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The Tables Have Turned (Light & Shinka)

Light Yagami_KIRA

Jan 17, 2009


"Light!!" Screamed a young high school girl who looked only to be a sophomore. She was cute with blond hair and blue eyes but her face was stained with tears. A male who was talking with his friends turned around with an emotionless expression. "Yes?" He asked as if he didn't even know who the girl was. "L-Light! Remember that night we went out?! said to go to a party with you, but you..left somewhere! I didn't know where you were and I was..I was..raped!!" Light looked back at his friends and nodded his head he set his hand on the girl's shoulder and led her to a hall way that he thought was deserted. "You were raped? By who?" The male asked. The girl sobbed trying to talk. "I..I don't know.. I was blindfolded! But they took pictures of me and now its all over the internet!! I'm permanently humiliated Light! Why did you leave me?!!" She shouted. Light looked at her his eyes softened. "Miya..I'm so sorry..My sister called and told me she needed a ride home, her car broke down. I didn't mean for this to happen to you.." He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her close so her face was buried in his chest. His eyes looked up and were glowing with excitement an evil smirk plastered on his face.

Light Yagami was the most evil manipulative bastard you could ever meet. He was cruel and did mean things for his own twisted desires and he enjoyed it completely. He treated everything like a game and wanted to see how far in the levels he could get. His perspective was to manipulate a girl was his godly gorgeous looks and charm so that they would go on a date with him. Then he would set it up where they were raped and humiliated. Hell, he even raped them but they would never know it was him, he always made sure they were blindfolded or at least couldn't see.

Light was tall standing at 5'8" and weighing 119 pounds. His hair was straight, thick and a copper brown color, just the hair alone made him look desirable. Then there's the dark brown eyes of his the controlling bed room eyes that could stare right into your soul and capture you in seconds, that is if you were a gullible girl which most were, and that only made it easier for Light. Next is the body, his body was perfect in all angles, lean frame, toned skin, a chiseled yet angelic face, muscles and abs, not to mention a nice package, everything a girl desires of a man. And to make it even worse he was very intelligent, his grades were always perfect and he was top in his class. So because of that he knew how to manipulate and what methods to use at the right time. But this was the same reason why Light used what he was given from god against the females, because he knew he could get away with what he did. He looked like an angle but was just the devil on the inside, personality wise. If anything, this asshole should pay for what he does day after day to innocent unaware females, but just who was capable of it? Who was capable of dominated such an alpha male like Light Yagami?

The girl finally pulled away looking up at Light who now looked down at her with a sad expression. "Its alright Light. I..I forgive you..but um..I don't feel like dating for a while, sorry.." Light nodded his head. "I understand completely. Please try and get better. There is always hope in the end.." The girl gave a small smile and left the area. Light held in a smirk as his eye twitched, he wanted so bad to burst into laughter but knew that would make a scene. So instead he closed his eyes, relaxed his mind and once he opened his eyes back up he was back to his usual emotionless and calm self. Light stuffed his hands into his pockets and left the area as well now searching for a new toy to play with.
In the courtyard, she sat with a book open in her lap. The wind was a little fussy today, trying to pick up the hem of her school uniform skirt. The uniforms were not very flattering on any of the girls, but this one’s radiance would over shine anything she wore. Rarity Shurio, the twined daughter of a very rich family…a family with both money and power. She was no more than 5’5’’ short in the ways of height but her confidence and exceeding beauty made her larger than life. It really was a shame to hide something so pretty in a uniform like all the other boring plain girls.

Rarity was of perfect breeding, both in looks and brains. Standing no more than 5'5'' with long raven black hair, piercing violet-blue eyes and skin as white as a porcelain doll. She’d rivaled Light Yagami since middle school for the top of the class. Every quarter they passed the title back and forth only to tie by last term it would seem. She was quite and reserved in class, ignoring any male that passed her no mater how cute or charming they were. Rarity, to her peers, was untouchable. Every boy wanted but every boy knew they didn’t stand a chance. She was something you looked at a distance. So much mystery lay around her, for she hardly spoke a word to them. The only voice she gave was in the class room and even then only to the teachers.

Secretly she had a deep hate for Light that only grew with every girl that walked away in tears from his smiling form. It was sometimes hard to feel sorry for the girls, as they were stupid enough to fall for his tricks. She knew charms could be hard to resist, her brother was one of those ‘prince charming’ himself. But at least he had class, this boy did not. He thought only of himself…thought only to find amusement for himself in his twisted game that involved innocent girl’s hearts.

Somebody needed to teach that boy a lesson. Someone that was on his level...

As he walked by she just barely lifted her head, large violet eyes caught his own through thick black lashes as he passed. A brief hint of a smile before dropping them back to her book. He wasnt the only one with undeniable charm. Already she could feel the loathing from other boys, loathing of Light having gotten a look like that from her.
As Light walked with his hands in his pockets, he saw an all too familiar girl when he past a small group of teens. His gaze caught with her own only to see her give him a small smile causing Light to raise an eyebrow. Now normally a guy would be think, oh she likes me, but unlike the other ignorant males who only thought with their dick half the time, he didn't think that. No, he knew this girl, knew her for a very long time in fact. Rarity was her name if he remembered right. She was always tied with him, damn he hatred that. He was the one who was supposed to be better then the rest, he was born to be perfect, but because of her he was matched! He had an equal which didn't please him in the slightest.

Rarity..although she was pretty, Light never went after her, though he didn't know why. She was cute, and good looking, smart as well which was a major liking in his book. He could not stand stupid girls. But still, she had never advanced toward him either, so why would she now? No wait, maybe this could be his chance. His chance to get with her, and use her! Yes its perfect, if he did that he would win! He would be back on top. It was so simple all he had to do was set up another date like he did with any other girl, and by the time her night was over she would be in an emotional break down. Her grades would slip, her popularity would go down the drain, she would be publicly humiliated! Oh just the thought made him excited. This was his chance to make everything once again work in his favor..

Light waited until she looked again before smiling back with the most heart melting look by making his eyes glow and have a loving look in them before closing his eyes and lowering his head. The innocent charm, one of the many things he used against girls. He then walked on but stopped at the stairs as if waiting for the bell to ring but really he was waiting for her to bite the bait.
Rarity Shurio nearly sighed with annoyance when he caught her gaze and looked away. For a moment she thought for sure he was going to ignore her. That wasn’t possible; firstly, what boy could ignore her? Secondly, she was probably the last girl Light had not wooed and broken. Would he just admit defeat so easily and start to recycle the girls he already dated? Patience…she reminded herself. Sure enough her ever observant eyes caught that moment of hesitation in his step. He was calculating in that pretty, devilish head of his. Perfect!

Patiently she waited, never letting her eyes falter from him. Sighs, moans and groans came from the other boys as they, too waited. Light graced her finally with a second look, for his benefit she played right into his charm biting the side of her lip with a light blush forming across her ivory colored skin. What a very useful talent to have, blush on cue…even better than the girls that could cry on cue, no?

As he continued on she slowly started to pack up her things, playing coy. If she seemed too eager he might get suspicious. This wasn’t any ordinary boy she was playing with after all. What a pity he didn’t come over…offer to carry her books. She’d practiced her girlish giggle for hours on the phone with Ravien just last night. It wasn’t long, her books tucked to her chest, before she stood on the side, equaling his height only because she’d already taken two steps up. As she passed she slipped a note into his hands before offering another fleeting smile over her shoulder.

The words were perfectly script with a loopy, old-style writing...
-Sit with me in class?-
Light waited patiently, he knew she would stall in her decision, every girl did that. Some would be shy or some would start freaking out to their friends that the most popular boy in school was finding interest in them. Heh, yeah right they can believe what they want, he didn't love them, and never would. Sometimes he wondered if he was even born with that emotion. He had no feelings toward anyone, his family he cared about somewhat, but still he could careless if they were around or not. There was nothing he enjoyed more then being alone in his room working on becoming more then what he was. That was a thought, sure he was popular, could have any girl he wanted, and had everything he wanted plus more, but still, what if, just what if there was a way to become more, to become something so great that the world would look up to you. If only..

His mind went out of its daydreaming state and back to reality when he saw from the corner of his eyes his prey coming toward him. He looked into her eyes when she stepped up the stairs now matching his height. That's what she always wanted to do, match everything! She would never give up in being on top with him, now it was time for pay back..He looked at his hand with a slightly confused look as she slipped him a note. Light unfolded the piece of paper and looked at it seeing what she wrote. It worked, she was already advancing toward him, perfect..

He looked up at her with a smile. "I don't see why not, but you could of just asked me. Using notes to communicate isn't really necessary. I would much rather hear you talk.." He said with a slight chuckle

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(I might add these from time to time, just because I'm used to it and I like posting pics with expressions)
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