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Mx Female Summer Vacation (NSFW)


Sep 21, 2021
The sun blazes down on a hot July day, yet a cool breeze stirs the air. Children's laughter echoes across the pool at The Crest Field Hotel and Resort, a popular vacation destination known for its beaches and natural beauty.

I have a few plots in mind pretty vanilla but I am open to discuss plot.

1) A Family Vaction:
It is Summer and it is so hot out, the family goes on a beach vaction.

The family goes to a beach resort together. An a secert relationship continues between family member. Pleanty of Opportunities for them to slip away unnoticed and have fun in some risky places (On the beach, in the spa, on a nature trials) A lot of Opportunities for YC to wear a Skippy bathing suit, or yoga top and pants or just sluty outfit.

Potential Pairings
Father and Daughter
Daughter Best friend X Fathet
Step father x Stepdaughter
Brother X Sister

2) School Vacation
The school goes to a beach resort together. Things happen between Teacher and students or Chaperones and students. Pleanty of Opportunities for them to slip away unnoticed and have fun in some risky places (On the beach, in the spa, on a nature trials) A lot of Opportunities for YC to wear a Skippy bathing suit, or yoga top and pants or just sluty outfit.

Teacher x Student
Parents × Student
Chaperones x Students.

3) YC is MILF who is a bit naughty she is on a vacation with her family. While the rest of the family is away doing stuff. she decided to lounge by the pool in her swimsuit. It is quite boring, needs an adventure. Maybe whe isn't getting what she needs at home. Perhaps thing get a bit risky?

4) The vacation will be full of single ladies, and MC would be free to go about his single's vacation experience however we so desires. We Including an itinerary of events, mixers, and other social happenings to help bring people together and get people chatting. We can work out the specifics of these together.

Why are our character on this vacation? Is someone shy and looking to get out of their shell? Someone single, divorced, windowed, or Married? Did they have to tag along because the boss?

Everything else is just icing on the cake. We can bang out the detail.

- Oral, anal, vaginal
- Romance
- Aftercare
- Public scenes
- Slutty clothing
- Dirty talking
- Size/height difference
- Kemonomimis (animal ears/tails but everything else is completely human)
- Risk of pregnancy, pregnancy, breeding a must at the end!
Age gap
Risk of Impregnation/Breeding
Light Bondage ( Spanking, Hair Pulling, etc.)
Vanilla Sex

No Text speak
No Toliet stuff
No interracial themes
No Blood or gore

Post Length Min/Max: A Couple sentences to a paragraph, with only a minimal amount of story before jumping into the smut.
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