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Forbidden Clothing Combos.

I’ll start: Jeans and Flip-Flops or Sandals.

DAMN, violence RIGHT from the beginning. Sandals are fine with jeans! Wedge sandals are even better!

Socks and sandals, though, c'mon. The world deserves better than that nonsense.
DAMN, violence RIGHT from the beginning. Sandals are fine with jeans! Wedge sandals are even better!

Socks and sandals, though, c'mon. The world deserves better than that nonsense.
Thems be fighting words, yo.
(Don’t actually fight me please, the screen is very fragile.)

Anyway, Long-sleeve top and shorts. It just… aggravates me that people warm their arms but not their legs. Legs and no arms I can handle, but not vice versa. Or just wearing a jumper in shorts.
You claim to be harmless but you're a straight savage. Legs are farther from your head and from your core! They can stand to be a little chillier!

Uuuuummm... let's see, bad combo: tank top, acid wash, mustache/mullet. Unless it's a real, intentional LOOK and you have the give-no-fucks personality to pull it off.
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some wear their clothes
others clothes wear them

in this world, anything goes, but in the spirit of this thread: g-strings and low rise jeans. i love both of these separately, but not when I can see them. however, some ppl can rly pull this off, i just don’t find it fashionable.

kitten heels & anything. u can always go taller, babes. commit or put on some flats!
A wise man once said, "No middle sliders."

Cowboy boots and sweatpants. Worn over or tucked under, I can't picture this any way that doesn't look cursed.
I don't like seeing people wearing socks while using slippers. I feel you should be barefoot when wearing slippers.
Cursed combo I see often here in the South, usually at Walmart:

Graphic tees with ripped off sleeves, dirty feet stuffed in equally dirty crocs, and ill-fitting jean shorts. Usually to be paired with a certain baseball hat. You know the type, I don't need to say it.
How about gloves with short or rolled up sleeves. Unless you’re gardening, don’t. Honestly, I’m gonna throw fashion gloves completely under the bus.
Mullets and anything.
It’s like the biggest possible middle finger to style I’ve seen. Like, you’ll see it on a kid and it’ll just be one of those things where you shake your head sadly. On an adult, you begin to really wonder what is wrong with some people.
Honestly, it’s a sweatpants and heels for me. And that’s a REAL thing! Like why people? You gonna wear them heels to the gym or something? I know fashion ideas are limitless but there are some things that should be illegal I swear -_-
For men;

White dress shoes with anything.
Light coloured suits, unless you’re a used car salesman.
Mismatched suits ie jacket and trousers are a different colour. Unless you’re a used car salesman.
Bow ties with anything other than a tux. For some reason they work with a tux but anything else they look child like to me.

I also agree with odd or weird coloured socks with formal wear. It’s like the wearer is not so quietly trying to rebel while playing the game.

For women;
G strings and anything. I fail to see what is so erotic about a piece of dental floss.
Stripper heels, like bricks strapped to the feet.
Flip flops with anything unless you’re on the beach.

Special mentions; wearing revealing clothing if you’re not comfortable with it or you are always trying to cover yourself/ pulling your skirt down etc

Dressing like a hooker at work, unless you’re work is a strip climb or brothel.

Wearing high heels if you can’t walk in them. Walking around like a rugby player in drag is not sexy,
I’m guessing a lot of these are pretty regional, as practical needs intersect with culture and just general fluxes in style.

In the American south, light-colored suits, flip flops/sandals, and bow-ties are far from forbidden. Weird socks are common for professional men, and they can be expensive!

Even mullets have kinda been fringe in-style recently, in an ironic way.
Going naked.
It’s not even a combination, and therefore classifies as forbidden.
Anyone who disagrees can put β€˜em up.
(But not really, for I am but a fragile humanoid.)
Speedos (with or without a g-string).

'Nuff said. Don't want your junk in my face, TY.
I’m guessing a lot of these are pretty regional, as practical needs intersect with culture and just general fluxes in style.

In the American south, light-colored suits, flip flops/sandals, and bow-ties are far from forbidden. Weird socks are common for professional men, and they can be expensive!

Even mullets have kinda been fringe in-style recently, in an ironic way.
It's a me thing regarding flip flops or thongs as we call them down here in Oz. People wear them just about anywhere and I've never been a fan. The blokes are usually too macho for light coloured suits though.
Unpopular opinion time...

Tattoos on women. Never seen a woman look better because of one and it just detracts really.

Yellow or Green nail polish. It looks like the wearer has some kind of fungal disease.

So ok, not clothing but still in the realm of fashion and they are combined with the overall body.
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