Mx Any Roleplay with a Femboy Popstar~?

delirious academia

Sep 30, 2014
Alright, now I'm looking for someone to play dominant male for my cuntboy/femboy.

Some things I love:

Drama. (Fighting, cheating, etc. )
Jealousy. (Yes please. Involve this with possessiveness and I'll love you.)
Possessiveness. <3
Pregnancy. (Mhm.)
Toys. Keep them inside him.
Anal. A MUST.
Multiple partners. (A house pet? Maybe sharing a boy, or letting some friends come over.)
Drug related rps. (Yes.)
Heat. (As in similar to animals.)
Manic-depressive/mentally unstable/abusive partners. (Degrading a partner to ensure that they'll stay with them, etc.)

I know this is not everyone's cup of tea, but I
And many more!

As for my plot:
A young teenage (16-19) star is just that. He misbehaves, acts out, does drugs. He is adored and wanted by many fans. His bodyguard has dealt with him for long enough. One night he breaks and they end up sleeping together (bodyguard can use force or coersion). At first he was annoyed with the brat and it was just revenge sex, but after a while of thinking he realizes he loves him.

Later on can include things such as millionaires paying to sleep with the star, the bodyguard unaware of it. He'll get jealous and angry when he finds out. <3

PM me please! And tell me which of my cravings you're willing to work with, because I know some of them are quite out of the ordinary. <3
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