Mx Any Story Driven Roleplay Requests ~Light & Dark Plot Ideas~ (NSFW)


Jul 4, 2022
~Welcome To My Thread~


About Me
Hi Everyone! I'm Mark, I'm 34, I'm based in the UK, and I've been roleplaying for over 15+ years on various platforms. I've just moved to a 4 day work week so I have a lot more free time on my hands. Weekends can be spotty, but I'm always available Monday to Friday during the day and evenings. This is going to be my primary request thread, so I'll be keeping this updated with my latest scenes, thoughts and ideas. If this post interests you feel free to PM me anytime!

Roleplay Preferences
I write in 3rd person, past tense and usually aim for about 1 to 5 paragraphs per post depending on what's happening in the scene (More for exposition or plot events, less for dialogue.) I enjoy erotic character driven stories, focusing more on developing the relationship between our characters. A good story is important, but pointless if the characters involved are bland and unoriginal. I have no problem playing extra characters, or side characters of any gender, depending on the scenario. Drama and tension is key to a good plot, whether it's a light or dark roleplay. Half of the fun is thinking of good plot twists and turns to keep you on your toes!

Genres/ Settings
My favorite scenarios tend to be based in realistic, or dystopian settings. E.g. Apocalyptic worlds or plots with characters who battle environmental ruin, technological control, and corrupt government oppression. That said, I'm open to all genres, be that Medieval, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, or scenes set in pre-existing worlds (Star Wars, Star Trek, Last of Us, etc.)

Kinks and Limits
This list is by no means everything, and many of them won't be applicable depending on the plot we're playing, but hopefully it gives you a good idea of what I'm happy to incorporate. If there is anything I've missed, or anything you'd like to avoid during roleplay, let me know.

Romance, Storytelling, Drama, Plot Twists, Cheating, Dirty Talk, Multiple Characters, Age Difference, Size Difference, Taboo/ Incest, Anal.
Rough, Aggression, Insults, Blackmail, Coercion, Possessiveness, Toxic Relationships, Drugs & Alcohol, Race-Play, BDSM, Bondage, Leash & Collar, Discipline, Humiliation, Rimming, Ass-to-Mouth, Watersports, Spanking, Biting, Marking, Dub-Con.
Non-Con, Kidnapping, Breaking, Slavery, Impact Play, Choking, Violence, Pain, Torture, Sensory Deprivation.
Unrealistic Proportions, Underage, Necrophilia, Scat, Gore and Death (Unless its non-sexual, in a violent setting.)

I will be adding all of my roleplay ideas in this section. If you'd like any further information regarding each plot, just ask! Also, I'm more than happy to create new plots and settings based on my partners likes and dislikes. Feel free to suggest any of your own as well!

Note: If you like the sound of any scenarios below, but you have suggestions for edits, or different directions, let me know!

Softer Plots


- Son's Girlfriend
Me - Boyfriend's Father

My Son is an intelligent, thoughtful, caring young man with a bright future ahead of him. There's just one issue… His Girlfriend

You have been dating him for nearly a year now. My wife and myself are concerned he's made the wrong choice. It's crystal clear to everyone that you're trouble. We had hoped he'd find a nice young woman with a warm and caring demeanor, but instead he found you. Despite your obvious beauty, the way you treat him is inexcusable. You speak down to him in front of his family, make hurtful jokes, and generally treat him like dirt. Not only that, my Son has had suspicions that you've been cheating on him, much to mine and my wifes concern. Despite all of this, my son is convinced he's found the girl he's going to marry.

You have both just graduated High School and will soon be going off to College. To celebrate, I've offered to take you and your parents on holiday, given I have a well paid job and I have my own holiday home abroad. While on vacation, things suddenly take a turn when I receive a message from you… A picture of your breasts

Will I be able to avoid temptation, or will I succumb to my urges and betray my Son.

(Note: I'm happy to play any side characters you interact with in this story)
Harder Plots

F/M or F/F

- A young Heiress
Me - Your estranged Uncle or Aunt

You are a young, wealthy heiress set to inherit a vast fortune. You live a happy life with your Mother and Father, go to a very exclusive school, and you're well known and liked in your community. Your Father is old money, coming from a long line of successful entrepreneurs. He's the CEO of your family organisation. Your Mother came from a poorer background, and met your Father at a charity event she was hosting. They fell head over heels in love with each other, and not long after got married and had you.

One fateful night, both of your parents die in a plane crash on route to a charity gala overseas. There were no survivors…

You are now the sole heir to your family fortune. You're set to inherit everything… The house, the cars, the holiday homes, the company… Unfortunately for you, as you're only 18, you'll have to wait until you're 21 until everything is passed down to you. Until your 21st birthday, you'll be in the care of your next of kin who just so happens to be your long lost Uncle/Aunt.

I never got along with my Sister growing up, and the distance between us only grew once she married your Father and had you. I resented everything about your Mother. She was the sweet, innocent girl that could do no wrong. I was the rebel, and the black sheep of the family. When I hear about your parents passing, I jump at the opportunity to take care of the niece I've never met. But I have more insidious plans in mind than just looking after you until you're old enough to claim your inheritance. I plan to take everything for myself. I have three years before you're free from my care, but until that time, you'll be completely at my mercy.

Will you survive, and break free from your Aunt/Uncle's cruel grasp, or will they manage to break you, and bend you to their will?


You - Girlfriend's Mother
Me - Daughter's Boyfriend

You are a single, divorced Mom, struggling to raise your teenage Daughter on one income. Times are getting tough and you've even had to pick up a second job in order to pay the bills. As if that's not already bad enough, you've had your Daughter's boyfriend to deal with.

He's not been dating her for very long, but already you can tell he's bad news. His aggressive behavior, and his cocky, arrogant attitude just rubs you the wrong way. As the last few months have passed, the situation has only gotten worse. It's clear to you that he treats your Daughter like crap. Why can't she see that? Often he arrives late, after a night of drinking with his friends, turning up for a quick hookup before leaving shortly after. All of this stress and anxiety has caused her grades to slip, and it's making her depressed. You've always had such a close bond with your Daughter, but now it feels as though she's slipping away.

One night, he arrives at your home drunk in a particularly foul mood. It doesn't take long before the pair begin fighting. The screaming and shouting escalates until finally, he storms off, leaving your Daughter sobbing in her room. It's time to confront him and put an end to this. You manage to catch up to him just as he's leaving. After a short, bitter argument, you demand that he breaks up with her. To your surprise, he agrees to end his relationship with your Daughter, but on one condition…

You have to suck his cock...

Will you betray your Daughters trust in order to finally get rid of him? Do you believe he'll actually break up with her, or could he have some ulterior motive?

F/M or F/F

You - Struggling City Girl
Me - Wealthy Mysterious Tinder Match

You can't remember the last time you opened up your banking app and didn't start crying at the depressing negative balance. Ramen makes up 75% of your diet, your WiFi is the neighbor's, your Netflix is your ex's and you use Tinder whenever you can just to get a decent meal. Letters with bold red PAYMENT DUE and FINAL NOTICE titles are stacked up on your coffee table, together with several letters from your landlord stating that if you don't pay your rent by the end of the week, you'll be kicked out.

After another stressful day at work and another canceled job interview, you open up Tinder to a flurry of messages. One guy in his mid-fourties/fifties less than a mile away, has caught your attention. The smile and suit is refreshing to see, sure, but the fact he has engaged you on a higher level other than "tits plz" is a welcome change. As you have been doing, you ask if he's going to pay for dinner and drinks tonight. When he tells you he'd be willing to pay for more than that, you close down the app. He's not the first guy to offer it, and it's not the first time you've considered it, but the stack of bills on your table, and a compelling argument to make more money begin to make you think twice about his proposal.

In this scene, you could be a student, scraping the bottom of the barrel, or a young, single mother, struggling to get by. You have multiple jobs and you're still barely able to pay the bills along with rent and daycare for your child. I think it would be fun to explore what someone in that situation would do to get out of debt and provide for her family?

This roleplay could be a light or dark plot with my character being your girl's savior, or her demise. I'm also happy to discuss any other ideas or directions you might want to take this roleplay in.
Darker Plots

F/M or F/F

A new far right political party has been gaining support across the country. They call themselves The Brotherhood of Righteousness. It is a patriarchal party that believes women have become too powerful in western society. Their ideas are excessively harsh and severe in comparison to other right wing, conservative parties. It is their belief that women need to be put in their place in order to restore order in the chaos that our society has become. Some of their draconian policies include:
  • Only men should have access to higher education.
  • Women should not be allowed to have deeds to property in their name.
  • No woman should be allowed to drive.
  • And more…
As the election approached, protests began to erupt in the streets as The Brotherhood gained traction. Unfortunately, much to the horror of men and women everywhere, they won the popular vote.

Within months, it quickly became clear the laws they had been campaigning with were just the beginning. At first, women were just regarded as second-class citizens as they had to submit to the authority of men, but it quickly escalated. The military was deployed, and martial law was executed. Any opposition to The Brotherhood was quickly and swiftly suppressed.

After nearly a year, everything changed. Slavery was introduced. Women no longer had any rights whatsoever. Citizenship didn't truly exist for women anymore. If a woman had no male next of kin, they were seized by the government and either forced into hard labor, or sold off to men in higher social classes.

Potential roleplay ideas set in this world:-
  1. (YC) was one of the main opponents/ protestors of The Brotherhood of Righteousness during their campaign. You were a thorn in their side, and nearly cost them the election. Now that they are in power, they plan to make you pay dearly for all of your misdeeds. Once you have been captured by the military (Possibly along with a member of your family, or partner if you're interested in playing an extra character) you are gifted to one of their top commanders (MC) as a reward for all of his hard work.
  2. Slavery has just been introduced and the country has been thrown into turmoil. The military is rounding up Mothers, Daughters, Sisters, colleagues, and neighbors everywhere and seizing them as property of the state. A man/woman (MC) and woman (YC) desperately try to flee the country by any means necessary in order to escape this brutal regime. (How our characters know each other in this scenario is up to you. E.g Best Friends, Partners, Brother/Sister, Mother/Son, Father/Daughter, 2 x Sisters, etc.)
  3. If you have any idea's set in this world, let me know!

(Note: I'm happy to play side characters you interact with in this story)

(Zombie Apocalypse Scenario)

M/F or F/F

In the early 2000's, Scientists at a facility in Southern California were on the cusp of a breakthrough in the field of neurogenesis, the method by which they hoped to re-grow dead brain tissue. This research was going to revolutionize our understanding of the human brain. A new drug was developed, promising to end all degenerative diseases. Preliminary studies on head trauma patients were a success. The first trial on several comatose patients caused them to wake up, and walk around again. What these scientists hadn't foreseen was that this new drug caused the brain to die off from the outside in. The outside being the cortex, the nice part of you that makes humans human. What was left was the part that controls basic motor function and primitive instincts. Of course by the time they had figured this out, it was far too late…

Within weeks, reports began to emerge that California was being overrun by bands of savages, brutally murdering anyone in their path. News outlets across the country played it down, not wanting to panic the public, but the government was in crisis mode. Unfortunately, nothing they could do would stop the growing numbers of Zombies that were taking over the country.

That was roughly 20 years ago…

Now, the world is a very different place. Society as we know it has ceased to exist. Barely 4% of the entire population survived even the first 5 years. All cities and any semblance of government has fallen to the infected and the remaining people are either surviving on their own or part of larger communities (aka. factions). These factions are scattered around the country. Some are civilized, but more often than not, they are ruthless, cold-blooded murderers, that will stop at nothing to ensure their survival.

Potential roleplay ideas set in this world:-

  1. The Reluctant Guardian - (MC) was in his early thirties when the apocalypse threw the world into chaos. After the death of his wife and child early on, he lost everything that he once held dear. It turned him into a cruel, cunning individual. With nothing left to live for, he was out for himself. All he could think of was taking down as many Zombies with him until his inevitable death. That is until one day, so many years later, he stumbled across a young, fiery tempered teenage girl (YC). Having been born after the Apocalypse, she knows how to handle herself (This story could go two ways. One where he captures and enslaves her, or another where a romance blossoms between them and he feels obligated to protect her)
  2. The Leader - (YC) is a young woman, struggling to survive after the initial aftermath of the outbreak. She's spent years alone, but it's getting harder each day as winter approaches. She stumbles across a community run by an enigmatic leader (MC) of a relatively small faction that offers her shelter. Little does she know, she's going to have to do more than work in this community if she wants to remain there.
  3. If you have any idea's set in this world, let me know!

(Note: I'm happy to play side characters you interact with in this story)
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~Bump~ (First plot added: NSFW)

~A Slaves Tail~
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~Bump~ (Two new plots added: NSFW)

~Downfall Of An Heiress~
~My Son's Unfaithful Girlfriend~
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~Bump~ (One new plot added: NSFW)

~Blackmailing My Girlfriend's Mom~
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~Bump~ (One new plot added)

~It's The End Of The World As We Know It~
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