Mx Female The Doctor is in

May 27, 2022
Good Afternoon/Morning/Timeless Abyss you're trapped in.

I'll apologize for how rough this thread is to begin with, I'm posting from mobile so no fancy formatting.

I'm looking for any and all RPs right now and more specifically I don't mind GM/DMing a world you'd like to play fandom or original. I've always found fandom Rps interesting to see how convincingly I can write somebody else creation, especially for people that really love them.

Fandom/world wise I can write all over the place, just ask and if I know it we can probably get something going.

So, let me know your desires and I'll see if I can help you out.
Right now a Fate/Grand Order RP would be interesting, mostly because Castoria is breaking my heart, or any type of Final Fantasy one would be good too.
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