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NBx F or NB GM/Narrator for Multiple Characters

Corrupt Trainer

May 16, 2021
Introduction and Synopsis

Idols in need of a manager or producer, Pokemon trainers looking for a mentor, magical guardians apprenticing under a powerful spellcaster, and so many other situations where people find themselves receiving help from someone older and more experienced. They give their utmost trust, and of course their mentor would never do anything to betray that...

Based on similar ideas from the Trainer style games (like Akabur's Princess Trainer for instance), I love stories and RPs that involve characters becoming corrupted while still working towards their goals.

In this thread the idea is instead of playing a central character myself, I’ll be the GM or narrator for the story and scenes, playing all the various NPCs and encounters the group runs into. For this I do ask that my partner plays multiple characters. I’ve tried being a game master opposite a single character before and it just didn’t work for me.

General Details

Preferred RP locations: I will stick to playing either on site over PMs (I will not do threads), over Discord, or over shared documents. Send me a DM here or on Discord (corrupt_trainer#5851) to get things started!

Ghosting/Disappearing/Ending: I’ll try to message if I’m no longer interested or if for some reason I can’t continue RPing or chatting. I get why people may suddenly stop replying though, so if I’m not going to make a fuss about it. Stuff happens and everyone has their reasons. I might send a message or two if I don’t hear from you in a while but if I get no response, I’ll just move on. No harm done.

Length: Honestly I’m more worried about having enough content to keep the story moving and to give a good idea of what’s going on. Whether that be a few sentences or a couple of paragraphs. I wouldn’t want a single line of “It was really sexy” of course. At the same time though, I really don’t like purple prose, and if responses are regularly 5+ paragraph full descriptions, then it’s probably excessive for what’s happening at the moment.

Frequency: I try to reply at least once a day, but medical issues and offline life in general don't always allow for that. If there's going to be an exceptionally long delay before my next response, I will either make a note on my profile or message my writing partners.

Other details: The usual stuff applies. I won’t take control of your characters, remain polite and respectful, be upfront if something bothers you. One thing worth noting is I do love to chat outside of the stories a lot so if that is not something you care for it may not make for a great fit. If you're messaging me about an idea in this thread, then please try to include any relevant information. Which settings and characters you want to play, kinks you want included, where you want to RP, etc.

Not Playing Bigotry: Okay, this one also gets its own special mention because it’s come up in the past. No, I will not play transphobic, homophobic, or mysogynistic characters. I won’t do “corrective rape/sex” stories or ones where “sjw/feminist/etc” is put in her/their place. We can include them as villains to be taken down but I won’t reward their behavior with getting to have sex with others. It’s not my jam.

Story Elements

Included Kinks: My F-List is where you can look for the full details. Below I've listed a lot of different ideas. The main one I'm looking for of course is corruption and training.

Multiple Characters and Genders: Listing this one separate as it is pretty much the one required thing here. As the idea for these stories would be me GMing, I ask that the person play multiple characters. My preference would be opposite AFAB characters but with a larger cast, a lot more options open up.

Dubious Consent: Realistically this is still noncon, but I love for the stories to have elements of coercion, forcing characters to make a choice that leads them further into depravity. Whether this be blackmail, extortion, lost bets, or a situation where they feel obligated for one reason or another to go with a particular decision.

Non Consent: Probably the lowest option here for long term stories unless it’s used as more of a catalyst to push the story forward. It just seems like a stopping point in most cases. For one-shots on the other hand it tends to be my favorite way to go for exactly those reasons.

Consent or Equal Partnership: Considering my love of power dynamics, corruption, and coercion, this isn’t a type of story I’d normally do. That isn’t to say it’s off the table completely, but it would need an interesting idea to go with it. YC stumbling across lewd material and becoming an enthusiastic student who seeks to be corrupted can definitely work in the right circumstances.

Cheating Virgin: A fun thing to include is for the girls to be in relationships with someone they love and care about, but who they end up cheating on constantly as a result of the corruption, giving all their firsts to someone (or something) else. This is especially fun when monsters or ferals are involved, with the innocent teen who had dreams of their first time being with their one true love instead giving their virginity to something that’s not even the same species.

Orientation Play: Another story type I really enjoy is corruption of asexual people, gay girls, or otherwise someone who isn’t attracted to men (or any other creatures that would identify as male). However, I wouldn’t want it to be a homophobia or “cure the gay” type story. Instead whoever is doing the corruption sees the victim as an exceptional conquest.

Corrupted Conservative: This goes well with a lot of my other favorite ideas. A girl who’s very right leaning, having some pretty bigoted views and “conservative” values for one reason or another need to slowly abandon those ideals and become more accepting of others and more left leaning while at the same time getting addicted to cum is perfect.

Age Regression: This one would either be mental, physical, or both. For the latter two it would involve magic or some sort of special transformation most likely, but taking an older character and having her turn back into her younger self. This would be especially fun with canons to put them into earlier points of their lives. Note the characters in every way should remain 15 or older.

Incest: I mostly stick to canon characters for this where guys come in. However, when there are multiple characters, such as siblings or a parent and their kid, it adds an extra twist that can make things especially fun. Helen and Violet or Elsa and Anna are probably the most prominent examples of this with canon characters. Canons with their dads can be great, like Diavolo with Trish, or a brainwashed Mr. Incredible with Violet.

Gender Swap AUs: This would be for stories set in established universes. Taking characters from the setting, swapping their genders, and playing out the story as is but more perverse is the way to go. I've done this in the past with Yugioh and it was a lot of fun, but My Hero Academia, Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon anime, and others could easily work for it too.
My Characters

This is normally where I’d list my default character, but as I’d be narrating the idea is I wouldn’t have one. As such I’m open to including any assortment of genders, sexes, races, body types, and species. In fact the more we can include the better, I think.

Humans are assumed for most stories. However, I also love playing sentient ferals, especially Pokemon, monsters, or canine based creatures. I can also play anthros and gijinka/kemonomimi/characters that are essentially humans with a few animal parts and have plenty of fun doing so, but that tends to be based on partner preference.


Regarding all characters, regardless of setting and if they're OC or canon, they're assumed and aged up to be 15 or older.

THIS LIST IS NOT EXCLUSIVE: Just because a setting, anime, game, character, etc isn't mentioned doesn't mean I won't consider them. There's a ton of settings, a lot of anime I've seen, games I've played, and shows and movies I've watched. If you have something in mind but don't see it listed, then please feel free to ask!

Fantastic Settings: This is any original setting that features some aspect of magic, technology, or other elements beyond what we have access to in real life.

Superheroes: Probably the top pick for an original setting as it’s the easiest and most fun to work with.This would maybe involve a young group of heroes forming their own team to deal with growing dangers in their area.

Modern Magic: I’m not a fan of medieval fantasy, but I love magic. Give me dragons racing jets, wizards with spellpads, and orc bikers any day of the week! The story possibilities are endless.

Science Fantasy: While I can do standard science fiction too, again my love of magic means I’m more likely to prefer something closer to Star Wars than Star Trek. Space magic can take a ton of forms and opens the possibilities to space pirates, ships full of adventurers, and any other idea we might have.

MMOs/Virtual Reality: This in particular would be more like Log Horizon, .Hack, or Sword Art Online, where the characters are much more connected to what they’re playing. This would allow for interaction with NPCs and monsters, or for a GM who can manipulate the players through their characters.

Card Battle/Game Worlds: Basically take the concept of Yugioh and No Game No Life where winning at games gives someone more power over others and apply it to a more general setting. We could use another existing card game for this (or any game really) or make one up.

Magical/Super School: Hogwarts, Little Witch Academia, My Hero Academia, idea’s pretty self explanatory. A school full of people with special abilities where they train to master them. Bring in a faculty full of corrupt teachers and headmaster with other plans for the school as a whole and you’ve got a recipe for a great time.

Magical Girls/Sentai: Sailor Moon really had an effect on me as a kid, huh? Who doesn’t love girls doing a cool little transformation sequence and fighting evil? Well, what if that evil decided to take the form of someone presenting himself as a mentor to help train the new mages in how they use their powers? Though yes the term is “magical girls” that doesn’t automatically disclude other genders. In fact I’m a big lover of Super Sentai/Power Rangers as well and we can use that as inspiration here too.

Arabian Nights: One of the rarer settings that I don’t really get to play. I’d love to bring in mischievous jinn, shifty merchants, or conniving sorcerers taking advantage of kindness and naivete.

Realistic Settings: These are more grounded in reality. Magic, super advanced technology, etc wouldn't really make an appearance here normally, though any of them can be adjusted to include those if we want.

School: Really not much to say here. Could be regular school or college, or could be a boarding school. Take the “corrupt faculty” from the super school, remove the special powers, and boom! You have the easier go to settings to mix into anything.

Conventions: Might be harder to do as a long term story unless it’s across multiple conventions, but I love cosplayers going as their favorite characters, getting into more risque costumes, and having adventures in a bit of in character roleplaying.

Idol Group: Love Live/Idolmaster/Zombieland but with original characters. What more to say? I’d love for an agency to find a small group of aspiring idols, promising to make them stars but needing to take them through the more unseemly parts of the industry in the process.

Internet Stars: This could almost be seen as a variation of the idol plot, really. Maybe it starts with a group of friends streaming games they like, or uploading random little youtube videos, but they really want to make it big. They get the opportunity when a group known for propelling people to internet fame suddenly takes interest in them.

Internship: I have two ideas for this really. The first is pretty standard, the company brings on new interns and promises to help them climb the corporate ladder but is actually setting them up to be the next major source of revenue. The other is a bit more… out there with the company actually being the front for a major crime syndicate.

Charity Work: It’s not technically prostitution if they don’t keep the money for themselves, right? The group work for a charity, supporting a cause they truly believe in. Unfortunately, funds are short and they’re in need of some serious cash to get anything done. This would follow the various characters as they seek out large donations in exchange for increasingly demanding favors.

Themed Cafe (Cosplay, Maid, Catgirl): There are probably more themes I haven’t considered but those three are the most common for sure.

Anime Settings: Main ones here I think would be My Hero Academia, Love Live, Yugioh, Digimon, and JoJo. In most cases I would prefer playing an original character against either a canon or original character.

My Hero Academia

Like the Superhero setting listed above, MHA is probably the easiest to work with just because the setup, especially with quirks, opens us up to a ton of possibilities. This can involve canon characters and gender swapped versions of them, especially from class 1-A, or it can be made up of OCs, or a mix!


There’s a lot of ways this could go. Setting it in a dueling academy would probably be the easiest to work with, seeing as being a good duelist can heavily affect one’s social standing. Again this can involve any mix of canon characters, gender swapped characters, and OCs, including both duelists and monsters.

Gender Swaps: An idea I’ve done in the past, taking the plot of the show but swapping the genders of the characters and making the stories more perverse.

Love Live

I’m most familiar with the original School Idol Project, but have been meaning to brush up on Sunshine and the later works since the franchise has no shortage of cute girls. The idea here is a pretty simple one. An OC manager or producer putting the girls to work.

No Game No Life

I don’t really have much of an idea developed yet, but the setup is pretty straight forward I imagine. With games in this world being able to rewrite personalities and reality, the corruption would probably happen across multiple lost wagers.


This is still pretty undeveloped. I’d love for this to be a mix of either canon or OC characters, and canon digimon.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

Stands I feel like are a must for this setting regardless of anything else. There’s too much potential not to work them in. We could do a gender swap of any of the parts, AUs, or go for an original story. The setting is pretty open.

Sword Art Online

This includes the characters’ online personas as well. It would borrow heavily from the MMO/Virtual Reality idea in Settings. Maybe with one or more of the characters getting trapped in a new game (or an SAO AU) and the only way out is to play the much more adult game the GM has set up for them. Canons, gender swaps, and OCs are great options.

Additional Anime

I didn’t have ideas listed for these but it can be assumed canons, OCs, and gender swaps are accepted. This is just more a list of anime I like.

Shaman King
Demon Slayer
Land of the Lustrous/Houseki No Kuni
Fullmetal Alchemist
Princess Principal
Sailor Moon

Video Game Settings: Pokemon will have its own section. Kingdom Hearts, Legend of Heroes/Trails, and Persona 5 provide some really fun ideas here, I feel, especially for doing a retelling of stories with a more sexual focus.

Persona 5

Gender swaps works great here, big fan of Futaba, Makoto, and Kasumi as well. I like the idea of doing a whole, more sexual (which is saying something considering how horny P5 was) retelling of the story.

Kingdom Hearts

My Character: Xehanort, Xigbar, "Luxu" (yes I know), "Master of Masters", "Eraqus", "Yensid", Various Heartless, OCs

I’d nort Aqua if you know what I mean! Because I don’t. This is probably my favorite game series of all time, but I won’t pretend it’s an easy one to work with. There’s a lot there but in some ways it can be really dense. Still, it allows for easy inclusion of pretty much every canon we could want. Plus, with how good the girls are, and how the focus is so heavily based on pure hearts, it's kind of perfect for my tastes.

Smash Bros/Nintendo

Really, this is more a general collection for most Nintendo properties. The bad guys beating the good in Smash or in their respective games, Wario or a less moral OC replacing the original heroes, the Hands literally picking characters up and moving them around, and Nintendo girls finding themselves needing to trade favors for help in defeating their enemies are all ways this could go.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions

This would be taking the idol setup and moving it into the TMS universe. Now though they would be even more obligated to listen to prevent the destruction of the world. Simple setup, and hopefully wonderful execution.

Various Video Games

I didn’t have ideas listed for these but it can be assumed canons, OCs, and gender swaps are accepted. This is just more a list of anime I like.

Legend of Heroes/Trails/Kiseki
Final Fantasy
Legend of Zelda
Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Pokemon: I kind of needed to give this its own section as it’s a large setting in general. There are so many characters that the combinations are limitless. Whether it's canon or OC trainers, feral Pokemon, anthros, or gijinkas, we have basically every pairing we could want.

For Pokemon you could play, most canine, cat, fox, and similar mammal Pokemon could work but I'm happy to hear different ideas.

If there’s a character or Pokemon you have in mind then feel free to ask. There are so many scenarios here that it’s hard to even tell where to start. One of my favorite setups/pairings is for a type specialist to lose to a trainer who they should be strong against. Misty or Nessa losing to a fire type trainer for instance. Anything involving manipulation through dark or psychic Pokemon works as well of course.


Mystery Dungeon: This would involve a group of feral, anthro, or gijinka Pokemon forming their own mystery dungeon exploration team. The massive array of Pokemon available makes this the perfect setting for a campaign.

Pokemon Journey: A standard Pokemon journey like you might see in the game or anime. This could follow a group of friends traveling together, or a collection of individuals each going their own way. Fairly standard setup but always fun!

Pokemon Training: This could be done with ferals, anthros, or gijinkas. I'd love to play a trainer with his own team of Pokemon though we could double up then and have YC as a trainer with their own team as well.

Western Media: This is a mix of comics, books, cartoons, and TV shows. Main take away for me here is probably Avatar, Ladybug, and Disney.

Marvel Comics

Kamala Khan and Gwen Stacy are at the top of my list for this. Other characters can be suggested as well of course. I'm mainly looking for comic or alternate verses here. Not super big on the MCU personally.

DC Comics

Supergirl, Batgirl, Mary Marvel, and Terra all work great. Anything involving a setup similar to Teen Titans or Young Justice would work here.

Avatar/The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra

Pairing Azula with her dad, having Combustion Man capture Katara, someone taking advantage of Toph’s blindness and sheltered living, Ty Lee being forced to do extra work for the circus, Korra not being as wise as she thought, and Asami needing to make up for her dad’s actions. Really there’s a ton of ideas that could work. I’d also be up for OCs, or a retelling of either adventure.

Power Rangers/Super Sentai/Kamen Rider/Toku

Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, and similar series work here as well. I love all of the Toku/Masked Hero stuff but there are so many characters it would be impossible to mention them all. Putting my character as a Zordon type who recruits 5 “teenagers with attitude” (potential for corruption) to make a much more sexually charged team would be the best way to go though, I imagine.

Star Wars

Come over to the dark side. You know you want to. Learn how to properly handle a lightsaber by first properly handling this d- okay jokes aside, this is another straightforward idea of padawan and jedi getting corrupted.

Miraculous Ladybug

Recently binged the entire series and suffice to say I loved it. Lots of great potential here, either with Hawkmoth using his akumas to wreak havoc on Marinette and the other Miraculous holders, akumatized OCs, or something else.


Honestly there's so many ideas here of taking the stories already there and corrupting them in some way. Jafar is a great pick considering his conniving ways and hypnosis abilities. Genie's near infinite cosmic powers work too, though that might be a bit too similar to Princess Trainer. From there, Triton putting his daughter in her place, Beast being much more deserving of his moniker, Li not being the most honorable captain, Hanz and Kristof taking advantage of Anna's innocence, or Flynn (or the bar patrons) doing the same with Rapunzel. There's a lot of fun to work with here!

More Media

I didn’t have ideas listed for these but it can be assumed canons, OCs, and gender swaps are accepted. This is just a list of various properties I like.

Steven Universe
Owl House
Trapped in Another World

This is the most fleshed out idea I have at the moment and the one I’m kind of craving the most. There will be more details behind the spoiler tag, but the general concept is pretty straightforward. A group suddenly find themselves a new world, and have to work together, overcoming various obstacles to get back home. It provides a fun setup while keeping things open for pretty much whatever we want to include.

The list of kinks here is pretty wide. The only one that could really be considered a must is corruption, but pretty much everything else goes. Bestiality/other species, bad ends (thanks to restarts and the like), orientation play, clothing and costume play, the list goes on.


TTRPG: This idea comes from another story I had in mind once. A mother, her two daughters, and a friend start a D&D campaign and suddenly they end up in the setting as their characters. They have to play through the DM’s story and the various depravities that come up to make it back home. This can be any tabletop RPG, and the setup could instead be a group of unrelated friends but the basic concept remains the same.

Pokemon Journey: The idea had been to gather around and play Pokemon together, not to suddenly end up in the Pokemon world! That’s where they are now, and they’ve got no choice but to take on the league to make it home.

Virtual Reality: This could be set in an existing MMO, in an anime like Sword Art Online, or be our own made up virtual reality game. Either way, after making their characters, the group find themselves trapped in the game, and won’t escape until they defeat the final boss.[/B]

I think that's everything for now! This is a constant work in progress though and I'll make updates and changes to the post as needed, so be sure to check in! I'll usually mention in the title the last time it's been updated as well.

Current Cravings: Trapped in Another World, Streamers, Themed Cafe, or Charity
Bumping, the theme cafe and trapped in another world storylines are up there for my cravings at the moment.
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