Mx Female Wings of Fire - Dragons!


Jun 20, 2010
I just finished up the 10th book of the Wings of Fire series and it really stuck with me. I know it's catered to a younger audience, but I really like dragons and ended up falling in love with it after vetting the first book for my kid. So with that in mind, I have a number of ideas for stories in the Wings of Fire setting. So please have some knowledge of the series if you're going to express interest. PM me, please, don't reply here.

A few caveats / requirements:
  • Adult Content: I know that the series is catered towards young readers, but I am expecting adult content in here. This includes violence, sex, and adult language. But I do want to focus on a lot of romance as well.
  • Age of Characters: Most of the Main Characters in the books are 'dragonets' and are effectively meant to be a similar age of maturity equal to the reader. However, we can fudge that to have their ages match the rules of these forums.
  • Dragons: Everything in this post revolves around dragons, no shape shifting, nothing human oriented. So if that doesn't float your boat then this isn't the post for you.
  • Knowledge of Wings of Fire Series: Ideally, a partner here would have either read the entire series or the graphic novels or something. I'm not interested in world building or explaining the setting. I want someone with knowledge of the series and the world.
  • Writing Expectation: I do expect multi-paragraph posts. Small posts make me lose interest fairly quickly. Try for at least 3 paragraphs per post.
  • Limited RPs: I do not take many RPs on at a time so I'm really just looking for one partner to do one story.
  • Posting Frequency: I used to be able to post more frequently (daily), but I have a new job and it takes up a lot of time. I'll try to post as often as I can (couple times a week on average).
  • Posting Location: I can RP here, via email, via google docs, where ever.
That being said, here are my story ideas - but really the first one is the priority.

RP Plots


Qibli and Moonwatcher Post Credits
Themes: Dragon x Dragon, various adventures, romance, etc

This is where my main interest lies at the moment.

At the end of the 10th book, in the epilogue, these two characters finally declare their attractions towards each other and agree to become a couple. I had been looking forward to this happening for the entire second quintology (I'm pretty sure that's a word). But that was it, that was the end of the book and there was a brief setup for the next series. However, I want to throw that setup part away and figure out what else Moon and Qibli could be up to. Keep in mind a lot of these are seedlings of ideas that would need to be developed:

Returning to Jade Academy: This angle would see the couple returning to Jade Academy to continue their studies and have more of a 'slice of life' adventure in Dragon School as it were. There we could focus on their relationship growing while having smaller scale plots that would be more light hearted and fun.

Dealing with Vulture: Vulture's fate wasn't ewxactly clear at the end of the 10th book, so he's still floating around with the potential to be a thorn in everyone's side, and Qibli would be the most reasonable one to deal with that. This would involve more intrigue and adventure.

Helping Build Sanctuary: This would involve the potential of revisiting that love triangle with Winter and perhaps making things a bit more interesting for the trio. It would also give the opportunity to introduce new characters and new scenarios

Something else?!: There are a lot of options here, a new prophecy, a new war, maybe even progress towards the next series of books (I haven't read those yet, so I don't have much knowledge there)


Clearsight and Dark Stalker - Alternate Paths
Themes: Dragon x Dragon, various adventures, romance, etc

I finished up the Darkstalker book and I did enjoy the whole soulmate aspect of Clearsight and Darkstalker. With so many alternate paths, there are a ton of possibilities

Trying to maintain the Good Path: Clearsight saw a number of paths where the pair would grow up to help Pyrrhia and raise a family, etc. We could start in a world where Darkstalker doesn't enchant Clearsight to cloud her negative visions and she stops the whole assassination attempt preventing the spiral into darkness. But then what's next?

Darkstalker as a Mad King: Darkstalker kills Queen Vigilance and claims the throne for himself. Clearsight tags along because she needs to find some way to temper Darkstalkers growing madness and lust for power. Perhaps finding more and more creative ways to distract the coming of age male.

Something else?!: There are a lot of options here...literally endless options.

Original Characters
Themes: Dragon x Dragon, various adventures, romance, etc

There are a number of different timelines that we could work with, the War of the Sandwing Succession or being a part of Darkstalkers Rise or even being members of the Jade Academy in it's infancy. We could make characters that meet as prisons in Queen Scarlets arena. This angle would definitely require a lot of discussion before hand.
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