Mx Female Seeking new partner!


May 19, 2022
Hello! Welcome to my request thread! I had a few ideas I thought I'd throw out there, see if I can get any bites. :)

I’m looking for someone who can responds fairly regularly, at least once a day on average. I understand life gets in the way at times and that’s perfectly fine, just let me know if you’re going to be gone for more than a day or two and things should work out fine. :)

I like to keep my request threads brief and to the point, this is to save you time, and not an indication of the limitations of my writing ability. I can be rather verbose when needed. :)

Now, on to the plots!

Nerdy girl/experienced childhood friend.

Inspired by this NSFW image:

Your character is on the nerdy side, and doesn't really have any romantic/sexual experience. But now that she's graduated high school and is heading off to college, she's concerned that she's fallen so far behind her peers that she won't ever catch up!

Thankfully she has a friend, a popular, attractive young man who she's known her whole life, and who has been known to be quite the ladies man. If anyone can teach her the ropes, it would certainly be him! And besides, he owes her for all that chemistry homework she helped him with over the years!

Basically I envision a cute/smutty story where our characters start out as friends, become friends with benefits, and then evolve into something more… he'd be training her from the ground up, from how to make out, how to give a basic hand job, all the way to deepthroating cock and taking it up the ass like a pro!

Teen Titans!

I’m a fan of the original Teen Titans animated series, and of Raven in particular. I’d love to play out a story involving her and any other member of the team you’d like.

One of the potential story hooks I’d like to explore would be Raven having developed a crush on my character, and having a difficult time repressing her feelings towards them. She then starts to gradually display characteristics of her demonic side… a few strands of white hair at first, then red patches of skin… it isn’t long until she has two sets of yellow eyes and horns. The harder she tries to fight the changes, the quicker the transformation. It isn’t until she learns to accept herself for who she is, and stops fighting her nature that she reverts back to normal.
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