine you'd like to fill in the blanks, feel free to reach out and see if I can do them justice!

(Get it? Justice? Ha!)

[F4M] Justice League looking to be Transported into an Alternate Earth where Misogyny and FreeUse is Rampant!

"So wait, wait, wait, walk me through all of this again, Listen, I know alternate earths- I'm from one for Pete's Sake, I just….."

Karen Starr looked out and over the city skyline their ship had come down from, it was an almost picture-perfect New York City!…..if that picture had been drawn by a Man.

The skyscrapers stretched high into the sky, men went about their days of work annnnnnnd…..

"By the Gods, it is the most immodest thing I have ever seen, who might wish to show that to people passing by?…."

The Statue of Liberty, the Beacon of Hope and America!…..Had her tits out.

The statue hadn't been vandalized- it was simply made *topless* and according to the chest on the bust- The Lady of Liberty had quite the rack!…..

"Hold Up, it's ….Weird, it's all Men heading to work down there-….Where are all the Women?…."


"Okay, So, Basically- while we were flying out for last mission, we seemed to have hit a Wormhole of some kind- like the one Karen came through but this one was a different chute, different earth we landed on and…"

Karen Starr, Wonder Woman, Vixen and Jessica Cruz all gathered around their ships meeting table, while Vixen continued to explain what must've happened to them to explain where they had ended up!….

"Here we are, and unfortunately- as we've seen with Karen, getting home?…isn't that easy. And our ship is running low on energy, we need to bring it down in the harbor and bring it to shore……"

And so, the Justice League Heroines would be arriving upon a World with a team of heroes the likes of which they had ever seen- there was the **Justice Lords** and their *Justice Harem.*

That was if they were even able to get to the team without being tagged for being *Free* Women.

They were washing up on a foreign land, one they may never escape from!

*Because it was a Man's world.*


*Annnnd Scene!*

Hey All, Me again!

With a new JL setup for you all! This one a bit wonky, but I think could lead to a lot of fun!

**The Team of Heroes can be rearranged, or changed up completely!** We can even say that those girls are just the leaders of the team and the rest are in the Bay Area

Maybe a Downtrodden Male hero had ridden with them, and now gets his chance at owning the girls aboard the ship!
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