Somebody's Midlife Crisis
- Joined
- Sep 9, 2015
- Location
- Flying High
New Orleans, Lousiana.
Land of Cajun Food, Saints Football, Mardi Gras and debauchery, one of the most cultured ports in the world. Since Katrina hit in 2005, nothing has been the same. Now there are festivals year round to try to draw tourist crowds into the city, especially in a blue city surrounded by a whole red state. The Culture and music make it worth it for the residents to stay and fight for their land.
In 2003, a man name Jon Gayle decided to expand his relatively still new gang, the 13th Street Regulators, into other cities. Expansion took him to Denver, Vegas, LA, and New Orleans amongst other places. This is the NOLA branch that he started with Liam Pugh as the leader. The NOLA branch of the Regulators is the first to allow women to join up in a desperate attempt to keep themselves afloat post-Katrina.
Now, Liam's daughter Nadine is in charge of the NOLARs after his untimely death and she's being tested on all sides for a sign of weakness. Will the pressure break her? Or will she rise above the haters and doubters even in her own camp?
Present Day: Nadine Pugh is now in charge of the Regulators and it hasn't been an easy fight. Commanding respect in a primarily black gang world, trying to keep her own monsters in check, keeping her 'bosses' happy, all while trying to navigate the world for the first time without her father has been a challenge. She's fortunate enough to have her crew supporting her but sometimes a woman just needs a King (or Queen in this case).
She's now in the infancy of her rule and she's already growing and building upon the empire her father and Jon Gayle started.
Land of Cajun Food, Saints Football, Mardi Gras and debauchery, one of the most cultured ports in the world. Since Katrina hit in 2005, nothing has been the same. Now there are festivals year round to try to draw tourist crowds into the city, especially in a blue city surrounded by a whole red state. The Culture and music make it worth it for the residents to stay and fight for their land.
In 2003, a man name Jon Gayle decided to expand his relatively still new gang, the 13th Street Regulators, into other cities. Expansion took him to Denver, Vegas, LA, and New Orleans amongst other places. This is the NOLA branch that he started with Liam Pugh as the leader. The NOLA branch of the Regulators is the first to allow women to join up in a desperate attempt to keep themselves afloat post-Katrina.
Now, Liam's daughter Nadine is in charge of the NOLARs after his untimely death and she's being tested on all sides for a sign of weakness. Will the pressure break her? Or will she rise above the haters and doubters even in her own camp?
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2003: Founded when Jon Gayle, Joan Gayle, John Jackson and Kate Jackson come into town looking to establish a new branch of the Regulators. Liam Pugh, a small time crew leader just trying to protect his streets at age 27, becomes the first King of NOLA's Regulators.
August 28, 2005: Hurricane Katrina hits New Orleans at a Category 5, nearly demolishing the city proper and its surrounding areas. Houses in low-lying areas are lost to flooding and storm damage, leaving them underwater for weeks. Businesses are destroyed, gangs are scattered. Many, many lives were lost
Feb 28, 2006: Mardi Gras is held despite opposition from local government, much derision from people who thought New Orleans shouldn't be celebrating. But Tradition is Tradition, and the City needed that more than ever. Liam returned home to see the celebrations and check out the damage. His neighborhood as he knew it was destroyed, though some of his neighbors were able to start building. Liam stays in NOLA to start the rebuild, joined only by his second-in-command due to the dangerous conditions for their families.
October, 2006: After a year in Exile in Haven City, Finn and Nadine Pugh return home to their father. NOLAR starts to rebuild with the five men left that didn't settle with another Charter, or didn't lose their lives. Out of 40 men, 17 are now dead and the rest are scattered across the country in far more secure spots.
2007: Moving product becomes harder as NOPD cracks down on the post-storm crime epidemic that has happened over the year since most people returned. With only eight members on board, and lots of rebuilding to do, they're stretched thinner than ever.
2008: Membership is down. Even two years after returning, gang activity across the board is slow, and rebuilding is still a struggle. Nadine Pugh, the daughter of Liam, proposes the idea of women joining up. After talking to his guys, and several women in the neighborhood with gang affiliations that no longer were around, he brings the idea to Jon Gayle. An agreement is reached.
6 months later, 2008: The NOLAR are thriving again. What started as eight women, including Nadine, taking the beat in grew to their old crews joining up to get some support and money. Gayle's connections to drugs put them as the top gang because they were the first to get supply and cash. Joan Gayle comes to down with Gayle to inspect progress and brings some of her whores with her. Sets up a strip club as a front, especially since tourism is starting to build back up in an effort to bring cash into the city... Not only that, but their formerly small territory in the Marigny-Bywater and French Quarter have now expanded to cover the Treme and the Central Business District where all the corporations, fancy restaurants and coke fiends tend to reside and work.
2012: Freshly 21-year-old Finn Pugh is attacked by a rival small time gang trying to move in on the French Quarter on Bourdon Street while celebrating his birthday. In the ensuing fist fight, a NOPD officer shoots into the small crowd, killing Finn, one of his attackers and three civilians that weren't even involved in the fight, while also injuring his other two attackers and another civilian. Nadine, now 18 and established as a gang member in the Regs, is running the corners that the rival gang is trying to take. Liam leaves her in charge to disband the trouble, as a test to see if she has potential as a lieutenant.
2013: Nadine wipes out rival gang on her edge of the territory, gaining them a small piece of territory in the Esplanade Ridge as well. Liam gives her a bigger area to protect, more men to be in charge of and gives her the opportunity to prove she can run the gang some day.
2013-2020: A relative time of Peace for them. As the top of the food chain, and with Nadine's blood trail and the viciousness of most of the crew leaders in NOLAR (especially the female ones), a lot of gangs are content to fight each other over smaller scraps. During this time, Joan Gayle gives Nadine control over the Strip Club, the prostitutes and the movie production studio that she has established there as part of expanding her Phantasies project, making Nadine the most powerful woman in the NOLA branch of Regs. All while maintaining her territory and preventing NOPD from catching on to the trafficking.
2022: Liam Pugh dies of a sudden heart attack. What's left of the OGs, with the blessing current King of the Haven City Regs, Jacob Jackson, push to put Nadine into the King position. This receives very little blowback from NOLAR, though many other branches of the Regs also question the sanity of this. Haven City, Jersey and NOLA are the only charters to allow women to wear 'man brands' at this point.
2003: Founded when Jon Gayle, Joan Gayle, John Jackson and Kate Jackson come into town looking to establish a new branch of the Regulators. Liam Pugh, a small time crew leader just trying to protect his streets at age 27, becomes the first King of NOLA's Regulators.
August 28, 2005: Hurricane Katrina hits New Orleans at a Category 5, nearly demolishing the city proper and its surrounding areas. Houses in low-lying areas are lost to flooding and storm damage, leaving them underwater for weeks. Businesses are destroyed, gangs are scattered. Many, many lives were lost
Feb 28, 2006: Mardi Gras is held despite opposition from local government, much derision from people who thought New Orleans shouldn't be celebrating. But Tradition is Tradition, and the City needed that more than ever. Liam returned home to see the celebrations and check out the damage. His neighborhood as he knew it was destroyed, though some of his neighbors were able to start building. Liam stays in NOLA to start the rebuild, joined only by his second-in-command due to the dangerous conditions for their families.
October, 2006: After a year in Exile in Haven City, Finn and Nadine Pugh return home to their father. NOLAR starts to rebuild with the five men left that didn't settle with another Charter, or didn't lose their lives. Out of 40 men, 17 are now dead and the rest are scattered across the country in far more secure spots.
2007: Moving product becomes harder as NOPD cracks down on the post-storm crime epidemic that has happened over the year since most people returned. With only eight members on board, and lots of rebuilding to do, they're stretched thinner than ever.
2008: Membership is down. Even two years after returning, gang activity across the board is slow, and rebuilding is still a struggle. Nadine Pugh, the daughter of Liam, proposes the idea of women joining up. After talking to his guys, and several women in the neighborhood with gang affiliations that no longer were around, he brings the idea to Jon Gayle. An agreement is reached.
6 months later, 2008: The NOLAR are thriving again. What started as eight women, including Nadine, taking the beat in grew to their old crews joining up to get some support and money. Gayle's connections to drugs put them as the top gang because they were the first to get supply and cash. Joan Gayle comes to down with Gayle to inspect progress and brings some of her whores with her. Sets up a strip club as a front, especially since tourism is starting to build back up in an effort to bring cash into the city... Not only that, but their formerly small territory in the Marigny-Bywater and French Quarter have now expanded to cover the Treme and the Central Business District where all the corporations, fancy restaurants and coke fiends tend to reside and work.
2012: Freshly 21-year-old Finn Pugh is attacked by a rival small time gang trying to move in on the French Quarter on Bourdon Street while celebrating his birthday. In the ensuing fist fight, a NOPD officer shoots into the small crowd, killing Finn, one of his attackers and three civilians that weren't even involved in the fight, while also injuring his other two attackers and another civilian. Nadine, now 18 and established as a gang member in the Regs, is running the corners that the rival gang is trying to take. Liam leaves her in charge to disband the trouble, as a test to see if she has potential as a lieutenant.
2013: Nadine wipes out rival gang on her edge of the territory, gaining them a small piece of territory in the Esplanade Ridge as well. Liam gives her a bigger area to protect, more men to be in charge of and gives her the opportunity to prove she can run the gang some day.
2013-2020: A relative time of Peace for them. As the top of the food chain, and with Nadine's blood trail and the viciousness of most of the crew leaders in NOLAR (especially the female ones), a lot of gangs are content to fight each other over smaller scraps. During this time, Joan Gayle gives Nadine control over the Strip Club, the prostitutes and the movie production studio that she has established there as part of expanding her Phantasies project, making Nadine the most powerful woman in the NOLA branch of Regs. All while maintaining her territory and preventing NOPD from catching on to the trafficking.
2022: Liam Pugh dies of a sudden heart attack. What's left of the OGs, with the blessing current King of the Haven City Regs, Jacob Jackson, push to put Nadine into the King position. This receives very little blowback from NOLAR, though many other branches of the Regs also question the sanity of this. Haven City, Jersey and NOLA are the only charters to allow women to wear 'man brands' at this point.
Present Day: Nadine Pugh is now in charge of the Regulators and it hasn't been an easy fight. Commanding respect in a primarily black gang world, trying to keep her own monsters in check, keeping her 'bosses' happy, all while trying to navigate the world for the first time without her father has been a challenge. She's fortunate enough to have her crew supporting her but sometimes a woman just needs a King (or Queen in this case).
She's now in the infancy of her rule and she's already growing and building upon the empire her father and Jon Gayle started.
Joan Gayle - Young.jpg101.3 KB · Views: 7
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