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Come What May {King, Ritsu, and Pretty}

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Jan 8, 2009

        • The moon shone brightly over the treetops. The silver orb was near full, she felt its power pulse through her veins. Her strength waxed and waned with the phases of the moon. Her blood was aflame, having caught the scent of one of those walking corpses. She bared her teeth in a feral grin, her ears laying against the back of her head. Her long silver hair caught the breeze and twisted into her face. She ignored the thick locks, relying mostly on her nose to seek out the bloodsucker. She moved swiftly through the trees, coming quickly to an old abandoned chapel. She sneered at the building. Of course the filth would pick this of all places to hide in. It was almost laughable. These abominations of nature were so typical.

          Roxanne was a peculiar woman. She looked ordinary enough, save for the jet black ears atop her waist-length silver-hair, and the long bushy tail. Okay... so she wasn't ordinary in the least. She was a tall woman, reaching five foot nine inches tall, slender and curvaceous. She wore little more than a black bikini top, short denim shorts, and hiking boots. Her slender hands reached up to adjust the black bandanna around her neck. She disliked taking it off. She had been bitten by one of those bloodsuckers once, the wore the scars with shame, hiding them beneath the think cloth.

          The lycan made a vexed sound in her throat before moving towards the chapel doors. Behind these doors was her enemy, and she would kill the creature inside. Using all of her strength, she shoved the doors aside.

The whole way home he could tell he was being tracked down, however he just ignored it so that when he got back to the church he'd have his Master to back him up. He slid in the doors and went to sit atop the main cross behind the pulpit. Alex blinked and smiled a little as the lycan opened the doors. "Greetings Madam." He bowed lightly and looked up at her. "To whom may I have the pleasure of entertaining tonight?" He smiled more, his fangs retracted so he didn't seem like much of a threat at the moment. "Are you a guest of my master?"

      • He wasn't exactly one for company and the truth of the matter was that he liked to be alone or fairly alone when it came to his little church. The place had been run down for sometime with obvious reason, the deaths of the minster and priests staining his hands. After all, it had been that mad man for a minister that had summoned him from hell. Why? He wanted power hoping he could command what he thought was a lesser demon so that he might rule the world. Well his plan hadn't ended well with his body being torn to shreds with the rest of the assembly, after that day no one else stepped into the place; fearing what cursed being lived here. Ah that was fine with him, he liked the silence and surely was a grumpy one when being displaced from his 'home'.

        Licking his lips some, he had wondered what had been taking his lovely little pet's time away from him. The other went out for his own reasons, having the ability to frolic as he liked whenever he wasn't quite tied up with him. He had excepted him to get back home at least a half an hour ago but that hadn't been the case as he heard the other's voice in the large entrance hall to the building. Ears twitching somewhat irritably as he took in the words he spoke. A visitor? That was quite a rare thing for him, even with the small amount of others that he met. A small percentage where allowed to leave the place alive, something that many had decided to label the place as a death trap. Not many vampires stopped by the place with reason, but for the lycanthropes- it was just a matter of wit. Whether they knew of the legends and the truth behind it. The last he had seen of one had been at least a decade ago where he had crushed the poor things skull in with his claws out of irritation. The poor thing hadn't withstood his punishment for breaking the silence in his home and was dealt swiftly with.

        Now having changed his position to a leaning one, he stood atop one of the nearby pews, leaning into the wall idly as his scent filtered downward. No need hiding when the other was now well aware of his presence, but all the same it was just in his blood to choose what seemed to be the most bizarre areas to hand out in wait of being seen or being found. This being something he did with his little pet vampire, a very crude version of hide and seek that usually ended up as pleasure for him. Hm. It was fun indeed.

        Training his eyes on the two below, he let a slick smirk cross his lips as he stood their, his form not exactly easy on the eyes as it was on the heart. He was no incubus but all the same he charmed with his looks, something he had done before being dragged into this world by that man's runes. Well everything was for the best? Now wasn't it. Letting his tongue flick the air once he let out a cruel laugh. "I don't remember sending an invitation for company for tonight" he purred out in a rough yet silky sounding voice. The tone their to possibly scare the werewolf or egg her own, whichever way it seemed to rub the furry girl. His tone would gradually change with his expression to something his pet was much more used to, but not for the time being as his eyes seemed to bleed with a dark cruelty in them. Simply watching the other to see what she might do before going to action.​
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