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Issue Inserting pictures on iOS Safari


Sep 7, 2019
Jurassic Park
Oftentimes, I’m sure I’ve placed my finger at the place where the picture should go, and then it just…doesn’t. Like it decides it would rather be on top of my all text, forcing me to delete and start over multiple times until it works the way I want it to, or switch to my PC when possible.

This test image worked just fine in a thread, but for some reason I always and only have problems in PMs with doing this.

It's hard to insert and edit things on the phone. I struggle just to select a font color when on my phone because it typically screws up the highlighted area.

With images, if I'm trying to share 2 aat once, I struggle to get the cursor to unselected the first image even when I've tried multiple times to click away from it.

The easiest way to change things is to enter the code section "[ ]" and just physically move things the way you keep them to go. It's just all a hassle on mo ule in general.

I'd also say that putting page numbers at the top of posts in general would be helpful. Sorry. Just ranting about all my mobile issues. Lol
Ah, okay. So how do I know there’s the correct position in BBCode? I know the basics from my time on Invisionfree NationStates forums but am a little rusty since WSIWYG editing became not ass.
You'd See the section that is your image pretty easily. I think. Just highlight your image and move it to the place you want it to go. Always hit preview to make sure it's right.
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