Mx Female Interracial/BBC for F (1 Spot Left/Discord Highly Preferred)


May 13, 2022
What's up BMR. I'm Famous or Fame, whichever one you'd like to call me.

I consider myself a fairly literate roleplayer, but I'm not necessarily looking for lengthier replies. At minimum, I'll give you a few paragraphs, but I don't want there to be significant gaps between replies as I do tend to get busy occasionally. Shorter replies helps me jump right back into the flow of things.

In terms of the actual roleplay, I can do long-term, short-term, strictly smut... Just all depends on the vibe that we have and what we both would like. That being said, I reserve the right to deny your roleplay. No hard feelings, I'm just a vibes person! Additionally, if either of us are not feeling the RP, I'm ghost friendly. But, I'll let you know if I want to bow out. Again, no hard feelings, just don't like wasting time if we're not meshing well.

Discord: LG#8630

More Information:

  • OOC - I'm big on OOC talk. I like connecting with my partners out of character. Not a requirement, but the people I make connections with tend to take priority. I'm also a huge OOC flirt and dirty talker. Just a heads up!
  • Details - I like frequent posts, but don't leave out the details. Onomatopoeia, visual references, all of that lewd stuff!
  • Third Person - I only write in third person perspective and would appreciate if you did the same.
  • Discord vs. PM - Discord is my person preference for most of my roleplays. PMs are fine, but I'm not always able to log-on to BMR. Discord just makes things that much easier for me.
  • Male Characters - I play only male characters, so if you're looking for that, you're in luck.
  • Female Partners - Self-explanatory.
  • Face Claims - Please provide a Face Claim for your character. Provides inspiration for me and I love visual references.
Kinks: (Not exhaustive.)
  • Oral Sex - Both giving and receiving. Can happen in a variety of ways. Traditional, face-sitting, face-fucking, etc.
  • Adultery - Cheating is one of my bigger kinks to be honest. If this is included in some capacity, that would be great.
  • Age Play - Age gaps either way.
  • Consensual - Reluctance is okay with me. Even some level of persuasion. But generally consensual scenes is what I want.
  • Interracial - I play mainly black characters in my roleplays, so I'm open to this being a plot point. It's also a kink as well.
  • Onomatopoeia - Knowing the sounds of lewd sex and making them come out off the page is just... hell yes, please.
  • Voluptuousness - I like big butts and I cannot lie. You other brothers can't deny...
Turn Offs:
  • Non-con/Dub-con - Not a fan. I know that's not a lot of people's jam, but I just don't do it. I'll give you rough sex, but not rape.
  • Scat/Gore/Anything related - Self-explanatory
  • Sci-Fi/Fantasy - I still with Real Life/Slice of Life plots. Certain fandoms I may do, just ask.
  • Office Spouse / Co-workers
  • Older Man/Woman x Younger Guy/Girl
  • Teacher/Professor x Student
  • Vacations
  • College
  • Celebrity/Entertainers/Athletes
  • Porn Scenes (New to Porn is a plus)
  • Mother/Father x Child's friend or boyfriend/girlfriend
  • Many more...
If any of this interests you, feel free to send me a PM.

Note: I like to move quickly with plotting. So if you suddenly stop messaging me but are roaming the site, I’ll assume you’re no longer interested. Fair warning.
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