- Joined
- Jun 23, 2018

Hello, everyone! I've just finished watching the first couple of episodes of Obi-Wan, and I'm feeling inspired to GM a game of Star Wars: Saga Edition here on Blue Moon. I'm specifically planning to run Dawn of Defiance, an official level 1 - 20 campaign set shortly after the end of the Clone Wars which tells the story of some of the first people to fight back against the Empire's tightening grasp. I'm looking for a group of enthusiastic and friendly roleplayers — you don't need to have any experience with this system.
Further details:
How long is this campaign?
Ten adventures total, so quite long! To be honest, I don't expect us to get through the whole thing — play-by-post games don't tend to last that long — but I figure that even if we don't make it to the end, we'll have fun along the way!
What kind of characters are you looking for?
Characters should generally be heroic and at least open to fighting the Empire, if not outright personally motivated to do so. Morally grey characters are fine, but out-and-out villains are probably not; you could play someone amoral, tempted by the dark side, or with Imperial sympathies to overcome, but a full-blown Sith Lord or Imperial Loyalist would be inappropriate for this campaign.
Characters will start at level one; they're not galactically-renown bounty hunters or Jedi Masters yet! And speaking of Jedi, this campaign is set shortly after Order 66 — most of the Jedi have been wiped out, and the survivors are being actively hunted. Force sensitive characters are welcome, including Jedi survivors, but you should take this into account when coming up with your character (and maybe keep any lightsabers hidden).
We will be using the Destiny rules. Destruction, Discovery, and Rescue are the most suited to this campaign, but I'm happy to find ways we can work others in!
Are beginners welcome?
Yes! I'm happy to help out and teach new players.
Saga Edition is a d20 system similar to Dungeons and Dragons 3.5, so if you've played any version of D&D before (including 5e), you'll probably be right at home. The system is out of print, and I don't have PDFs, but most of the rules we'll need are available on the Saga Edition wiki. (Also plot details for this campaign, so, you know, avoid those!)
What if I've played Dawn of Defiance before?
That's also ok! Every campaign ends up playing out differently, so I'm sure it'll still be a good time. I just ask that you please do not spoil plot details for fresh players.
I've actually tried to run this campaign for various folks a few times in the past, but never gotten further than the second adventure. If we make it past that point, it'll be new for me!
Where will we be playing?
In public threads here on Blue Moon. For this kind of play by post game, I find it's also useful to have a secondary OOC communication channel for things like discussing rules and checking in with folks when it's their turn, so I'll probably also set up a Discord or Skype conversation with participants; but the game itself will be here.
Posting rate?
Relaxed, but I'd like to aim for at least one post per person a week. Combat tends to slow things down, so during fights I'd like people to try and take their turn within two or three days; it's fine if you can't always do that, but please let us know so the whole game doesn't stall out!
Possible, but it won't be the focus of the campaign; obviously Dawn of Defiance wasn't written with smut in mind! This game will mostly be focused on story and adventure, but I'm we'll find opportunities along the way; and, of course, who knows what PCs will get up to amongst themselves...
I'm personally interested in writing MxF and FxF scenes, but all orientations and genders are welcome in this game. If you have any hard limits that you'd prefer not to have be part of the game, please let us know. (This goes for non-sexual content limits, as well!)
Which Star Wars movies do you like?
All of them, but The Last Jedi is my favourite and I can complain about Rise of Skywalker for days.
Seriously, though — I'm not a big stickler for Star Wars canon, and if we have a cool idea, I'm happy to bend or break things to make it work.
So! Is anyone interested?