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Ryn's Partner Search


May 3, 2022
Houston, TX
Hey there everyone! The name's Falkryn (obviously!), but you're welcome to call me Ryn for short. Or just about anything else, so long as it isn't too demeaning. I'm not picky. Anyway, in real life I'm a 25 year old woman who (and I know this is going to shock you...) likes to write. In fact, I've got oh, a little over twelve years of experience, although recently I've had a dry spell when it comes to finding stories, and figured I ought to shake things up a bit and look for a new writing home- hence why I'm here looking for partners! So, with the background stuff out of the way, I suppose I ought to tell you a little about myself as a writer, huh?
  1. With the abundance of pretty threads on this site, I feel like I ought to apologize for how plain-looking mine is. However, it is that way for a reason. I've got chronic migraines, so colored text is really hard for me to read, and having too many pictures, especially moving ones, can trigger major headaches for me. So while I know a lot of people like to include such things in their stories, I'd have to ask that my partners refrain. Or at the very least, if it's important to you, at least make a few concessions. For example, putting pictures in spoilers if you use them. Or if you're one of those people who likes to use colored text for character dialogue, let's look at some color options together before we start writing so that we can find ones that don't cause me too many issues. That sort of thing.
  2. My posting speed is... Not the most consistent. I try to post as frequently as I can, and sometimes that means every day, or even multiple times a day. However, I can't always manage that. I do try to get out a post a week, and warn my partners if I can't make that deadline. However, that isn't always possible (for example, when I have a severe migraine, I can't really get on the computer because of the pain- and I've literally had to be hospitalized before for migraines that lasted a week or longer. It isn't common, but it can occasionally happen.) If it's been a week since my post, feel free to nudge me on the off chance that I missed the post, or that I thought I responded but it didn't actually go through, etc. However, rest assured that I do not ghost! If I'm not getting on, there's probably a good reason, and you can expect an apology and explanation once I'm back.
  3. I do not share any off-site contact information. Period. No, not even Discord. I've been harassed on there in the past by someone I met on a different writing site, and I'd really rather not have that happen again. My correspondence will all remain here on site (PMs, threads, I literally don't care which), where I know I have the staff to help out should I encounter any issues. I appreciate your understanding on this matter!
  4. I'm a multi-paragraph writer, and generally try to keep to a minimum of three. I prefer partners who can do the same at least most of the time. Of course, if you ever feel like I didn't give you enough to respond to, feel free to let me know! I'm always happy to make edits to help the story move along smoothly. By the same token, if I get one paragraph or less from you, you may find yourself getting a similar message from me. I find that while going that short is okay for some scenes (ie heavy dialogue or sexy times) if it happens during other parts of the story then there isn't enough there to hold my interest for long unless the word count goes back up.
  5. Given that I'm posting here, you're probably guessing that I write female characters- and that is, in fact, my preference. However, it isn't a hard and fast rule. I can write males, and from time to time even dabble in other genders as well, as the mood strikes me, although I do not believe in fetishizing other genders, so don't even bother asking if it's for that reason. I do also tend to write multiple characters in a story, even multiple mains, and I love partners who can as well, although it certainly isn't required. But on that note, while it might be hard to persuade me to write out a story in which I'm a male in the only pairing, I'm always happy to double! It should also be noted that I stick almost exclusively to mxf pairings. Note that I said almost. I sometimes make exceptions for fxf pairings, or ones that include a non-binary member, especially when I'm in that rare mood to play one. However, I will never write mxm. Sorry, but that's just too far outside my comfort zone.
  6. Yes, I'm an adult on an adults-only writing site, and yes, I will write out sex scenes. However, that comes with a major caveat- plot always comes first for me. That means that sex cannot be the main, much less only, plot. I don't believe in using ratios because I feel like it varies wildly on how the story goes- for example, how quickly the characters get together, and whether certain plot elements stop them from hooking up as easily. It happening, as well as when it happens, has to make sense with the plot. And on that vein, here are my rules when it comes to writing out sex in stories:
    1. Characters should be eighteen or older, unless there is a valid plot and/or setting reason for them to be younger. For example, the story is set in a Medieval setting where it would be rare for a character to make it to eighteen without being married yet, or a mentor/apprentice relationship where you want the apprentice to be younger and in those formative "training" years. However, even in such cases, per site rules, all characters will still be at least fifteen in all regards. In addition, in any modern stories, they will be at least eighteen unless both characters are under eighteen. I won't do a modern-day relationship between an adult and a child.
    2. Dark topics (for example, sexual assault/rape, torture, murder, etc.) are perfectly fine as plot points, but I have no desire to fetishize/romanticize them. Anything bad that is done to a character non-consensually (dub-con is fine, though, since there is some argument for consent) is to be portrayed as a bad thing, and treated as such. I'm not into Stockholm Syndrome, "training" people to like it, etc. If that's your thing then fine, but I'm not the partner for that.
    3. The following topics are completely off-limits to write out in a story (as part of the background, maybe, if agreed upon ahead of time, but certainly mot in a main pairing): bestiality, necrophilia, any kind of bathroom play, vore, excessive gore (during sex), and parent/child incest. This is not necessarily a complete list, just all I can think of right now. I reserve the right to add to it as needed.
    4. The following topics are allowed, but I have rules under what conditions I'll use them under, so be sure to ask about them before tossing it into a story: incest (excepting parent/child, which I will never write), dub-con, cheating, sadism/masochism, large age gaps, food play, and any sort of mind control.
    5. The following are my "candies", things I really enjoy including in a relationship, although they are, of course, never required: complex power dynamics in the relationship (as opposed to strict dom/sub), pregnancy or risk thereof (more to see how it affects the relationship than as a kink per say), complex/evolving emotions (feelings building over time, love/hate relationships, you name it. Anything besides instalove or a flat sex-only relationship), characters that make mistakes! (Because let's be honest here, we've all screwed up a relationship before, right? Nothing sexier than someone who makes a huge mistake in a relationship then actually puts the time/effort into fixing things so that the couple comes out even stronger at the end.)
Whew! That was longer than I meant it to be. But at least we've reached the end, yeah? So now I get to delve into the fun stuff- what I actually like to write!
  • I do have a few specific plots in mind for several stories, but it might take me a while to type those up, hence why they haven't appeared yet. Stay tuned for that, or feel free to shoot me a message asking for more information.
  • I used to write a lot of the action/adventure type stuff, but I've found that as I've gotten older (look at me talking like an old lady over here!) I'm more interested in very character-driven plots. My current main muse is political dramas, seeing characters navigate courts where anyone could be a threat waiting to stab you in the back at an opportune moment. I love the tension, plotting, and scheming, plus it had a lot of potential for some very morally-gray characters, which I like. So yeah, if that's your thing then for sure let me know!
  • Most of my stories are set in a setting that is vaguely Medieval European. I tend to build worlds around that theme rather than engage in real-world history, although I do on occasion dabble there. I've also played around with more Renaissance-era stories, Vikings, Ancient Greece/Rome, Ancient Egypt, Feudal Japan, etc. Really depends on my partner and my current mood. It is, however, extremely rare that I will write anything in a post-Industrial Revolution setting, including modern and sci-fi stories. It's not a hard no there, just that I don't do it very often, and only for the right plot.
  • The one thing I will not do is anything slice-of-life. It just doesn't hold my interest.
  • I absolutely love Game of Thrones (that's the kind of political drama story I'm referring to in my second point.) I do not write canon characters, and prefer my partner not write canon either, but I'd love to do something inspired by it, either building our own setting or using the GoT setting but replacing the major players with out own OCs. I'd especially like to explore eras beyond what was shown in the series, such as the Dance of Dragons aka Targaryen civil war, Aegon's Conquest, or even Robert's Rebellion- again, replacing the major players with our own OCs.
  • And totally off line with most of the above points, I have a real fondness for John Flanagan's Ranger's Apprentice and Brotherband Chronicles series. Yes, I know they're kids' book. They were also major parts of my childhood, and I loved them growing up. So while I know it's a bit of a stretch, if anyone else in interested in writing something in those universes, or inspired by them, feel free to hit me up. I've never had a story for those that actually worked out, but I would definitely love to give it a shot.
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