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Princess and Her Bodyguard (Raizu Kagurai & Lady Bloody Ava)

raizu kagurai

Jun 21, 2011
As the day began to wind down and the sun setting past the horizon, Bella - nsfw let out a grumble as she approached the door to the Princess' chambers. She had been charged with the girl's care and safety and while in the castle was particularly easy to do. And while the silence and calmness loomed over the halls, Bella was ready to finish the last of her rounds before making her way to her own room to turn in for the night, eager to shed away the armor she wore and sprawl out in her bed. However for now she had to check on the princess and make sure all was well. With a soft knock upon the door she called out."I'm coming in Princess.."she assured before slowly making her way inside.

She stopped, looking towards the young royal as she offered a smile."Thought I'd come in and check on you one last time before I turn in for the night. Is there anything you need of me at all?"she asked softly, bowing her head for a moment, doing her best not to let her eyes wander over the Princess' young figure. The knight drew a slow breath, feeling the encumbersome weight of her armor taking its toll a bit, however she still refused to let it show
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Rose was the only daughter of King Charles Bellamy and his second wife Queen Valerie Bellamy and the young sister of her stepbrother Prince Harold Bellamy. Harold was being groomed as the heir to the Dwinmer throne. She was a young woman going on eighteen years and had the stubbornness of her father and the two seemed to but heads like rams, but she was always his prized princess. The topic, as of lately, had fallen on her getting wed. From the age of 15 to now, they had been trying to get her to pick a suitor from who they thought was good enough, but she always managed to get out of it and there seemed to silent moment where she was left to her own devices as long as she attended certain gatherings and kept up with her duties as the princess.

It had been a long day and she had just gotten out of the bath and slipped on the only garb that she would dawn and it was a thin short gown that hug from creamy shoulders by thin straps. Nipples upon the voluptuous swells of her breast were taut and peeked through the barely there shy blue fabric that struggled to hide her ass. "Lovely to see you as well, Bella. You must have been busy today, I've been practically left to my own devices today." It was a test with a natural smile not often displayed to others. "Are you going to actually 'guard' me tomorrow?"
As she looked upon the princess in that gown that did little to hide anything from imagination, Bella felt something stir in her loins, doing her best to ignore that tingling, thrumming feeling in her head. Her cheeks were flushed but kept her composure as she smiled."Yes..The King had me ensuring the other knights were prepared and kept up with training..But yes You Highness I will be guarding you tomorrow..So long as you don't try to sneak away again.."She teased with a smile, shifting a bit as she fixed the armor that snugly pulled on her chest. "But even so, it makes my days interesting at the least."

With a smile she bowed her head a bit, looking out towards the setting sun as the last of it crest and dropped behind the horizon line." Your room is ready for bed and the halls are safe My Princess... Do you have need of me at all before I take my leave?" she asked with a gentle smile.
Rose laughed lightly as her antis were brought up. "You know that it gets increasingly stuff being held in these walls when fresh air is much needed, but I digress." With that, she walked over to her bed and slipped beneath the blankets. "I look forward to seeing you in the morning, Bella, and look forward to an interesting day. That will be all." Rose was more well-behaved since Bella had been appointed her guard than any other person assigned to her. "Good night..." she uttered in a short melody. While usually the epitome of grace and beauty, even someone of such noble birth could have a lack of will to be woken so early in the morning.

It was nothing new for her ladies in waiting to be knocking on her door and requesting in light voices for entrance to her quarters to get her dressed. Only Bella had the authority to walk in without permission and see to it that the princess was up in a timely manner. The curtains surrounding her four pillar bed were still close to keep the sunlight seeking through the wooden blinds of her windows from disturbing her sleep.
A small chuckle escaped the knights lips, shaking her head some as she listened as the girl spoke, expressing her need for air, to, even if for a moment step outside the walls. Though when the girl chimed in with her excitement to seeing her in the morning Bella nodded softly, offering the girl a gentle smile. While Bella was usually a serious and sometimes a stern woman, when it came to the princess she was more lenient and softer than most. As the princess climbed herself into bed she bowed her head when her attention had been dismissed.
"Good Night Princess, I will come for you in the morning."

As the new day came and so too with it came its own set of problems, Bella was up bright and early, as she was most times as she took her job seriously. With her duties involving her following and tending to the princess she did without some of her armor, mostly her gloves, arm guards and her pauldrons, keeping her breast plate and her boots on. With her not on patrol or standby she had no need to be fully geared up for the day ahead. Without warning she gently nudged the ladies away from the door and pushed her way into the room. Slowly she closed the door behind her and approached the bed, standing at the foot of it, her armored boots clanging with each step she took.

"Princess, it is time to wake up.."She sung softly with a soft whistle"
Rose groaned something along the lines of 'Bella' and buried her head further into the pillow, if possible. The sound of the boots alone had her knowing just what awaited her. As much as she hated mornings she would be lying if she said that she didn't enjoy the days that involved Bella. "For once, Bella..."The blankets were thrown off of her head, but the princess remained laying in bed, looking at her guardian."... why do you not just come in, crawl in bed with me and relish delaying the inevitable? Hm?" After getting to know her guard she knew that there was a gather chance of pigs flying than getting her guard to slide in bed with her and get reacquainted with the inside of her eyelids.

Another groan and she sat up with her hair disheveled. The coolness of the room teased at her flesh through the barely there garbs of her clothing. Nipples were taut and damn near screaming for attention. "I am not even sure what I am supposed to be doing today." She outstretched a hand to be assisted with getting out of bed. From day one she had no issues with getting dressed in front of Bella. She enjoyed making her strong guard blush and tr to get her to squirm. No one caught her attention like Bella did, but she never thought that such a staunch, hard-working, and loyal person would be interested in a noble woman like me.
Watched and listened, giving the girl a little bit more time before she would chime in again. However as she stood she swore she heard the young Princess call her name, drawing a slightly curved pull on her brow as she narrowed her eyes. however when the Princess spoke, once again seeming to wish she would join her in bed, the knight chuckled a bit and smiled, shaking her head some. Without invitation she held out her hand for the girl to take, to ease her out of bed."Because My Princess, The King would have my head if such a thing were to be seen.."She drew a breath, swallowing a lump in her throat with an audible *GULP* as she caught herself staring at those taught nipples that pushed at the thin sheen of the Princesses gown. Forcing herself to look away as she made her way to the window, her cheeks flushed, cursing herself for letting this girl get her so worked up, thankful for the armor she had on her nethers.

"And surely you understand I am not worthy to lay with such beauty.."She praised before offering the princess with a smile. "and I enjoy your company and your personality, albeit it a pain sometimes, too much to ruin what we have Princess. I will take guarding and accompanying you over patrols anyday.." She found herself sometimes rambling when in the the presence of nobody but the Princess, something she could never explain no matter how hard she tried, she was drawn to the girl, to the forbidden attraction to the Princess, a thought she had many times soiled herself and her sheets before bed.
At this time of the day, the young woman's mind and mouth were on autopilot. "Keyword is 'seen', Bella." The girl was still not fully awake and unfortunately missed the amusing display that her nipples brought out on the countenance of her guard. "Ah, but if you could lay with such beauty... would you?" It was a bold question. To hear that the relationship they had now was worth cherishing was sweet to hear. Bare feet walked upon the rug-covered floor until her arms wrapped around her target in a hug from behind. Bare breasts were pressed against the back of Bella's clothed body. "It's actually nice to hear that you feel that I can be a pain. That honesty is so refreshing and I thank you for that. I truly do." This was more of a candid and genuine moment and different from when she was teasing the person closest to her. "Bella, for what it's worth, I find that you are the only person worthy of me." What that said, she walked over to her wardrobe and began getting dressed.

These walls were thick for secrecy reasons. If she wanted to sample Bella, by all means, she had the power to do such given the loyalty alone, but the princess did cherish Bella and did not see her as a sex toy. "Have you eaten yet, this morning?" Continuing on with their usual banter as she brushed her long tendrils back into place. As of lately, it would be a surprise to some to know just how much space the knight took up in the Princess' mind. The thought of telling Bella that is she was hungry, that she could savor Rose here and now was on the tip of her tongue, but she held that back. "Well, I am starving. Shall we?"
The way that phrase rolled of the Princesses lips made her shudder with a breath to give into temptation to indulge was on her mind many of times. And in the secure confines of the room would make it easy and she knew the girl had some feelings for her. With the soft sounds of those feet, she felt the bare figure of the woman pressing g upon her back and those arms holding her waist. For a moment she held the girls hands and looked behind her and to the girl."I'm always honest with you princess and I only hope you are with me. " she watched the girl peel away, finding herself staring longingly at the bare ass of the girl before turning away. The last words that fell from her lips made Bella shudder. "Princess..." was all the knight could utter as the sweet girl always seemed to know how to crumble her defenses and invalidate any argument she had.

With a breath she smiled " I have not." With a swallow she felt her urges boiling over once more. " Though not sure food is what I'm hungry for.." The knight muttered softly under her breath.
The bodice of her dress hugged onto the curves of her figure. The tops of her breasts peeked from her heart-shaped neckline while her dress flowed in simple elegance and was not so thick or bothersome. As of lately, she preferred to wear nothing underneath as she saw no true point to doing so. "Oh, what was that?" Rose was not quite sure was she heard but was fairly sure her ears did not deceive her. "Well... if there's something that you crave, Bella, then..." Slippered feet closed the distance between her and the person who protected her for a living, amongst other things. "... please feel free to indulge." Like before, the princess hugged the only other person within the confines of her room around the waist. That breastplate bit into the soft flesh of her breasts as the distance was closed between the two of them.

"Bella, you have no need to be scared. The door is barred and I think we both feel the same way and I dare you to deny that." Those mesmerizing eyes looked Bella over like she was trying to memorize every perfect imperfection of her face. "If you want to go, we can. I will force nothing on you, but know that the option is always there for you."
She cursed herself for letting it slip, for letting those words slip from her lips as moments later those arms took hold of her once more and the princess spoke, clearly egging the knight on to indulge herself. she bit on her lip, a heavy labored breath pushing from her lips into the warm open air. This girl made it so hard to do her duties and keep the girl pure. Bella knew herself that she was far from pure, cursing herself for it so many times and yet the princess seemed to embrace it all the more. As Rose went on, pressing the matter further she took in a breath, letting her lungs flood with air before she exhaled, and along with it tossed out her concerns.

Turning in those arms she looked at the Princess, biting her lip as she pressed her forehead to hers. "Fear is not what I feel..Not for what will become of me. I would never deny you your feelings but I fear that if I indulge, if I give in, I won't be able to control myself." With a shake of her head the knight cleared her thoughts, still holding the woman's waist. "Curse you...for making me feel this way Rose, for making this loyal knight buckle in your presence. "Stealing a kiss from the girl's lips she released the woman and bowed her head." Now, tell me Rose, what would you have your Knight do? where shall we go?"She asked, leabing her request vague to allow rose to decide on anything she wanted."your parents have left you in my care afterall while they are away, Believe they said they were visiting a noble family or something on the edge of the kingdom.
There was a triumphant smile upon her lips as Bella confessed to Rose having been the source of her caving into her feelings. The kiss, ironically, caught her by surprise. It was a delightful surprise, to say the least. She had a case of butterflies. The once so bold, Princess was both excited and nervous. At first, she seemed hesitant, but that was far from the truth. "There are.... so many things I have dreamed of doing with you, and to you." Her lips caressed that of Bella's as she thought of the golden opportunity that they had. "How about we start off with my suggestions from earlier and let us get reacquainted with my bed? But... you're wearing too much to get comfortable, Bella." Her dress was easy enough to take off and it was tied behind her neck. Rose indulged in another kiss, but this one was deep, and ached to savor the taste of someone she had been dreaming to get to know on a more intimate level.

"They left me in great hands if I do say so myself." The dress fell from her shoulders and into a pool of fabric at her feet. Hands idly worked on assisting Bella with any fastenings, if she wanted the assistance. She knew that her dreams would never do the actual reality justice and she would be floored to see just how wrong she actually was.
As the girl spoke, as she seemed to enjoy that moment as brief as it had been and came up with a plan of what she wanted, the knight, after her rambling and spilling of her emotions couldn't say no. After letting her walls crumble and expose herself to the Princess she couldn't back out now. However with the thought of laying in bed with the Princess her heart sunk and fluttered all at once. However as the woman spoke, as those hands went to work on the fastenings and straps of her armor, she clutched to Rose's hands, stopping her as she drew a breath."Are you sure about this Rose...Is this...really what you want..? " She asked, wondering if Rose knew about her secret, one that not even the King and Queen knew about.


The knight tried her hardest not to stare, to not let her eyes wander, explore and simply devour the sight of the young Princess' exposed figure, her soft, pale flesh that glowed in the sun that bled into the room. After getting her answer she slowly released those hands, letting Rose continue her work. Bella breathed with long, steady pants, biting her lip as she helped working on the straps until one by one they fell to the floor with a loud clang, each time revealing more of the woman's girlish frame tightly tucked away in her leggings and her shirt. She prepared herself, embraced herself expecting to hear those dreaded screams and gasps as her leg armor fell to the floor as a prominent bulge pushed on her leggings, slowly tenting them with her arousal.
Rose was a little taken aback as her hand was stopped and Bella asked her the question. Was this what she really wanted? She ceased her own actions and thought on it for a moment and where there was once a look of concentration a reassuring smile sprouted. "I have never been more sure of anything in my life." This was saying something. Rose was not an irresponsible woman and though she could be rather impulsive, she always thought about her people while trying to make herself happy in the process. A kiss was pressed to Bella's lips as she worked the fastenings and occasionally looked at what she was doing.

When the leg armor fell to the floor the bulge was far from missed. A hand caressed the bulge in curiosity before her eyes looked up at Bella. There was a fire igniting in her veins. Hands continued to explore and the waist of the leggings were slowly peeled down and Rose descended with them. What greeted her took her breath away. It was a surprise and took her breath away. "Oh my...." her hot breath bathed the arch tip as she spoke. "Oh, Bella, baby..." the leggings were fully removed but Bella was too in awe of what she saw to get off of her knees. "You... are perfect." Slender fingers wrapped themselves around the girth of a very impressive weapon. What compelled her to lick that arched tip she had no idea, but there was not an iota of rejection in her response.

The princess stood up and took Bella by the hand, guiding her to the bed by leading the way. "Do not keep me waiting knight captain."
Bella relaxed with a soft smile when the Princess reassured her that she wanted this, that she was not doing this out of anything other than love and affection for the loyal knight that had been with her for years, shielding her from danger and trouble when she could. She watched, waiting, her heart feeling like it was going to burst through her chest from the waiting as the most shameful part of her was being unveiled. However the response she got surprised her far more than her secret surprised the Princess. She heard not a cry, yell or anything, only a soft gasp and a mutter of words. She looked down, eyes wide as she lurched and gasped with a guttoral huff as those delicate fingers teased the length of her.

However when the trap form the hem of her leggings came down, past her crotch, below her thighs and eventually her ankles, the woman looked at her princess, her everything as she sat upon her knees. The thick 10 inch cock sprung up freely, smacking against the Knight's stomach, veins angrily pulsing along the shaft and to the head where a thin hem of foreskin covered the bulbous pink tip. "P-Princess...W-what Are y- A-Ahhnnn ...MMMM!!!!" Her words were cut off and replaced with groans and moans as those sweet tender fingers curled around her cock, a feeling that dwarfed and shamed the feeling of her own fingers. however it was the tongue that dragged along her length that nearly brought her down to her knees."O-oh fuck...P-Princess.."The knight hissed, her eyes fluttering as she looked to the woman and followed her to the bed, putty in the royal woman's hands. She dreamed many of nights about this, and yet here they were, locked and sealed away in the room, herself naked, her raging cock exposed and the princess was beckoning her in. " Please don't wake me up.."She huffed in her euporic daze as she followed the girl into the bed.
Rose blushed herself at the reaction that she got from her knight. "My dreams never did you any justice. Not to mention... one very big surprise." The princess' arousal could be confirmed in the form of the glistening delta of her sex. Nipples were taut and silently aching for attention. Rose sought to take the reigns this time and had Bella lay on her back as the princess looked over her, straddling her waist. It was he atd to stay away from those delectable lips. "Mmm, feel free to take over whenever you desire, but I am just going to help myself in the meantime." With that says she began feasting on the delectable curve of Bella's neck as she slid the slick delta of her sex along that marble hard, vein riddled weapon that was capable of putting so many men to shame. It was a ruthless tease for the two of them and there were no regrets .

Lips travelled lower and the teasing ceased as her tongue swirled and flicked at the taut peaks that were Bella's nipples. It would probably feel like Rose was the one worshipping Bella. Lower did her sift lips travel after worshipping each breast until she found her place at home between powerful legs with a morsel that made her mouth water. She licked it like a treat before making the helm disappear past soft lips with a hum of approval and watching how her lover reacted.
She did nothing to fight the push and shifts as she was laid out on her back, that pillar of meat staring straight at the ceiling, her girth enough to stretch the girl far beyond any man. With a breath she closed her eyes as she smiled. "H-How...did I miss this about you, you naughty Princess.."She teased softly, tilting her head to allow the girl to kiss and press on the flesh of her neck. though as she felt those sweet cheeks rubbing on her cock, Bella let out an almost animal like growl as she took a firm, tight hold on the flesh of her ass and began to rock her hips, grinding her cock along the slick folds of her cat, while the head pushed between the cheeks of her ass. Bella was in heaven, oblivious to anything outside the frame of the bed.

While she dwarfed most if not all men, she never flaunted it or used it as most would find it apalling to see upon her form, especially with her being a renown knight of the royal family. She was squirming, mewling and whimpering as the girl worked her body, each kiss sending shocks and jolts through her spine, the woman squirming and writhing restlessly beneath the Princess."F-Fuck! R-Rose!.."However those were nothing compared to the jump and thrust of her hips as she felt her cock, her vile rod slip between the soft plush lips of the girl."O-Oh sweet heavens... T-this is so dirty...but..." She struggled but after a moment she gave another growl, clutching and pulling on the sheets, resisting the temptation to thrust, every part of her core demanding she ravage defile and just take what she wanted but she was paralyzed with pleasure.
There was a relaxed smile upon the countenance of the princess as she listened to Bella speak while savoring the moment. "This is a first for me. You know better than anyone that when I am determined about something that nothing can get in my way, and you... Bella.... have triggered something in me since the first day that you were by my side." It was a complex thing. There were moments of absolute confusion. Certainly a woman could not harbor such feelings for another woman, could they? As time went on, even she could not deny the feelings that she had and chose to accept them. Little by little she noticed Bella blushing here and there and when Rose would flirt, there seemed to be no aversion to the subtle advances. The reactions that she was getting out of the knight only fueled her endeavors.

Lips engulfed inch after inch as her tongue felt the throbbing being riddling the surface of such a solid member. It was hard to describe what spurred her on. A hum of approval sent vibrations down Bella's length. "I have never been more sure of anything, Bella..." she whispered against the ached help of that delicious cock. The hot breath bathed the tip. "Mmmm my dear..." Rose slowly made her way back up her lover's body and pressed a kiss to those lips while aching to see what being untied with Bella felt like. Loose tendrils were tucked back behind her ear as she looked down at a gorgeous being. "Don't let me be the only one having fun, Bella..."
She knew all too well how the Princess was, and when she wanted something, one dare not get in her way, although never did Bella think that she wpould be in those crosshairs, nor would she have thought the Princess would shun all morals or formalities to get it. and yet here she was on the bed, beneath the Princess as her thick, cursed cock was lost in the confines of the young woman's mouth. And God! it was so divine of a feeling. Perhaps part of it was her own fault but she thought that maybe by maintaining her composure and gently diverting the Princesses advances and suggestions would cull it, but never did she expect it to actually make her double down.

When her scepter was finally released from the pleasurable torment of those lips, Bella let out labored huffs, her chest bouncing with each hearty gasp she gave. She swallowed, watching with a shudder as the woman seductively crawled up to her body, her slick cock wedge betwee her thighs. The Knight pushed into that kiss, hands resting upon the hips of her fantasy, of the Princess she care so much for. When their lips were torn apart she breathed. "My Princess...this alone is only things I've thought of in my dreams..but I want to go at your pace, to go by your rules and everything, I fear of breaking and ruining you..But believe me..your lips...your eyes..just being like this with you is all I could ever want.."
Rose smiled after the kiss and was lost in the moment. There was nothing outside of the two of them in this very moment. "I appreciate that you take my newness to this all into consideration but... is it wrong of me for thinking that the idea of you having your way with me gets me excited?" For now she cuddled with her Knight. Her body resting half on top and half and to the side with her head on Bella's shoulder. "Well... if this is all that you desire then I am fine with this." That cock said otherwise. Her lips were too busy ensnaring Bella's in kisses while fingers traipsed up and down that marble hard length.

"We will never know what I am capable of until we try," she whispered against those soft lips. Her knight and protector seemed to be reserved and held back. "You need not hold yourself back with me, Bella. I want to get to know all of you, but we can take it slow if that is what you would like. However, I would like for you to take me as you desire."
She was perfectly happy as they were, relishing in the sweetness of the nude Princess' touch. However her cock told a whole other story as it jumped and flexed at the mere thought of conquering the young girl and claiming her innocence. The knight closed her eyes as she kissed her Princess, moaning and humming softly into it, listening as the girl spoke, as she continued to express her desires for more. With a slow, deep breath she waited till she finished before she spoke up. "My Princess, if I let myself go..If I unleash my full desires upon you..I fear I may break you..I am not even sure if I can control myself. Are you sure you want to endure that..? Are you absolutely sure that this is what you want over all else? I need you to be absolutely sure of this. I love you too much to hurt you.
She knew the answer right away, but the last thing that Bella said left the young woman, for once, lost for words. ' I love you too much to hurt you.' Rose knew that there was some kind of attraction between them, but to hear her crush outright admit to loving her was more than she could have ever asked for. "Yes, Bella, I want you to unleash your full desire on me. I do not want you to be cautious with your affection. I was all of you and all that you have to offer." Now the sight of the size of the weapon that her lover had between her legs was enough to get her worrying if she could handle this but there was a thrill and curiosity that overshadowed that. "Is it rude of me to assume that this is not your first time?" She asked cautiously.
As the Princess answered, as she seemed to waste no time responding to her questions, the Knight swallowed and drew in a slow, deep breath as she took in those words as the girl accepted what is was she was allowing the woman to do, all while her cock throbbed angrily, veins bulging as she lay there in waiting. Though as the woman asked if it was her first or not the knight shook her head."Only once before.. MY best friend from before I was a knight...I could not control myself...And I left her a drooling mess.I have not used this cock of mine ever since. "She looked away in shame, her cheeks flushed as she recollected that night, the night her and her best friend tried to experiment after the girl walked in on Bella changing. It was after that point she had trained herself to become a knight, to teach herself control and restraint. And yet now here she was again in that same position.

"But if you don't think less of me..I am ready whenever you are my Princess.."
Rose smiled and just held onto Bella in absolute comfort. "If you are not comfortable with this then you need not force yourself. Yes, I would love our unbridled attention and have faith that I can handle what you have to offer, but I am content knowing that you share the same feelings as me. We can take it slow and see how things progress from there." A soft hand dressed at a breast idly and lightly pinching and tugging at a nipple. "Mmmm... I will let you take the reins and you can let loose or hold back as much as you would like if you are that worried about me." A soft kiss was stolen from those lips. "And Bella? I could nor would I ever think less of you."
As the woman held onto her and spilled the sweet words Bella smiled softly as she lay there with the young Princess in her arms. She looked to the door, biting her lip and pulling on it as she let out a sft whisper. "F-forgive me My Lord..But Your Mine.."She huffed, slowly rolling so Rose was now on her back and Bella was laying over her. She looked into the girl's eyes, planting her lips firmly on those sweet tender ones of the Princess. She held the kiss, her hips rocking slowly, rubbing and sliding the underside of her cock against Rose's petals."Mmm.." that feeling was wonderful, almost too much, nearly driving her to plunge right there but she relished this soft teasing, running those slick juices along her length.
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