Mx Female Kinky Roleplay involving innocence element (18+)


May 7, 2022
Hi girls!

Will keep this brief but add more details soon... :)

I'd like to build a highly sexually explicit long term rp that has strong elements of innocence at its heart.

It would be an older m (me) v younger f (you and 18+). Yc would either be actually innocent of sex (although very curious) or into an innocence kink to play with this idea within our interactions. It would very much require a grown girl (yc.. and you i guess in some ways lol!) being comfortable with the feelings of cuteness, adorableness, shyness, curiousity, playfullness, confusion, eagerness and, of course, girlish lust :)

I'm very open to scenarios and would love to hear your ideas and desires and how they could mesh with this core concept. I want to be a team player :)

It will be very very explicit and sexual so brave girls only I guess! He he :)

Oh and I promise it will be written beautifully with lots of lovely detail, depth and yumminess in terms of plot and character development :)

But, yes, sexy as hell in its throbbingly excited heart :)

Pm me if up for it and as soon as I'm fully active I'll get back to you :)

Will add more soon...

Tigerpower x
Just bumping this for the moment.. still need to add lots of details but anyone interested in the core ideas please pm :)

Btw I am gmt; i tend to drop long posts rather than lots of small ones.

A few shortish ideas (all char 18+) but happy to hear your ideas and plots :)

1. A twist on Little Red Riding Hood v The Woodcutter
2. Older confident neighbour v girl next door; they had known each other all her life and he is very much a 'Daddy' figure to her. This (or another scenario) could have some magic realism where the girl has some fun magic power that becomes apparent after her 1st ever orgasm.. or the man has hidden powers of being able to move objects through the air... spin.. manipulate ..particularly her!
3. A indiana-jones style explorer/professor falls through a worm-hole and into another world.. straight into a strange woodland where a young 18ish elven girl has been banished for being overly pretty..overly tempting.. which is putting the land at risk of orcs and goblins
4. a handsome man on the bus becomes besotted with a pretty young girl in the seat opposite.. she becomes intrigued by his leering and the fact that he writes 'Daddy' in the condensation on the outside of her window after he gets off .. and she makes a life-changing decision to follow him to a derelict warehouse which has an old mattress in the corner.. their perverted routine then happens day after day after day getting heavier and heavier into their innocent kink..
5. A gynocologist next patient happens to be someone he has always known (eg daughter of his best friend) and cared for deeply. The sharing of this moment private moment of a girl's life suddenly becomes something special and magical between them and a very perverse kinky relationship blossoms with lots of worshipping of her and her precious bits
6. A cosmic event causes the universe to tear apart.. chaos ensues.. the only way that it can be held together is - by a strange kinky twist of fate - is the unique love and lust energy of the most powerful innocent kink connection on the planet. Trouble is, the two people involved haven't found each other yet. A small cosmic fairy is sent to earth to get the older man and younger girl together and she helps coach them to find and release the hidden perverse kinks in both of them.. maybe she struggles to make the perverse leap at first.. but the weight of the world and existence as they know it is on her pretty little shoulders and surely she will rise to the challenge? Surely it's what she truly lusts after anyway?
7. perhaps a older coach v sports girl (18) eg soccer or swimming and things get perversely interesting we she notices him watching her.. differently

Will keep adding. Don't be shy! Try me - I'm a nice guy and we'll have a blast :)

Take care
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