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Fx Male Mari's Cravings


May 7, 2022
Hello there, thank you very much for stopping by and checking out my little thread here. It's going to be quite short, brief and neat, just to list the current cravings and itches that need a thorough scratching.

First, let's start with a little about me as a roleplayer:
  • female, 31
  • my time zone is CE(S)T
  • I consider myself an advanced literate writer, can write a post anywhere from 500-1000 words (of course, if we're only doing a shorter scene, not a long term story, the length is adapted) but I also with with what I get, I don't like to limit myself and sometimes I just do a shortter post, sometimes I literally rant forever and give you a novella, who knows? xD
  • I write in third person, past tense
  • my replies depend on work and how much free time I get to have so please, be considerate
  • I am submissive in real life too so I am looking for a dominant partner (but also, this is not an invitation for everyone who enjoys mindless hitting a girl for their pleasure, if you claim you're dominant, please, be a dom, not a domineering...person - I apologize if this might seem a little hostile and I assure you I don't mean it that way but I had my fair share of experience with partners who simply wanted to torture my characters and vent their frustrations on them, whatever they might be, so I just want to be sure we're on a same page...oh, and one more thing, a submissive doesn't mean a mute slave, so please, bare that in mind too, thank you ♥)
  • if your favorite kink is not included, please, don't hesitate to ask, the worst that can happen is I say no (but if the kink is in my "no-no" section, then please, respect that)
  • I am an avid user of Discord, however, don't ask for my handle after three seconds, I like to say it's earned

    What I expect from you:
  • general literacy - I am not a native speaker and I make mistakes, everyone does, but please, let's try to be comprehensible and I will do the same, 100%
  • writing in third person past tense
  • I make mistakes - yes, I consider myself literate and all but typos happen even to the best ones out there, sometimes I overlook it, but I can promise a comprehensible literate post every time I send something to you so I would ask you for the same, please
  • realistic face claims only
  • and lastly, I am a generally nice person and get along with everyone but if you're a dick, I will be a dick back, please, do not get angry or discouraged by this because I PROMISE I'm nice, I just had a few dealings with unpleasant people and learned a few things already
These are really just examples of my favorite kinks. I have probably not included absolutely everything but it's mostly to serve as an idea of what I'll do:

- Anal (receiving, if giving, then only to a female, never to a male)
- Aftercare
- Blindfolds
- Breast/Nipple Play
- Clit Play
- Fingering
- Fingers In Mouth
- Foreplay
- Hair Pulling (mostly receiving)
- Kidnapping
- Oral Sex (Giving & Receiving)
- Restraints (handcuffs, ropes, even chains with the right story)
- Risk Of Being Caught
- Romance
- Sexy/Slutty Clothing
- Sex Machines/Toys
- Vaginal Sex (Typically Receiving, but can Give with the right story)

and possibly more that are not coming to me right now

And some examples of what I will NOT do under any circumstances:
- Mind Control
- Scat
- Watersports
- Vore
- Hypnosis
- Excessive Pain and Humiliation
- Anal (Giving to a Male...just, no, okay?)

plus probably also some more I cannot think of right now. But as I already said, all you have to do is ask.

Last part (and yes I know, I promised it was going to be short xD) is just a few of my favorite pairing (which I'm not exclusive to), these I currently crave but don't be shy to approach me with your ideas too, I'm sure we can find something to work on (if the role is in bold, it's a role I'd prefer to play and/or something I’m craving very much):

rich x poor
athlete x coach
rebel x nerd
mafia boss x undercover agent
royalty x royalty
royalty x servant/security detail
vampire x human/vampire
werewolf x human
enemies to lovers
➹ random meeting
reverse harem

They say the more the merrier, right?

And that is exactly the idea here. I'm thinking one girlie but several cocks to handle. There are plenty of scenarios that are possible here.
- maybe she's a poor babe bullied at school and now those bullies decide to teach her how to be a real woman...their words, not mine.
- maybe her older brother wants to show his friends what a little treasure he has at home and they gang up on her one afternoon.
- maybe daddy likes the sight of his beautiful innocent daughter and decides to parade her around in front of his friends on a poker night.

so many options, such a huge craving!
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