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Fx Male Hero Dog Fucks Local Lass (Littlest Hobo)


Jan 4, 2017
Hi I'm Furaido, thank you for visiting my very specific request thread! I'm looking for a roleplay pairing a human female with a male dog. The idea is inspired by a Canadian television show from the 80s called The Littlest Hobo.

Each episode was structured the same. Hero dog shows up in town, solves one major problem and a few small ones, is thanked and leaves to go on to the setting for the next episode.

Such adventures include:
-Rescuing wildlife from a forest fire, shutting down a local business selling poison for people to leave out for wildlife, and parachuting out of a helicopter to deliver medicine to a poisoned child.
-Gradually guilting a man into confessing to a DUI accident he caused.
-Fleeing from scientists intent on proving he's a new species named Canis Superioris.

And it's really cool and fun! I have more than once heard him described as "A dog with the soul of a hunk" and it's extremely true.

So I'm looking for something similar! The show was set I'm modern day 1980s Canada but I'm open to a variety of settings. I'm mostly looking for modern or historic real world settings, but I'll listen to an interesting pitch for fictional settings as well!

Here's some of the things I'm looking for:
-Multiple positions
-Mutual foreplay
-Light biting

My primary limits
-Absolutely no breeding
-No toilet stuff

I've got other limits but I'm not expecting any of them to be relevant, I'll communicate if they come up!

I like collaborating with my partner, so here are some blanks I've left so we can figure things out together.
-The nature of the heroics that brought our characters together

I'm interested in playing a young widow in her mid twenties, but if you have a yearning for a different female pairing I'm willing to listen! Please note, I will not be playing any real life individuals in this role.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

(PS If you grew up with the show, please be aware that I only discovered this show like two years ago and have seen only a handful of episodes on the Internet.)
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