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Fx Any Naughty adventures

Yes A MAGAslut

jive addict
Jan 1, 2021
Lands of always winter
So this is a little rp inquiry for a short to mid-term rp, hoping to find some dominant writing partners. Heads up, my kinks tend to be darker, a mixture between dub-con to non-con. In terms of settings I enjoy both fandoms or original stories and I usually write around 3 to 5 paragraphs.

So what am I looking for. I'm happy to play opposite any kind of character as long as they are dominant leaning. The more cynical they are, the better, I really enjoy playing opposite sociopaths or evil personalities. Stalkers, serial killers, ruthless business men, greedy warlords, cynical mercenaries and that kind of thing. I can write subs or switches, maybe sometimes domme if the plot is right. For my own characters, I tend to play teens. More tomboyish and outspoken with a streak of willful independence and not necessarily adhering to assigned gender roles. I'll list more ideas below.

There are a couple themes I'd like to explore such as a BDSM dynamic, slave auction, brothel scene or general captivity and human trafficking. Ideally my character would end up in here against her will. I also adore some more intense kinks like gangbang, breeding, public humiliation, orgasm training, bimbofication all the way to rape and snuff.

Beyond that, my biggest kink is characters with personality and depth, as well as a good plot.

I'll list all my fandoms below, but in terms of original settings I adore modern, medieval fantasy or historical asian/arabic settings.

- Walking Dead
- Kill la Kill
- Game of Thrones
- House of the Dragon
- Sailor Moon
- Inuyasha
- Ranma
- Youyo Senki
- My Hero Academia
- Attack on Titan
- Ballroom e Youkoso
- Shades of Grey
- Konosuba
- Cowboy Bebop
- Ronja Robbersdaughter
- Skyrim
- Mulan
- Anastasia
- Twilight
- Princes Mononoke
- Life is Strange
- League of Legends
- The Last Airbender

- She loved chatting naughty online with strangers, even exchanging phone numbers, but what if one day, by accident, she sent one of her naughty messages to her real dad instead of her 'online daddy'?

- Similar to the above but instead of her sending a wrong chat to her actual dad, one of her online hookups grows just a little bit too obsessive and turns into a stalker?

- She needs money, quickly. She can't ask her parents, they already were too poor, so she had little choice but to work for it. Just once, just to get some quick money and then never again!

- Life in the orphanage was dull, strict and boring. She wanted to explore the world and experience adventures. Perhaps she should run away or was it worth waiting for somebody to adopt her?

- Being a neko in a society that looked down on them wasn't always easy but fortunately she had a kind owner that never treated her poorly. That was until one day he suddenly stopped coming home from work, instead a couple strangers turned up to clean out her home. What has happened? Will she be able to escape and find her master or is life on the street too demanding? Can she perhaps find a new master who is just as kind as her old one?

- The teenaged girl had never been particularly interested in her dad's work. She knew he was some sort of government official but apart from that she had no idea what he was doing. Yet what happens when one day someone turns up to kidnap her and extract information about her dad? Can she convince him of her cluelessness, is he kind or cruel? Will she ever be able to escape and return home?

- She loved traveling. This summer in particular was going to be great as she was going on a backpack tour through country X. Will everything go as planned or is she confronted with trouble? What if she were to lose her money and passport, or, god forbid, kidnapped by locals?

- She was an obedient pokemon, always doing her best in battles to not disappoint her trainer in spite of not even being a fighting type. Yet despite her best efforts she always loses her fights. Will her trainer continue to be nice if she is nothing but a useless burden or will he drop her? Does she have any other ways to be useful to him?

- She was going to show her family! Her parents and brother who thought she was an untalented witch. She was going to summon the biggest demon she could and show off her control and prowess so nobody could ever think her untalented again.

- Life in the little medieval seaside town was not nice, especially if you were homeless or extremely poor. She didn't want to live here anymore, she wanted out of poverty but the only way was to sneak onto one of the passing ships.

- Many bandits and outlaws roamed the lands. As the daughter of a farmer, living out of town and working hard every day to pay the landlord, life already was quite harsh. Yet one day the inevitable happens, bandits pillage their home, kill her parents and take her captive. Will she be able to escape, what choices does she have left?

- A simple snuff story

- Teen Domination: Growing into the age of sexual interest and exploration, she really dislikes the idea of physically submitting to somebody else and would rather hold the reigns herself, taking the first steps to becoming a proper domme.

- She has been a thief all her life, always quick and silent like a shadow. But one day her luck runs out.

So there we go, I hope any of this catches your attention and if so, I'm looking forward to hearing from you. =)
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