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Fx Male Midnight search to play specific ideas & characters. [Long-term, story driven RPs. Fantasy and romance <3]


Hello there! Welcome to my search thread.

I case you’re curious, I am a lady and I’m 30 years old. I'm in the GMT timezone. I’ve been roleplaying since I was 12, so quite a while, but I’m currently coming back from possibly my longest hiatus from writing ever, so forgive me if I’m a bit rusty at the whole thing. =P

This thread is to look for more specific ideas/premises I have, but before getting into those I'll talk about what I'm looking for in all sorts of roleplays. Please read everything before messaging, I'm not particularly interested in playing with someone afraid of text. <_<
If my RP preferences make you think we'd be a good fit to play together, but you're not into any ideas I have currently up - I have a more general search thread here if you want to have a look.

General Preferences/Requirements​

Out Of Character
I love OOC chatting and getting to know who I play with. If you like to keep OOC to a minimum, we’re probably not a good fit, as it’s hard for me to remain invested in the RP if we don’t have that.
If you have Discord to chat over, it's a huge bonus. =D (If you have another preferred chat program, lemme know, I'll consider it.)

Patience is very important. I really can’t give you any estimate as to how long I take to reply. My inspiration/will to write just comes and goes, often affected by stuff in real life, and my availability just changes sometimes.

Writing and Medium
Quality is most important. I’m not looking for perfection, but I seek partners with a good grasp of the English language.
I feel post length should be flexible. I like description: details of the setting, your character, what they're feeling, thinking, etc... But no need to buff a word count beyond that. If our characters are in continuous dialogue, for example, I think it’s perfectly natural that posts get rather short.​

I prefer to play over email or PMs, the former a bit more than the latter. Threads I will consider but I'm honestly rather shy about. ^^;

Pictures / Face Claims
Pictures are not a requirement, but I do like them if you're also into it. I only like drawn pictures for reference, however. Anime is much loved, but more realistic styles are also alright. I don't use photographs of real people at all.
I'm rather particular about my own characters, though, so I'm sorry but it's unlikely for me to let you choose a picture for them. ._.

I'm looking to play with people who will contribute. Give input, help with decisions! I'm here to tell a story with you, not to you.
Also, please be willing to play multiple characters. I don’t mean we need to play multiple protagonists, but a story feels rather empty if it’s just two people, no? Things are much more interesting and alive if our main characters have friends, allies, families, rivals...whatever else!

Roleplay Requirements
I'm only interested in long term, story driven roleplays. Something with plot to go with the romance and sex. The latter two are just as much a requirement as the first, though. I quite like my smut, even if I like it as part of a good story. =p
Feel free to have a look at my F-list to see what I like when it comes to that.
What I truly love are high-stakes plots. Interpersonal character conflict is very fun, but I like a little something more to the RP as well. Large conflicts/threats, big-bads, wars, conspiracies, the fate of the world in the balance!

Genre Preferences
I only play with fantasy elements to the world. I love me some magic, fantasy creatures, all that good stuff. Medieval fantasy is my favorite type of setting, in all it's versatility, but Modern Fantasy is also alright. Low magic/dark fantasy settings are less preferred, but not out of the question.
I am not interested in realistic settings whatsoever.
Character Preferences
On a last note, if I mention playing a human I will likely want to play one with some kind of supernatural gift, or some form of magic-user. Depending on the set up, it's not a hard requirement, but I might prefer the same out of you if you go for a human character.

Ideas and Characters in the Next Post!​

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Current Ideas I'm Craving​

This is an idea somewhat inspired by a dream I had. Sorry if the pairing is a little confusing, in my dream the guy was considered a “celestial” being, but it wasn't super clear what I meant, and I just wanted to leave it more open.

MC was abducted and imprisoned along with several others by a nefarious cult. They were told they would have the “honor” of bringing their Lord and Master back into this world.
This was an honor that would turn out to be painful and deadly for a lot of them.
The cultists knew among them was someone who was able to make this happen, but they didn’t know who yet. Most of the captives would die, their life and energy a sacrifice to this otherworldly Being, and for the “lucky” individual who could actually bring him to this world - they would live, bound to the Master to strengthen him and further anchor him to this plane.

One by one, people in chains were taken up to the center of a ritualistic circle, and perished in what seemed like agony. Until MC’s turn came.
Rather than the horrible pain the others seemed to have felt, what she perceived was more of a looming, terrifying and suffocating presence. The cultists seemed to rejoice, and she began to panic at the thought of bringing the source of this force to her world, but she could find no escape, not with her physical binding and not with this power gripping at her, desperate to finally achieve its goal.

But then...there was another presence. A relieving contrast to the merciless grip of the other. This will be you character. He offered to help - he despised the one the cult served, and definitely didn’t want him to succeed, much less have someone like her in his hold.
The others he couldn't do anything for, he couldn’t reach them. But, should she accept it, he could help her fuck these guys’ ritual, and have it summon him instead. Then, he’d get her away from them.

MC was not a fan of being responsible for summoning any otherworldly being, she knew nothing of this new guy, still seemed better than the alternative. So she accepted.
It was a strenuous thing, and she only got to see the an outline materializing, before she was out cold.

We start as she wakes up, an indeterminate amount of time later. Or we can try and play out their first "interaction", during the ritual, if you really want.

I imagine my character as a magic user (I imagine all the people captured were), but either more of a novice or not too advanced perhaps.
You character, well, what he is and his exact motivations and all are more for you to input on. I do have the thought that he quite powerful (probably most of his kind are by comparison to those of my character’s kind), but weakened/not at full strength by the circumstances of the summoning and a haphazard, reluctant bond.
It’s also optional, but I think he is a prime candidate for a Fish Out of Water scenario.

Setting and plot elements:
Medieval fantasy, definitely.

I’m thinking beings like your character have come to this world before, and generally had significant impacts in history. (They may or may not have been summoned, or maybe some were and some weren’t.) It hasn’t happened in an extremely long time though, and it could perhaps be forbidden to attempt to summon one.
If it’s forbidden, it could be bad enough that MC will feel the need to hide what he is. And whether or not it is, can also play with other parties being interested in YC for his power.
Plenty of stuff to play with, depends on what you’re interested in. ^^

I’m sorry for another unclear pairing. The generator that prompted this idea said “elf”, but I haven’t necessarily thought of him as a typical elf, and honestly I just think it’s very open to something else, so…yeah. Also, we can use the names I have here but I just put them in as a placeholder. xD

The Aevum empire has been expanding for a long time. Razohan, YC’s kind’s homeland, has refused to concern themselves with this, however, having taken a more isolationist approach to the world for just as long if not longer. They have a geographical advantage and an affinity to their ancient lands that makes many think conquest impossible - not to mention powerful magic users and a clear physical superiority over humans.

YC, the crown prince of Razohan, knew of the world abroad only from what he was told by his elders. He had not experienced the sort of grueling wars they spoke of, but had received rigorous training nonetheless. So when there was word of a human incursion upon hallowed ground near the border, he was thought ready to join and stop these interlopers.
To be fair, he held his own very impressively, but in the end even those with more experience were overwhelmed, and retreat was necessary…but he didn’t make it. One lucky blow and he was out.

He was taken prisoner. After so long with little contact however, it seemed these people could no longer recognize the markings of his kind’s royalty. They seemed to be as hated as he’d heard, however, and they aimed to make a mockery of his execution.
Rather than end by a clean blow, they wanted spectacle in an arena, death by a thousand cuts. Several fighters, free men and enslaved were to be pit against him at once - those who survived would win an enviable reward: impressive sum of money for the free men, freedom for the slaves.
Offering this kind of reward, clearly they were aware he was on another level, that many of them wouldn’t make it...what they didn’t expect was for none of them to.

Many were greatly displeased, but apparently some seemed to find him perfect for further entertainment of the bloodthirsty masses. Besides, what better way to inspire support for the Empire’s aspiration to conquer his people than to show them how dangerous they really were?

And so he went from Prince, to prisoner, and now slave.
Better than dead though - if he can survive long enough, he can find an escape or surely his people will find a way to come for him.

It’s not easy though, and at some either a fight goes very badly, or he can’t stand something that happens, stands up to the masters and is severely punished.

Afterwards, in his isolated cell, he’s nearly certain he won’t make it.
Only to wake up hours later, feeling much better than he ought to be feeling. He believes he saw someone while drifting in and out of consciousness, but has no idea who, or why anyone would help him - nevermind save him with what clearly must have been healing magic.

Yet someone did, and that would be MC. While not in a position of having to kill or die in the arena, she is also a slave.
Human magic users aren’t common, and she would definitely be in a different position were her masters aware of her ability. Whether it would be a much better one is debatable - she’d likely either be forced into being part of the Empire war machine or used to breed an heir to some magical bloodline, neither of which she’s ok with, which is why she’s careful keeping her secret.

YC has garnered some curiosity and admiration from her, so when the time came she found she couldn’t leave him to suffer as he was.

Over time he finds often finds extra food and other little gifts, and might heal him again should it come to it, but MC does her best not to be seen.

We would likely start when they changes, and they actually directly interact. Then see how we go from there.

Other than what's above I don't have anything super set for your character, but one thing I would like it for humans to be utterly terrified of his kind. Certainly they're dangerous as an enemy, but it would be more than that - Empire propaganda would have convinced many that they have a specific blood lust for humans...maybe that they steal babies, bathe in the blood of virgins, weird shit like that. xD
(I'm not looking for him to look monstrous cause I'm not into that, and it wouldn't really be a looks thing. They could pass as human even if you want.)

Characters I'd Like to Play​

Every so often I may have a specific character I'd like to play, while not specifically attached to a plot idea. Even if I do have an idea for them, if they're here, it's because I'm interested in playing with the character in other potential scenarios.

Coming Soon(TM)
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