Mx Any GoT | Daenarys Redemption and Vengence Come-Back Story! (CLOSED)


Jan 13, 2009
Open for Discord RP

Welcome to my Thread! Thanks for taking a look-see, and I hope you fancy what I have here!

DISCLAIMER - [M x Any] Prefix refers I am open to RPing with any Writer gender but IN THE RP, still stick to MxF (Strictly so, no MxMxF, if any extra chars, only MxFxF. Sorry. )

As far as how much I can offer for post length, my standard is two to three decent-sized paragraphs, more if there's enough content to pull from and add detail into. How often can I post? I have a lot of free time on my hands, but I do have my own separate hobbies that take my time and other things that come up to make me AFK but I try my best when I can post. Also, I have a wide range of kinks and I try to do my best to keep both sides happy, I enjoy discussing future possible scenes and brainstorming ideas for the plot with inspirational images.

To me, PLANNING doesn't stop when the story begins. I'm looking for continuous and constant planning throughout the whole RP. I do understand that some people just don't have the time for that, it only means we're not compatible. What I want is someone who equally enjoys delving into the story in-character as well as out-of-character. Let's banter about what is going on, point out what we like and possibly dislike in any given post, throw out wild ideas into the table and play what-if scenarios that won't necessarily make it into the main story.
Communication, people. We all know how that is important in life, so I don't understand why so many people simply go silent as soon as the story begins. Let's talk about the story, shall we? Not only our schedules.


The Redemption n Vengeance Come-Back Story

The Plot:

I want to explore past the last ( Horrendous ) season of Game of Thrones but change where Daenarys doesn't die or only "thought to be" dead and all the starks and other know only is that the Dragon ( Wyvern) is at large living somewhere and has her body. Beyond that as far as plot, I will leave it open ended for discussion between me and you. The images below are plot tools and inspirations as to what is to come in the first scene of the RP and the...end game goals. This is the base premise, everything else is free alteration and flexible on what we do with it.


What I'm Looking For:

What I am seeking out of my RP partner in so pursuing this plot with me, I would like to ask and strongly prefer them to be open to and okay with VORE, NOT as a kink, I'm not getting off of it, it is strictly a plot thing and will be only soft vore, meaning zero harm to Daenarys and is not a permanent state. Now knowing that word alone will throw away just about more than most people at the mention of it, even as a plot tool only, so I am wiling for it to be not be a "must" and we can do something else in place somehow, but please come up with your own idea before coming to me if you're not wanting the vore bit.

Please refer to the "Saved by the Gulp" Spoiler.

Still with me? Great! Honestly, I don't ask for much else besides you being familiar with the show obviously and aware of what happened in the last season, be generally compatible in terms of with my Ons n Offs but a large amount of those wont matter or applicable to this kind of story. All dependent though on the person contacting me and what your writing style is and what you would like to see happen and do in this story, many variables. ( I also don't expect you to know and remember all the details and be a super GoT nerd, totally not necessary.)

I hope to hear from you!

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