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Reggie's Requests (MSN or Threads)

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Jan 22, 2009
So I'm fairly new to Blue Moon but I've been happy at what I've seen so far. Everyone has been extremely friendly and welcoming. I'm sure it'll be a pleasure to meet more of you as I spend more time here. The main thing I'd like to point out is that I really really prefer to roleplay over MSN messenger simply because it's private and faster than private messages on Blue Moon, there's no waiting except for waiting for the other one to come on. I personally like the flow of it much better. Now on to the roleplays.

Detailed Settings:

1.The first one is inspired by Fallout 3's/Mad Max's world.
No real plot thought of but the setting interests me a great deal. Around the time of WWII the United States of America was nuked. Forcing the survival of the citizen to be very scarce. Most of humanity choose to live in Vaults, underground habitats that are the considered the last remaining safe haven for humanity compared what's on the surface. Zombie-mutants, slavers, raiders and all out anarchy. We both can be vault dwellers or both above land or one of each. Basically it's closely linked to Fallout 3 minus the super human super mutants, robots, and enclave.

2. I've been craving is based on the TV show Mad Men.
New York City in the early 1960s. Not so many years ago it was a very different time. The story takes place in an advertising firm. My character is an employee there trying to make partner and your character could be a new secretary or I could be a new employee and you're the old secretary of who I'm replacing. It's a man's world. Most of Americans are anti homophobic and sexist. Women are often subjects of sexual harassment in the work place. People are unaware of lung cancer and almost everyone chain smokes and drinks on the job. My character has a shady past from the Korean War that has yet to be discovered, he can be married or he doesn't have to. Where we take it from there is up to you.

3.Arixo, located on the boarder of Arizona and New Mexico used to be the peaceful settlement of the Native Americans. The Arixo Tribe continued living in harmony with Arixo until the Gold Trade brought unwanted attention. Many years later David Cole (my character) arrived in Arixo to see it’s current fate. The Gold Trade has attracted many men and women all throughout the country which has also brought an expansion of a railroad being built through Arixo, right through the Arixo Tribe’s land which has called much tension and many of the Arixo Tribe members being wiped out. Not only did the gold trade bring trains but also crime runs rampant through Arixo.

The Fortune Hunters are a group of men gathered together by their greed. Their goal is to control the entire gold trade in Arixo and bring themselves fortune by any means necessarily. The Red Legion are another group of outlaws who’s aim is to wipe out the Arixo Tribe claiming that all Native Americans are savages. The third and final gang who’s presence is well known in Arixo is The Black Swans. Not having the ambition of any main goal to achieve other than robbing the local banks and lone travels on the outskirts of town.

I was thinking this roleplay could go in three possible directions. I’d also love to hear what you have to say. My first idea is David Cole arrives in town roughly around the same time as a young Mexican woman who had to also come to Arixo to see her luck in the gold trade. Being both strangers we partner up and try to make a fortune, obviously in this dangerous city events would take us on various adventures. The second idea is David Cole walks into a Saloon, one of three gangs have been harassing the local girls inside and plan on raping your character, I save the day however some of your friends were indeed raped and/or murdered and we go out for vengeance. The third idea is I witness an attack on one of the Arixo Tribe’s settlements. It was too late however the idea tribe is murdered however I manage to find a hidden young Native American woman and we decide to help the Arixo Tribe take back their land.

4.In either Africa or South America (Doesn’t matter which) a mysterious man supposedly from America has become a huge Arms Dealer/Drug Lord in the country. He is responsible for countless deaths. No one knows his true identity though. Your character is a writer from a big newspaper back in the states. You’re sent to whatever country the story takes place in to report on the murders and most importantly this mysterious man who’s taking advantage of the country. Within a month or so of living in the country only hitting dead ends with the story however slowly getting closer to the truth you’re abducted by a man who doesn’t take kindly to your nose being in business where it does not belong.

5.Seven men robbed a bank for 14,000,000 dollars. Each were supposed to walk out with two million each. However five men were murdered during the heist. One of them escaped with with the entire 14 million. The other man was brutally beaten and has been in a coma. Now there’s two possible ideas for this roleplay depending on who you want to be. The first is I wake up from the coma and escape from the hospital before they bring me to prison for robbery. I somehow track your character down. A detective for the city police. Somehow I convince you not to turn me in by either compassion or blackmail. Together we try and solve which one of the six guys betrayed the group. The second option is you’re the daughter of the man in the coma. You come to me, a city police detective in hopes of finding which man betrayed the group.

Historical ideas:
1930s Mafia:
Gangster x Witness to murder
Gangster x Waitress
Gangster x Club singer
Gangster x My Don's daughter
Gangster x Enemy's Don's daughter
70-90s Crime(Think Scarface, The Warriors, Reservoir Dogs):
Gang member x Fellow/Enemy Gang member's sister
Gang member x Police Chief's daughter
Drug lord x Addict's sister/girlfriend/daughter
Gang member x Police Officer/Detective
Police Officer/Detective x Police Officer/Detective
Nazi x American Nurse
Nazi x Jewish Woman
Nazi x French/Dutch Woman
American x French/Dutch Woman
American x Nazi Nurse
American x Vietnamese Prostitute
American x Vietnamese Civilian
American x USO Entertainer
1700s Pirates:
Pirate x Captive
Pirate x Stowaway
1800s Western:
Cowboy x Saloon girl
Cowboy x Farmer's daughter
Cowboy x Sheiff's daughter
Cowboy x Mayor's daughter
Cowboy x Native American

Modern Day Ideas:
Police Officer x Speeder
Lawyer x Defendant/Witness
Wealthy Man x Maid
Cook/Waiter/Customer/Manager x Waitress
Employee/Boss x Secretary
Fan/Manager/Celebrity x Celebrity/Fan
City Boy/Country Boy x City Girl/Country Girl
Trucker x Hitchhiker
Pilot/Vacationer x Flight Attendant
Vacationer x Vacationer (Island Paradise, Europe, Cruise Ship)
Neighbour x Neighbour/Neighbour's legal daughter (Married or Unmarried)
Cop x Citizen
Parent x Babysitter
Teacher/Student/Professor x Student/Teacher
Politician out on the town
Father's Friend x Daughter
Brother's Friend x Sister
Husband x Wife's Sister
Husband's Brother x Wife
Boyfriend's Friend x Girlfriend
Friend's Boyfriend x Friend
Boyfriend's Brother x Girlfriend
Sister's Boyfriend x Sister
Repair/Salesman x Woman(Married or not)Also of course any idea you have I'd love to hear.

PMs are welcome to discuss possible roleplays and giving out MSN addresses.

Note: I can not begin a Roleplay until after this weekend.
Re: Reggie's Requests

I will try one of these with you:
Parent x Babysitter
Teacher/Student/Professor x Student/Teacher
Re: Reggie's Requests

Sorry those PMing me, I had some unexpected health problems, still for more and more RPs.
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