Mx Female Surreal Desires


Nov 26, 2016
Welcome to all who wander.

I am SurrealSilhouette, but you can call me Sur, Real, or anything your beautiful mind can extrapolate from any combination of those words. I'm a thirty-year-old man, and I've been roleplaying for a significant portion of it. In terms of literacy I don't tend towards strict definitions but I think I'm on the higher end at the very least. I'd like to find a partner, maybe two that want to create a story that involves a reasonable amount of story, worldbuilding and, of course, sex. I would appreciate someone interested in creating something together, and if you don't have a solid idea of what you want don't be afraid to approach me. We can always craft an idea together! I only RP on-site via DMs and, as a warning, I also tend towards slower replies.

In terms of sexuality, I tend to be dominant and you'll likely find my characters will be as well. I can work with a pretty wide array of likes and dodge any array of dislikes to boot. I like people who know what they want, and aren't afraid to ask for it, so please feel free to ask about anything you would like to see. The worst I would ever do is to gently disagree. I enjoy talking OOC, and planning OOC is absolutely necessary to creating a collaborative work so you'll need to at least partially be open to it. I don't need to know about your private life if you don't want, but I do need to know where we want the RP to be going.

I can write lengthy replies if the situation calls for it, although as a warning at times I need time to think of them. Not only that, I'm putting myself through college again and working so I may just be plain busy.

Now, for the stuff people actually want to see:

Limits: I have few limits overall but I'd like to avoid nonconsensual sex, sexual violence, toiletplay, that sort of thing.

As for what I enjoy: While I'm avoiding putting specific pairings, I mostly enjoy stories with elements of fantasy. Whether modern day World of Darkness or Vampire the Masquerade or a more D&D-style medieval or high fantasy. Alternatively (Or perhaps in addition, depending) I adore sci-fi. I also love to play with or against monsters/aliens/robots/any sort of unusual creatures you may enjoy. I am more than happy to create a character that is human but for horns, or something that has never resembled human. Orcs, werewolves, giant preying mantis, robots, I am open to doing any number of bizarre or monstrous things.

I am also a very nonjudgemental person, so please don't be afraid to approach me even with something you're uncertain about so long as it's not in my list of hard no's. Overall, I'm searching for a partner of moderate to high literacy and who knows, at least in part, what they would like to see and who is willing to put in the passion and interest of worldbuilding and creative energy.
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