
F-List<---click me
Willing to diverge from some of my usual kinks, as always ask before you try
Basic Stuff
Looking for partners that are okay with a minimum of 3-6 paragraphs per post. I'm pretty lenient on this rule however, sometimes fight scenes/fluffy/sex scenes only need a few sentences, but I like to beef up the text, give it a little flavor if you know what I mean!
English only please
I won't RP over discord unless I've gotten to know you well. Even then no vc, only text chat
Keep all OOC to PMs. Nothing ruins the mood of a RP thread than OOC littering the posts
All genders are all welcomed and encouraged!
I try to reply every 1-4 days. If I for some reason need more time for a reply I'll send a PM, and ask that you try to do the same!
I prefer drawn pictures over actual photos of people. If you want to use them its fine, but I prefer drawings when it comes to RPs since this is all fantasy for me, and real photos throw me out of that loop. Written descriptions are also acceptable!
All PCs are to be 18+ with a big preference for characters 20+
Weather or not a RP will be long term or short term can be discussed! And if for whatever reason you are done with the RP, ghost me, just like my ex-wife
(please PM me)
Series I'm currently interested in RPing
Drifting Dragons
Final Fantasy XIV
Pokemon (Human x Human and Human x Pokemon everyone aged up to 18+ and preferably OCs)
Avatar The Last Air Bender (All aged up to 18+ and preferably OCs Please no Kora)
Beauty and the Beast
Cells at Work! (I just think this could be really funny)
Random themes I'm currently interested in, very vague ideas
Almost always set my RPs in fantasy/semi-fantasy worlds so feel free to get fancy with the races
Run away Princess/Prince x Knight/Butler/Servant
Fox Person/Demon x Traveller/Hunter/Priest
Dragon x Knight/Rescued Villager
Tank x Healer
Witch/Druid x Monster/Adventurer
Centaur x Satyr
Bartender x Sailor/Solider
Mermaid x Sailor
Guard x Criminal
Lycanthrope x Kitsune
Magical Girl x Villain
Magical Girl x Magical Girl
Plot ideas. Characters are represented with (A) and (B)
1. Long term, preference MxM
(A) is the child of a high standing member of the royal court, but is secretly a half-dragon bastard. (B) is the King's shadowy right hand, carrying out any jobs the king cannot do himself. (A) and (B) have had crushes on each other since the day (A) showed up at the castle with their mother 12 years ago. Back then (B) was just a lowly caste rat, now in their 20s (A) is a high standing knight with a good reputation, and (B) has since taken to secretly watching (A) on the field during morning practice.
2. Semi-long term, FxM, FxF, MxM
(A) and (B) are stranded on an island after their boat/plane sinks. Sadly they are the only survivors of the wreck. After burying all the dead they can find, must get to know each other as they struggle to live and trust one another while they wait for rescue to (hopefully) locate them.
3. Short term, FxM, FxF, MxM
(A) is a sell sword, who is following (B) to collect a huge reward for their capture. (B) has been robbing every lord in the known area, then dropping their money into wells for people to find. (A) has been on (B)s trail for a while now, although (B) always slips away just before (A) can catch a good look at them under the mask. Even getting so close once while (A) was tied up in a trap, (B) smugly planted a kiss before getting away after cleaning out yet another coffer. One night (A) having finished up a side job, thinking (B) is in the next town over, decides to go out for a few drinks to relax. About 8 drinks in (A) is pretty drunk and alone at the bar when (B) sits down next to (A) and orders them a few drinks. (A) is too drunk to realize who it is and ends up getting wasted. The next morning (A) wakes up with a nasty hangover... and (B) snuggled over (A)'s body!