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Faux Distress (Wave and Saber)


Jun 26, 2016
On the top floor of the sorority house, and in the north lounge where the privileged members of Alpha Nu Lambda tended to gather together to brainstorm new ideas and activities, a two-girl hustle and bustle was present. The coffee table had been pushed away from the sofa to open up some space in the centre of the room. While the pompous president of this picky student club stood idle, her trusty friend climbed down the portable stand ladder next to her. She had just finished passing a threaded, rather long piece of rope through the eyebolt that was screwed into the ceiling.

"So, where did you say you left the flyer again?" Daphne, the head of the sorority, asked. From the ceiling, her eyes shifted over to her friend.

"At the coffee shop." Penny answered. It was an advert of sorts, which asked for a kindly individual's help with small errands such as printing and packaging in the sorority house, addressing the very room they were in. "Pinned it to the community board." The orange haired student folded the ladder, carrying it away to lean it against the wall. "I hope you won't need to wait that long this time." Afterwards, Penny returned to her friend. "Even though you kinda like it."

Raising her hands towards the girl, Daphne nodded, "Well, the wait is a major part of it," and pushed her wrists and elbows together. Her pleated skirt matched the light brown tie that hung from her neck and stood against her white shirt. The end of the rope ran over and under her wrists as Penny worked on her hands. "You're getting better at this." She watched the girl tie her wrists together, firm and secure, but easy on the skin.

"I guess." Walking past Daphne, she headed up to the heavy bookcase that stood tall in the back. "After four times." As she pulled the free end of the rope, the president's arms began to rise. The more Penny pulled it, the more they moved up.

Looking up, Daphne watched her arms stretch towards the ceiling, a certain excitement already starting to build under her skirt. As her friend tied the opposite end of the rope to one of the short legs of the bookcase, her arms were to stay up for a while, her feet still on the floor.

Once again, Penny stood in front of her. Brushing past the hem of her skirt, her gaze ran down her friend's bare legs. "And legs?" She asked.

Raising a knee, Daphne let her thighs brush each other, and put her foot back down. "They're fine."

With that, her partner in crime walked to the side without doing anything about her ankles. She picked up a pink storage box from the floor, putting it on the counter that stood against the wall. Her palm swept across the paper that was glued to the front of the box. "Don't open," it said, making it more tempting to lift the lid, and consequently discover the toys inside the box, which were hardly for children.

"Help me!" Daphne called out in the background, "Help me!" practising the role she intended to play during this little game of hers.

"What if he's too kind, and actually does help?" Penny asked.

"I have my ways." The so-called victim suggested.

"What if turns out to be a she?" The ginger student asked again.

"Like you?"

The preparations were complete. "Have fun, Daphne," Penny Waved back before leaving the room, and making sure the door was slightly open, for the helpful person who would read the flyer and care to pay a visit.
“I’m locking the door.” Victor had only been working at the coffee shop on campus for maybe two months now. It wasn’t the best job, but it kept funds in his bank account which, in turn, kept his stomach full. The deadbolt locked with a heavy clunk as he sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. To him, there was nothing worse than catering to overly privileged students as they ordered outlandishly sugary drinks that barely had any caffeine in them. Bright side? He got free coffee.

"Hey, Vic, while you're up there will you take down any old flyers on the board?"

"Sure." He sighed as he went over to the cluttered corkboard and blue eyes began scanning the papers tacked up for everyone to see. When had they last sorted this?

The tearing of paper could be heard in the now empty cafe. Victor pulled down expired sale ads, live show posters that had been long past, and a few business cards that had been repinned so many times you couldn't make out a phone number. One piece of paper caught his eye. It was plain, no giant block lettering or comic sans to catch the eye. No colored paper or phone number to offer a contact for what it was advertising, just the words 'help wanted', all lowercase, and an address.

Victor plucked the paper from the thumb tack and raised an eyebrow. Odd flyer to have up that gave no information, other than an address. It seemed sketchy, but he was curious by nature, so he pulled out his phone and tapped in the address.

"Alpha Nu Lambda?" He muttered as he stuffed his phone back into his pocket. "Must be some hazing bullshit meant for the pledges."

His hair swished lightly as he shook his head and rolled his eyes. Nothing important. He shoved the newly chosen trash into the bin while making his way to the back, grabbing his backpack and jacket from the break room. He paused at the tablet near the back door that ran their clock-in app, quickly typing in his PIN to bring an end to his shift.

"Later, Gary." Victor didn't wait for a response as he exited out into the night and retrieved his keys from his jacket. It was a little chilly, but not enough for him to don his jacket again as he walked the dark path to his car.

The vehicle sputtered for a moment before rumbling to life and Victor grabbed his phone to text the girl he was sort of 'seeing' recently. He paused, the vibrant screen lighting his face in the darkness as he realized the address to the sorority house was still pulled up. The logical part of his mind told him it wasn't worth a drive by to see the possible festivities. They could be done by now, after all, but curiosity was a much more alluring melody over the dulcet tones of reason.

"It'll only be a minute." He muttered as his thumb clicked the green 'start route' button.

The drive was quick. A side road just outside of campus where a large white house with blue shutters stood with the Alpha Nu Lambda letters displayed proudly on the face. The strange thing was, it looked like it was empty, no light emanating from the windows at all. Even the street light was doused which had to be a coincidence. Out of pure confusion, Victor parked his car on the street in front of the house and stepped out. He didn’t know much about sororities or fraternities, other than it seemed to house the pretentious side of the university students, but he knew it was rare for the house to be completely vacant.

Was walking into the sorority house a good idea? Probably not, but then again, Victor didn’t get as far as he had in life on good ideas. He liked taking risks, and the flyer had said, help wanted, but what for? A bolt of excitement shot down his spine at the thought of finding out what was possibly taking place inside and he inhaled slowly as he stared up at the sorority house.

The saying goes, curiosity killed the cat, hopefully it wasn’t always true. The young man made his way up to the door and, without knocking, turned the polished brass knob to find it clicking gently, unlocked. This almost felt like a crime, though it didn’t stop him from venturing into the eerily silent house, gently shutting the door behind him and locking it out of habit. Or self preservation, whichever.

The inside was massive, it had to be to contain a gaggle of young women and allow them to gather and gossip, at least that’s what he thought went on in sororities. In reality he knew nothing of how they operated or their actual function other than parties. The downstairs appeared lifeless, so his inquisitiveness led him to the staircase to explore the seemingly vacant building a bit more.

“Hello?” He called, his voice echoing a bit as he reached for the railing and took one step up. Better safe than sorry in most cases. If someone was home and he was caught, it was easy to apologize and tell them he had seen the help wanted flyer. “Is anyone here?” Victor steeled himself as he remained at the bottom of the stairs cautiously. He thought for a second, that he'd heard something from the second floor.
The wait... It was part of the fun. Yeah, sure. When it was a short wait. Surely, not until evening. Even a kinky rope bunny couldn't have stayed up like that for hours. Eventually, Penny had untied her. She was still in the room. And in a red easy chair, her sharp gaze piercing the poor redhead. Like usual, she blamed Penny, who stood in front of her.

"How come, dear Penny," the haughty president commenced asking the same question she had asked quite a few times already. "You put an ad for this place," her pretty legs crossed, and her foot kicking up and down, she calmly continued. "Which happens to harbour the most sought-after women on the campus," her voice began to rise, "yet no guy finds it interesting to answer for it!" Daphne slapped herself on the thigh. Not only having the honour of entering the sorority house, but also getting paid on top of it: she found it difficult to believe that no one had come. Accordingly, she assumed Penny must have done a terrible job either preparing the flyer, or putting it in the right place.

"Well..." Narrowing her lips, Penny looked up at the ceiling. "I didn't do anything differently." Knowing how big of a witch the president could be when annoyed, she tried not to frustrate her further.

"Guess who will provide me with the fun time your sloppiness prevented me from having tonight?" It was no secret—among the sisters, that is—that the two were rather close. And also how difficult it was to please Daphne. And how taxing it could be.

"Oh..." Her eyes snapped back to her violet-haired friend as Penny resisted the urge to stamp her foot. "But I'm too tired." She protested.

"And I won't be the one who's tied up!" Swiftly getting to her feet, Daphne shook a slender finger at the young ginger. Thankfully for Penny, the voice that came from downstairs was about to save her cute little butt. Perhaps in a literal sense.

A man's voice was pretty distinguishable in this place. Better late than never, Daphne supposed. Silently, they looked at each other, before the president raced to the centre of the room. Her hands were quickly tied up again, arms reaching for the ceiling as Penny, happily, put her in the same position. In a red blur, she ran towards the bookcase next, pressing a button on the little cat statue that fancily sat on one of the shelves.

"You're so slow." Daphne spoke in a low voice. "Hurry, hurry, hurry." Grumbling, she watched her friend walk out of the room.

"And Daphne!" After leaving the room, Penny slowed down, dusting off her hands. "Guess who would provide me with the..." Her sentence was interrupted when she, so coincidentally, came upon Victor. And it was love at first sight as her lips stretched into an awkward smile. Well, not really. But he was pretty handsome.

“Oh, hello.” Getting rid of her silly expression, she wore a more adamant one. After checking her watch, she looked back at him. “May I help… oh… Oh!” Acting surprised, and glad, she crossed her arms at the top of the stairs. Being a short gal, that allowed her to look him in the eye without tilting her head up. “You must be here for the ad. Where were you though?” Spending some time looking up and down at him, she continued. “I was beginning to think that I have to carry those heavy boxes myself.” Extending an arm out, she offered her hand, ready to squeeze his a bit harder than usual. “I’m Penny.”
When Victor heard footsteps and hushed voices coming from upstairs, he furrowed his brow and ascended with a steady, but slow pace. Obviously his sense of self preservation wasn't as strong as he thought since it was possible he was running towards some sort of danger. Again, curiosity was a cruel mistress. If some of the house residents were there, why wouldn't they answer him? Unless something foul was afoot. When he was about to reach the second floor, he was stopped abruptly by a red headed woman that appeared from almost nowhere. She was cute, and short since he was still two steps from where she stood and they were face to face. For some reason, he wasn't expecting to see an attractive sorority girl in a sorority house, go figure.

"Oh…hey, Penny." Victor cleared his throat and took her petite hand in his, giving it a single shake. "I'm Victor, s-sorry, I just got off work and saw your help wanted sign." Was she the only one here? His blue eyes lifted over and past her shoulder to see a dim light escaping an open door. "Boxes you said? That shouldn't be a problem." Not as exciting as he thought, but he supposed he could use some extra cash. He ran his hand through his hair and let out a slow sigh. A bit disappointed by this normal turn of events.

By no means was Victor bulky when it came to his physique. He stood at a solid six feet tall and his muscles were toned and defined, thanks to the sports facility that was free to university students. All in all, his muscular build was in proportion to his height. Not like some of the meatheads on campus that lived in the gym with biceps so large they couldn't put their arms down. Moving boxes should be no issue for him.

"So," His attention fell back to Penny and he offered her a kind smile. "Are the boxes in this room?" Victor asked as he moved around Penny and walked towards the open door. "Do you know how much they weigh? It'd be quicker if I could stack them-" Victor’s words were lost when he entered the room and saw another young woman, hands bound and suspended over her head by a rope.

The young man blinked, in disbelief of what he was seeing and he leaned back so he could poke his head out the door and, with wide eyes, looked at Penny. She hadn’t done this, right? Was this poor girl some sort of victim of a sinister plot masterminded by the red head? Perhaps his imagination was a bit on the wild side, but honestly, what else could it be? Victor leaned back into the room before approaching the bound young woman.

“Are you ok?” He asked as his eyes followed the knotted rope around her wrists up through the eyebolt and down to where it was anchored. Shockingly, Victor’s first instinct wasn’t to untie the woman, it was to subdue any immediate danger. Perhaps Penny had been forced to bind this girl’s hands and lure someone into the house for something else. “Who did this to you?”
Given it was Friday evening, and considering that nearly all members of Nu Lambda consisted of rather social young women, it wasn't that surprising that the sisters weren't around. Some of them were still in the building, but they were in their respective rooms. Penny too would have preferred to be outside. On the other hand, she had begun to think that maybe it wasn't that bad that she was stuck with the president when her little fingers squeezed Victor's hand. In this little ploy, she was supposed to be the strict head of the sorority.

"Sorry." After getting her hand back, she wiped her palm on the side of her skirt. "Sweaty hands." Sadly, her involvement in this particular scenario was quite limited. After pushing the player into Daphne’s silly game, if a push was necessary, she was supposed to see herself out of the scene. And listen to their conversation through the hidden microphone on the cat ornament, in case Daphne needed something. It seemed, she didn’t really have to show Victor the way, though, as the young man was quick to venture into the room she was supposed to be in.

“Boxes, yeah.” Following him into the room, and walking through the door, she tried not to make eye contact with Daphne. “One of them is here.” This first contact, so to speak, was her least favourite part of the game. For the most part, she couldn’t help but feel cringey. Talking about boxes was surely easier, even though the one in the room had an arsenal of tools to torment a girl. Or a wide collection of toys to make one squirm in endless pleasure, depending on one’s point of view.

When tied up, it was almost impossible for Daphne not to steal the spotlight. Witnessing the initial surprise, that inimitable moment of confusion, she quite liked it. Certainly, one of the best parts of the game. She was a pretentious woman who fancied making an impression on others. “Oh, thank goodness.” Taking a deep breath, Daphne let it out softly. “Someone came.” While the player, or her victim as she sometimes liked to think, inspected the way she was bound, “I’m Daphne,” the president introduced herself, “with a D.” Briefly, her eyes found Penny. “Just hanging around, you see.” Looking at her “hero”, she then offered him a few nods. “Do you think I look OK?!” Abruptly, she shouted at him.

In the background, Penny cleared her throat, feeling she should answer his second question. “Well, there are some rules every member of this organisation has to follow.” She suggested. At the same time, she was trying to remember what was that so-called “Plan D” Daphne had just told her to proceed with. “Especially if you’re a new recruit.”

“Oh, you’re just hazing me!” Daphne argued with the ginger, who looked hardly dangerous. Of course appearances could be deceiving, as even Daphne didn’t seem to be a dangerous person.

“Just ignore her, if you can.” Striding towards the side of the room, Penny placed one of her arms over the toy-box. Funnily, for someone like Daphne, neglecting her would have indeed been the worst punishment one could give her. “Anyway, this has to be carried to the south lounge.” A couple of times, she patted the box on the side. “Well, I need to unlock it first.” Penny walked towards the door, “Be right back,” leaving them alone.

Upon her friend’s convenient departure, Daphne called out. “Could you show me your hands?”
What the hell…? Victor thought to himself as he recoiled a bit when Daphne yelled, then listened to the exchange that had transacted between the two women, trying his best to comprehend what was going on.

It was almost like being a part of the audience at a filming of a sitcom. So Daphne was tied up because she was getting hazed…that made a little more sense. He knew what hazing was and how common it occurred when pledging for a fraternity or sorority. Of course he had never witnessed it himself, he would never want to live with these snobbish people.

“Ignore her?” The young man raised an eyebrow at Penny as she stood next to one of the boxes he was supposed to be moving. Blue eyes flicked back down to Daphne before resting on the red head once more. How was he supposed to ignore her? Clearly Daphne wasn’t enjoying her hazing, who would really? Was it really that important to be part of this glorified cult? As Penny mentioned something about the box needing to be unlocked, Victor shook his head in confusion. “Why does it need to be unlocked before I move it?” He called, but Penny was already gone and, supposedly, out of earshot.

Fingers combed through dark hair before he let out an exasperated sigh. This was turning into a very strange situation. Though the feeling of impending danger had dissipated, something still felt a little strange. The way that Penny was acting, for one, and now having to stay in this room with this bound woman who was being hazed felt…wrong, in the sense that he felt compelled to untie her. Certainly though, she must have consented to this.

“My hands?” Victor was broken from his thoughts when he heard Daphne speak again. “Why…” The young man just huffed. She was tied up, what would be the harm in humoring her for the time being. Besides, what else was he going to do while he was waiting for Penny to return?

It was honestly strange to see Daphne tied up and helpless in a room to hang out. What was the point of this sort of hazing? Victor thought hazing consisted of more hands-on activities. Different acts of humiliation that the other members could witness. So where were the other sorority sisters?

Without a word, Victor stepped up close to Daphne. Close enough now that he could see her shirt pulled taught against her chest from the strain of her suspended arms. He swallowed and looked at her with a bit of skepticism. He slowly offered his hands to her, palms up so she could inspect them, then flipping them over. He wasn't exactly sure why he was apprehensive about showing her, but he felt like he was being watched for some reason.

"Is this a normal hazing situation?" Victor couldn't quell his curiosity, even in this bizarre circumstance. Also he hated awkward silences and this might be the most awkward situation he'd ever been in or possibly ever be in. Daphne didn't look as if she was in any real distress, but having her hands tied couldn't be comfortable. "Do you at least want me to loosen the knot before she comes back?"
It was rather cute that Victor had actually shown his hands. From different angles too. Like a magician would before a trick. Considering her affection for false peril, she could have made a good assistant, in that case. A talkative one.

“Yeah, you have two of them.” Daphne nodded. “I was beginning to think you didn’t,” her eyes widened, “given you’ve yet to use them to untie me.” Sporting her usual arrogance, she lowered her brows at him. Perhaps poorly performed, but it was of course reverse psychology. Most guys, and gals too, didn’t like to do what they were told. To ensure the continuation of her game, annoying him was another tactic she had, knowing that she would be right in front of him if he were to need something, or someone rather, to channel some pent-up frustration.

The south lounge Penny had mentioned was on the opposite side of the floor. Not a difficult fact to figure out, since they were in the north lounge. Despite that, it shouldn’t have taken the fake president that long to go there and unlock the door, while the real one conversed with the player. It wasn’t the box that needed to be unlocked, after all. There was no lock on the box, apart from a label that suggested one shouldn’t open the lid. “I doubt it would take her long, frankly.” Daphne answered. “But don’t tell me you’re afraid of a little girl.”

Walking down the hallway, and taking a left turn, Penny arrived at the stairs. Not the ones she had met Victor. As opposed to what she hinted at, she intended to go downstairs. While walking past the other, more boring lounge, she instinctively tried the doorknob. “Huh?” And tried it again. The door was locked, which was atypical. Despite what she said to Victor, they actually had no reason to keep the room locked. Surely, she wasn’t the one who locked it. Perhaps it was Daphne. To make the scene more believable in case Victor wanted to follow her to the room? On the other hand, Daphne was too pretentious to think that he might leave her to follow another girl instead. Maybe one of the other sisters?

“Alright.” Wrapping her fingers around the rope, Daphne called out. “I don’t even need your help.” The girl claimed. With her head, she gestured for him to take a step backwards. “Back off a little. I’ll show you.” The rope tensed more as she pulled on it. After locking her bare legs at the ankles, she hopped in place. Her knees thrust up. Her legs straightened as she pulled her feet closer to her hands. Or attempted to do so. Unavoidably, the purple knickers that provided her bottom with moderate coverage were flashed, her upturned bottom stretching the fabric. Since she was no gymnast, Daphne failed to push her feet all the way up. Instead, they fell back on the floor. “Oh!” Or she let her legs down rather. “Forgot I was in a skirt.” Said garment once again covered floral lace.

Her legs slightly buckled, and thighs pushed together, Daphna rolled her eyes. “Perhaps on rare occasions, a girl might need a boy’s help.” Unenthusiastically, she admitted. “A boy who hasn’t even told me his name.”
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For being bound up, Daphne sure did have an attitude. The kind of attitude that one would expect from a sorority member. Victor had felt bad for her for a minute, but it was clear that she was in this position due to her own questionable decisions. She wanted to be sarcastic? Victor could be sarcastic as well.

“Doesn’t everyone normally have two hands?” Victor asked as he withdrew them, folding his arms over his chest, flexing his arms a little with annoyance. “If you wanted me to untie you, you should’ve asked. I take direction very well I'm told.” Of course he was a bit more apprehensive about untying her now that he’d gotten some sass. It’s not like Daphne was in any real distress. Afterall, Penny was still around if there seemed to be some sort of emergency. Was the help wanted ad just a ruse to lure some unsuspecting stranger to the house? For what? If that was the case.

Listening to Daphne taunt him put a grin on his face and he shook his head. He wasn’t exactly sure what she was trying to achieve, but watching her try and free herself from her binds was very amusing. Especially when she failed. Victor tried to stifle his laugh, but he wasn’t exactly practiced at being subtle. Of course he'd seen the coquettish glimpse of panties that he was sure was an accident. So maybe the scoff was more him clearing his throat and averting his gaze at the flesh taught fabric. A slow inhale brought him back from the possible indecent thoughts that might have bloomed in his mind. He was only a guy after all, not a saint.

"Do you make a habit of flashing strangers, Daphne?" Although Victor was an upstanding citizen in his own mind, he had to make a comment on the show he'd witnessed, just to tease Daphne in her helpless state. She hadn't done that on purpose, right? "My name is Victor." She didn't need a last name. On instinct, he offered to shake her hand, then chuckled. "Sorry, just a habit." He bent down at the waist, hands on his knees so he could be eye to eye with Daphne. A bit condescending if he was honest. "So this is one of those rare occasions, then? If you ask nicely, I'll untie that knot. You could definitely use a hand."

Of course Daphne didn't need to know that Victor had ultimately planned to untie her anyway. He just couldn't stop himself from teasing her. Deep down under his sarcasm and crass nature, he was a decent person. Though he was curious on whether or not she'd actually ask him again with that sought after 'please'. Such a magical word. And if Victor had had his pocket knife, he would've cut the rope just to see Daphne stumble. It was possible he was kind of an asshole.

"Or we could wait for Penny to come back." He stood up straight again, peering down at Daphne. "Want to play a game or something while we wait? Rock, paper, scissors, maybe?"
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Hardly being a timid gal, merely letting him know what colour her underwear was, that it matched her hair and trainers, wasn’t enough to make her blush. Little did, in fact. In this particular scenario, the ability to flush on demand would have been nice, though. She knew that cliché trope tended to turn guys on, to be this “oh no, you saw my knickers!” gal. Without going over the top, she tried to take advantage of that; briefly averted eyes, instinctively closed legs, hands fiddling around with the rope. “Well, we don’t have many strangers around here.” Daphne suggested, suspecting that Victor would no longer be one by the end of the day.

His eyes were pretty. Drawing his face closer allowed Daphne to look deeper into them. Hers lacked bashfulness. There was also a twinkle of flirtation in her violet eyes. Unlike Penny’s though, they were devoid of true affection. She had yet to suspect that her ginger accomplice had a bit of a crush on this witty young man. Had she known, Daphne probably would have done something about it. Ruining her dear friend’s relationships: she had made a habit of that. Perhaps she feared losing her best friend to some boy. Well, she had quite a few friends. Being the president, it was just profitable to be friends with her. Otherwise, not everyone was eager to deal with her antics.

“It happens to be one of those terribly rare occasions, correct.” Staring up at her bound hands, she nodded. The self-assured woman who didn’t need a man’s help, she didn’t need to act to fulfil that part. “On the other hand,” Daphne looked back at him, “knowing guys like you like the back of my hand,” as if she was so funny, an impish smile blossomed across her lips, “I don’t want to give you an excuse to be cocky because of your situational handiness.”

Why the south lounge was locked would have made the most boring mystery. Thus, Penny didn’t think much of it. Before Victor could untie the president, she had to go back. Her footsteps weren’t noticeable as she walked back, soon standing in the doorway. And she was about to enter the room when she heard him mention her. Since his back was turned to the door, it wasn’t really possible for him to spot her as Penny quickly stepped aside and hid behind the wall right outside the room. She was curious to listen to what more he had to say about her.

Of course, Daphne was aware that she was being mocked. It was a good sign, to have him slowly coming out of his shell. A fake giggle of ridicule followed his game proposal. It was actually funny. Poor Vic didn’t know he was already playing a game.

“Alright. Let’s play.” Above her head, one of her hands clenched into a little fist. “Ready?” She began to shake her fist. “One…” Although the rope prevented her from wandering around the room, she could take a step backwards. And then two steps forwards. “Two…” Daphne pulled herself back away from him again. “Three!” Suddenly jumping forwards, she lunged at him. Her legs swiftly wrapped his waist. And her feet were quickly locked behind him. “I choose scissors.” The rope was angled and taut, constantly pulling on Daphne. And consequently, him. It put a strain on her legs, but she kept her body firmly pressed against him. “And you’re supposed to be rock?”

“Daphne!” Finally, Penny entered the room. With the voice, Daphne unwrapped her legs and let the rope pull her back. Her feet returned to the floor. Her friend’s timing was quite terrible. She didn’t know at the time that it was intentionally so.

“He started it.”

“No, you started it, Daphne.” On the ground floor, a sister quietly spoke to herself. A single earphone tucked into her ear, she rubbed a key between her fingers. “Started it all.”
It was very refreshing to meet a woman who could fight with wit and wordplay. Something that Victor had been lacking in his dating life, not that he was dating Daphne, but she could be a possibility. It did add a bit of lightheartedness to the situation and for a moment, he forgot all about the boxes that may or may not have existed to be moved. The girl that Victor had been going on casual dates with was far more mundane when it came to personality. The basic blonde college girl, her name was Brittany…he thought, but honestly he couldn’t be bothered to remember. And now she was a distant thought with Daphne right in front of him.

Daphne was like a breath of fresh air in terms of disposition, and Victor found himself actually enjoying their banter. “I suppose after being privy to the sight, I’m not a stranger anymore.” In truth, giving his name didn't make him less of a stranger, but he had observed something that was usually very private to most women. He thought that counted for something.

What Victor truly found fascinating about the violet haired young woman, was that she seemed completely unbothered by the mild rope around her wrists. Her expression was even, other than the hint of playfulness in her eyes which Victor pretended to ignore. If this was a game, he really did want to find out what the prize was for participating.

“I didn’t think you’d turn down the offer.” Victor mused when Daphne agreed to the silly game to kill time. Though he wasn’t exactly sure how she was going to play. Rock, Paper, Scissors, was actually a game he took quite seriously. Growing up with older siblings meant that it was a tie breaker or deciding factor in who got the last slice of pizza, or who had to clean the bathroom. So he widened his stance a bit. Flipping his left palm up and placing his right fist to rest on it gently.

A competitive spark shot through his blue eyes as he held his gaze with Daphne’s. He was so focused, in fact, that he barely noticed that she was taking steps back. His hand gently tapped his palm at each count, and as he was about to throw down paper (ensuring his loss without realizing), his eyes widened when Daphne was suddenly rushing at him. A little dumbstruck, he almost fell back when her lithe legs wrapped around his waist and his hands instinctively moved to support her posterior.

The taught rope didn’t allow Daphne for much movement and Victor stumbled forward a bit when her body was wrenched back. That in turn, caused his face to get dangerously close to hers. He swallowed hard at the mention of ‘rock’ and felt his fingers involuntarily twitch, gently gripping the sumptuous cushions being cradled in his hands. His mouth fell open and he was fully intending to deliver a facetious reply, but Penny appeared, which caused the warmth of Daphne’s body to disappear in an instant.

“I guess I lost that round.” Victor cleared his throat and offered a sheepish grin. It hadn't really felt like he'd lost with the feeling of Daphne's legs still lingering on his hips. “I’m not as quick with my hands as I thought I was.” His eyes flicked over to Daphne before he smiled at Penny. She looked a bit upset, but that could be because Daphne was technically supposed to be getting hazed and the red head had arrived to see Daphne and Victor in a very compromising position. From an outside perspective, it was probably a weird scene to stumble upon. “Are you ready to put me to work, Penny?”
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Rewriting the rules, it seemed, the scissors beating the rock. It was usually the opposite, but Daphne didn’t argue. Considering the half-abashed broad smile he sported, Victor didn’t seem to mind being the little loser either. Even when her hands were tied, she was a dangerous gal. Perhaps dangerous wasn’t exactly the correct word, but she was spirited. On the other hand, her masochistic tendencies also demanded that she lose something. Some of her supposed dignity, sexual integrity, and probably her pants as well.

Not quite quick with his hands… Daphne had to object to that as she hadn’t needed to wait long to feel a pair of hands against her bum during that brief moment of physical connection. “Don’t know.” Slightly tilting her head, she gave him a meaningful gaze. “Your hands were rather quick to grab my arse.” Daphne accused him. Too bad he hadn’t found the opportunity to give it a proper squeeze.

To tell the truth, compared to some other occasions Penny had caught her kinky friend in the middle of, most of which she had helped her realise, this one was pretty tame. Her orange brows were still lowered. “You’re being bad again.” The frowning ginger scolded her friend.

Like a pair of flower petals, her flattened hands rolled outwards as Daphne shrugged, as much as a tied up girl could. “He was looking up my skirt.” She justified her so-called assault. It was technically correct. Since he didn’t strike her as a guy who would randomly decide to lift a helpless woman’s skirt, and knowing the president quite well, Penny suspected it was her doing. Still, she sent him a meaningful glance of her own.

Shaking a finger at her, Penny threatened. “If you keep acting up, I’ll have to up your predicament.” Admittedly, Daphne was a difficult person to punish. Especially when she was in a certain mood. She would just like it. Her forefinger moved down as she pointed at the girl’s feet. “I’d tie your feet real tight. And torment you with dance music.”

That wasn’t in their little script. Daphne raised an eyebrow at the threat. Taking advantage of her affection for dancing, stirring an urge in her through music, but fully taking away the ability to do so: it wasn’t a bad threat. Quite evil. The vice-president was getting creative.

“Anyhow.” A smile replaced her frown as Penny faced him. “Actually, I couldn’t find the key.” Pointing at the box, she continued, “It seems, this one will stay here for a while longer,” and soon walked near it as well. While she stole his attention, Daphne moved her mouth without talking. The words came out of Penny’s rather. “In this house, we have a well-thought set of rules.” Daphne kept mouthing, and the little redhead kept talking. “Breaking them would ensure certain consequences.” Pulling herself onto the counter, Penny sat next to the box. It was the part in which she was supposed to do some hand-holding and fabricate the excuse for Daphne’s punishment. Feeling a bit warm between the thighs, corners of the president’s lips turned up, as she quite liked this part.

“Say, if you have meddled with a sister’s skirt…” Lately, Penny had done quite a bit of pointing. This time, she pointed at Victor’s trousers. “Tit for tat.” Her index finger moved down.

“Huh?” Confusedly, Daphne turned her head towards them.
Victor coughed lightly when Daphne commented on how quick his hands had really been. Of course, that was all out of instinct. He wasn't expecting to have to catch her to keep both of them from falling. Would he have enjoyed savoring the moment a bit longer to learn her curves and test the pillows, so to speak? Who wouldn’t, honestly? Though it wasn’t because he wasn’t quick enough to snag a complete squeeze, it was more so that he was in shock and his mind was more concerned with staying on his feet. So when Daphne mentioned it, he just shrugged his shoulders.

“Can you blame me, though?” He offered Daphne a small smirk. With the return of Penny, their banter had to be cut short. Or at least dulled down for the time being. When the subject of Victor lifting Daphne’s skirt got brought up, he couldn’t even truly defend himself, or maybe he didn't want to. Whenever he decided to leave this house, he was sure he probably wouldn’t run into Daphne or Penny again, although the thought of seeing Daphne after tonight was very alluring. So what was the point of defending himself? It's not like they were going to trap him, right? And he was almost positive Daphne didn't care that he'd gotten a peek.

As the monologue from Penny progressed, it was becoming increasingly clear to Victor that this may not be the hazing he thought it was. Victor knew that there were rules in a sorority. Most seemed pretty strict from what he'd heard, but the lilt that carried in Penny's voice made him think these rules didn't actually have anything to do with taking part in the sorority. Even if they did, surely the rules didn't apply to an outsider? Penny was making it seem like she was fulfilling some sort of vigilante justice, regardless of the lack of an actual crime. And he was still confused about the box.

"Tit for tat?" Victor repeated quietly as his brow furrowed in confusion. "You want me to take off my pants?" His voice had admittedly raised an octave or two when he spoke. In a normal situation with two women, he would gladly remove his clothes, but the feeling of being trapped was growing and making him a bit uneasy.

There had to be a way he could turn this around in some way. Was the innocent glance at Daphne's exposed panties enough for him to actually have to remove clothing? Victor hadn’t actually touched Daphne, minus the firm hold on her backside when she straddled him. So this wasn’t exactly ‘tit for tat’, as Penny had so eloquently stated. It’s not that Victor was a shy man, but he was a little outnumbered. He was rather quick on his feet, so after a moment or two of deep thought, his eyes locked with Penny’s.

“Wouldn’t it only be fair,” He said finally, folding his arms over his chest and walk towards the elevated redhead. “Since I messed with her skirt, that she be the one to remove my pants?” It was a bold suggestion. One that he was ninety percent sure would fail, but at this point, there was no harm in trying. If Penny really wanted things to be fair, then having Daphne get her peek was on the same level. After all, he hadn’t done anything other than look when Daphne had so graciously flipped her skirt.

“Unless you want to do it?” Involving Penny was just a shot in the dark. He had seen the way she’d looked at him when they’d initially met at the top of the stairs and maybe he’d take advantage of that a little. Victor tilted his head a bit and took a few steps closer to Penny, planting his hands on either side of her. Maybe he could sway her in some way.
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Lifting her skirt, and giving her coy bum a quick squeeze, Penny knew how innocent these were compared to some of the things her friend was accustomed to having during these little games. Acting as if it wasn't so innocent was part of the game. Having felt it before, multiple times, she herself knew whether Daphne's precious bottom was squeeze-worthy or not. So, she couldn't have really blamed him for touching it. From the look of it, the president herself thought the same as she answered Vic's rhetorical question.

"Well, I can't blame you." Daphne suggested. "But that's not the point." Being the director, and writer of this play, she was positive that he would get another opportunity to feel her arse. Probably, in a more thorough manner, and some other body parts as well, had her little helper not randomly decided to veer off the script. Penny was supposed to initiate Plan T already, which stood for toys. However, she seemed more interested in stripping Victor instead, to a certain violet-haired girl's dismay.

"Is that a new T-shirt?" While he bargained, kind of, with Penny, the bound sister asked. A weird question. Even though Penny knew what it meant, she elected to ignore the president, and kept talking to him.

"But her hands are tied." Daphne was unable to move her arms; hence, she couldn't have undressed him. So convenient. "She can't do that." The ginger gave him a know-it-all nod. Upon his final suggestion, her green eyes lit up. Pulling the garment down herself was a splendid idea. A cute giggle escaped her lips when he held her. Cute to her own ears, that is. For Daphne, it was annoying. "I guess I could." With great enthusiasm, Penny accepted his offer. "I mean, my hands aren't tied." After another silly chuckle, she continued. "Alright, I accept. You don't need to hug me for it."

"That's not a hug, though." Daphne rolled her eyes. Blind to her innocent friend's jealousy, she wasn't sure what that girl was up to. While hers were tied, Penny was supposed to be her hands. And she would hate to lose them.

"So, you will stand right in front of her." Rather happily, the ginger began to explain the procedure. "I will pull your pants down in front of her." She added, getting more cheery during that part. "That way, you two will get even. For having a purple little peek." Let alone the colour of Daphne's knickers, she knew quite a lot about the little thing they covered. According to the script, however, she didn't.

"Heey." Daphne protested. "You don't know that."

As a response, Penny extended an arm towards the real president. Holding the side of her skirt by the hem, she lifted it, and let it down again. "I know now." Her eyes were still on Victor as she said. "Anyway, deal?" Penny asked him.

Listening to the trio through the hidden microphone in the room, a young brunette went downstairs. “Good.” Candice talked to herself, venturing deeper into the basement, where the fuse box was located. The place hadn’t changed much since she had been kicked out of the sorority. “It’d look better with a purple face.”
If there was one thing Victor could do, it was play games, but was this a game? And if so, could he even keep up with these girls? He couldn't really tell just yet. Sometimes it seemed like this whole thing was set up, that he was prey to these beautiful predators, but other times, it seemed like an actual hazing. It was easy to see how interested Penny was when he involved her in this...indecent proposal. The back and forth between the two almost seemed staged, but Victor was still in his own mind a bit as he took a step back and watched as the redhead went to taunt her bound friend. He wasn't exactly ecstatic to have his trousers dropped in front of two women that was basically against his will, but he supposed it could be worse. Though from the vibe he was getting from Penny, it could possibly get worse.

Victor tried to seem optimistic. Other guys in his situation would probably be a little excited at this point, right? He made an attempt to get in that mindset. Two beautiful women, one tied by the wrists and vulnerable. The other, more than willing to go along with what he would suggest if he turned on the charm. Both Penny and Daphne were cute, if he hadn't been in this odd scene, he was sure he'd be enjoying this a bit more than he was. When Penny lifted Daphne's skirt again, Victor didn't even bother to look away. He'd already seen it after all, there was no point in being shy now.

"Deal." He answered finally after he moved to stand in front of Daphne.

Victor wasn't exactly sure how this was going to work. In the back of his mind, he thought maybe, just maybe, this was just a threat from Penny. She really wasn't going to pants him, was she? Although the look in her eyes seemed, not only serious, but excited. He inhaled slowly before grabbing the hem of his shirt and lifting it slightly, barely revealing a strip of skin on his abdomen to reveal the belt that so safely secured his jeans to his hips. He couldn't stop the slight blush that dusted his cheeks as he looked away and cleared his throat. If this were the other way around, he'd be very...earnest, in his actions. In most cases with women, Victor was the aggressor, so being at Penny's mercy was a little awkward.

Regardless of his sheepishness, Victor found certain parts of himself waking up. He was only human. Now that the initial shock had worn off, the thought of a pretty girl unbuckling his belt and sliding down his pants was an appeasing picture. Of course who knew how it was actually going to go. This did seem to be a game, after all. He was pretty sure that the removal of his jeans was going to lead to something else, he just wasn't sure which direction it was going to go. Suddenly, he was happy he'd worn a looser pair of boxers today instead of the skin tight boxer briefs that were usually his first choice. Thank goodness he'd slacked on his laundry.

Penny hadn't even touched him yet, but the anticipation was enough to make him fidget. He took a couple deep breaths through his nose and finally turned his gaze back to Daphne. "Ok, whenever you're ready."
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