Doubling [RP Exchange]


Apr 5, 2016
Hello. I am looking to try doubling with someone. It doesn't matter which gender you are. I will do whatever craving you want to do with whatever setting, pairing, characters, kinks, fandom, etc. you want. This would also include doing anything that is on my limits or no list. I will rp anything with you. In exchange, you do the same for me.
As for the craving I've been wanting to do, I am looking to play a male character with my partner playing a female character. Here is the plot I have in mind if you want to read it:

A woman has been stalked by the same man for more than a few months now. He had been caught watching her and peeking at her on several occasions. He had even been brought in by the police once. She was tired of seeing him and wanted him to leave her alone.

One day, he receives supernatural abilities from a mysterious source. These abilities allow him to control a being by having them do and feel things based on his will. He can rewrite the individuals will, deciding how they act, feel, and think. It is a seamless and natural transition that happens instantly. The target of his commands think and act as if the rewrite was always a part of them without having any awareness that they were being controlled in the first place. All he has to do is give them commands through the use of telepathic communication that he can use from any distance.

She is in her room in the midst of changing clothes when the stalker enters her room and uses his power on her to do as he pleases with her.

Once again, I am willing to do anything you are craving in exchange for doing this plot with me. Please pm to discuss in more detail if interested or if you have any questions. Also, take a look at my f-list. Thank you and have a nice day!
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