Mx Female On the Hunt for Monster girls


Jan 21, 2015
Hey I'm Metalwabbit, Metal if you prefer. I've been on here for a while, rping here and there, made some friends and am currently looking to scratch a craving I've been having. Monster girls. This is probably a more selfish rp request I know but I really want to play a human man against one or multiple monster girls. I would love to play against the kind like from monster musume or monster girl doctor just the right amount of human and inhuman :) I will be honest, I am looking primarily for smut but I have no complaints trying to infuse some story in between the smut or keeping things burning slowly.

Kinks: I consider myself maybe mildly Vanilla, I know weird for a monster girl rp but it is the truth. I'll include some I'd really love to have. Not all of them are needed but they be very nice to include.

Risk of being caught: There being a bit of riskiness to the sex is always fun. The idea of the girl having to bite her lip or finger or kiss him to hold herself back from moaning adding a level or adrenaline to the sex is always fun

Adultery/scandalous set ups: In real life we all try to be good people, we fight inappropriate temptation, we normally do our best to choose the upright path. Which is why it can be so cathartic in an rp to see what if we didn't? What if we gave into that temptation to cheat? What if the teacher gave into his desire for his sexy student? What if taking the high road with your jerkish boyfriend you fucked his best friend for revenge? It can be so fun to play those out and even more feeding into the earlier mentioned risk of being caught. Especially with scandalous set ups like the idea of a teacher and student, being caught would carry consequences but that just heightens the sexiness.

Cuckolding/being caught: As I said before, it can be fun to see how things would play out if you did give into temptation, so it can be fun to see, what if you got caught doing it? You're trying not to moan into your boyfriend's ear as his father fucks you, but what if you just let it out? What if you let him know how much better his dad or your teacher is giving it to you? That can be exciting~

Sexy clothes: Again, never want to push for this but a girl wearing something to tempt the guy, that can be fun~ If its cheating she could be wearing something she never would for her boyfriend or else the guy's wife never wore for him. If they're in love it could be to show how much she wants to make him happy and she likes feeling sexy for him

Dirty talking: This is more a necessity. Be it telling the guy he's better than her boyfriend or him telling her his wife can't compare, telling him how good being with him feels or how she likes what he's doing to her, it just helps that extra little bit and lets us break up the description with a bit of dialogue.

Hair pulling and spanking: Again if not your cup of tea I totally understand, but it helps give him something to do as he enjoys her or giving her a quick swat on the butt when they are either alone or around people to let her know he's in the mood can be fun. Or maybe she spanks him to show she's in the mood

Hotdogging and dry humping: Really fun with the risk of being caught. Them grinding against each other behind other's backs, sometimes literally. It is a fun bit of playfullyness letting each know the other is in the mood and its something besides penetration they can do naughty that is a risk of being caught doing.

OOC: Another necessity. I like talking and brainstorming future scenes with partners, hearing things they'd like to see or I could do better

Drawn Face Claims: I can do real face claims but especially for monster girls, I prefer drawn as it feels mildly weird to me to use real people.

Things I'd like more niche I don't expect a lot of people to be into:

Harem: I don't expect a lot of people to be down playing a harem of monster girls and I am totally fine if you just want to play a single character, that's perfectly fine with me and is no bother

Breeding: Again I know not everyone enjoys this. But the idea of the girl getting so into it she wants him to breed her, especially if she's cheating with him can be fun for me but I respect if you don't want to include it.

Poly: I guess a subset of harem and I totally respect if you want to keep it between one boy and one girl. But every time I watch a harem anime I'm always like "you know, this might be more fun if they all were in love with each other" no love triangle, no fighting for attention...Plus possibilities for orgies XD

Things I will NOT do:
Poop play
Water sports
Anyone younger than the site's rules
blood play
tattooing the girl

Full on Rape: Unless it switches to Consensual eventually. I don't want the sex to stay a horrible thing she just has to keep enduring, that isn't fun for me. I like the girl to enjoy it. Even if she hates him if she at least begins to enjoy it physically I'm fine and it could lead to complex feelings of desire and shame

Race play: I don't care what ethnicity you make your character and I get we all have preferences, but a lot of the requests to be "blacked" or "bbc" feel like you're degrading an entire race to a fetish and that makes me uncomfortable. A fantasy race, sure because they aren't real, but fetishizing an entire real race makes me feel weird.

My take on:
Honestly I'm pretty easy breezy with most things

Age difference: I don't mind being the younger partner in something like the boyfriend sleeping with his girlfriend's mom or the older one in something like the teacher enjoying his student. But again, I will not go younger than the site's rules.

Name calling: I can call you most any name you want your character to be called "Honey, princess, whore, slut,...." but nothing racist

Rp format: I won't rp over anything but pms. I'm sorry but I like to keep my rping to this site as to hide my shame

If you're interested please pm me. You can send me your own ideas or any of mine from below. Or if you like one of my ideas but would like to tweek it a bit feel free to suggest it to me. I have no complaints about brainstorming with partners :)

Rp Ideas: Again feel free to pitch your own but I had an idea for setting and characters I'd love to try

Setting: The Farm. Guranteed to have a lot of farm based monster girls, sheep, goats, chicken harpies, a dog girl possibly, you get it :)

Idea 1 on 1, an accidental affair: I remember a part in the monster musume Comics where this girl a minitour thought her boyfriend a farmer was cheating on him and got the MC to milk her and then found out the "girls" she thought he was talking to were the farm's new baby hens (the animals not harpies) and just felt embarrassed. I thought it might be fun to take it a step further. As she obviously seemed to be getting aroused by him touching her, what if the guy was getting just as aroused and convinces her to have revenge sex with him to get back at her boyfriend? She's so aroused she agrees and cums for him harder than she ever had with her boyfriend. She goes to tell him she knows he cheated and she had sex with another man and it was better...But she learns about her mistake before she gets the chance, vowing to take what she did to her grave realizing he didn't cheat on her but she technically cheated on him. The only problem? The other guy is still working on the farm, still reminding her of what she did, of her stupid mistake...Of how good it felt~ Eventually she can't take it anymore and asks him to "milk" her again, now cheating on her boyfriend fully aware of what she's doing

Harem, Farm hand, with benefits: This idea is from another part in the same series. The idea is that a guy down on his luck finds an offer from a group of monster girls trying to start their own independent farm and gets in touch with them through an employment agency. The agency tells him they were specific with their request, a man ages 20-30, in good shape with lots of stamina. He figures its for farm work and doesn't complain. He admits he used to be sickly but getting in shape helped him and he's confident the fresh air will do him good. One question that made him a tiny bit concerned was...About his penis size and sexual experience? Thinking that was really odd, he still decided to take the job. When he gets there, he's a bit surprised. He had heard it was monster girls but he had expected SOME other men. Yet he is the only one there. Soon greated by the staff he is pleasant surprised how friendly they are. From the blunt but friendly Minitours, to the shy and gentle sheep, the rather flirtation satyrs and the energetic harpies, they all seem lovely. Yet when he asks about his job and where they need his help, they direct him to the house and say not to worry, they have the farm work covered, saying they don't need any help there and want him to save his energy for his...job. Confused he goes along even more confused why the leader of each female groups play rock paper scissors. The winner suddenly taking his hand and leading him up the stairs. There he learns about those strange questions, he is to be they're stud to help "relieve stress".

Harem, why did it have to be snakes: Last one from this comic I promise. This was from a chapter where they went to the Lamia homeland. There, they learned Lamia are female only. They are bisexual yes but still long for a man and want the main character to take part in a tournament but all keep coming onto him with his lamia girlfriend having to save him. I think it be funny to see a guy get sent there in an exchange program. He was told it was there to teach in a Lamia school which is true. But a young male teacher sent there alone with no girlfriend or else one very far away, he's a target for every woman he meets. His students, their mothers, his coworkers, random people on the street and he doesn't know how long he can resist

Can be 1 on 1 or harem or polly: Basically a school for monster girls and humans. I just think the setting could be fun and lead to so many possibilites. We could do teacher x student, girlfriend x boyfriend, girlfriend x boyfriend's bully, boyfriend x girlfriend's sister/mother, so many ideas are open to us xD

That's all I got for now. Again feel free to hit me up with any ideas you have or changes to these above ones and I hope to hear from you soon
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