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Fx Male New Love


Apr 9, 2020
Hi and welcome to my requests! I'm lookin to set up a roleplay or two and would play by PM. I prefer to write in first person but can also do third, and tend towards one to two paragraphs per post. I hope to post every other day or so, depending on how busy things get! I also have to warn everyone that my life currently is a mess and I can often be absent for a while.

I have a few plot ideas that I'd love to pursue:

Parent teacher conference: My character is a teacher at the school your child attends. We're both divorced or widowed and get talking. And said talking quickly becomes more.

So, what's this Tinder business? Both our characters are lonely and sign up for some online dating platform. They are a match and gonon a date that can become so much more.

Workplace Romance: our characters are coworkers and they hit it off. Obviously, that leads to fiery sex, both in the office and at their places

For your character, I'm hoping for an older man, at least in his forties and fairly tall. I like my men to be realistically proportioned and am not a fan of the very muscular or very skinny types. So, a dad bod really. I also like men with body hair and down there, I'm looking for something not too excessive in size. And uncut of course. Another little thing is that I do enjoy some curve to a cock!

My characters will be women of around thirty or a bit older, with sexual and life experience. I like to go for realistic women (so no models or the like) and other than that am very open to any of your suggestions.

As for kinks, there are a few things that I really like:
Cum and having it on my body
Dominant men who know what they want
Pregnancy and risk of it
Outercourse (thighs, breasts, ass, or whatever else you can think of)
Being given cute nicknames
Dirty talking
Light bondage
Getting dirty (flour, paint, mud, as long as it isn't gross)
Outdoor sex (alone and unseen though)
Different positions
Anal sex
Vaginal fisting (worked up to)
Using my feet

And turnoffs:
Toilet stuff
Public sex
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