Mx Female Looking for long term RPs. 2 main ideas for your consideration!


May 6, 2022
Hi there. I'm Ushima. I've been Role Playing for about 12 years. Some years more active than others. I enjoy crafting worlds and characters and telling cool stories. I have plenty of ideas for stories but I'm always willing to listen to input from my partner of their own stories or even tweaks to mine. Teamwork is key to crafting a fantastic tale after all.

General Rules:
-Be respectful.
-Post at least 2 paragraphs. I understand sometimes slumps happen or there's a flow just going back and forth when characters are in the same spot. We'll get the scene moving on in that case.
-Female players please. RPs of mine tend to have a bit of romance.
-Communication. It's important we're on the same page. If you're going to disappear for a few days/a week for vacation or what not it's cool just let me know. I've had partners just drop off the face of the earth.

- M/F I only like to play the Male
-Handholding. Raunchy sex is good but we all know what the true degeneracy is lol
-Tone wise I run a mix of lightheartedness that dips into dark and edgy real quick.
-Nothing grotesque really

First time doing one of these in awhile so its probably lacking details. But ideas can be bounced back and forth.

Current Ideas:
-Sci-fi galactic empire war ending with a political marriage/enemies to lovers thing

Year: 2449

Two empires are at war for half a century. It started like any war did. Two sides butting heads, too stubborn to back down. Fifty years with no side showing any sign of letting up anytime soon. But as with all things eventually the winds of change did blow and a chance for peace was at hand. An end to a pointless bloody war that claimed too many lives, all for stubbornness. To secure such a peace a royal political engagement was announced. A Prince and Princess from to be married to strengthen the seal of peace. Like most plans though not everything went calmly.

Not all were happy with the possibility of peace. Both sides had their share of people who wanted it to continue. Those who got rich off the war. Those who hated the other side for reasons only they thought were valid. Plans were set in motion, pieces moving to throw a wrench in the plan of peace. But there was just one thing no one was expecting on. An ex-ace pilot (my character) was picked to transport the Princess from her home to to his capital for the wedding. One piece that no longer belonged in the game of war was suddenly thrust back in. An unknown player on the game board moving according to his own rules and emotions. Corrupt politicians. Insurrectionists. Space Pirates. Falling in love with the wrong person. How will these two unlikely acquaintances change the galaxy?

Lot of freedom to create your own nation and rules. Plenty of room for world and lore building. But I also have some ideas if assistance is needed.

-Pirate high fantasy eldritch tale

The world of Boralis was one shrouded in darkness. The dark god Cthulotic commanded vast legions and reigned over the world. It was thanks to the combined effort of several heroes from different walks of life, humans, elves, dwarves, merfolk, that Cthulotic was finally sealed away. The artifacts used to defeat the dark god were each taken by a respective race and hidden away. The relics became forgotten, knowledge lost to time, slipping into the realm of myths and legends. Only select individuals ever learn the truth. They are keepers of dark secrets, charged with protecting the knowledge and the relics for there are forces at work to bring back the dark god. Some say his dark machinations reach even beyond the confines of his prison deep beneath the waves.

Boralis is host to many cultures. The major ones being humans, elves, dwarves and merfolk
Humans are the most versatile of the species. Capable of living in most environments. To the frost touched Northern fjords of the Skåal Clans on the continent Bjorgend. The Eastern Huang Empire in Diqiu. And the Western Kingdoms on the continent of Mercia. Humans are capable of many skills some even posses the ability to wield magic. Their reach is vast and practically anywhere you go the chance to encounter a human is very likely. Humans are the keepers of the Sea Scrolls of Sealing. Highly trained warriors and Mages keep it under lock and key in a keep deep in a mountain fortress. Average life span 90-200 years(magic has been known to slow down aging).

Elves come in many different shapes and colors much like humans. From High Elves, lighter skin and more pointed ears that rule the Loredian Forests that borders Mercia to the south. Dark Elves who live on the Southern Crystal Isles, water so blue it looks like pure sapphire. To traditional Forest Elves whose outposts you can see pop up here and there in forests across the lands. The High Elves keep the Harp of Harmony deep in a vault within the Gleaming City, the High Elf capital city. Average life span 800-4000 years.

Dwarves are a hearty bunch of cave and mountain dwellers separated into different clans. Ironhart Dwarves lay claim to volcanos of the Agorian Wastes, firey tempered and red beards as bright as magma. Wild Steel Clans ride wyverns in the Torus Mountains, and other mountain ranges. Bronze Forge Dwarves dwell in caverns and mine out resources. All Clans follow a single king, Magnus Goldhammer. Deep in a Volcano in the Agorian Wastes the Dwarves stashed the Golden Hammer of Justice, which the ancient ruling clan derived it's name from, in a cave with a mighty red dragon named Zargon. Average life span 200-600 years.

The Merfolk have a vast empire equal in size to the domain of humans. All commanded by the Sea Emperor Tritus. Though depending on where they live their characteristics might change. Northern Sea Merfolk have scales of blue, black, gray and white, mimicking artic whales and sharks. Southern Isles have brighter color scales, purples and pinks and yellows of various shades. Of course the traditional blues and greens exist. The Royal family themselves are famous for having brilliant shades of red scales. Merfolk have evolved to where they can shift their form to go on land, their tails becoming legs gills and lungs that can filter both water and oxygen. When they transform their scales turn to flesh like humans except in a few spots, usually around the upper chest, hips and thighs, lower back, inner forearm and shoulders. Along with very capable mystics and warriors the Merfolk Empire is formidable in the open ocean. In their possession is the Horn of Tranquility held within the stomach of a great whale name Posedion that swims the ocean with armed guards at all time. Only the Royal family and several trusted others knows how to track them down. Average life span 150-250 years.

But our story takes place shortly after someone, or something else, found them. Posedion lays dead at the bottom of the ocean. The dark culprits leaving a messy trail. A trail that lead to a ship with blood red sails and a captain with no idea the danger and call to adventure that fell into his lap.

Prefer you to play a merfolk royal but it isn't 100% necessary. Can be worked around. High sea adventure if ye come aboard!

I hope this is at least moderately interesting. All my RPs dried up and I really want to craft tales again. May you have a good day.
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