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Mx Male Any other nerds up for a bit of weird?


May 13, 2022
I'm a longtime writer and roleplayer, story crafter, all that pretentious garbage, and I'd like to be doing that pretentious story crafting with you! If you're game, that is. I'm not for everybody, which is fine, because neither are you and I probably like you well enough. I'm a huge history nerd, maybe the hugest, but I also love art, movies, animals, and ridiculousness. Anime and manga are fine, but I don't have a ton of exposure to it past some crap arthouse stuff, the 80s anime everybody loves, and Sailor Moon. Games like Dragon Age (all of them!), Fallout (most of them!), Red Dead Redemptions and Revolvers, Assassin's Creed (lately, Valhalla). I love it, I love the canonical characters, but I'll probably rock original characters- and if you do too, cool! Throwing original characters into an established universe is great and I love it, so don't be shy about shoving your grubby character sheets in my face. Original horror, slice of life, cyberpunk, historical, supernatural, all those are cool, too.

I do have some preferences as far as pairings go, and the kind of characters I like playing. I prefer male/male pairings, but male-identifying nbs and ftm are great, too. My characters tend to favor bottoming, and can be submissive, but they can also be strong-willed, ferocious, and daunting. They run the gauntlet from the shy, retiring type, to rock stars, to raving lunatics breaking the system and then coming home to suck dick and drink cocoa, maybe a bit of light reading in the bath. I don't like weak characters, unless there's a fun spin to it.

I'm definitely open to suggestions, I love to hear other people's ideas, but here are a few of my own current desires in case you're looking for similar:

  • Underground fight pit, characters in or tied to the mob
  • Werewolves, and the whole alpha/omega thing might be explored? idk I am new to it
  • Heroes and villains, heroes and heroes, or maybe villains and villains
  • Vampires
  • I'd love to play an oc in AC: Valhalla, and it's equally great if you want to play a canon or original character as well
  • 1920s Boardwalk Empire-type setting
  • Dysfunctional iron or coal belt boys slugging it out in the 70s or 80s
  • Mechs? This is a vague idea, but mechs are super cool
  • Cyberpunk/Shadowrun
  • Forbidden love in a boarding school (with legal!) characters, set during the 80s or 90s, or maybe current year
  • Surprise me!

I don't have much of a preference as to where I rp. I'm pretty shy though, so something private would be preferred to a thread. My posts are at least a paragraph, but usually longer. I can't stay interested in one-liners or obvious low-effort; at least try, is what I ask. I am a voracious writer and will reply often, but of course life does get in the way, and if possible I'll give a shout when that happens.

If you made it this far, thanks so much for reading!
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