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Fx Male Long term request-Romance


Sep 21, 2013
United States
So I've got a couple RP's going where it's really focused on sexykinky stuff. Which I like, don't get me wrong. I would like a long term rp as well, something a bit more serious. Less focused on taboos and such. This request is for story, romance, and intensity.

You know that moment right before a kiss, where you know what you want, you're pretty sure they want the exact same thing, but you hadn't quite decided to make the move yet? Or perhaps you're purposely holding out to build up the suspense, leave her wanting? That's what I'm after. I want the tension in the air between them to be palpable, I want to see sparks in the air when their gaze meets. You get the idea.

As for the storyline, I think I want my girl to be human, but yours? I'm flexible. But humanoid, yes. Age? also flexible. I'd probably stick to anywhere in the 20s range. Either college student or young adult post-college. I think I'll stick to modern for this, though if you have a different idea, throw it at me! I'll throw down some pairings, and we can definitely work with stories from there, I'm happy to brainstorm, I just like to brainstorm with my partner. I'm not the dominant partner in a relationship, haha, so if you're more of a submissive character, we probably won't go far.

Human x Human
  • College students
  • Coworkers
  • Student x teacher's aid perhaps, not looking for a big age difference for this
  • New employee x boss
  • Good girl x delinquent
  • ? x police officer...could be interesting. Whether I'm a bad girl, or maybe a good girl in a bad situation, or I'm not sure...
Human x Vampire
Human x Demon(ish)
Human x Werecreature
  • Student x student
  • Paranormal investigator x suspect
  • Paranormal investigator x Paranormal Investigator (maybe going against his own people? Idk)
  • Normal worker in the wrong place at wrong time x rescuer? I'm just throwing ideas around

For my kinks, when we get there in the story, I really like bondage, being overpowered, some public play, bdsm things, etc. The focus of the story is on romance. the sexy stuff is still kinky.
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