:arrow: Please do not post in this thread if youâ??ve not been accepted!
:arrow: Finally to join simply read the section How to Join! :mrgreen:
The Year is 2030. The events in the Middle East have escalated into World War III. The Middle East now united against all who have tried to destroy them and take their land and natural resources. Israel no longer what it once was since Palestine and there Middle Eastern allies united and pushed hard into the Jewish Heartland. All mainland nations of Europe, Asia & Africa are at war with each other and the Middle Eastern Coalition (MEC). Island Nations such as the UK, Ireland, America and Australia are safe from any military offensives by the MEC but are still under threat by Terrorist attacks.
Life will seem normal but much has changed. Immigration control has been drastically increased to the point all immigrants are confined to prison camps throughout the UK (Now including the Republic of Ireland), USA and Australia. The Militaryâ??s of these United Nations is on high alert and are present throughout their homelands based on homeland Security. The World is on edge as nuclear war is imminent as the worlds super powers wait for the time they push the button!
United Kingdom
Current Status: Homeland Security.Allies: United States of America & Australia.
Enemies: MEC.
Nuclear Stock Pile: 50%, though production is steady.
Military Strength: Strong, all forces defending their Homeland.
Political Status: Stable.
Immigration Control: Strict, most non-British/American/Australian have been rounded up and imprisoned.
United States of America
Current Status: Homeland Security.Allies: United Kingdom & Australia.
Enemies: MEC.
Nuclear Stock Pile: 95%.
Military Strength: Strong, all forces defending their Homeland.
Political Status: Stable.
Immigration Control: Strict, most non-British/Irish/American/Australian have been rounded up and imprisoned.
Current Status: Homeland Security.Allies: United Kingdom & United States of America.
Enemies: MEC.
Nuclear Stock Pile: 24%, production is slow.
Military Strength: Average, all forces defending their Homeland.
Political Status: Good.
Immigration Control: Strict, most non-British/Irish/American/Australian have been rounded up and imprisoned.
Middle Eastern Coalition (MEC)
Current Status: European, Asian & African Take Over.Allies: Terrorists.
Enemies: Russia, United States of America & Australia.
Nuclear Stock Pile: 76%, production is improving.
Military Strength: Extremely Strong, all forces on the attack.
Political Status: Brilliant.
Immigration Control: Extreme, all non-Middle Eastern people are to be Executed.
Current Status: Homeland Security.Allies: None.
Enemies: MEC.
Nuclear Stock Pile: 97%, though production is in excess.
Military Strength: Struggling to defend the Motherland from the MEC.
Political Status: Un Stable.
Immigration Control: None.
Current Status: Operating throughout Russia United Kingdom, United States of America & Australia attempting to weaken these nations for MEC invasion.Allies: MEC.
Enemies: Russia, United Kingdom, United States of America & Australia.
Current Status: Fighting for Freedom and Equality in the UK, USA & Australia.Allies: Militia.
Enemies: United Kingdom, United States of America & Australia.
Current Status: Fighting for Freedom from MEC Control in Europe, Asia & Africa.Allies: Rebels.
Enemies: MEC.
:arrow: Generals.:arrow: Officers.
:arrow: Soldiers.
:arrow: Vehicle Operators. (Pilots & Drivers ect)
:arrow: Nuclear Weapons Technicians.
:arrow: Leader. (President/Priminister ect):arrow: Government Officials.
:arrow: Assistants.
:arrow: Spokes Person.
:arrow: Revolutionary.
:arrow: Rebel.:arrow: Terrorist.
:arrow: Militia.
:arrow: Journalist.
:arrow: Activist.
These are just examples of possible roles you could take on. Feel free to come up with your own.
How to Join:
Its simple to join this RP just fill out the below Profile and PM it to me. Please entitled the PM World War III. I will then accept your profile and ad it to the members list for quick and easy reference! :mrgreen:
V !!!Copy and paste this!!! V
Marital Status:
V !!!HELP!!! V
Name: First Name_Middle Name or Nickname_Surname.
D.O.B/Age: Remember the RP is set in 2030 so you will have to think about the age. For example: 17th March 1990 / 40. (2030 - 1990 = 40)
Appearance: Pic link or typed description only please!
Faction: Hopefully self Explanatory.
Nationality: What Country you were Born in.
Hometown: The Town of your Birth.
Marital Status: Single/Married/Divorced/Widowed ect. Also add a little info for a more interesting character.
Siblings: Brothers & Sisters. Also add a little info for a more interesting character.
Occupation: Your Job!
Bio: A paragraph about your Characters Story.
V !!!Example Profile/My Profiles!!! V
Name: General Sergei Gurlukavich.
D.O.B/Age: 14th Nov 1973 / 57.
Faction: Russian.
Nationality: Russian.
Hometown: Ulyanovsk, Russia.
Marital Status: Widowed.
Siblings: 2 Brothers both deceased.
Occupation: Russian Leader.
Bio: Sergei has always been a millitary man, as soon as he was old enough to join the army he did though much to his dismay at the death of the Soviet Union during the same year.