Mx Female Looking for curvy women who like to flaunt it in outrageously slutty outfits in public! [NSFW images]


Jul 22, 2019
Hey folks! I've recently found myself with a big craving for scenes based on a certain concept, which I hope I've summed up well enough in the title :p To give a further idea of the vibe I'm looking for, here are some of the images that have inspired me lately (all NSFW).

As you can probably tell, I'm looking for a pretty unrealistic, hentai-esque tone here, haha. The artworks above really are the best summation of what I have in mind that I can think of, though. It's that particular feeling of these exaggeratedly sexy women dressing and acting in this outrageously sexual way, but with that kind of nonchalant, no-fucks-given attitude, against the backdrop of a world that's mostly normal and familiar, but doesn't ignore what they're doing or fail to take advantage, which they either tolerate or actively welcome depending on the character. You get it, right?

You can also probably guess that I'm not looking for anything too complicated or plot-heavy. I'm mostly interested in quick, casual smut scenes, where I'd play one or more guys who encounter these women going about their business in public and either decide to make some advances on them or end up being seduced by them, depending on your taste (although I'd love to see some of both). If you'd like to play a single character in a series of such scenes, potentially with recurring characters on my end, I'm definitely up for that, but I don't really have much of a dramatic arc in mind, and I'm perfectly okay with keeping it to a short and sweet vignette.

In terms of the characters I can play here, I think I'm pretty flexible; I'm open to any age 18 and up, and can play personalities from kind and polite to sleazy and aggressive, though I'd stop short of having any of my characters outright assault yours. One other limit I'd like to establish is that while I'm okay with playing guys who aren't conventionally attractive, I'm not into the framing of them being actively gross, filthy, etc.--all my characters will have decent personal hygiene at the least. Considering I'm looking for a partner who wants to play a pretty unrealistic, exaggerated character, I'm perfectly comfortable doing the same myself, with my guys being improbably well-endowed and sexually skilled at your request (although there's a limit to how much exaggeration I enjoy--again, take a look at some of the body types featured in the artworks I've attached for an idea of the sweet spot I'm aiming for).

Things You Should Know About My Style
  • I consider myself a technically proficient writer. I put effort into using good grammar, spelling, punctuation, and vocabulary in my roleplaying, and I enjoy the same from my partners. However, I actually tend to prefer somewhat shorter posts--I usually average out to a couple of slim paragraphs per response. I'm a screenwriter by training, and partly because of that, I really value economy of writing: I'd rather get right to the essence of the action and let characters' words and deeds speak for themselves than read and write long paragraphs of purple prose. (Please ignore the longwinded nature of this post--my style is very different for in-character scenes šŸ˜…) I find keeping things shorter leads to a snappier, more organic back-and-forth in action and dialogue. It also helps me stay motivated to post frequently, since each post represents less effort and moves the story forward more quickly.
  • Related to the above, one pet peeve of mine that I find is incredibly common (I've definitely done it myself) is when one writer establishes their character doing multiple significant things all in sequence, each of which prompts a separate response from the other character. For example, your character asks a question of mine, does a thing, then asks another question, all in one post, which then requires my next post to have my character answer the first question, possibly react to the action, and then answer the second question. I don't like this flow. To me, a post should stop the first time the other character is prompted to act. This preserves a clear order of action in the scene and allows characters to react organically to each new thing that happens.
  • Finally, I like to keep things light OOC. I'm here to have fun, and I don't think of my roleplaying as a super serious thing. If we can't be goofy and have a sense of humor about things, I'll have a hard time enjoying the writing.

Kinks and Themes
  • Informal, nonchalant, casual attitudes
  • Curvy, full-figured women
  • Public settings
  • Slutty/useless clothing
  • General slutty behavior
  • Impregnation (optional)
  • Watersports (even more optional)
Sound like something you'd be interested in trying? If so, feel free to send me a PM! :)
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Bump! Currently craving a sillier version of the concept, less a realistic BDSM relationship.
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