Mx Female Rain's Excellent Emporium [NSFW]


Enriched & Nourished
Jun 16, 2022
Drizzled Hills of England

~ Welcome to the Emporium ~​

Filled with escapist fantasies and myriad desires alike.

So you've made it this far? Good. I'm sure there will be something I can do to tantalise your senses and tease your intrigue. Perhaps, if I may, I suggest you keep on reading? Come in, take a seat. Make yourself comfortable...

My name is Rain, and I suppose it does it overly matter in any meaningful way, but for those curious, I am a male, somewhat ashamedly based in the UK, and in my late 20s. I do have a full-time professional career, so please do keep in mind that I am not available 24/7, but I do get online as often as I can.

What words would people usually use to describe me? Confident, level-headed, open-minded and caring. And I can cook up a delight in the kitchen given the chance!

~ My Writing Style ~​

  • Third personally, ideally in the past tense.
  • I aim for between 2 and 4 well-formed paragraphs per response; I expect mutual results, generally, but I'm not fussy as long as the effort is there!
  • Sometimes I use descriptions, sometimes visuals - let me know your preference?
  • I am happy to write as both male and female characters, or anywhere in between, with pleasure.
  • I don't specifically have a Plot:Smut ratio, but I like some of both. A bit of both is definitely required though!
  • Always happy to chat OOC - it makes everything more exciting when we scheme and plot together!
  • Please do let me know if you're UK- or Europe-based - anyone who can post in the morning GMT/BST get to the top of the list!

~ Me, My Kinks, and I ~​

So, you want to know the dirty, sordid details? Fine, I will indulge, since you asked so nicely, I shall provide. Please be aware that this will not be an exhaustive list, so if you are at all unsure, just ask!

  • Outercourse
  • Voyeurism
  • Lactation
  • BDSM
  • D/s dynamics
  • Slutty outfits
  • Flirting
  • Photography
  • Cunnilingus
  • Fellatio

(and more to come, I'm sure!)
  • Age Gaps
  • Breeding
  • Force
  • Exhibitionism
  • Prostitution
  • Adultery
  • Watersports
  • Condoms & Pregnancy Risk
  • Dub-Con
  • Non-Con
  • Anal
  • Degradation
  • Clothed Sex
  • Coercion
  • Corruption
  • Chubby characters
  • Small Breasts
  • Breathplay
  • Scat
  • Underage
  • Furry Characters
  • Excessive (unrealistic) Sizes

~ What to write; what to create? ~​

  • Click the tabs to view the genres that I most enjoy. Of course, I am always happy to brainstorm new and original ideas, just try me. I have included some suggested kinks, but they are of course just suggestions, and as such can be added to or ignored!


    Evergreen (Viking/Raider x Victim)​

    Potential kinks: Non-con, Age Gaps, Outercourse, Fellatio, Bondage
    A rich, vivid-green sprawls across the landscape, the gentle rolling hills of a fertile, rich, peaceful land. Summers are long, the fruit is sweet, and all is well in a land as-yet unspoiled, untouched. But birds will flee and waves will crash, again and again with resounding force, bringing the raiders to the shore. To plunder, to pillage, to steal, to take, to fulfill their every desire. A land of peace, shattered. Who will your character be? A local villager? A tribe leader? A misfortune-ridden trader? A fellow raider?

    The Land is Sowed (Farmer x Fieldhand)​

    Potential kinks: Dub-con, Age Gaps, Cunnilingus, Fellatio, Dom/Sub, Clothed Sex, Lactation
    The fields must be tended, lives depend upon it. The fields feed the village, the fields provide work for the village. An entire local population depends upon it. Of course, the Farmer is held in high esteem, owning land is no small feat, and such a position of power comes with its perks. Expectations of gratitude run high, the long days at the farm provide lithe and toned bodies, and yet there is always the chance that one of the locals might catch the eye of the farmer, a chance to improve their own pedigree, should the chance present itself. (This plot could also be Farmer's Wife x Farmhand should that be of interest to you!)

    Part of the Estate (Rich aristocrat x Servant)​

    Potential kinks: Pregnancy Risk, Corruption, Adultery, Dom/Sub, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism
    Expensive furniture adores the centre of every room, the extravagant and decadent lifestyle dripping from every wall or every room. Old portraits, silver candelabras, entitlement and families with history that can be traced for generations. Will your character be a lowly servant, who has caught the eye of the Duke, or will the trope be flipped on its head, with a self-entitled servant who the Duchess cannot keep her gaze away from? The possibilities as endless, but the debauchery will surely be sizzling.


    Under Neon Lights (Citizen x Citizen)​

    Potential kinks: Slutty Clothing, Outercourse, Prostitution, Corruption
    This city hangs you out to dry. The bright neon signs advertise twisted fantasies, wild technology and the promise of a better life. Churning through people like cattle, the citizens of this city are destined for nothing more than serving the corporations that lead the pack, the lucky few, the 1%. Your character, mine, stuck in the system from which they cannot escape, but must scratch out an existence no matter the cost. Other citizens are there as pawns, to be stepped on and used in the great fight for survival. But despite that? The cyberware is unique, and opens up a world of possibilities for those who can afford to have the latest and greatest innovations installed.

    An Improvement, No Doubt (Ripperdoc x Citizen)​

    Potential kinks: PENDING

    Plains of Dust (Nomad x Nomad)​

    Potential kinks: Public Sex, Outdoors, Clothed Sex, Flirting, Prostitution

    Alien x Human​

    Potential kinks: PENDING


    Handler x Ponygirl​

    Potential kinks: Bondage, Dom/Sub, Ponyplay, Leather, Sadism/Masochism, Photography, Fellatio

    Perfection, Captured (Photographer x Model)​

    Potential kinks: Photography, Videography, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Slutty Outfits, Teasing, Fellatio, Cunnilingus
    So many models come through the door. Those for fashion shoots, those who want professional headshots, those who wish for a lingerie shoot for their husband's birthday. All manner of women for all manner of reasons. I know I'm good - great, in fact. I can highlight beauty, make people look their best, and honestly... I do it for the moment they say 'wow!' when I show them the results. But sometimes, every now and then, someone is especially appreciative. Or just enjoy the experience of being bossed around far too much. What kind of woman would Y be? Confident, beautiful, shy? Personally, I cannot wait to discover what we can create together.

    Motorcycle Gang Leader x Victim​

    Potential kinks: PENDING

    Partygoer x Partygoer​

    Potential kinks: PENDING
    It may be one of those tropes that are tried and tested, but I personally see it as a classic. Thumping music, alcohol, strangers. An intoxicating mix at the best of times, but meeting for the first time at a mutual friend's house party? Oh the possibilities are endless - a silent rendezvous in the garden, a sneaking exploration of the upstairs bedrooms? Hopefully, it'll be a sweet memory by morning, a lingering taste of lips, of enjoyment and the heady scent of two bodies entwined.

    Stalker x Victim​

    Potential kinks: Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Coercion, Force
    I've been watching you, entranced. I can see through your window, and I can watch your movements. Your phone, your computer, I have software installed so I can read your messages, even alter them. Any nude selfies? You don't even know that I can extract them straight out. But one day, watching you sunbathe and manipulating chance encounters in coffee shops just might not be enough. Surely it will become more, a burning desire for us to move further - a relationship you do not even know we are in. Oh how you are firmly imprinted on my mind.


    I may not be overly well-versed in the DnD systems, but I do love creating a sandbox world for YC to interact, explore, and make their own way around. If you'd be interested in a LitRPG/Choose-Your-Own adventure, then please do get in touch! Something historical or Sci-Fi, perhaps?

~ See you on the battlefield, you fantastic, beautiful human. ~​
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