ST: TNG Best, but also the Rest if the Situation is Right


May 14, 2022
Eastern Canada
Hello BM Crowd!

I'm an experienced RPer who also likes to get my English right. I prefer developing ideas together, holding up my end in the writing, and making sure both people involved get what they want out of the situations we set up. It's the simplest promise I can make, and hope it works for you!

My Deal: Star Trek FANDOM play. This is where I'd love to go with any game I set up. Sorta specific, I know, and I might end up drifting, but for now... only have time for one or two games, and so I am really hoping to find someone who wants to get into this.

Which one?
- TNG first and foremost: Looking to play opposite a Deanna Troi or Tasha Yar, though also willing to discuss other ideas. (Some secondary characters introduced for even a single episode had excellent teasers for being great romantic elements, such as Robin Lefler who had a bright future of sexiness after being freed of Wesley Crusher!) If you say yes to TNG, I will be all-in, guaranteed!
- Willing to consider any of the other series, though my knowledge is more based on the classics, such as DS9 / Voyager (can't believe these are 'classics' now...). TOS is also cool, and I'm very much enjoying the recently started "Strange New Worlds" and might be willing to consider that.

Who would I play?
- There are so many characters to love, and I would gladly play a wide range to suit my writing partner's preferences.
- I would gladly consider playing both Male and Female characters. Have in the past!
- Also willing to consider, if you prefer, a "GM" role where I can play the whole ST universe opposite your character so open the possibilities even further. While eventually getting into a real relationship / hooking up permanently could happen, this way my writing partner wouldn't have to decide at first, and could let everything happen organically.
I tend to write DOMINANT most of the time, if that is the sort of play going on, though don't need it - can write straight romance. Very RARELY Submissive, and most often when playing female characters or when GM-ing and thus don't have to do it for long.

My Kinks / Favorites:
Well, a lot of this will come out in the ideas below. I'm pretty easy-going, and can enjoy everything from romantic/Con to rougher play when the moment suits.
I'd say from browsing around that I am like most: leave bathroom stuff where it belongs, and everything has to be agreed on by the writing partners in theory before it is OK.

The Ideas
I'll add more as I go and my imagination clicks in. I'm here because of a few specific ideas, so that's what I am going to put below. However, that's not to say I won't consider others!
Note: These ideas can also chain together, if we did the "GM" idea, with YC experiencing any or all of them in random orders in an episodic way.

+ Holodeck Corruption +
(Based on: The Next Generation: Episode - Hollow Pursuits)
Brief Overview: The character Barclay is introduced, and he breaks a social convention not to create real people on the holodeck. This includes Deanna Troi who he has romantic relations with.

Twist: First off, don't have to continue this thread with Barclay. Some like him, some don't, and I'm just taking the idea of mis-use of the holodeck.

Where the plot would go:
YC will, as the drama unfolds, find out that MC is recreating her on the holodeck. I don't want to "over-define" the character you would be playing, so I will leave motivations and mindsets up for discussion. But what I am hoping for is that she goes to the holodeck to confront him. Deanna Troi might suit best for this, as she tends to try psychological ploys to get her point across, but I think others might choose to do this to get back at him, or for shock value, etc.
Whoever it is, they go in and replace the holodeck version. Their intent that when MC arrives, they would break the illusion and demand an accounting / explanation.
However, they didn't know it was a BDSM style fantasy. (and that the safety interlocks are removed) Before they can object, they find themselves bound and gagged. MC arrives and carries out his BDSM fantasy, not knowing that it is with the real person.
This can end different ways, depending on tastes:
- it could awaken YC's submissive side and lust in MC, and thus a pairing
- it could awaken YC's submissive side, but not with the one who did this, so allowing YC to go forth and have other submissive fun with other characters
- Or, it could not, and go in a totally different direction.

Expected Kinks: BDSM play, likely oral/vaginal/anal sex, bondage, Unknowing non-con

+ Romulan Spying +
(Based on: The Next Generation Episode - Face of the Enemy)
Brief Overview: Troi is remade to look like a Romulan and goes to their ship to get something done.

Twist: Again, this does not have to be Troi. Could easily be Yar. I think it would have been Tasha had she not already been written off the show when the idea came up.

Where the Plot would go:
Pretty much the same direction, except the events she would have to go through would probably be more wicked and naughty.
Perhaps, rather than a random political officer, they could only insert her as a concubine of the Captain, who is either treated as his alone, or, if my writing partner wants, others on the crew are free to approach her. Or, she uses her sexual appeal to get access to places she needs.
Likely, the Romulans would come off as fairly 'high discipline' lovers, and thus YC would take on a submissive role. Willing to consider the opposite, though I tend to write dominant most of the time.

Expected Kinks: BDSM play, subterfuge, using sex for advantage, clothed sex

+ Alien Exchange +
(Based on: The Next Generation Episode - A Matter of Honor)
Brief Overview: Riker goes to a Klingon ship and becomes their first officer as part of an exchange program.

Twist: It would be YC who makes the transfer. This idea would work best if in a "GM" style game, though we could also select an alien character opposite YC who will be on that ship and result in pairing up with YC..

Where the Plot would go:
Assuming a GM environment, it would be YC having to go to a different culture and experience the difficulties of being there, and the sexual fun that would result.
The texture would change depending on what we selected, but a couple ideas include:
- a Klingon ship, where a human woman would have to learn to endure MUCH rougher play than she is used to
- a ferengi ship, where the first concession might be having to go without clothing...

Expected Kinks: Rough sex, interspecies, unexpected conditions and cultural differences

(more ideas to come as they occur to me)
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