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Fx Male Follow the Music~ [Seeking long-term, story driven RPs.]


Hello there! Welcome to my search thread.

In case you’re curious, I am a lady and I’m 30 years old. I'm in the GMT timezone. I’ve been roleplaying since I was 12, so quite a while, but I’m currently coming back from possibly my longest hiatus from writing ever, so forgive me if I’m a bit rusty at the whole thing. =P

First, I'll get into some general requirements and preferences. I ask that you please read that entire section before messaging, if it's there it's because I think it's important for you to know. Also, I'm not particularly interested in playing with someone afraid of text. <_<
Anyway, after that will be a list I'll update with time with things such as cravings, elements and pairings I generally like, all that good stuff. If you're interested, I also have a search thread for more specific ideas I'd like to do, so feel free to check that out.

General Preferences/Requirements

Out Of Character
I love OOC chatting and getting to know who I play with. If you like to keep OOC to a minimum, we’re probably not a good fit, as it’s hard for me to remain invested in the RP if we don’t have that.
If you have Discord to chat over, it's a huge bonus. =D (If you have another preferred chat program, lemme know, I'll consider it.)

Patience is very important. I really can’t give you any estimate as to how long I take to reply. My inspiration/will to write just comes and goes, often affected by stuff in real life, and my availability just changes sometimes.

Writing and Medium
Quality is most important. I’m not looking for perfection, but I seek partners with a good grasp of the English language.
I feel post length should be flexible. I like description: details of the setting, your character, what they're feeling, thinking, etc... But no need to buff a word count beyond that. If our characters are in continuous dialogue, for example, I think it’s perfectly natural that posts get rather short.​

I prefer to play over email or PMs, the former a bit more than the latter. Threads I will consider but I'm honestly rather shy about. ^^;

Pictures / Face Claims
Pictures are not a requirement, but I do like them if you're also into it. I only like drawn pictures for reference, however. Anime is much loved, but more realistic styles are also alright. I don't use photographs of real people at all.
I'm rather particular about my own characters, though, so I'm sorry but it's unlikely for me to let you choose a picture for them. ._.

I'm looking to play with people who will contribute. Give input, help with decisions! I'm here to tell a story with you, not to you.
Also, please be willing to play multiple characters. I don’t mean we need to play multiple protagonists, but a story feels rather empty if it’s just two people, no? Things are much more interesting and alive if our main characters have friends, allies, families, rivals...whatever else!

Roleplay Requirements
I'm only interested in long term, story driven roleplays. Something with plot to go with the romance and sex. The latter two are just as much a requirement as the first, though. I quite like my smut, even if I like it as part of a good story. =p
Feel free to have a look at my F-list to see what I like when it comes to that.
What I truly love are high-stakes plots. Interpersonal character conflict is very fun, but I like a little something more to the RP as well. Large conflicts/threats, big-bads, wars, conspiracies, the fate of the world in the balance!

Genre Preferences
I only play with fantasy elements to the world. I love me some magic, fantasy creatures, all that good stuff. Medieval fantasy is my favorite type of setting, in all it's versatility, but Modern Fantasy is also alright. Low magic/dark fantasy settings are less preferred, but not out of the question.
I am not interested in realistic settings whatsoever.
Character Preferences
On a last note, if I mention playing a human I will likely want to play one with some kind of supernatural gift, or some form of magic-user. Depending on the set up, it's not a hard requirement, but I might prefer the same out of you if you go for a human character.

Current Cravings

These are the things I'd really like to play with right now, not requirements. I am still open to RPs that don't have things mentioned here. This may change once I have more RPs going, but for now it's all good. xD

Pre-Established Relationship
This isn't for anything specific, and I'm certainly not saying our characters should already be together as a couple or anything. It's just while it's cool to have our characters meet for the first time, right now I'm more interested in doing something where we start with our characters already knowing eachother in some capacity.

Medieval Fantasy
I'm generally open to modern fantasy, but right now I am leaning hard towards medieval settings.

Any type of plot where we can play with the gentle non-con kink. It's one of my top ones, and not super easy to find people for, so this may be here often enough. xD

Reverse Harem (Multiple Men)
Just something I really wanna try.
When a woman is surrounded by two or more men who have affections for her. They may regard each other as competition ( possibly still getting intimate separately while she doesn't choose in an attempt persuade her to choose them), or it may be more of a polyamorous relationship where they all share. Ideally, can start with the first and turn into with the other (aka “the harem ending”).
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Story Elements, Pairings, etc...​

These are things I enjoy or might like to try playing with in a story, not concrete ideas. Best used mixing and matching with each other and of course potentially your own ideas. ^^
Fair warning: I am into some real cliché shit.

The act of abducting a character as a manner of seduction, showing your need or deep love for them by not being able to live without taking them away with you.

Scenarios involving marriage which has been pre-arranged by outside forces for the couple. This may range from political matches, to curses and negotiated promises where one must wed or die, or lose the honor of the family.

It can be a long-standing agreement that the characters were aware of, or they may be surprised by it more last minute.

Also involving arranged marriage, but the main characters are not are not arranged to marry each other, instead one falls for someone outside of the arrangement. Sibling, bodyguard, rival? Many options.

Scenarios where someone, either forcefully or voluntarily, is chosen to be put out for use by a deity/supernatural being/king to prove in hopes of being spared ill effects, or to prove that the area they come from is willing to give up things in return for safety/fertility/armor bonuses.
As for the recipient, they can have any range of attitudes towards this, from requested/demanded it to not knowing what the heck these people are doing and why.
Also, of course, if it is a “sacrifice”, it won’t get that far.

I do prefer to play the sacrifice/offering in this type of pair.

Kings, Princes and Princesses, minor and major nobility, knights, and rebels who may oppose or side with any of them. Just types of characters that are fun to play around with in different combinations. ^^

Things like the prince taking an interest in the commoner, the popular person going for the awkward wallflower, or anything of the like. Anything between a character of a more privileged class/status choosing to give their attention to someone in a less favorable position, or just not as well-liked. It can be a ruse or something that the higher-status one is doing for their own benefit (that turns into something real in time) or it can be genuine. Either way, jealousy, judgement and confusion from peers, insecurity and suspicion, all sorts of fun things to play with!

One character starting off in a position of power over the other but coming to see them as an equal. The only way I'll play a Master x Slave situation, but not limited to such. Anything which makes one character be viewed as property, lesser or not be allowed full agency can apply.

Captor/Captive scenarios are very nice and Master/Slave has plenty of potential, but what if both our characters are in the less favorable position?

Enemies to Lovers

Rivals to Lovers

Forbidden Love

I dunno I’m a sucker for this sort of thing. It’s just cute. Shut up. <.<

Situations in which characters form a more than standard bond. This can lead to psychic bonds which include telepathy or empathy, or even mating and soul bonds where one character will forever be mated with another.

It can be just used as an element between two consenting characters, but is generally interesting to play with it being forced upon one or both, or having it happen accidentally due to heat scenarios or the like.

Two characters who achieve a deeper bond/connection becoming more powerful for it - not just emotionally and what not, but a tangible increase in power or prowess, magical or physical.
I’m a sap. Can’t help it. It’s my jam. <3

Character from different cultures, which may have differing views on roles in society, war, gender roles, love, sexuality... all sorts of things really. Playing with these differences between characters, as well as possibly the feeling of being out of place and potential vulnerability as one character is immersed in the unfamiliar culture.

Settings or races where females are rare, be it as a whole or just a certain kind. Thus being highly valued, ticket to higher stations/greater things in society, or things of the like.

I know, I know, so cliché, right? But the fact of the matter is lack of information can be a great drive for plot. It can also be a good way to make characters interact when under normal circumstances they would not - such as people from enemy factions, or who have a big class divide.

Princes or Princesses, young Lords and Ladies, prophesized future heroes that were taken by nefarious foes, or hidden away for their own safety. They may know of their lineage, or they may find out over the course of the story.

Much like Teacher x Student, but usually denoting a more direct and one on one relation.

I prefer to play the apprentice in this type of pair.
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