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Mx Female Once again, craving the chance to play a Misogynistic, Degrading Bastard [Thread/PM/Discord] [NSFW]


C E R O - M I E D O
Oct 11, 2013
Somewhere In Time


So, some of you might recognize this gif from my main thread, so I figured why not open this one with it. And yes, I'll probably be lifting a lot of stuff from my main thread while adding stuff to this thread in particular. With that out of the way, let's get down to it. For those of you who don't know, I'm JayM1125, but you may feel free to call me Jay, Dude, or whatever....just not late for dinner. Lame dad joke aside, as you can see in the title of this thread, I've decided to give into some of my more....deviant desires.

Recently, I've been browsing Reddit and finding myself going down a bit of a Misogynistic rabbit hole. I don't know why, but something about it just drew me in. And I've been channeling this desire into wanting to play this out within a roleplay. I'm basically wanting to play someone who's pretty much an asshole towards women, treats them as if they're beneath him, demands them to call MC 'Daddy,' and uses them for exactly what he sees them for...holes to fuck. How this can come about could be through blackmail, hypnotism/mind control, loosing a bet, ect. Anything you can think of really.

I'll mostly be bumping this thread when I'm feeling that mood strike me to play something a little more darker. However, I do have some standards that I'd still like to adhere to:

***Rules and Expectations***
1.) I try to post roughly 1-3 paragraphs, although I've been known to do more though if I feel really inspired. I believe in quality over quantity, but if I only get a sentence back...then I have next to nothing to work with, other than giving a sentence back, if I even continue to do anything with that. It's hard to be inspired after having been given so little back to work with. Sure, two paragraphs from mobile may seem short (10 sentences or 1,000+ characters) but that doesn't give you an excuse to give me some weak little response. FULLY read my responses and respond accordingly is all I ask. If I do only get less than two sentences back, I will most likely say, 'hey what gives? I gave you two paragraphs and this is all you can come up with?' Give your post depth, I want to know what your character is thinking and feeling. Hey, even to fill a post provide some background on the character. I will say this much though, there will be a noticeable difference between replies written from my phone and one written on a computer of sorts. Also I tend to typically write in third person, but I can adapt to any style be it first person or whatever.

2.) I'm on here at various times. I'm on Central Standard Time, in case you're wondering. I'll try and respond as quick as possible, but please allow anywhere from 3 to 21 days (the latter being an extreme, but sometimes could be more) for a response. To reiterate, sometimes it may be more, other times it may be less. It all depends on what's going on with me in the real world, like or other stuff going on with my fiancee and/or daughter. Other times, I just hit a creative wall and I'm trying like hell to figure out what to write next. Also, I suffer from depression and anxiety...and with that I sometimes just don't have the mental energy to be creative. If I'm going to be a bit slow, I'll let you know. I believe in keeping a constant, open channel of communication between the two of us and keep each other in the loop with posts, plotting, and how we're enjoying the story. With that in mind, roleplaying is supposed to be for FUN and to UNWIND and/or RELAX. Anything that puts pressure on me becomes less fun or relaxing. If it's been a bit, feel free to poke me with a stick to see if I'm still alive PM me to see what's going on.

TL;DR - My schedule is weird. It might take time for replies (3 to 21 days, with the latter being an extreme). If you've been waiting a bit, PM me.

3.) I'll do roleplays in threads or PM/conversations with Discord being on a case-by-case basis. However, a big HARSH NO would be IM play. I prefer to keep things browser based and not have to deal with installing more programs because my hard drive space is already limited from my library of music and PC games. Storage space on my MacBook Air is limited (128GB model), and what is stored on here is stuff I don't have a way to back up.

4.) I tend to be kinda choosy on who I roleplay with. Mainly if you've taken the time to fully read my intro post and find something you like, then we're golden. Or if there's a concept you'd like to explore, why not. But if you come at me with 'hey, let's do this x that,' with not very much beyond that, then odds are I probably won't be sending a response. I need something with some substance and some sort of story if I'm to write back. I try to do the same when expressing interest to someone else, but sometimes, just a simple 'hey I liked your thread and noticed you like some of the same themes that I do, so maybe we can talk,' is all I can do when I message someone.

5.) Life gets busy and I understand. My outlook on roleplaying is that it's something to be done to unwind in free time and shouldn't have any pressure to give a response in a certain amount of time. Therefore, I won't put any major time constraints on when I expect posts back. Because if I'm being honest, sometimes I do good to get even one post in a given week. Life is sometimes way too draining to be expected to reply in a timely fashion. I'm pretty laid back and understanding of any situation, even if that's a crazy personal and professional life. Please have the same respect for me. I myself lead a busy life (work, fiancee and daughter, and other household and familial obligations), so I completely understand. My next point is a bit of a continuation to this specific rule.

6.) This is a big expectation for me. I expect some form of OPEN communication. It can be checking in to see how life's treating you, plotting what happens in a roleplay, or even sending dank memes to each other. I try not to be so picky on how long it takes someone to write back. However, if I hear nothing from you within 7 days from when I start a conversation, start a thread, or my last post you will get a message from me asking if everything is alright. Same goes for me on my end, if you don't hear anything from me in a week or more, feel free to send me a message to check in. HOWEVER, I WILL NOT, tolerate being constantly pestered for a response. If you send me a message after not hearing from me for some time and I explain what's causing the slow down, just know that I'll get to your response whenever I'm able to. If at anytime I feel like I'm being bothered or harassed for a post, I fully reserve, and will use, the right to hit that ignore button. Also, If you blow off my message and I don't see a reply to a conversation within 72 hours, I'll forget about you in return. If you think of me as a waste of your time, then you're a waste of mine, plain and simple. I'm very relaxed and if you tell me that it'll take some time for you to respond to each post, I WILL UNDERSTAND, PLEASE TELL ME!!! Patience isn't one of my strong suits, but if I learned anything while roleplaying on Blue Moon, patience pays off. If I had to put a set limit, I'd say as long as I get at least one post a week or so, then awesome. If it'll take more time, please let me know.

8.) PLEASE DO NOT DROP OUR RP WITHOUT ANY NOTICE!!! I know it kinda goes with the last expectation but I feel it's just as important. If my intro post or any sort of post wasn't to your liking then....please....LET ME KNOW!!!! If there's something you didn't like, I can easily fix it. I'm a grown up, I understand if you don't want to continue a story. You won't hurt my feelings. Nothing pisses me off more when I start a roleplay and get absolutely nothing back. A day turns 3 days, three days turn into a week, a week turns into a month and so on. This is why I went away so many times when I had my old screen name on here, I kept getting sick and tired of it. I'm not a bad guy, if you tell me the truth I'll understand and if there's something I can do to fix it I will, if not, I wish you happy hunting. Also it's mentally draining to start up a story with someone and just when things are starting to get good, you get ghosted by your partner. Why take the time investing interest in the story if someone is just going to stop responding? That's seriously the one thing that pisses me off the most.

TL;DR: Please don't ghost, tell me if you're not into it anymore. I'm a big boy, I'll understand.

9.) As far as face claims go, I've been opening myself up more as of late to use anything from realistic to art/anime. In the past, I was more of a stickler against anime pictures, however I've warmed up to the idea as of late. Aside from Pokemon, Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Dragon Ball Z, Toy Story, Corey in the House, Airplane Instruction Videos from the 80's, or Seinfeld....anime isn't really my thing most of the time, but I'm slowly warming up to it (P.S. If you understand the references beyond Toy Story, you get a cookie, b0ss). Or I can write a description. Whatever works best for my partner.

10.) Overall, let's have fun!! Isn't that what this site is designed for?!? By the way, have you seen #7? That lazy bastard went missing and I still can't find him. If you've read all of these rules, please let me know if you've seen #7 anywhere and tell me what he was doing. This will let me know if you've read over all of this information.

What you'll find below are some of the things I enjoy roleplaying. Of course you could always look at my F-List for more details and such, but here's what I enjoy in a nutshell. Anything in the Yes, Please and Maybe sections are fair game, as I mentioned above. However, the stuff under Absolutely NO!!! is there for a reason, don't try it.

Big Breasts (Nothing outlandish or unrealistic though, usually C/D/DD/ect.)
Flirtation & Seduction
Dirty Talking
Oral (Giving and Receiving)
Modern settings

Incest (mainly bro and sis, or steps, or even cousins; Have to be in the mood for it)
Ageplay (Depends on story and mood)
Dom/Sub (Again, depends on story)
Some Dub-con (I'm looking to slowly experiment with it and see if it's something I could get into)
Master/slave or Dom/Sub (I can alter any plot to cater to this need or want if you choose to do so, but only if I'm in the mood to do so.)

ABSOLUTELY NO!!!: (Don't Think I'm Serious? Click the word "NO")
Any other animal creature other than humans, so no human hybrids (exceptions are vampires and succubi)

My TOP Limits can be read below

Basically, this is where I want to explore some more darker, more taboo stories. This post will contain subject matter that some might find to be uncomfortable, and each plot will be labeled with the particular themes that particular plot deals with. I do have some very specific guidelines as to what I feel comfortable playing or not. Pretty much what you see in my kinks and limits are what I feel most comfortable playing. My F-List might be a tad bit outdated, but I'll go ahead and list off what I'd consider to be too extreme, even for my darker stories:

The Top 4 Absolute Limits:
- Non-Consensual: This is a HUGE one for me. I DO NOT feel comfortable playing full-on rape scenes, I never matter how much I want to explore darker themes. Dubious Consent and Coerced Consent are about as far as I'll go.

- Snuff: Killing of side characters are something I'm open to (especially for darker storylines), but not for main characters or even for sexual gratification.

- Drug Use: I've lost family members to drugs and this is something I will refuse to play (i.e. Drug Dealer or User, ect.). The only way I could bend on this is if MC was somewhat involved with some sort of ring, but never deals with the drugs directly. I've also played someone who almost died of a drug overdose in one of my more lighter plots, again, not dealing with the drugs directly. So if it's even suggested as a recreational use, even in the more lighthearted plots, I will decline.

- Scat, Urine, Blood, Boogers, any other bodily function: Should be self explanatory. I don't find any of that sexy. Blood for Vampire stories is okay, but other than thanks.

Everything else in this section is fair game and I'm looking to experiment in playing anything from a loving family member to a ruthless, sadistic bastard who gets off on power, control, and humiliation...and I'm always open to hearing ideas for stories that involve my character being a heartless S.O.B.

***Faceclaims for both YC/MC***
So this is something I wanted to incorporate into my thread for a while now. A previous roleplay partner asked me if I had any ideas for what their faceclaim looked like. Prior to that, I was typically pretty open to whatever anyone decided to choose (and I still am) but they'd given me a compelling reason as to why they asked. The reason being that your writing partner should be attracted to the character they're playing opposite of. It might seem weird to some, but if you're into it then awesome. The first group of faceclaims are ones I'm attracted to playing against while the next set are ones I typically use for MC.

Options for YC:
YC Choice 1 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 2 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 3 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 4 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 5 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 6 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 7 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 8 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 9 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 10 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 11 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 12 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 13 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 14 (Alternate Picture)

Anime/Drawn Options for YC (For those who prefer that):
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 1
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 2
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 3 [NSFW]
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 4 [Semi-NSFW]
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 5 [NSFW]
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 6
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 7
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 8 [Semi-NSFW]
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 9
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 10
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 11
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 12
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 13
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 14

Options for MC:
MC Choice 1
MC Choice 2
MC Choice 3
MC Choice 4
MC Choice 5

Just as a note, this is optional but odds are I'll ask about this if you PM me or I PM you. There are no hard feelings if you prefer to use your own faceclaims, but I thought I'd share these as an option for those who might want it.

***My Darker, Kinkier, more Taboo Ideas***
If you're reading this, then you know what you're looking for. These plots are for those who like a little more edge in their story.
He's about to embark on the best years of his life, college. He made a vow to himself to not go to college a virgin, so what's he to do? He's got little to no skill with the fairer sex, so who would he get to help him out? His sister/step-sister of course! They've always gotten along so well...maybe a little bit too well. In his limited experience with women, he could swear that she had a form of interest in him, but he thought he was delusional. When he poses the idea to her one night while their parents are away on business or a vacation, she surprisingly obliges and teaches him all about the wonderful world of sex. Little does he know that she secretly fantasizes about having him between her legs at night. As time goes on, they keep sneaking around and fooling much so she even makes special trips to his college just to be with him. But the real question is...will anybody notice or care?

(So I decided to re-write this after a long time of having it look like I didn't know what I was doing in writing a plot. I'm going to leave this open for the sister or step-sister to be younger or older. I'm thinking there's not a huge age difference, probably 1 to 3 years difference. We can do anything to spice up or jazz up this story. Maybe even involve the parents to a degree?)

A young husband and wife, whom of which have been married for less than two years, once had the perfect relationship until things started to go wrong. After a while, the wife began sneaking around and staying out really late, leaving him to be suspicious. Come to find out, she's been cheating and the wife begins to accuse her husband of cheating every chance she got, even at the slightest thing, such as seeing another woman walk down the street. The husband just recently began a teaching job, teaching third grade English and he's just been assigned a young, gorgeous teacher's aid who is deeply attracted to the teacher. What happens when this aid becomes a little too close and personal when the students are away? Does the husband cave into desire or does he remain faithful to the woman who's making his life a living hell in hopes of a reconciliation? (My hope for this role is a lot of flirtation and teasing when the characters are in private until he finally caves and shows her who's boss.)

Our parents got remarried after either separating from one of our original parents or loosing a parent and we are both on opposite ends of the social ladder of school. Your character being the hottest, most popular girl in the school, while my character is a bit of an outsider, and because of our parents getting married, we're now step-siblings. To add to it, we don't like each other all that much simply because we never talk, rarely at home we exchange a few words but mostly keep to ourselves. Also because we have preconceived notions about the other. Well our parents go out of town and leave us at home alone. Well it's a late night and my character has a bout of insomnia and is about to go into the kitchen and happens upon your character masturbating. My character goes to find something to record your character doing the deed and he figured this could be use for something to blackmail her or humiliate her if she ever pissed him off. But it turns out he got horny from just watching her. After seeing her step-brother in the kitchen and the both of them still a bit horny, him from secretly watching and her fresh from masturbating, there's a bit of awkwardness when he starts to pay a bit more attention to her. Does it make her comfortable, and willing to indulge in her step-brother, or is she reluctant and in need of being convinced to have one of her un-blood related family members.

(Could be she's willing to have him or it could take a bit of convincing to get her to see his way of things. I could go either way of them being the same age, or one being slightly older than the other. It'd be interesting if the step-sister is slightly older though. All of this can be up for discussion.)

My character is a brilliant young man (16-20) who was just forced to move in with his dad, since his mom was caught up in a drug scene with her drug-dealing boyfriend and he had enough of it. His dad is always at work, leaving his young wife, who's only a few years older than his son (25-35), alone at home all the time, unsatisfied. Our characters strike up a friendship that eventually becomes more than it should be, turning into a full blown affair. Will they get caught? Will fate allow them to be together?

(Note: Minor ageplay, maybe 5 years older or even her being as young as 21 years old.)

His world came crashing down when his dad died. He was the only parent he had left after his mother died when he was in grade school. His dad wouldn't ever give dating a thought until his son encouraged him to do so. Over the years he'd dated hot, young woman after the other...seeing that he was the CEO of a major company. The hopes he had were to find the perfect wife and mother to his only son. That didn't happen until his son was well edging to his thirties. But the strange thing old as his dad was, he was able to pull down a hot knockout of a woman. It only seemed like a few months after his dad met the woman that they were married. But then...tragedy happened. His dad contracted a strong form of rare cancer and was only given months to live. He had to be there to take care of his dad, all while his (younger/older) stepmother was out shopping and living it up, but also taking some time to help take care of her husband. The son always thought of this stepmother as a bit of a gold digger, and even questioned his dad why he even married her. As his dad had passed, 50% of his estate was left to his son with the other 50% going guessed it...the stepmother. They were even both given ownership of the large house.

(I'm thinking for this story the woman's intentions were always of good character but the son is still hurting from the loss of his father. Eventually he finds a sort of comfort in the woman, which leads to other things.)

(Note: Not what you think...Some minor age play maybe? Let's say 25-32-ish? Even my character being slightly older than her.)
A young man in his mid-twenty's attends the local community college where he's taking courses to help get himself out of the dead-end, minimum-wage job landscape. There's a teacher that teaches one of his classes and...well...she's a bombshell. He'd never admit it openly, at the risk of sounding kinda cliche, but he had a bit of a crush on her. And the weird thing was, she looked relatively young. When he decided to join a new blind date internet dating service, little did he know that the date he set himself up with was none other than...his teacher. Needless to say, there were some awkward tension between the two. But they end up hitting it off so well, that they can't get enough of seeing each other and well...being with each other. Even risking the loss of her job to be with him. Would she be willing to continue with such a relationship? (I'm thinking this could involve a sort of public sex kink, like they have sex after class one day in the classroom. Or even in her office. Ideas can be discussed.)

It's finally summer vacation. The older brother/step-brother decided that he was going to surprise his parents and little sister by coming back home for the summer break from college to spend time with his family. He'd always made it an effort to be close with his family, especially when he went away to a college that was a two hour drive away. Despite his plans however, his parents decided to go on a last minute cruise for just the two of them for an extended amount of time. Leaving his little sister/step-sister all alone, or so she'd think. When he arrives back home, he's seen just how much his little sister/step-sister has grown up. And he's beginning to feel things he knew he shouldn't. On the flip side, his sister/step-sister is fully aware of her feelings and isn't the least bit ashamed of the way she feels for her older brother/step-brother. How can she get him to see that she loves him. Maybe he needed some...convincing.

(For this role, I imagine the younger sister is anywhere from 16-19 and the older brother is anywhere from 19-23. If the younger sister is a bit higher on that age range, maybe she'd decided that she was going to go to the same college as him, just so that she could be close to him. Anything in this story is up for discussion. Also willing to do step siblings for this.)

She's one of the most popular (and bitchiest) girls in school and he's the polar opposite of everything she is. And now...because of some cruel twist of fate, they're step-siblings. They don't get along with each all, to the point of avoiding contact despite their parents doing everything they can to get the two of them to bond and connect with each other. That is until MC notices YC's boyfriend sneaking out of her bedroom late one night when their parents are gone on a vacation. And he knows her dad well enough to know that he would never approve of her having a boy over while they were gone since he was never allowed to have girls over when he was alone. So he confronts his new step-sis all about her little visitor. He promises her that he won't ever tell....if she does everything he says for as long as he says. She reluctantly agrees, however in the midst of it she slowly comes to enjoy her time with him, loving the way he reigns over her. It wasn't like anything she'd ever experienced before...and she loved every second of it.

This story has two different variations that could be played out with the same type of family.

Version 1 [Themes: Incest, multiple partners, harem] :
My character would finally be deciding that at 21 years old, it's time to ditch the minimum wage slave labor and work towards getting a college degree. Not only that, but he was looking to start fresh somewhere new while going to college since he was accepted into a school that was an hour away from where he lived. And it also happened to be where one of his closest cousins happened to live with her mom and two younger sisters. Recently, their dad and his uncle had died of a heart attack which had made things a bit harder on their household. So since he was needing a place to live as well as them needing someone else to help around the house, it was a perfect fit. Although, the help they needed wasn't just financial. Turns out the family that stays together, fucks together and little does my character know that his uncle took care of all of the needs of all of the beautiful ladies of the house. Now that he was living there, looks like he'd be the one to fill the shoes his uncle once did.

Version 2 [Themes: Ageplay, D/s, Incest, Potential Orgies]:
My character has been down on his luck. He'd just lost not only the best paying job he'd ever had, but his wife decided to leave him for his boss. Could life get any worse? Thankfully, his best friend suggested that he moved in with his family until he got back on his feet and was able to find himself a new job and a new place to live. Initially, my character refuses, not wanting to come off as a charity case. But eventually, he comes around. Little does he know, his best friend and his family kept a dirty little secret. His wife and two teenage daughters aged 16 and 18 are his willing, personal sex servants. And since my character is just moving in, his best friend offers his wife and daughters for him to use anytime he wants and they cannot refuse.

It's been two years since MC and his four year old little girl moved to YC's neighborhood since his wife tragically died due to a car accident. When first moving to the neighborhood, everyone thew a party to welcome him and his daughter. It was one of those neighborhoods where everyone was friendly with each other and as close as could be. YC at the time is fairly young [16-18] compared to MC, but she seems to form an instant bond with MC's daughter. MC's daughter is usually looked after by a nanny since MC works long hours for a software company as a higher up supervisor. However, since the move the nanny isn't able to watch the daughter as long as she had before.

Eventually, knowing his daughter absolutely adores YC, MC asks YC if you'd like to babysit her whenever the nanny wouldn't be able to. MC promises a decent paycheck among other benefits seeing that her home life is a bit rough financially. Over time, YC and MC's daughter become so close that his daughter eventually starts to call YC 'mommy'. At first, MC thinks it's cute, but then...he really starts to think about it...

Fast forward two years, MC's daughter is now about to start first grade and MC is now in a position that allows him to work from home. YC is still around to babysit/spend time with MC's daughter. Over the past year or so, MC starts to notice how beautiful of a young woman YC has become. He'd been tempted a couple of times to make a move based on what he took as her flirting with him a few times. From there, sexual tension between the two of them starts to build and continuously build. It finally all comes to a head one night, where one thing leads to another with the two of them waking up next to each other in his bed the next morning.

MC is a billionaire CEO or a member of the board of directors for a Fortune 500 company. YC handles a majority of the money that comes and goes within the company. So when YC is in a desperate situation where money is needed quick, she hatches a scheme to siphon little bits of money over time into what she thought was a hidden account. Eventually, all things done in the dark will soon come to light.

MC ends up discovering that the company is mysteriously loosing money and finds that YC has been embezzling money for her own personal use. The amount she'd ended up taking at the point she was discovered would be more than enough to land her in a federal prison for a hefty number of years....if he were to take it to the authorizes. However, he has a much more creative idea of how to deal with things.

(This is a story I'd done with another member that's inspired me to channel my inner heartless bastard and branch out into experimenting with darker, not so fluffy type of roles. This story can go several ways, maybe YC is married and is trying to pay for her husband's gambling addiction/surgury/whatever and is forced into having sex with one of her superiors (MC) in order to keep him from telling the feds about her crime. We could even include some cuckolding to add to some further humiliation at some point. What if he's a much better lover than her husband ever was? Maybe she's always had a thing for her boss and is willing to do anything to get his attention, even if it could result in her going to prison. This story could play out in many ways, but the constant is that this will be a toxic relationship. MC will always find ways to humiliate and degrade YC because she's at his whim and he loves every second of it, even if it makes her seemingly uncomfortable)

MC is a wealthy, workaholic, widower in his mid-30's/early 40's. He lost the love of his life a few years ago and buried himself in his work to hide away from the pain of loneliness. However, there is only so much running he can do to keep the feelings of emptiness at bay. There was a time where MC had it all; money, power, success...but it often felt lonely at the top. That is until he decided to do something crazy.

Enter YC, an attractive, young woman (between 18 and 24) who's been down on her luck and needing some help getting by in her life. Maybe the debt of a college education is wearing on her or she could owe another kind of debt and is in need of some financial support. She decides to turn to a website, placing an ad to be a Sugar Baby. MC sees this ad along with some pictures of YC and they arrange a time to meet.

Upon meeting each other, what would seemingly be a casual, arranged interaction seemed to be something more. There was an undeniable spark between MC and YC, so they decide to explore it within the confines of the arrangement. Over time, what started as business becomes all sorts of pleasure. Maybe even infatuation. Despite their differences in age as well as societal taboos, MC and YC just cannot resist the pull to each other.

(This plot will be seen in both my normal and darker plots. We can play it as a romantic type of story or just simply have our characters use this arrangement to experiment with each other in ways they wouldn't feel comfortable with other partners. The sky is the limit for this idea.)

This plot idea is based on this scene (BTW, NSFW link) as well as the Mel Gibson movie, 'What Women Want.' Thought it could be fun to play an alpha who's unafraid to take what he wants.

MC is an arrogant, misogynistic asshole who speaks/acts first and doesn't even bother to question himself. If he sees a woman he wants, regardless if she's single, in a relationship, engaged, married even....he'll go after her without any hesitation. He'll use any trick in the book to make her helpless to his charms. And that's the thing, he knows exactly what to say to get the girl. His secret; he can read the minds of women. It wasn't always like this though.

One night, a freak accident saw him get struck by lightning when coming home from a job he once hated. After being rushed to the emergency room, barely clinging onto life, he'd discover his newfound ability to read women's thoughts. Sure, he could use this to find his perfect, equal partner and live happily ever after. But where's the fun in that knowing how he'd be able to please any woman he wanted. So he worked to completely transform himself, eventually deciding that he also needed a change of scenery.

That's when he moves in next door to YC. Once MC sets eyes on her, he knows that he must have her by any means necessary. It didn't matter if she was married, even if it were to a stranger or one of his best friends, even his younger brother's wife. He'd be able to just read her thoughts and come to find out that she's often left unsatisfied by her man, so being the good neighbor MC is, he offers his cock to give her the satisfaction she desperately craves.

(So as I mentioned, this is based on a porn scene I watched mixed in with that 'What Women Want' movie with Mel Gibson before he went all bat shit crazy. I could imagine this becoming a fling between our characters, maybe even making her weak, pathetic husband watch the both of them fuck like animals.)

Potential parings for this plot (MC on left)
New Neighbor x Neighbor's Wife/Fiancée
Best Friend x Best Friend's Wife/Fiancée
Brother x Younger Brother's Wife/Fiancée
Employee x Boss' Wife/Fiancée

MC and YC are best friends who live together. One night, MC decides to make a seemingly friendly wager with YC on a sporting event (Super Bowl, NCAA Tournament, World Series, ect.) or while they're playing a video game. The wager is whoever looses the bet, they have to do absolutely anything the winner says for an entire 48 hours without and complaints or questions, whenever the winner sees fit to start the clock. MC has always had a crush on YC, and even went as far as to have asked her out recently, only to be rejected. YC saying that she only sees MC as a friend, nothing more. It starts off innocent enough, him saying that she has to go out on a real date with him. Then making her allow him to kiss her which would eventually end with them making out and having sex. However, MC begins to enjoy the feeling of having complete control over her, making her his own little play thing, even having YC call him 'Sir' or 'Master.' Once the time is up, will she want this to really stop or will she secretly enjoy being her best friends' personal submissive slave?

This story follows two couples. MC and his soon to be ex-wife, and YC and her husband. The four of them are all best friends with MC and YC having known each other the longest since high school. After several years of marriage MC and his wife are getting a divorce so he asks to crash at YC and her husband/his best friend's place until he can find a new place of his own. Seeing that YC is a stay-at-home wife while her husband is a therapist, they let MC stay for as long as he needs.

After living with the couple he'd been best friends with for so long, he noticed More so in his best friend. So MC decides to do some detective work, even going as far as to rig a hidden camera in his best friend's office. What MC finds out is that his best friend had been cheating on his wife (YC) with not just one or two women, but multiple women. Mostly his patients. And who was one of his patients? None other than MC's soon to be ex-wife. After debating on it for some time, MC finally decides to tell YC that her husband was having multiple affairs, even showing her some evidence...the most damning of it all was him sleeping with her best friend, MC's soon to be ex-wife. So what are two jilted lovers to do? Get even of course.

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Thanks for taking the time to read my thread
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