Mx Any A furry's requests


Apr 5, 2019
West coast
Contained within is a list of things I'm on the lookout for, whether a kink I'd like to build something around, a proper prompt, or the occasional blue-sky rambling. My preference is for short-term roleplays because I'm dumb and have a short attention span but hate leaving a roleplay hanging, so slice-of-life or long-term roleplays without a plot to keep things engaging burn me out.

With that being said:

- A common theme that runs through many of my ideas is Sex With Consequences. Sure the sex is good, but there is often a price to pay... read onward if you're interested, because i have three big ones:

- Snuff. As my username implies, snuff is a favorite kink of mine and I'm putting it at the top of the list so you, dear reader, know what you're getting into. I've got some relevant preferences, the biggest of which is no torture. Snuff is fun, constant screaming and pain post after post is not, at least for me. I favor themes of execution, so strangulations, beheadings, and similar methods are what i lean toward. If you're twisted enough to enjoy it like i do, we can talk more over PM so I can maintain at least a little decorum here.

- Impregnation/breeding. I love it nearly as much as snuff, and if either my partner or I are capable of getting knocked up (and both of us are still breathing), odds are its gonna happen. Some related kinks are broken/sabotaged condoms, fertility meds, and glory hole/anonymous breeding.

-STDs. While arguably as messed up as snuff, I can't help but be into this one. Whether infection is accidental or deliberate, the bug real or fictional, the effects treatable or not, there's just something about this one that gets me going.

As an aside, here's some other things I love on the off-chance you read this far and the other stuff doesn't interest you:

-consensual enslavement
-chastity (on me)
-paws (not feet)
-orientation play

That all being said, there's plenty of other things i like too. Plain vanilla sex and general tenderness is always a nice change of pace. I love touching and body contact, drawn-out foreplay, kissing, and especially masturbating my partner for no other reason than intimacy and the desire to give them pleasure. If these kinds of things are in your realm of interest, I'm all for it and will absolutely see to your needs above my own.

On the kinkier side of the coin, there's few things I'll say no to. Those things are scat, poor hygeine, and hyper. They do nothing for me. Otherwise, bring what you'd like to the table, and I'll at the very least consider and work with you to fit it in if possible.

Onto partner preferences. I prefer furries like myself, but I'll accept humans or fantasy races on a case-to-case basis. Please note I may play a human or otherwise myself if thats your preference and we click, but i make no promises. Gender doesn't matter as much to me. I'll accept your bits and will respect your preferred pronouns.

As for post length, level of detail, and so on, I'm adaptable so long as you're giving me something to work with. I'll match your perspective and style preferences. PMs or Telegram are my formats of choice, forums not so much

If you made it this far, thank you for reading. If you contact me and my limited spots are full (i only take one or two at a time to keep from being overwhelmed), I'll still respond and at least tell you as much so you're not left hanging, and extend the offer of a raincheck for another time when i have more availability.
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