Mx Female ~ Erotic / Paranormal Request ~ Based off Paige Tyler's - S.W.A.T. Series of books.


Reminder Ladies ~Save a Horse & Ride a Cowboy~ ;)
Jul 28, 2013

Okay so recently I have been listening to a series of books by an author called Paige Tyler's S.W.A.T. series, that is Special Wolf Alpha Team. *Grins*.

So here is the premise Werewolves are real, but here is the thing it is a genetic trait and not some sorta curse or disease or alien life form etc.. etc.. etc.. The book has a few different types of 'Werewolves' from Alpha's to Beta's to Omega's and if you have read or listened to the books you already know what the differences are, if not a bit of google searching (or if you want I can write up a quick 411 and send it) will give you the basics BUT in a nut shell Paige Tyler has crafted the series around the idea that for the main characters of the Dallas SWAT team (who are all werewolves) there is this mystical ONE who is out there for them.
It is like there perfect 'Mate' and not there do not necessary have to also be a Werewolf... though they might be! You see some sort of 'Traumatic Event' triggers the gene that causes a person to change from a normal human into a Werewolf. Some Examples... are say you were in a bad car accident one you should not have survived I mean really bad, but you had this gene that kicked in and caused 'The Change' thus kicking in your superior healing. NOW once the change occurs you have to of course learn to control your rage, cause rage or anger can trigger claws and fangs coming out but things like a full change to a wolf takes practice and like anything you have to get used to being who you are now.
Anyway pushing aside all the standard werewolf stuff and just going with the idea that the Dallas SWAT team uses there increased bodies for good BUT also have to be careful that the normal population does not figure out what they are , then add in members running into woman (and men as some of the S.W.A.T. members are females werewolves brought in) you have the making for some great books... so far... and with that I was wondering if any lady would like to create our own story or stories if we just do some ONE SHOTS.


I actually had an idea for a possible couple.. MACK is an Alpha Werewolf, he was going to play professional football but a knee injury ruined those plans. He was able to recover enough to join the fire department and had been doing a great job. That is until a six alarm incident at a high school went wrong, in the end thru his actions many lives were saved but Mack was not so fortunate as he got caught in a back blast from one of the safety doors giving way. Using his body to shield the child he was carrying out he saved her that day, but suffered massive burns and if not for the Werewolf Gene he would have died instead it activated and he turned...

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